Forest Cutting Plan -15B-001-Chesterfield Rd.t -crest Lutting Flan end Notice of Intent under M.G.L. Chapter 132 — The Forest Cutting - Practices Act; 304 CMR 11.00 - - - (Effective Date: 1/1/04) 1 C 9 -- Location Town Name Road [Anesbar��e lcl F Mailing Address ��- 41 Aryl f I M,�,nq (L - Acres p - - -- � � � � - - - -- P Z � - Vol. MBF . Q Vol. Cds. + 93- Vol. Tons r Town, State, Zip 31 C ke i-e—r R e l �. Phone L.eeJs , 1AA 010 -V :_ Plan Preuarer Ch61 ❑ Ch61A DK Stew ❑ *Case # Name Michael Mauri Address 20 West Street Town, State, Zip S. Deerfield, MA 01373 Phone (413) 665 -6829 - Type ofPreparer . Licensed Forester *Mass. Forester License # 161 *Required for land under Ch61, Ch61A or Forest Stewardship Est. Stumpage Value Licensed Timber Harvester" Name Address Town, State, Zip Phone Mass. Lic. Harvester # * This information may be supplied after the plan is approved, but before work begins. Stream Crossings Indicate location on map SC -1 SC -2 SC -3 SC-4 Type of Crossing W H p o Note: LF Existing Structure i L�• Culvert SE Sped Type of Bottom ( M Ledge Applicant must provide DCR with all relevant information TH Bank Height (ft) 1- 1 MU Mulch Stabilization C O co before plan may be approved and cutting may begin. TB Harvesting in Wetlands Indicate location on map HW -1 H W -2 H W -3 H W -4 Forest Type (see pg 2) W H - Note: LF Acres to be Harvested i L�• Culvert SE Sped Resid. Basal Area ( >50 %? ) Y Ledge Applicant must provide DCR with all relevant information TH Wetland Crossings x �vtt �p �M C rates Service Forester Comments Indicate location on map WC-1 WC -2 WC -3 WC4 Length of Crossing Tyne of Bottom Note: LF Mitigation CU Culvert SE Sped Stabilization LE Ledge Applicant must provide DCR with all relevant information TH Filter Strips Indicate location on map FS -1 FS -2 FS -3 I FS4 Width (50', 100', or VA) r Ur t:ra.e% ea3e worry. File Number Case No. Date Rec' 11 Nat. Hert. N� / Earliest Start / /O' ! 1 Nat. Hert. Imp. River Basin C_t Pub. Dr. Wat. bit Gen. Obj. _ j.� - ACEC Landowner Type of Preparcr Tyne of Crossing Stabilization Mitigation Tyne of Bottom Note: LF Mass. Lic. For. CU Culvert SE Sped FR Frozen LE Ledge Applicant must provide DCR with all relevant information TH Lic. Tim. Har BR Bridge MU Mulch DR Dry ST Stony before plan may be approved and cutting may begin. TB Timber Buyer FO Ford CO Corduroy OT Other MU Mud Some forestry activities, such as prescribed burning and LO n•r Landowner r,.r_._ PO n•r Poled' n.r.__ ST r.n Stone .r_.. n -r_. OR * n•rn.>. Gravel -- pesticide or fertilizer application may require additional permits. n....._r. •.• r_�_. -. n•.n •.__.._r r__r...r•- _:_r_. -.._- If Other (OT)`is used in any category an explanation must be given on an attached narrative page pg 3 of 5 Products to be Harvested* Species Mbf /Cds ST 71 Mbf /Cds White Pine Red Maple 1 I t --- Red Pine Sugar Maple Pitch Pine... Acres Red Oak _ 16-0_ Hemlock —3 Black Oak - Spruce App 1 White Oak Designation of Trees Other Sft d. C \ Other Hdwd. White Ash 0 ,�- Total Mbf A IT Beech _ Cordwood' (Cds) SE 'White Birch C), SW Pulp (Tons) B & Y Birch 0 HW Pulp (Tons) l Source orRegenerntion AD Advanced WP White Pine HK Hemlock Otvl tviNed Oak CT Cut Tree SH *Note: Volumes and values indicated in the Plan are as reported by the plan preparer and have not been independently verified by the service forester upon approval. Mbf = thousand board feet. Cutting Stan _ _ Indicate l ocation on map ST 71 ST -2 - ST -3 Forest Type . VV w _ 1 ❑ Acres / 1 I Landowner Objective App 1 Dis I App 2 Designation of Trees C T C \ Type of Cut S E S E El El ❑ Source of Regeneration Wr— SE N" S h_c0 / S�_ ST-4 G S Black Cherry Chips (Tons) Landowner Signature _ - The most important information on a cutting plan is the Landowners objective, as this will determine�whil trees will be harvested and which will remain; this decision will also determine the future condition of the forest for decades to come. After having -read the Massachusetts Forest Cutting Plan Information Sheet on page one. indicate your.objective by checking the appropriate box below. LT- Long -Term Forest Management 0 ST - Short -Term. Harvest Planned management of the forest to achieve one or more of the Harvest of trees with the main intention of producing following objectives: produce immediate and maximize Ions -term short-term income with minimal consideration given to income, enhance wildlife habitat, improve recreational opportunities, improving the future forest condition, which often results protect soil and water quality, or produce forest related products. in a forest dominated