Village Hill Amended DecisionPlanning - DecisionCity of Northampton
Hearing No.:PLN-2008-0057Date: January 25, 2013
Amendment to Permit1/27/2009
Applicant's Name:Owner's Name:
160 Federal Street160 Federal Street
Site Information:Surveyor's Name:
Approved With Conditions
Chpt. 350- 10.15: Planned Village Special
Permit Criteria
Request to amend original special permit and subsequent amendments, subdivision and site plan Tier I. Amendment affects 31C-17 and
changes layout of South Campus from original conceptual plan approved.
1)A $12,000 escrow account shall be established, in the Owners’ Association (OA) name and taxpayer
identification (appearing first) with a signature line for the City, prior to the first lot sale as an
assurance that the OA will perform required capital improvements and/or maintenance. Funds
withdrawn by the OA require a signature by Planning Board agent after approval by the Board. Funds
withdrawn for such improvements shall be replaced by the OA through assessments as to be spelled
out in the OA covenants, within three (3) months so that the $12,000 base is permanently maintained.
The City may draw on this account, without signature of the OA, if it determines that required capital
improvements, maintenance, or inspections are not being performed. The Permanent Covenants must
clearly state that the City will have a right to place a lien on any or all properties within the subdivision
or shall provide some other equivalent, in the opinion of the Planning Board, level of protection for the
city, in order to recover the cost of maintenance for stormwater facilities. (CONDITION COMPLETED
held with City Treasurers' Office)
2. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for the first building in Phase I, other than those for
industrial property along Earle Street (which are not covered by the Guidelines and will be reviewed on
a case-by case basis by the Planning Board) the design guidelines must be amended to address
issues identified by the Board that meet the Planned Village standards. The Planning Board must
review and approve these amendments and incorporate them into a revised special permit. These
Guidelines are critical to meeting the Special Permit criteria and must include, at a minimum:
a. Enough detail and standards to address all of the Planned Village Special Permit criteria.
b. Include detailed lighting standards, with site lighting at an average of no more than 2 foot candles
over each parking lot and walkway and less when possible.
c. Create measures to ensure that the entire frontage of "Main Street", from "Ridge Street" to the
proposed roundabout at the north end of the mixed use area should be a high volume pedestrian area,
and not a deserted area at 5:00 PM when businesses close.
and Development)
3. Three of the four corners of Village Hill Rd and Route 66 shall contain buildings as shown in exhibit
C in the 2009 submission (a change from the original two required in the original site plan approval).
4. The fourth corner (southwest), which is part of Lot 2 in the 2009 submission and which is proposed
to be conveyed to Kollmorgen, shall be redeveloped and enhanced by landscaping and other features
GeoTMS® 2013 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions, Inc.
Planning - DecisionCity of Northampton
Hearing No.:PLN-2008-0057Date: January 25, 2013
that create visual interest and a sense of place. It shall further encourage pedestrian use of the
sidewalk network and function as a focal waystation. This area shall not be comprised solely of
greenscaping, and it shall provide an independent focus at this corner of the intersection that is
attractive, engaging and pedestrian focused.
5. The Site Plan Approval request for Lot 2 shall include a design and detailed plan for implementing
that design at the southwest corner of the Village Hill Rd and Route 66.
6. Both buildings shown on the north campus along Village Hill Road between Route 66 and the
Haskell Driveway shall be two stories and located as close to the corner of Village Hill Road and 66 as
possible with no parking between Route 66 and the buildings.
7. Building materials for lot 2 shall not be limited to any particular materials so long as other design
elements such as facades broken up by glazing and building articulation are incorporated.
8. Wherever buildings are not planned to be built up to the sidewalk, landscaping buffers shall be
provided between Route 66 and the parking lot for Lot 1 and 2 south of Village Hill Road. The buffer
shall include a range of species to create a variety of color and textures throughout the year and to
ensure that the parking lots are not the dominant feature along any portion of Route 66.
9. Consistent with the proposed development of an industrial use on Lot 2 of the 2009 submission, the
existing Design Guidelines are hereby modified to include the Design Criteria as follows:
Multi-Use Trail- An easement or fee interest for an 8-10 foot multi-use trail from Earle Street to Route
66 shall be granted by Kollmorgen to or retained by MassDevelopment. Design of the multi-use trail
shall be submitted by MassDevelopment to the Planning Board for approval, concurrently with the
Kollmorgen site plan application.
Sustainable Design- Sustainable design, building materials, and building systems shall be used. (i.e.
improvements which would be eligible for LEED certification points, regardless of whether the project
is actually certified)
Low impact development principles will be incorporated into the site design.
Specimen trees shall be preserved to the maximum extent feasible.
