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state hospital fountain app am A4 DAILY HAMPSHIRE.' GAZETTE: ..w. Northampton State Hospital event draws wide turnout 111 Continued from Paget than beautiful memories for some.' A special education teacher at , ; • Northampton High School, .",. Finkowski said she was drawn to wen the event because of her interest s i and commitment to working with ` young people who have special , " nee ds `�� aw '..n " I t certainly was a c ; _ I ra� s � eex erie nce it for eve one Ix., � '' :' ' ' �, r ,..* came, in some way They can � .� �' �" �' � � � �� "` � � � ��', either r s to it or develop an *� 4„ „ e> t - ' . _ _ . " ,, �� .. awareness of mental - health I c y " , � ' issues," Finkowski said. "I think ;',�'; „ t # y ' __ it's something we'll alt remember ” a �� for a very long time." -,� _', ` i " .$ " P 7 ' __ The production was arranged by l: �' �� " Anna Schuleit, a 26- year -old 1. ,_ ., x ' 4 r /llt German -born artist who first came ,, i ri to the area as an exchange student � I Aik at Northfield Mount Hermon m " ` ' £tt Northfield. " 1 "My grandmother used to say. r ' " � < ` When someone dies you have to ,.., open the window so that the soul � can fly out,' "' Schuleit wrote in the 0- , r " ` . „ ,, event program. t_� 1 "On one of my walks around the -- — ur state hospital I realized that it felt KEVIN GUTTING as if no one had ever opened the After a forum that included about 20 former Northampton State Hospital patients sharing ow windows for this old building. It their experiences, crowds filed to the ho€pital grounds to hear a musical tribute to the place NW stood there with its breath held. and its inhabitants. And based on that realization I visiting for the weekend, said he _ �. :. . think to th about an event that . was excited to hear the buildin �, ff �� would be able to involve the actual g . > ; architecture into a tribute to its used as an echo chamber, but own history" thought it was sad that so much The musical tribute was the cut of the building might be destroyed urination of a two-day event called as part of a state redevelopment` ma "The State Hospital: In Plan. Memoriam." Mental health pro- Smith College student Kern ~' Rossmeier said she attended the =AR fessionals gathered at Smith` doorb College Friday for presentations musical tribute because her - about the history of mental hos grandmother spent a lot of time �► in a mental institution. ..r: nI was trip to Boston and the shift from " s planning a on osnstitutionalization to community this weekend, but. I heard about a* programs. On Saturday morning this and I mew I had to be here," hundreds gathered at Smith Rossmeier said. "I just think this s College's Sage Hall to hear former is so neat and symbolic of every- patients of the Northampton State thin that should have been done ' wn► Hospital tell their stories. (See g story, Page A3.) to institutionalize people." An elderly woman who declined Jeanne Ingle, a former patient to identify herself teared up as she F' who had spoken at the forum about recalled her sister's sta at the - t , . J am her experience at the hospital y stood in front of the hospital's hospital 20 years ago. KEVIN GUTTING main entrance after the musical "It was a terrible place. I'm glad Artist Anna Schuleit greets people prior to the playing of Am tribute, smiling they're getting rid of it," she said. Bach's "Magnificat" Saturday. In the program for the event, "It's good to be able to co i me "I like the music. I feel it's for all Shuleit e.tplas that she hoped to create an event that would back and feel okay," Ingle said of them. They should be remem involve the architecture in a tribute to the hospital's history Rich Yoast of Chicago, who was tiered." and the patients who lived there. "" IMO AIM Aallt AIM �CVIa ' sca n� t fill the S gli 1 ach s alr .„„. ....1 ,....! -.-,-;-.'-- , 4111 ' y1y aN 1<' - v ' ,y�p�1.h 1 , 6 # F A. us ry`.. Nn ; { A y y ; IC., 11R C � '.-`. r �ppW�eh dioN rte` `-1 e;: y "` 4MA fr ry , ' t y P e d+ , . `�w Y , r s dr ,i golk "' ' v i `�� q � n "` :' ' " ' $ " t''''''' h,Y+ �` '''' r '+�tz'' .