by poor quality and lows value specie I (we) have read the Massachusetts Cutting Plan Information Sheet. and am aware of my (our) management options. I (we) hereby certify that F(we) have the legal authority to carry out the operation described above. I (we) certify that I (we) have notified the Conservation Commission in the town in which the operation is to take place and the abutters of record within two hundred feet of the area to be harvested. I (we) and stand that the volumes and values (Ch6i only) in this plan have not been independently verified by the servicE forester upon appi ✓al and will report final values and volumes to the Director or his /her agent if the final figut�s differ frost those reported. V ,/ r •C.Cr�i' .- Signa 9f.)andowner(s) Determination and Status I'f �15�l0`� Approved Disapproved Expires Cutting Plan (Q ❑ i+ � Z 1 igntiCtirc of Service Forester' Directors agent date Final Report and mme ots I hereby certify that the afore described Forest Cutting Plan and all relevant statutes have been substantially complied with. Signature or Service Forester /Directors Agent Date Expires Ser. For. Ints. Extension 1 ❑ 20 / App 1 Dis I App 2 Dis 2 Amendment ❑ El El ❑ � Forest T%nes Designation orTrees Tyne orCut Source orRegenerntion AD Advanced WP White Pine HK Hemlock Otvl tviNed Oak CT Cut Tree SH Sheltenvood Intermediate Harvests: CT Commercial Thin SE Natural Seed WK WP liem HH Hem Hdw•d RM Red Maple LT Leave Tree . SB Stand Boundary ST CC Seed Tree Clear Cut NT Non Corn Thin PL Plant wH WP Hdwd WO' WP•Oak BC BB Blck Chem BE Bee'Bir'A.iap SF Beech Spruce Fir OT Other SE Selection Non - Standard Systems:* CO Coppice P Red' Pine OH Oak 1ldwd SM Sugar Maple Landowner Objective Sri Salvage HG Highgrade• DS Direct Seed SR Red Spruce OR N Red Oak PP Pitch Pine LT Long -Term Met. SN Sanitation DL Diameter Limit* OT Other: ST Short-term Har. *If Other (OT) or -a non - standard system is used an explanation must be given on attached narrative page pg 4 of 5 forest -- Cutti Plan - _ Ldoer - Meg -• �w� r Narrative Page (effective Date: 1/1/04) Town s Use this page to provide further explanation. or if Other (OT) was used in any category on pages 3 or 4. File Number f - -- - Use "this Section to provide further explanation or Other (OT used- in-any- category -in- the -Best Management Practices- Section- on-Page-3. ---- - - - - -- d &Le t�� � � s �� � s � r� � c� � � a � arV j -1 �. �. e, U S � - ,r,��+ 'V7 n e S a^ re4:0 c as °kc'e�.+ on �clr- •�.�o S �p . A- � c+Aj c,.e C M � �-►` .. 1.S c V � C4,% e S 1 s I�, Gon �� �s for re q gf\ f a.4 _ C'P U� f"e ', %a 3 • k y 1 o o Use this Section to describe the types of trees to be harvested and /or retained if Other (OT) was used for "Designation of Trees" in the Stand Treatment Section on page 4. • Stand No. Species to be Cut Size of Trees to be Cut Quality of Trees to be Cut %'BA /Acre Removed a� � % � a R�Lj �1ceIe �s i r . Ab��1 o Vi n. s k �,�re. e>c f r e S 5e- t A� �- V; w 1L�PCS��3 � M�oC�s � rt 1��5 o�crav�l oLjr t.r 1S ktA , 0v .Lt Use this Section to describe how Chapter 132 requirements will be met if a non standard system (HG, D , or OT) was used for the "Type of Cut" in the Cutting Standards Section on page 4. (Stand No. Source of How will Regeneration be obtained /protected? Regeneration If using AD - Describe the species present and how the regeneration will be protected (ex. AD, SE) If using SE - Describe the source of the seed and the number of seed trees /acre • • / p� �s r�c�.r # i A � Stand No. Desired Future Condition Describe what the stand is expected to look like five years from the harvest, including the condition of the overstory & understo � I I Map by Michael Mauri S. Deerfield, MA 01373 X4131665 -5829 + �2 Forest Stand and Boundar M ap ' based on lyy� i,,up uy earl Davies,, Land of Melnik Family Trust and fieldwork spring 2005 Northampton (Leeds), MA Ca. 61 acres in CH 61A mi or ST - is su W . o �, N_ s D � - o f � `- _ 3 - - - - -- - - -- - -- - - - - -- -- -' y -: `' ��^ fly...•. •.•• C� l a p jr\ 3 8g w CA �. MOt C ��. S p I M VVV SG �! ' tur .00 e H dpo M�5tet�cQ N� W� Al r 8sW , mod, p P N�1 LA + N I�rnesV 3 • i 1 � `boo — . IV ` 1,,��s oR \ �'�� - RoW J Me.1.^-[C . a .tar. ► �0019 0 1 Ca Kev hnA.�h seasonal stream . • -�- • skid road - — wetland ,, r . proposed skid road - possible vernal ,pool c9NIM proposed landing 4s: `a f, �Ai�a exposed ledge : buildings Q J old cla rt stand boundary; y p stand number & stand type barbed wire ,.,�, ----� • iron pin /rebar 3:, r, _ � y _;��jr - '� .�'s ��� H rt Ft ' 0 n,. p s ZI IA S — '1 Gen _T r rn Ul s i N eD Ul s