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vet's field app Lance Lashway 183 Overlook Drive Florence, MA 01062 Northampton Community Preservation Committee 210 Main St Room 11 Northampton, MA 01060 Dear Northampton Community Preservation Committee Members, My naive is Lance Lashway, I am 50 years old. I have lived here all my life. I am writing to ask you to please approve funding for the renovation of Veteran's baseball field. There is a tremendous need for this 90 foot baseball diamond to be rebuilt and returned to the residents of Northampton. We do not have enough 90' baseball diamonds in Northampton. The lack of enough 90' baseball diamond field availability has been a problem for many years. I have been coaching baseball in Northampton, for 15 years, mostly on the 90' diamonds. We have 3 of these 90' diamonds, currently. The availability of two of these three diamonds, at JFK & NHS is limited. The availability of the third diamond, Arcanum, is SEVERELY limited, due to a major problem with the neighbors. Arcanum is only available to the Legion team and the Smith Vocational teams. Many days the Arcanum field is empty and off - limits when baseball teams are desperately looking for space to play or practice. I am the president of the Mike Laga Youth Baseball Association, which has 3 -4 teams each Spring /Summer season. Also during this season in Northampton, we have three NHS baseball teams, two Smith Voc. Teams, the Full Count baseball team, at least 4 Junior League teams, and the Legion team. All of these teams compete for practice and playing time on these fields. In the fall only one 90' field is available, JFK, on a VERY limited basis. In the fall we have two high school -age baseball teams, and 3 -4 younger teams competing for field time on this single 90' diamond. During this season, field time on this 90' diamond is even more limited due to conflicts with other fall sports which share some of the same field space. We desperately need the return of Veteran's field. When we lost Veteran's field five or six years ago, it was, and continues to be a great loss to the residents of Northampton. Every year we have been hopeful that it would be rebuilt. It is very important that the young residents of Northampton have the opportunity to practice and play sports as an important part of their physical and social development and well- being. Please give us back the field that we Lost five years ago. Thank you, Lance Lashway 183 Overlook Drive Florence, MA 01062 t "` ' .* L + L 5;4, Ara catic August 29, 2012 Community Preservation Committee 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Dear Members of the Community Preservation Committee, I would first like to thank you for the great job you do working together to use CPA funds for projects that are important to the citizens of Northampton. Please accept this letter in support of the Recreation Department's application for CPA funds for the installment of a new baseball field located at Vets field. This field was removed (planned to be relocated) several years ago in order for the skate park to be built. Baseball continues to be a very popular sport in Northampton, but the availability of fields for practices and games is very limited in the spring and fall due to the number of players and teams participating. Northampton Little League, Northampton Cal Ripken, Mike Laga Youth Baseball, Northampton High School baseball and the fall leagues make up close to 40 teams each year. All of these leagues struggle to find practice time for their respective teams or make up games lost due to weather. Living in this age of technology, children need the opportunity to be outside and be active as often as possible. Personally, I cannot see a better use for our CPA monies and strongly support the Recreation Department's project and application for this field. Sincerely, Glenn R. Connly President Northampton Little League SASSON, TURNBULL, RYAN & .HOSE ATTORNEYS AT LAW 100 MAIN SIREE I 3RD FL OOR • NORIHAMF'I ON, MASSACHUSE I TS 01060 • HOWARD S. SASSON (413) 586 -4800 • FAX NO (413) 582 -6419 SPRINGFIELD OFFICE • CYNTHIA•!. TURNBULL E - MAIL: info @strhlawcom 1145 MAIN STREET, SUITE 508 LUKE RYAN WEBSIIE:wwwstrhlawcom SPRINGFIELD. MA 01103 DAVID P. NOOSE (413) 732 -1939 PLEASE RESPOND TO THE NORTHAMPTON OFFICE • • September 4, 2012 Northampton Community Preservation Committee 210 Main Street Room 11 Northampton, MA 01060 Dear Chairman and Committee Members, I write this brief note to encourage you to expend CPA funds to complete the work on the Veterans' Field baseball diamond. My understanding is that the Recreation Commission has already voted to move forward with this long overdue project.. As P ou probably are aware, Veterans' Field has been unavailable to the over- twelve baseball Y leagues for over five years . After the initial work was done including installation of a skate park and new basketball court, those of us who have been active in coaching youth baseball were promised that the new and improved baseball field would be coming soon. It seems like every spring we are told that it will be another year before we get Vets Field back. Not having Veteran's Field available has severely impacted our baseball programs.. It is very difficult to get fields, just for baseball games from late May through July. As Coach of the Mickey Mantle "A" division team comprised of 15 -16 year old young men, I have found it practically impossible to practice as there are so few nights where Northampton High and Arcanum are available. The field at .JFK is generally not in good enough condition by midsummer to hold higher level baseball games and even for practice, its use is compromised by the scheduling of softball games which spill over onto the 90 foot diamond. The baseball community has been very patient in waiting its turn to be restored to an adequate number of baseball fields for Northampton.. Even with the reports of a 90 foot diamond to be situated in the new Florence project, we need to have Veterans' Field back.. Thank you for considering my views.. Very truly yours, 'eroa David P.. Hoose (2) The —='- Berkshire • . , / Design Group, Inc. .. ... ... .;-; /-' . . -.., ,/s\ ...?' .