• by �ti • rrr �� s � .,k dilli KEVIN GUTTING c> More t han 1,000 people ga thered near this building at the former Northampton State Hospital Saturday '"""� to hear .I B ach's "Magnificat in a 28 minute commemoration for the patients who inhabited the hospital — buildings and grounds. honore at movin ormer p NSH event ,,„ By STACEY SHAGI O RD m usical tribute to the 144- year -old in in a nearby field. 01 ' Staff Writer , tution and the thousands of lives When the music stopped, there were N affected by it. a few moments of silence, followed by c NORTHAMPTON — Dark clouds hung People of all ages attended the event, applause. ,,, over the grounds of the former and many solemnly took a tour around Elaine Finkowski of Deerfield was Northampton State Hospital Saturday the old building during the 28- minute ' one of several people who stayed to a and a light snow began to fall as more concert, looking each other in the eye reflect on what she had heard. She said than 1,000 people huddled in near as they passed. There were few dry she had difficulty choosing words to dill silence for an unusual concert. eyes among them. describe the experience. Shortly after noon, the silence was T recording of the Collegium Vocale "I would say awesome, but that just "' broken as the opening movement of J.S. choircould be heard from every window doesn't do it justice," Finkowski said. Bach's? "Magnificat" filled the empty Several people crowded into courtyards "I was extremely impresses: I found interior of the building and reverberat- to listen and stare into open windows, such a paradox between the music ed through its walls and windows. some of which still had white curtains which was so beautiful, and the. building Hundreds of speakers had been that moved in the breeze. Others stood which has its beauty but reflects less - strategically placed throughout the or sat in one place throughout the pro - . , w hospital's main building as part of a duction , while children and dogs played • See NSH/Page A4 Silk eft AIM NORTHAMPTON STATE HOSPITAL MEMORIALIZATION SITE List of professionals, continued: Technical Assistance/In -kind support Beth Murphey ., Project Coordinator Mass Development LLC 1550 Main Street Suite 1110 Springfield, MA 01103 Pte$ (413) 731 - 8848 Project Sponsor/Applicant ... Dave Drake, Chair Northampton Historical Commission 210 Main Street, Room 11 Northampton, MA 01060 (413) 587 -1266 Memoriahization Committee Members Barbara and Joe Blumenthal 39 Chapel Street Northampton, MA 01060 (413) 586 0492 Jackie Duda 56 Laurel Street Northampton, MA 01060 (413) 586 5767 �- Oat :N APIRA elieft ink w, NORTHAMPTON STATE HOSPITAL MEMORIALIZATION SITE opok List of professionals who have assisted with the project thus far: ,0, Please I Environmental Assessment GZA GeoEnvironmental Technologies, Inc. 1350 Main Street, Suite #1400 dm Springfield, MA 01103 ak (413) 732 -1246 ilk Wetlands Delineation Epsilon Associates, Inc. 3 Clock Tower Place, Suite 250 "' Maynard, MA 01734 '""" (978) 897 -7100 ,, Site Design and Consultation 4." David J. LaPointe, RLA, LEED AP Beals & Thomas, Inc. w 144 Turnpike Road ' I% Southborough, MA 01772 -2104 Iw (508) 366 -0560 Restoration Consulting Jeffrey Bronnes Royalston Arts Foundry 1114 P.O. Box 89 w* Royalston, MA 01368 ,.► (978) 575 -9999 dmw Artistic Conception Anna Schuleit allik Mill No. 6 lak Box 113 • Harrisville, NH 03450 _ : (603) 289 5282 Tom Riddell, Lecturer, The Evolution and Transformation of the Northampton State Hospital Neilson A19 '" Smith College "ft Northampton, MA 01063 P , (413) 585 -3392 oh - Ate!. AM- Aft AIWA SIM ,.m AMA A SR Af AIR Al NM A AIM MAW WNW ..g Amok aft Barbara & Joseph Blumenthal 39 Chapel Street Northampton, MA 01060 dine AIM SOW September 2, 2012 410. Community Preservation Committee eft Northampton, MA Dear Members of the CPC: We have lived in our house, 1 /4-mile from the site of the Northampton State Hospital, since 1976. The house was built around 1860 by Dr. Prince, the second superintendent "'* of the hospital. Many of the people we have known in the neighborhood worked at the Oft hospital. We witnessed the gradual closing of the hospital and the steady neglect of 400 most of the buildings. In general, we are pleased