Open Space Acquisition - Northampton ConsComCOMMUNITY PRESERVATION ELIGIBILITY
The purpose of this form is to make sure that all project applications applying for Community
Pr-eser-vation- -Act funding -ar-e- eligible- for - funding —P- lease -- refer -to- Appendix =E -in -th
Community Preservation Plan when filling out this form. This form must be approved in
order for an-application _to_be_ accepted.
Project Title: Priority open space acquisition
Project Sponsor /Organization: Northampton Conservation Commission
Contact Name: Wayne Feiden, Director of Planning and Development
Property Owner, if applicable: Not yet identified
Mailing Address: 210 Main Street, Room 11, Northampton MA 01060
Daytime phone #:413- 587 -1265
Fax #: 413 - 587 -1264
E -mail address:
CPA Program Area (check those that apply):
✓ Open Space ❑ Historic Preservation
❑ Community Housing ✓ Recreation
Project Purpose (check those that apply):
✓ Acquisition ✓ Creation ✓ Preservation
❑ Support ❑ Rehabilitation /Restoration
Project Summary: Please provide a brief description of the project.
Acquisition of a priority open space project to be permanently preserved for open space
and outdoor recreation. Parcel- specific information to be provided during application
For CPC Use Eligible: ✓ Not Eligible: Date: 1 1 N Reviewer: t)m /5t--