City Council Resolution Dec 2012CITY OF, NORTHAMPTON
December 6, 2012
A City (founciL� ............................................................................................. ...............................
Upon the recommendation of Mayor David J. Narke\ and the Community
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WPIEREAS, the Broad Brook Coalition submitted an application for Con
Preservation Act funding for the Fitzgerald Like Invasive Plant Eradiction
WHEREAS, the project will help to improve and preserve the health of Northampton's
premier wildlife conservation area.
WHEREAS, the project's control and removal of invasive plants meets goals established
by the Northampton Open Space and Recreation Plan.
WHEREAS, the applicant has used these funds effectively in the past.
WHEREAS, on November 7, 2012, the Northampton Community Preservation
Committee, voted unanimously to recommend $7,400 in. Community
Preservation Act funds be used to support this project.
That $7,400 be appropriated from Community Preservation Act funding to the
Fitzgerald Lake Invasive Plant Eradication Project. And, that the grantee meets the
conditions approved by the Community Preservation Committee, the Mayor, and City
Specifically, $7,400 is appropriated from the CPA Open Space Reserve (account
#2344930- 359931).
p " December 6, 2012
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Upon the recommendation of Mayor David J. Narkewicz and the Community
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Preservation Comm]ttee. _
Ordered l that
WHEREAS the Northampton Conservation Commissloll and Abl']CL11tL11 "al COMMiSS101I
submitted an application fo.l' Colnmunit� Preservation Act funding for the
Northampton Agricultural Protection Restriction Program,
WHEREAS, the project makes possible continued funding for an established program to
preserve Northampton farmland through the purchase Of Agricultural
Protection Pestrictions (APRs) on the land.
WHEREAS, the project will especially target tracts of land that are important to protect
but are not large enough or valuable enough to qualify for the
Commonwealth's APP. support.
WHEREAS, the project saves resources that would otherwise be threatened. .
WHEREAS, the project contributes to a goal of the Northampton Sustaillability Plan to
protect agricultural land.
WHEREAS, on November 7, 2012, the Northampton Communit Preservation
Committee; voted 5 -2 to recommend $135,000 in Community Preservation
Act funds be used to support this project.
That $35,000 be appropriated from Community Preservation Act funding to the
Northampton Agricultural Protection Restriction Program. And, that the grantee meets
the conditions approved by the Community Preservation Committee, the Mayor, and
City Council.
Specifically, $35,000 is appropriated from the CPA Open Space Reserve (acaOunt
P2344930- 359931).
Upon the recommendation of Mayor David J. Narkewicz and the Community
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O rc ered that
WHEREAS, the Northampton Conservation Commission submitted an application for
Conununity Preservation Act funding for the Conservation Fund.
WHEREAS, the fund makes possible increased acquisition or protection of open space
parcels in Northampton by supporting fast action on time- sensitive real
estate opportunities.
WHEREAS, the project may leverage additional public and /or private funds
WHEREAS, the project meets the goals of the Northampton Sustainability Plan for
protection of and agricultural lands.
WHEREAS, the applicant has used these funds effectively in the past towards the
protection of several hundred acres of open space, reflecting the goals
established by the Con Preservation Committee.
1 /\THEREAS, on November 7, 2012, the Northampton Community Preservation
Con voted unanimously to recommend $60,000 in Corrununity
Preservation Act funds be used to support this project.
That $60,000 be appropriated from Commulty Preservation Act funding to the
Northampton Conservation Fund. And, that the grantee meets the conditions approved
by the Coirununity Preservation Committee, the Mayor, and City Council.
Specifically, $60,000 is appropriated from the CPA Open Space Reserve (account
#2344930 - 359931).
Upon the recommendation of Mayor David J. Narkewicz and the Community
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Vrderecl� t4at
WHEREAS, the Northampton Recreation Department submitted an application for
Community Preservation Act funding for Veterans' Field Renovation
WHEREAS, the project will leverage additional public funds
WHEREAS, the project will serve significant number of residents and maximize utility
of park land.
WHEREAS, the project is located close to downtown, and will promote use of
alternative transportation.
WHEREAS, the project v \7111 allmv opportunities for baseball and other sports.
WHEREAS, on November 7, 2012, the Northampton Community Preservation
Committee, voted unanimously to recommend 45,000 vi Community
Preservation Act funds -be used to support this project.
That $45,000 be appropriated from Community Preservation Act funding to the
Veterans' Field Renovation Project. And, that the grantee meets the conditions
approved by the Community Preservation Committee, the Mayor, and City Council.
Specifically, $45,000 is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve (account #2344930-
ci December 6, 207 2
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Upon the recommendation of Mayor David J. Narkewicz and the Community
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lJrdered that - -- - - -- - --
WIIEREAS, the Northampton Office of Planning and Development submitted an
application for Community Preservation Act funding for the Connecticut
River Greenway Project.
WHEREAS, the project advances the goals of the Open Space Recreation and Multi -Use
Trail Plan, and the Sustainable Northampton Plan.
WHEREAS, the project will effectively leverage funding from other sources.
WIIEREAS, the project serves more than one CPA program area.
WHEREAS, the project fills a critical funding gap.
WHEREAS, CPA funding is conhm ellt upon the project receiving the PARC grant for
which the City has applied.
WIIEREAS, on November 7, 2012, the Northampton Community Preservation
Committee, voted 6 -1 to recommend $190 in Community Preservation
Act funds be used to support this project.
That $190,000 be appropriated from Community Preservation Act funding to the
Connecticut River Greenway Project. And, that the grantee meets the conditions
approved by the Community Preservation Committee, the Mayor, and City Council.
Specifically, $29,600 is appropriated from the CPA Open Space Reserve (account
#2344930- 359931) and $160,400 is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve
(account #2344930- 359930).