with the new development. We feel strongly that a memorial site needs to be established on the site of the hospital, "'" and we heartily endorse the plan proposed in the application of the Memorialization Committee, on which we serve. Residents of and visitors to Northampton need to be ft made aware of and remember the history of the site —its buildings, its patients, and its employees —as this area is redeveloped for use into the future. We're especially pleased that the fountain will be placed very close to its original location. API "" We hope that you will look favorably on this project, as there is no other substantial sok source of funds which could make it happen. otiok Sincerely yours, 7 L erky az_ 7 ,4 7 4,f2 /2- Ink Aft Aft ae.� 01111* ..e walk Oak AIM IOW AIL AIM AIM ..a IOW ORM Aft "t Jacquelyn Duda P.O. Box 60392 Florence, MA 01062 Ph: 413.586.5767 Fax: 413.584.1215 Email: August 25, 2012 TO: Northampton Co munity Preservation Committee FR: Jackie Duda j . RE: Support for the fountain and pocket park as a memorial to NSH patients and employees In addition to being a member of the Northampton State Hospital memorialization committee, I " am also a neighbor to the hospital grounds for over 40 years, and a former employee of the a.► hospital (mental health technician 1970 - 1976). As such I am in a unique position to comment ,., on the fountain as a memorial object, and the planned pocket park. The fountain was a once elegant piece of art that has withstood the passing of time, and now sits in obscurit at the DPW "dump" like an old piece of junk. Fortunatel an arts foundry operator " has given us hope that it can be fully restored to its original beauty —sans its upper bowl which, '"", for many years, has been lost. oft Had it not been for a small band of interested former NSH employees like myself, the fountain would have been sold with other portions of the hospital property. Like some patients interred in aft the hospital against their will, sometimes for reasons of greed by family members rather than their actual mental status, the fountain has an opportunity to be freed from obscurity. We have ou. planned a lovely little park that the communit will enjo permanently. The project site is within a lovely neighborhood of fine houses. The finished project will be a fine tribute to the patients _,,, and to the employees who also made their living and home on the grounds. We will work tirelessly on this project, which we began over 10 years ago, whew! mok oft Please give this grant request your vote for funding. Thank you. IPA IMO ,r. An lb- r aNlIt ..e AIM Aft AIM AIM ORA I MIN SOW a Alt Aft Am. August 11, 2012 • Northampton State Hospital Fountain Committee c/o Jackie Duda P.O. Box 60392 Florence, MA 01062 Ank Dear Committee Members; '"'' I worked as an LPN at the Northampton State Hospital from 1951 to the mid 1980's. During that time Alik I witnessed changes in mental health laws which freed patients from their lifelong hospitalization. Over 2,200 • patients were reviewed against the new laws and approximately 2,000 of those were released to nursing homes, rest homes, back to their families, and to their own apartments or group homes. olik During the years I worked at the hospital I witnessed a great deal of pain and suffering by patients. This • changed after the arrival of Florence Eaton, Director of Nurses, and Harry Goodman MD, Superintendent, and later to Attorney Steven Schwartz from Western Mass Legal Services, who was instrumental in achieving a "' landmark legal agreement with the Department of Mental Health that initiated the placement of so many patients to the community. •, All of this should not go unnoticed by the community present and future. The fountain is the only artifact IO remaining of the hospital, and I heartily endorse it as the center of the memorial park planned by your committee. I have many stories to tell, so if you are planning to inscribe stories as part of the park, please come and visit me. ink 4 " Sincerely, Mary J. Peiis ""' 22 Ferry Avenue islt Northampton, MA 01060 eit Oft leh IOW ommw Iowa AVOW AIM .., ..N AIM AIM Al .. MOW AIM Ark ARO AMMIlk AMR Al Ink ealt Oft SMITH COLLEGE — Office of the President Smith College & Northampton, Massachusetts 01063 T (413) 585 -2100 F (413) 585 -2123 August 17, 2012 ..