S106 Connecticut River GreenwayNorthampton Historical Commission 210 Main Street, Room 11 Northampton, MA 01060 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT CITY OF NORTHAMPTON planning conservation zoning northampton GIS historic community preservation central business architecture Wayne Feiden, FAICP, Director of Planning and Development Wfeiden @NorthamptonMA.gov 413 -587 -1265 Dear Mr. Drake and Historical Commission members, October 29, 2012 The City of Northampton and Lane Construction Company propose the development of a small business park and a riverfront park on the River Run /Lane Construction Access Driveway off of Damon Road in Northampton. This project may be supported in part with federal funding and will probably require a US Army Corp of Engineers permit. The project requires review under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amened (36 CFR 800). Attached is the Project Notification Form and attachments we have filed with Massachusetts Historical Commission. The project includes 1. Up to 40,000 square feet of office and light industrial uses (Lane Business Park) 2. Up to 20,000 square feet of a boathouse, with an access way to the water, docks, and an interpretive sign above the New Haven and Northampton Canal. 3. Associated site work, drainage, and parking. We would like to request that the Northampton Historical Commission review the enclosed materials as soon as possible. Please send any comments and any question you have to me. Sincerely, Wayne Feiden, FAICP Director of Planning and Development City Hall 210 Main Street, Room 11 Northampton, MA 01060 www.NorthamptonMa.gov Fax 413 -587 -1264 original printed on recycled paper THAMPT r" ene>a cnl /1 0 Environmental Justice Populations <4dRou 'Ur the 1 ti ul' Parks and Recreation I CA F City Hall 210 Main Street, Room 11 Northampton, MA 01060 www.NorthamptonMa.gov Fax 413 -587 -1264 original printed on recycled paper 950 CMR: OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF THE COMMONWEALTH PROJECT NOTIFICATION FORM Project Name: Connecticut River Greenway and Lane Business Park Location Address: Damon Road APPENDIX A MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL COMMISSION 220 MORRISSEY BOULEVARD BOSTON, MASS. 02125 617- 727 -8470, FAX: 617- 727 -5128 City Town: Northampton Project Proponent Name: Wayne Feiden, FAICP, Director of Planning and Development, City of Northampton Address: 210 Main Street, Room 11, City Hall City/Town/Zip/Telephone: Northampton, MA 01060 413 -587 -1265 wfeiden @northamptonma.gov Agency license or funding for the project (list all licenses, permits, approvals, grants or other entitlements being sought from state and federal agencies). Agency Name Type of License or funding (specify) Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs PARC grant and legislative earmarks Massachusetts Dept. of Transportation Transportation Improvement Program Executive Office of Economic Affairs Economic development assistance Project Description (narrative): The existing Lane Construction Company site, currently an asphalt batching plant, would be divided. Approximately 40% would be retained by Lane for three 10,000 square foot buildings with parking. The remaining land will be donated to the city for boathouse, walking and bicycle trails, and docks. Does the project include demolition? If so, specify nature of demolition and describe the building(s) which are proposed for demolition. Existing asphalt batching structures and scales will be removed. Does the project include rehabilitation of any existing buildings? If so, specify nature of rehabilitation and describe the building(s) which are proposed for rehabilitation. No. Does the project include new construction? If so, describe (attach plans and elevations if necessary). Yes, three commercial buildings (10,000 square feet each), one boathouse, multi -use trails, and docks. (See attached plans.) 531 /96 (Effective 7/1193) corrected 950 CMR 275 To the best of your knowledge, are any historic or archaeological properties known to exist within the project's area of potential impact? If so, specify. The northern terminus of the New Haven and Northampton Canal is on the property. No other known features. What is the total acreage of the project area? 22.6 plus an additional 1 acre for a trail from Damon Road Woodland 9 acres Productive Resources: Wetland 2 acres Agriculture 0 acres Floodplain acres Forestry 0 acres Open space 1 o acres Mining/Extraction 0 acres Developed 1 acres Total Project Acreage 0 acres What is the acreage of the proposed new construction? 