- ./ ,- • lauiselywArclikcanr EMERGBNCY SERVICE • - CfR.Eligisesrig • / :•" ..F.‘"" "." Timm leg • • • / ACCESS GATE - . IIii lasup.d7. . ----- lassirounaaDex.ip PHASE ENT . ...-- 1 /- . / -..,f.) ,. - -- --*-- /-".---F.-_-,sv,'-.r-1 /. ...7:•".• .../. 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Bases (1st, 2nd, 3rd) SET 1 $300.00 $300.00 8. Backstop (30' baseball) EA 1 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 9. 6" Fencing LF 60 $36.00 $2,160.00 10. Players Benches EA 6 $500.00 $3,000.00 11. Repair Damaged Turf LS 1 $1,200.00 $1,200.00 12. 20' Foul Poleswith Padding EA 2 $800.00 $1,600.00 13. Bleahers (4 row, 21' length) with Stone Dust Pad EA 2 $4,500.00 $9,000.00 14. Bullpen EA 2 $1,200.00 $2,400.00 15. Bid Plans and Specifications LS 1 $3,200.00 $3,200.00 16. Bidding LS 1 $1,800.00 $1,800.00 17. Construction Observation LS 1 $4,600.00 $4,600.00 Subtotal $69,710.00 3 Project Has Community Support • This project has a great deal of community support including various Northampton leagues, players, the Recreation Commission and the Recreation Department, all who realize the large need for additional fields for our youth and adults. • The City has been asked year after year since the renovation of Veterans' Field began when the baseball field will be done. There are frequently nights when multiple teams aren't able to play or practice because of lack of this size diamond in the City. Success Factors • The construction and usage of the fields by the Community. Maintenance • Veterans' Field Park is currently, and will continue to be, maintained by the City's Department of Public Works Parks & Cemetery Division. Project Budget Current Budget — see attached for details City Capital Improvements $25,000 Requested CPA Amount $45,000 $70,000 Project Timeline Design: Winter and Spring 2013 Construction: Summer /Fall 2013 Feasibility The project is allowed under Northampton Zoning. Conservation Commission approval as part of a request for determination is required to figure out the exact details of erosion protection, but the project is far enough from the wetlands that it will be approved. Maps, Photographs Enclosed Page 2 of 2 Project Narrative — Veterans' Field Baseball Field Construction & Renovation Project Location: This project will finalize the construction of the baseball field at Veterans' Field Park, located at 88 West St. (Rte. 66) Northampton. The Park has undergone extensive renovations in the past 10 years. This includes the addition of the City's first skate park, a play scape, renovations to the parking Iot and restroom building, a new entrance off of Rte. 66, as well as the relocation of the baseball field. As a part of the renovation and to make room for the skate park, the baseball field was relocated. The 90' baseball diamond has not been able to be finished due to lack of funds. The need for the field is great, as youth, High School, and adult leagues have used it in the past, and the demand is high for it. Since the renovations, the DPW hasn't had the resources or time to do the construction of the baseball field. Due to lack of funds, the baseball field was not able to be finished. This project would finish the field and finally make it available to the many teams that want to play there. Project Addresses Community Preservation Criteria: • It will enhance the quality of life for Northampton residents. • Receives endorsements by community groups, municipal board and department. • Leverages additional funds. • This project will serve a significant number of residents • Expand the range of recreational of recreational opportunities available to Northampton residents. • Contributes to the positive health status of its citizens. • Benefits recreation initiatives. • Maximizes the utility of and already owned by Northampton. Project Serves Community Needs • This project will help to meet current demand for recreation facilities. • This project will help further the mission to provide active recreation opportunities. Long Term Preservation • Veterans' Field is owned by the City of Northampton through its Recreation Commission. Page 1 of 2 0 O / _wM p tD 1 •. 1 41 COMMUNITY PRESERVATION --•& &. PROJECT APPLICATION COVER SHEET I: Project Information Project Title: Veterans' Field Baseball Field Renovation Project Summary: Veterans' Field has undergone extensive renovations over the past 10 years. This project would finish the renovation and construct the baseball field that was relocated by installing an infield, amenities and backstops. Estimated start date: Spring 2013 Estimated completion date: Fall 2013 CPA Program Area (check all that apply): • Open Space • Historic Preservation • Community Housing X Recreation II: Applicant /Developer Information Contact Person and or /primary applicant: Ann -Marie Moggio, Director of Recreation Property Owner (if applicable): City of Northampton Organization (if applicable): Northampton Recreation Department Mailing Address: 90 Locust St., Northampton, MA 01060 Daytime phone #: 587 -1040 Fax #: 587 -1045 E -mail address & Website:, /recreation III: Budget Summary Total budget for project: $69,710 CPA funding request: $45,000 CPA request as percentage of total budget: 64% Applicant's Signature: A rl°1 ' -Q,i�� AL :I PP 9 /1 �- / Date Submitted: l - o