► Community Preservation Committee c/o Department of Planning & Development City Hall / 210 Main Street oft Northampton, MA 01060 Members of the Community Preservation Committee: 401* I am writing in support of the application of the Northampton Historical Commission and the Northampton State Hospital Memorialization Committee for funding to realize plans for a long - awaited memorial park in Village Hill in Northampton. elk 1111 I understand that the memorial park will be on a site on the north campus, which will place the iw former State Hospital's ornamental fountain (1876) very close to its original site in front of the aft entrance to Old Main. A landscaped park will surround the fountain along with markers noting various aspects of the history of Northampton State Hospital. I am very pleased that Smith students in Tom Riddell's first -year seminar on the history of the State Hospital will research and write the texts for these markers. Smith College's campus has adjoined that of the Northampton State Hospital since the late 19th century, and the two institutions have a long shared history. Smith's relationship with the 4110, hospital has involved psychology students and faculty, as well as School for Social Work ,�► students and faculty. Smith purchased land from the hospital —the playing field on route 66 in Aft the early 20th century and later the sledding hill —and the college is now a neighbor of the growing Village Hill community. Generations of Smith students were aware of the proximity of m "" the hospital, and it is fitting that the college support the memorial park. This will ensure that future generations understand many aspects of this historically, socially, and economically Oft significant place- -the hospital itself, including the patients it served and the people it employed, the challenges and changes during the 20th century which led to its closing in 1993, and how it was redeveloped to continue to serve, in other ways, residents of the city of Northampton. Sincerely yours, oft Cc,tpt4-1-, Carol T. Christ President Smith College CTC /aa Amek JEW AIM Mak .011•. AIM AM- ... JIM Asa AMR Ian amok Asa gaffe ONO Asa Alma ISM aft ate, 414. 85 Olander Drive 4101b Northampton, MA 01060 -3631 jbrady @a�,, ;w August 19, 2012 Community Preservation Committee City Hall Northampton, MA 01060 w Dear Members of the CPA Committee: write to support the proposal to create a memorial park at Village Hill to recognize the oak importance of this site to the history of Northampton. As I understand it, the proposal would create a memorial park on the north campus of the old State Hospital, and that the memorial would include the hospital's ornamental fountain (1 876) placed very close to its Atek original site in front of the entrance to Old Main. Further, it is proposed that a landscaped _„ park will surround the fountain along with markers noting various aspects of the history of Northampton State Hospital. This project will make a significant contribution to the stated requirement, in the Request for Proposals (1997) for redevelopment, that the developers provide an opportunity for memorializing the history of the hospital. As a new Ask resident of Village Hill who has lived in Northampton long enough to remember the State Hospital, I feel that this project is vital to making the redevelopment project both respectfully appropriate and valuable to the community at large. It is a good use of CPA funds. Thank you again for your attention to this matter. 