Eligibilty Forms - 2013 Round 11 COMMUNITY PRESERVATION I' V—% DETERMINATION FORM The purpose of this form is to make sure that all project applications applying for Community Preservation Aet funding are - eligible- for - funding— Please - refer -to Appendix E -in -the Community Preservation Plan when filling out this form. This form must be approved in order for an- _application _to_be accepted. Project Title: CT River Greenway Multi -Use Path Design Project Sponsor /Organization: Northampton Office of Planning and Development Contact Name: Wayne Feiden, Director of Planning and Development Property Owner, if applicable: City of Northampton, other involved property owners Mailing Address; 210 Main Street, Room 11, Northampton MA 01060 Daytime phone #:413- 587 -1265 Fax #: 413 - 587 -1264 E -mail address: wfeiden@northamptonma.gov CPA Program Area (check those that apply): ❑ Open Space ❑ Historic Preservation ❑ Community Housing ✓ Recreation Project Purpose (check those that apply): ❑ Acquisition ✓ Creation ❑ Preservation ❑ Support ❑ Rehabilitation /Restoration Project Summary: Please provide a brief description of the project. Funding is requested for design and construction of a multi -use path between Damon Road and the Connecticut River connecting the Norwottuck Rail Trail to the historic canalbed. For CPC Use Eligible: y Not Eligible: Date: I Ib Reviewer: Viv & if