Building Design & Massing- A two-story façade shall be presented to Route 66. Entrances, windows
and other design features shall be included in this façade to provide texture and interest.
Massing and materials of northeast corner should be appropriate to the building, reflect sustainable
design principles, and be selected to create a sense of scale and interest from Route 66 and other
proposed office/commercial uses at Village Hill.
The main building entry shall be located on the north face or northeast corner of the building and
create a design relationship with the main entry drive.
The building shall be oriented to maximize the potential for solar gain and day-lighting of workspace.
Mechanical systems shall be located on the roof, and major equipment shall be screened from Route
Provide windows at office space to differentiate it from industrial space.
Site Design-The southwest corner of the Village Hill Road/Route 66/ Kollmorgen driveway intersection
shall be enhanced by landscaping and/or other features that provide a sense of arrival and
complement the buildings planned for the other three corners of the Village Hill Road/Route 66
Landscaped buffers between the parking areas and Route 66 should be designed to minimize visibility
of the parking areas from Route 66.
A landscaped buffer between the building and the Laurel Street-facing property line shall be designed
to screen the west side of the building and parking areas from view.
An inviting and secure pedestrian environment along Route 66 shall be created through the use of
landscape, hardscape and streetscape elements that provide visual interest and engagement for the
Main entry drive shall be aligned and landscaped to look like an extension of Village Hill Road to the
GeoTMS® 2013 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions, Inc.
Planning - DecisionCity of Northampton
Hearing No.:PLN-2008-0057Date: January 25, 2013
north. It shall have a sidewalk or sidewalks clearly leading from Route 66 to the front door of the
Provide landscaping on islands in parking areas as appropriate to the overall concept of low impact
and sustainable parking lot design.
Site perimeter fencing, if required, shall be provided using black metal in a style similar to a college
campus, where visible from public roadways.
Dumpsters for waste disposal and recycling should be internal to the building, or if external, screened
from view.
Lighting shall be used to accent the site and building entrances.
Use lighting, landscaping and other site design elements to create safe and attractive pedestrian
circulation through the site and connecting to Route 66.
The Design Guidelines shall be applied to Lot 2 in a manner consistent with the Design Criteria and
the specific conditions relating to design set forth in this amendment, consisting of Conditions 2, 5
and 6. This condition recognizes that some of the Design Guidelines are not intended for industrial
buildings, and the concepts embodied in the Design Criteria shall be carried out in a manner
consistent with the applicable Design Guidelines. In addition to the Design Criteria, any building and
site design on Lot 2 shall be designed to respect and complement the surrounding existing residential
neighborhoods, Planned Village buildings, and all surrounding road, maximize natural sustainable
design principles, and help enhance the quality of the built environment.
10.Concurrent with the site plan application for Lot 2, MassDevelopment or Hospital Hill LLC shall
submit a plan for approval for the location of the multi-use trail connecting Earle Street to Village Hill
Road and the Lot 2 driveway or other access point to Lot 2. The path shall meet ADA/AAB standards
for a multi-use path of at least 8’ wide with no more than one driveway or roadway crossing between
the two points.
11. Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy, for lot 1 or 2 MassDevelopment shall install the path
or provide a letter of credit or some other guarantee acceptable to the Planning Board that the multi-
use path will be constructed within a reasonable time period acceptable to the Planning Board.
12. Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for lots 1 or 2, an easement shall be accepted and
recorded for the multi-use trail that allows the public to pass and repass along its entire length.
Alternatively, may convey a fee simple transfer to the City. If granted to the city it shall allow
maintenance as well.
13. Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for lot 1 or 2, MassDevelopment must install the
pedestrian crossing changes at the intersection of Village Hill Road and the driveway serving lots 1 &
2 on the south campus or place funds in escrow (or other performance mechanism acceptable to the
Planning Board including CDAG funding commitment) that cover the cost for installation of the 4-way
crosswalks and signal with pedestrian phase. Department of Public Works must be given 6-8 weeks to
review plans for intersection improvements.
14. Prior to the issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy for the project, the applicant shall
provide a copy of Landowners’ Association documents/bylaws and proof that they have been
recorded with the land. This document shall include:
a. The structure of the association
b. Assurance that all non-municipal property owners in the Village at Hospital Hill shall be members,
c. Provision for landowner assessments including the provision of authority to place liens on
property if assessments are not paid.
d. Authorization, but no responsibility, for the city to perform maintenance if the landowners
association fails to and place liens on the association and all members properties to secure payment
for such work and administration of such work.
e. Cross easements for the shared parking and description of how shared parking will function to
reduce the overall need for parking for the project.
f. Detailed description of stormwater management facilities as well as maintenance for all common
areas including bike paths, sidewalks and shared open space. Documents shall be clear that shared
open space and bike paths are open to the public to allow the Village to function as an urban village.
g. Provision for dedication a $20,000 reserve fund bank account (to be phased in over phase one of
the project, and subject to possible increases or changes required when the full buildout plan is
submitted) to cover emergency repairs to any common facilities.