41114 Sincerely, sok Jo B. Brady ami oft *ft aft Auk 41114 Ala Ana OH. AIM afft- AIM A AIM ANINSIk (tummunfnealfll of 411.1 4 MASSACHUSETTS SENATE ink ==r - OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE _ State House Office • �'0� STATE HOUSE, ROOM 320 r• S" BOSTON, MA 02133-1053 TEL. (617) 722 -1532 SENATOR STAN ROSENBERG FAX (617) 722 - 1062 PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE Hampshire and Franklin District District Office 1 PRINCE STREET STAN.ROSENBERG@MASENATE.GOV NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 WWW.MASENATE.GOV August 16 , 2012 TEL. (413) 584'1649 401R Northampton Community Preservation Committee Northampton City Hall 210 Main Street Northampton MA 01060 ,■■ Dear Members of the Committee, 1 am writing to inform you of my support for the Memorial Park Project and the request for funding to dew establish a memorial to the history of the former Northampton State Hospital campus. The hospital's original ornamental fountain from 1876 will be installed in the park which will be sited somewhere in __ the north campus. Markers will be installed within the landscaping which will memorialize the history of the hospital and perhaps the predecessor uses of the site. Smith College has agreed to provide students to conduct research that will lead to the texts to be inscribed on the markers. sok sok I believe that this project will make an important contribution to the ongoing transformation of the ,RIlk Northampton State Hospital grounds into the redeveloped neighborhood of Village Hill. Finding a means to acknowledge the history of this site and how it has been used has been an ongoing concern in the community since the redevelopment was first proposed. This funding would allow that element of mot the redevelopment vision to finally move forward. mak I thank you in advance for your consideration and hope you will look favorably on this application to create a Memorial Park on the former Northampton State Hospital campus. '""" Sincerely, -- Aft STAN ROSENBERG State Senator w Asi OR. AIM 0114 01 Alb AMOR 01ek A 0101 0114. ARIONv AMAX ANNIP 01 4101 AIM - AIM II IMP 0101. IOW SOW ARIA aft AINIX AMA 01..14: 011414 AIM AIM Mg . Aft w Mak MIR August 16, 2012 To Members of the Community Preservation Committee: ash Please add me to the list of supporters of the project to create a memorial part at the former Northampton State Hospital. The State Hospital touched so many lives over the ipmh years that a memorial to those who served and those who were served is an important disk and fitting historic step. ;ter Sincerely yours, Charles DeRose AMA MI II Aft Mk allak Al la ANNA IOW SAW AMA Ai Ms ONO dab AIM Aomeo Ala Alai MOW alala Air oNfat Aft July 17,2012 ftok r To the Community Preservation Committee: I am writing in support of the application from the Memorial Committee, a subcommittee of yew the Citizens Advisory Committee to the redevelopment of the Northampton State Hospital oft campus, for funding for realizing the plans for a Memorial Park in Village Hill at Aft Northampton. Aft A site on the north campus has been selected by Mass Development, which places the Aft hospital's ornamental fountain (1876) very close to its original site in front of the main Aft entrance to Old Main. A landscaped park will surround the fountain along with markers „ft noting various aspects of the history of Northampton State Hospital. mok This project will make a significant contribution to the stated requirement, in the Request '®'' for Proposals (1997) for redevelopment, that the developers provide an opportunity for Aft memorializing the history of the hospital (p. 17). aft I have taught a course on the hospital for a number of years at Smith College. It is a first- /ft year seminar entitled, The Evolution and Transformation of the Northampton State Hospital. I taught it every year from 1998 through 2005, and I will be teaching it again this coming fall. I am particularly excited about the opportunity to involve the first -year oft students in the class in the realization of a memorial project. Of t The creation of a Memorial Park will be an important component of the transformation of A* the Northampton State Hospital grounds into a redeveloped Village Hill at Northampton. ,ft The reuse of this historically significant piece of land demands that its past be acknowledged - what the hospital was originally intended to accomplish, how it operated oft and expanded over more than 100 years, how the challenges that it faced in the 20th century led to its eventual closing, and how it impacted the thousands of people who were oft patients and employees. In the past, students in my class have assisted with Anna Schuleit's Habeus Corpus project aft in November, 2000; been involved with the Fountain Project's goal of preserving the '"'t fountain; and worked on some of the efforts to develop a memorial for the hospital's burial oft ground. The students in the new Smith class of 2016 will be eager to help with this manifestation of memorialization. In addition, Sarah McDonald '15 has worked with me this past year, as a student assistant, on revising my course to be taught again. She will be a -' peer mentor in my class and has already gotten involved in this memorial project. 