6 What is the present land use of the project area? Asphalt batching plant Please attach a copy of the section of the USGS quadrangle map which clearly marks the project location. This Project Notification Form has been submitted to the MHC in compliance with 950 CMR 71.00. Signature of Person submitting this form: Date: May 9, 2012 Name: Wayne Feiden, FAICP, Northampton Director of Planning and Development Address: 950 CMR: OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF THE COMMONWEALTH 210 Main Street, Room 11, City Hall APPENDIX A (continued) acres (within footprint of what is developed plus new trails and docks) Northampton, MA 01060 City /Town/Zip: Telephone: 413 -587 -1265 REGULATORY AUTHORITY wfeiden@northamptonma.gov 950 CMR 71.00: M.G.L. c. 9, 26 -27C as amended by St. 1988, c. 254. 7/1/93 950 CMR 276 NEsX BOAT (XX'K A 'N' llnAT Prepared For: City ofNortbamplun 210 Main Sued Natha :pion. MA 011160 Connecticut River Greenway: Lane Business Park Northampton Community Boathouse Prepared B): O ff 5 S NEW SwTC rj 1.52.50 IN 148.66 "'OUT 148.41 WOODS NEW HDPE FLARE E NTD i OUTLET AND RIP RAF PIPE INV. 147.50 NEW 4" DI WATER SERVICE, TYP. F FE 151.5 NEW RAIN GARDEN F FE LOWER. 14.9 TP5• '1 1015, 1 crpl *ahjiui TION TRENCH 1 STONE 144.50 f t r, 1NElI A• 1 H/ i i 17.00 1 i W 4 1. C ,e NR• •1 i .a. �I• .1 i .:i. j 0 1 1 o VA �l� J i li l ll 11 jD11 1 l I I: 11111111111I 1A� t 1. Project benchmark is spike in twin 8 "/4" oak, Elev.= 129.27 (see also sheet E2). 2. All sidewalks /Walkways shall conform to the Massachusetts Architectural Access Boards (MB) requirements. Sidewalk /Walkway cross —slope is 1.5 minimum, 2.0% maximum. Maximum slope in any direction shall be 5.0 Slopes shall not exceed 2% across any accessible parking space or adjacent aisles. 3. All materials and construction methods shall conform to the construction standards and specifications of the City of Northampton and the Massachusetts Highway Department. 4. All dimensions, elevations and layout shall be verified in the field by the contractor and approved by the Landscape Architect prior to beginning Work. 5. All new or adjusted manholes, gas gates, Water gates and Water services to be flush With finished grade. 6. All new or adjusted catch basin rims shall be set 1/2" below finished grade. 7. Notify the Landscape Architect of any discrepancies prior to construction. Inc Massachusetts 01060 (413) 582 -7005 The Berkshire Design Group, Landscape Architecture Civil Engineering Planning Land Surveying 4 Allen Place, Northampton, (413) 582 -7000 FAX Email: bdgOberkshiredesign.com Web: http: /WW.berkshiredesign.com This droWing is not intended nor shall it be used for construction purposes unless the signed professional seal of a registered landscape architect, civil engineer or land surveyor employed by The Berkshire Design Group, Inc. is affixed above, Do not scale droWing for quantity take —offs or construction. Use Written dimensions only. If dimensions are Incomplete, contact The Berkshire Design Group Inc. for clarification. Copyright The Berkshire Design Group, Inc. This drafting and all of its contents are the express property of The Berkshire Design Group, Inc., and shall not be copied or used in any Way Without the Written consent of The Berkshire Design Group, Inc. Connecticut River Greenwa9: Lane business Park Northampton Community boathouse Northampton, Massachusetts Grading Utility Plan Revisions Date: August 1, 2012 Sheet Number S5 Scale: 1"=40 DmWn By: JDS Checked By: RMK 5 S NEW SwTC rj 1.52.50 IN 148.66 "'OUT 148.41 WOODS NEW HDPE FLARE E NTD i OUTLET AND RIP RAF PIPE INV. 147.50 NEW 4" DI WATER SERVICE, TYP. F FE 151.5 NEW RAIN GARDEN F FE LOWER. 14.9 TP5• '1 1015, 1 crpl *ahjiui TION TRENCH 1 STONE 144.50 f t r, 1NElI A• 1 H/ i i 17.00 1 i W 4 1. C ,e NR• •1 i .a. �I• .1 i .:i. j 0 1 1 o VA �l� J i li l ll 11 jD11 1 l I I: 11111111111I 1A� t 1. Project benchmark is spike in twin 8 "/4" oak, Elev.= 129.27 (see also sheet E2). 2. All sidewalks /Walkways shall conform to the Massachusetts Architectural Access Boards (MB) requirements. Sidewalk /Walkway cross —slope is 1.5 minimum, 2.0% maximum. Maximum slope in any direction shall be 5.0 Slopes shall not exceed 2% across any accessible parking space or adjacent aisles. 3. All materials and construction methods shall conform to the construction standards and specifications of the City of Northampton and the Massachusetts Highway Department. 4. All dimensions, elevations and layout shall be verified in the field by the contractor and approved by the Landscape Architect prior to beginning Work. 5. All new or adjusted manholes, gas gates, Water gates and Water services to be flush With finished grade. 6. All new or adjusted catch basin rims shall be set 1/2" below finished grade. 7. Notify the Landscape Architect of any discrepancies prior to construction.