15. As indicated in the application for this special permit, all commercial property owners and tenants
GeoTMS® 2013 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions, Inc.
Planning - DecisionCity of Northampton
Hearing No.:PLN-2008-0057Date: January 25, 2013
must participate as part of the landowner’s association in the Rt.9 Transportation Management
Association (TMA), or other such association if the Rt 9 TMA ceases to exist, with a minimum annual
contribution to such TMA of $5,000 per year upon issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the first
commercial building.
16. Nothing in this approval can limit the Planning Board’s approval when it reviews Village at Hospital
Hill projects for permits under Subdivision Regulations, Site Plan Approval, or future Special Permit
17. To encourage an active village area, the Planning Board encourages the developer to use as great
a density as possible, and save unused areas for future uses. To this extent, this permit specifically
authorizes the development of residential space above all commercial buildings, allows additional
commercial space between existing commercial buildings shown on the special permit submittal, and
does not create any additional minimum lot size (beyond that established in zoning)
18. A full specimen tree survey shall be provided with the preliminary subdivision approval and all
reasonable efforts made to preserve healthy specimen trees. Specimen trees shall only be cut when
approved by the Planning Board concurrent with a subdivision or site plan approval.
19. A study showing the feasibility of reusing Old Main shall be submitted to the Planning Board prior
to the submittal of the preliminary subdivision plans.
20. This permit grants a 20% reduction in required parking for uses in Phase I, except for single-family
21. Traffic mitigation shall be implemented by the applicant in accordance with the following schedule:
Mitigation (square footage applies to new construction or rehabilitation):
Earle Street, Texas Road, Grove Street Improvements (removal of rail bridge abutments)
A reimbursement agreement shall be signed with final language acceptable to and approved by Office
of Planning and Development ensuring that the city has no liability for costs of either the Earle Street
reconstruction or the Earle/Grover intersection improvements.
Phasing: Under Construction by Mass Highway Department. MassDevelopment is responsible for all
cost overruns above contingencies.
Mitigation: Optimizing traffic signal timing (up to 4 locations)
Phasing: Within 1 year of certificate of occupancy of first commercial building.
Mitigation: Earle Street/Grove Street 100% Construction Plans, Specifications and Estimates for long
range realignment of intersection and any future access road to the Planned Village or improvements
to Earle Street. (including sidewalks along Earle between Grove Street and Route 10)
Phasing: Within 3 years of certificate of occupancy of first commercial building.(COMPLETED)
Mitigation: Rt. 10/Earle Street signal and other intersection improvements, including a modern
roundabout. 100% Construction Plans, Specifications and Estimates
Phasing; 25% design by fall 2003; 75% design within 6 months after Mass Highway public hearing and
comments, 100% design within 6 months after Mass Highway 75% design comments (COMPLETED)
Mitigation: Construction of sidewalk along Earle from Rt. 66 to Grove Street (with construction plans
to be approved by DPW)
A reimbursement agreement shall be signed with final language acceptable to and approved by Office
of Planning and Development ensuring that the city has no liability for costs of either the Earle Street
reconstruction or the Earle/Grove intersection improvements.
Phasing: Construction out to Bid under Mass Highway authority.
Hospital Hill LLC is responsible for costs over and above Mass Highway contingencies as determined
in the Reimbursement Agreement to be approved by Office of Planning and Development.
Mitigation: Construction of sidewalks on Laurel from Rt. 66 to Grove and on Grove from Laurel to
Earle (with construction plans to be approved by DPW)
As recommended by Department of Public Works, MassDevelopment should pursue change order to
incorporate sidewalk stub up Grove for the portion within Mass Highway work area.
Phasing: Prior to the end of the construction season following the construction season that Mass
Highway completes improvements to Earle Street.
GeoTMS® 2013 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions, Inc.
Planning - DecisionCity of Northampton
Hearing No.:PLN-2008-0057Date: January 25, 2013
Traffic Demand Management Mitigation:
A. Designation of on-site traffic coordinator to disseminate information on public transit, coordinate
ride sharing services, guaranteed ride home, siting of bike racks and transit stops, research zip car
program feasibility, determine carpool/ vanpool preferred parking spaces, and park & ride spaces.