4,11% The Memorial Park project is an important opportunity to preserve some of the rich history of Northampton as it adjusts its community development into the 21st century. ■.. Sincerely, oft Tom Riddell oft Lecturer and Professor Emeritus, Smith College '"� Former Dean of the First -Year Class and Associate Dean of the College oft MINN Al NW AIM Al Ilk IWO Alba- All Mk ..n Oak AE AIM AI Mk ONO AMIR AIM ORA AMR mg Pk Malt AIM # ;-: HISTORIC NORTHAMPTON Muscn : & Education Center Aft o. August 10, 2012 w Community Preservation Committee Aft, 1 am writing in support of the Northampton Historical Commission's application for CPA funding for the Northampton State Hospital project. The historical importance of the Northampton State Hospital is well documented_ It was here that Pliny Earle, a pioneer in early mental health reform, established one of the first mental health institutions of its kind in the United States. One of the reasons this particular site was selected was that it was believed that a tranquil setting of scenic beauty would help patients rehabilitate. Aft This memorial is particularly fitting in that it would commemorate the historical significance of '" this site while preserving the landscape as a place for recreation and reflection I applaud the commission's efforts and urge you to approve this worthy project that will benefit this community for generations to come. 411110, Sincerely, oft 411111% I LA kA T Kerry W. Buckley oft krecutive Director oft Oft we► dr, ! tdae''ti.'t :tor €tt.tiy:} . 1la sr_ht1.CU. ?. }?t; P}, ,41 1 ; iti-; -(,tIf 1 E, tti: 14 ti4 •)St >• l ttt c hititont- 1,orrhasstrturst_ui- NX:orla \Y= hie \ \x1:: Ek .�4�. h;SI <lrI at trlls:'stii }1e4ti.irr t, AM, AIM ,W . ..e Oak WOW AIM AIM JINX AIM ISM ANA Aft AIM ASO AIM III, 1 Ph 1 aft Jonathan A. Wright Margaret K. Wright pm, 91 blander Drive Northampton, MA 01060 (W) 413 -586 -8287 x 11 fax 413- 587.9276 j wright a,wright- August 12, 2012 Oft Sarah Lavalley oft Office of Planning and Development — City of Northampton City hall Northampton, MA 01060 • ank RE: Memorial at Hospital Hill oft Dear Ms. Lavalley: We write in support of providing partial funds for the memorial at Hospital Hill, as proposed by the CAC subcommittee. We are the neighbors directly to the south. aft This location is central both to roadway level and to the path network, and uses a location """"' that we actually suggested or re- suggested about 2 years ago. The backdrop of truly majestic Beech trees is fitting for a memorial to the many who spent their lives at the Hospital as patients and staff over the course of nearly 150 years. We are happy and eager to have this as part of our neighborhood. Sincerel ank (444- Me g elsey ight 3 • i athan Wright w MIA A Aft AIM AMA AIM ANIRX AWL w.» AIM .SIR Oak AIM AMIlk .. AIM MOW AMR OMR AI Ilk AI IMP ORM oINIM - HISTQRIC NORTHAMPTON • Museum & Education Center ink Auk August 11, 2012 Community Preservation Committee Northampton, Massachusetts Ap., The Northampton State Hospital consistently ranks among the most frequently requested Oft research topics at Historic Northampton. I regularly receive inquiries from researchers seeking patient records to find information about a family relative /ancestor whom they know or believe stayed there. For other researchers, whether historians, college students, authors or artists, the history of the state hospital has captured their interest and led to a wide range of projects. Over the years, I have assisted students in the Smith College first -year seminar class on the hospital redevelopment, five college students such as University of Massachusetts student David Parnell eft for his honor thesis, From Asylum to Sanctuary: The Origins and Remains of the Northampton State Hospital, photographer Stan Sherer and historian J. Michael Moore for their project, The Life and Death of Northampton State Hospital, author Barry Werth for his book on The Scarlet Professor: Newton Arvin: A Literary Life Shattered by Scandal and the artist Anna Schuleit for "` her project, The State Hospital: In Memoriam. The resulting exhibits and programs were well ?a, attended and well received by the visiting public. Still other researchers are interested Northampton residents who have undertaken extensive research projects on the hospital, desired to preserve the historic buildings, or stopped in to see what the museum had on exhibit on the hospital and shared an anecdote about a family member who worked there. Am ,,, Given this level of interest, I support funding from the Community Preservation Act towards a Memorial Park at Village HilL I believe a memorial park with historic markers will serve those who seek to connect to the experiences of those who lived and worked there who are not . forgotten in the minds of the researchers I regularly meet. Nei Sincerely, 0114 7) 1 Marie Panik Historic Northampton IOW 46 Bridge Street Northampton Massachusetts 01060 -2428 `g Phone: (413) 584 -6011 • Fax: (413) 584 -7956 • E -mail: mailbox @historic- World Wide Web: www.historic- AMR a AIM MOW APIIK ANN AIM ark AM Ilk AMP Ilk AIM IOW ,.m AIM WNW mss► 411% 7 Jones Drive aok Easthampton, MA 01027 08 -18 -2012 Northampton Community Preservation Committee Northampton City Planners Office City Hall Northampton, MA 01060 "" Dear Sir or Madam: I am writing in support of the NSH Fountain Project. I wish to see the NSH fountain restored and placed in its former position of prominence. I worked at NSH for 15 years, but have little memory of that fountain. What I do remember is the rich history of the institution and the people who lived and /or worked there. I remember much conscientious caring among patients and staff. While some propose calling it the "fountain of tears ", I would prefer to call it the "fountain of 40. sustaining waters" in memory of so many who gave loving care to those who Aft were in need and in memory of so many who were in need of that care. Despite Aft the ideas of some artists and lawyers of recent times, there was (and still remains) need for such facilities despite their "progressive" ideas and alternatives. While some prefer to dwell on negative aspects of history, I prefer to focus on the positive aspects which I believe deserves the presence and symbolism of that fountain with its sustaining waters. "Fountain of Tears" disrespects the positive efforts of so many for so many years. "Fountain of Sustaining Waters" respects the long history of positive intentions and efforts of so many for so many years. I ,.., am proud of my part in that rich history of positive intentions and efforts. ink Alan V. Raczka Retired Staff Psychologist Ask ( N 64 `Pner-eN S 144,344 AMNIA AIM AIM AMR AMR AMP AIM s AIM r w ANA Ina AMA AMP .Nw AIM AMA Aft Oft Northampton Community Preservation Committee August 20 2012 Oft Northampton City Planners Office APIA C ity Hall Northampton MA 01060 Dear City Planners, AIM I am writing in support of the Fountain Project to be put on village hill. The fountain is a part of the History of the Hill and should be "` kept there. 41111 I was an employee of the hospital from 1972 -1976 in the social .► service department, and remember the fountain well. From what I have heard about the project it should be an asset for the area. ook A I M In these hectic times it will nice to have a place to go and just relax. AIM Thank You S an Sc ber mph Ala 40 04 AIM AIM AMR w Ina AIM AMID Aano AIM JIM Ala OEM ,w AMP Aft AIR AIM .R AIM ■* 413- 584 -7853 pi Aug 1812 07 :45p James Hardy Pi lk Obi ■ Aug. 18,2012 Oft To Whom tt My Concern_ aft I am writing this letter to support having the Northampton State Hospital fountain restored and placed in a special area on the former grounds. As a young employee) recall many times how patients would sit near the fountain and stare at the water for short periods of