Phasing: Upon certificate of occupancy of first commercial building in Phase I
(MassDevelopment has designated an ‘off-site’ coordinator through duration of construction)
B. A minimum of one (1) carpool parking spaces.
Phasing: At Certificate of Occupancy of the first commercial building on Lot 12A;
C. Three (3) additional carpool parking spaces.
Phasing: Prior to certificate of occupancy for first building on upper south campus.
D. Pay a minimum of $5,000 to the Rt. 9TMA or successor in interest;
Phasing: Annually upon issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy for the first commercial building in
Phase I.
E. Monitoring of Traffic throughout PV and at Earle/Rt. 10 intersection (in accordance with details
identified in Appendix C of supplemental filing of Special Permit Application)
Phasing: Six months after the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy of first commercial building in
Phase I, annually thereafter with reports sent to the Office of Planning & Development;
F. Employee Survey to evaluate car-sharing, carpooling, bicycling and other traffic. reduction
Phasing: Six months after the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy for the first commercial
building in Phase I, annually thereafter (can be part of TMA services)
22. Construction of any lot on the south campus first requires either amendment of existing
stormwater permits or submission and approval of a new permit from Department of Public Works.
23. All stormwater detention basins must be owned and maintained by the landowner’s association.
Specific criteria for maintenance will be spelled out in site plan and/or subdivision approval process.
24. The Owner’s Association (OA) Covenants shall not prohibit irrigation systems that draw from the
stormwater system and the detention ponds on OA or common land.
25. Because catch basins are not being provided at Prince St. and the driveway servicing Lot 2 as
shown on the conceptual plan submitted February 2009, prior to acceptance of any street or removal
of performance guarantees, drainage problems at this intersection, if any, must be corrected by the
developer by connecting to the Route 66 drainage system in a manner approved by DPW.
26. Prior to issuance of any CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY for lots1, 2, 3, OR 4, shown in on the
conceptual plan sheet 1 submitted February 2009 the applicant must show:
a. evidence, satisfactory to the Northampton DPW, that the existing cross-country water line from
Grove Street is adequate for DPW to accept the line, at DPW’s discretion; or
b. show that there is adequate fire flow and pressure without the line; or
c there is an amended Planning Board approval of an alternative method to provide adequate fire
flow and pressure without this line.
27. Because the site plan approval portion of the special permit for the Planned Village was deferred,
all residential and commercial construction projects require site plan approval regardless of size or
type. An applicant may apply for one overall site plan or may file in phases. The Planning Board
reserves the right to approve the building and site design for all lots through said Site Plan Approval.
28. Any specimen trees removed or destroyed as part of the construction shall be replaced by new
trees totaling the same caliper diameter.
The Planning Board found that the amendments to the Planned Village at the former Northampton State Hospital (Village Hill) continue to
meet the criteria in the special permit section for planned village as submitted and with conditions imposed by the Board. ALL conditions
in Amendment issued 8-14-03 have been completed. This permit replaces initial special permits and amendment on 8-14-03 6835 81 and
subsequent amendments. No final site plans for individual lots are approved in this amendment. Full site plans for the buildout of the
remaining lots at the Planned Village are required.
In making this determination the board reviewed the application and the following plans that are hereby substituted for the original plans
for the south campus and the portion of the north campus from Route 66 along Village Hill Road to the Haskell Building Driveway. All
other plans in the original submittal not relating to the south campus stand.
1. "Exhibit A Conceptual Plan" South Campus Sheet 1 by Tighe & Bond Consulting Engineers.
GeoTMS® 2013 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions, Inc.
Planning - DecisionCity of Northampton
Hearing No.:PLN-2008-0057Date: January 25, 2013
2. " Exhibit C North Campus Plan", drawn by Arrowstreet, Inc for MassDevelopment.
2/19/20097:30 PM5/27/20093/12/2009
Marilyn Richardsvotes toGrant
Stephen Gilsonvotes toGrant
Mark Sullivanvotes toGrant
Francis Johnsonvotes toGrant
Keith Wilsonvotes toGrant
Kenneth Jodrievotes toDeny
Stephen GilsonKeith Wilson5-1Approved with Conditions
Available in the Office of Planning & Development.
I, Wayne Feiden, as agent to the Planning Board, certify that this is a true and accurate decision made by the Planning Board and certify
that a copy of this and all plans have been filed with the Board and the City Clerk on the date shown above.
I certify that a copy of this decision has been mailed to the Owner and Applicant.
Notice of Appeal
An appeal from the decision of the Planning Board may be made by any person aggrieved pursuant to MGL Chapt. 40A, Section 17 as
amended within twenty (20) days after the date of the filing of the notice of the decision with the City Clerk. The date is listed above. Such
appeal may be made to the Hampshire Superior Court with a certified copy of the appeal sent to the City Clerk of the City of Northampton.
GeoTMS® 2013 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions, Inc.