time. Now that 1 am an older woman with much more knowledge "` in the field of Mental Health 1 understand that it probably had a calming effect. The fountain became a common meeting place for staff and patients. It was not unusual to see employees eating their lunch around the fountain. In addition, it would be the starting point for many hospital social functions. After all these years, I can still visualize the fountain, and I cherish all the fond memories. .t The fountain was always a center piece of beauty for the main building. Restoring the fountain and placing it on the former grounds would allow the fountain's beauty to be shared with the new tenants for years to come. Aft Sincerely, SIM 'IM 1 U * ne E.Hardy mok mook Aft Aft — INNIk Aft JIM AI II ..e AIM aft ..e .w lb AIM Al AMI Al ilk Aft 11 Oi 111 — 000GINS 8 Main Street • Florence, MA 01062 -3151 AM real estate 413.586.7000 • 413.586.7001 (fax) • oft July 30, 2012 . Community Preservation Committee Office of Planning and Development - Room 11, City Hall „" 210 Main Street Northampton, MA. 01060 To Whom It May Concern: aft 1 am writing in support of the plans for restoration of the Victorian fountain that was located in front of Old Main at the former Northampton State Hospital. 1 think that the restoration of the fountain is a nice connection to the history of the hospital. The fountain is one of the few remaining artifacts that can be used to celebrate Ank the history of the hospital, its patients and employees. My father was the former Superintendent of the hospital and 1 lived and worked there myself. The restoration of the fountain will help us connect the past with the present. Your support will be appreciated. w.. Sincerely, aft P RICK M. GOGGINS """ President, Goggins Real Estate mph dift Oak Oft Ana 011 IIP AIM AIM MIR aft AIM AIR ANL Ink INA AIR IMP AIM AIM aft IR. Mee MR Aft August 26, 2012 Aft Community Preservation Committee Northampton, MA Dear Committee: ... I am writing to support the application of the Northampton Historical Commission and the Memorial Committee to fund a park memorializing the State Hospital. Funding from .► the Community Preservation Committee will help the project to be realized. Aft The Master plan for Village Hill has always included a memorial for the State Hospital, and over the years the plan for this settled on the idea of a park with the old fountain from the hospital at its center. Over time the Memorial Committee has worked with the '""'' developers to consolidate a very realistic project. They have found a beautiful spot for **► the memorial, overlooking the river and the fields below the development. Markers tracing the history of the State Hospital will add information to the experience of place. The CAC is grateful for the work of the Memorial Committee which has defined the "" project so well. We all look forward to the seeing the memorial park in place. I 4 0 % recommend it to you highly and hope that you will help to fund it. Very truly yours, 4011 Harriet R. Diamond . Member of the CAC ink eft Aft AIM Oft .M., AIM AIM ON" ,... AMOK .,k AIM OM. AI Mt Au AIM IOW IOW MIA AIM AIM ON MO* Aft .A.k MI* AMP APIM .... aft '40 ; , PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT • CITY OF NORTHAMPTON ow i planning • conservation • zoning • northamptonGIS • historic • community preservation • central business architecture 45 1 413-587-1266 Oft August 29, 2012 AIM f, Northampton State Hospital Memorialization Committee ,w. PO Box 60392 Florence MA, 01062 a.w RE: Northampton State Hospital Fountain Project At its meeting of August 27, 2012, the Northampton Historical Commission discussed the plans to restore the fountain that was formerly located at the Northampton State Hospital Site, and ,.,, place it into a memorial park at Village Hill. As the fountain is not listed on the State Register of Historic Places, the Commission reviewed the project in accordance with the CPA requirement Amok that it "be determined by the local Historic Commission to be significant in the history, n11111% archeology, architecture, or culture of the city or town." The Commission unanimously agreed that the fountain meets this requirement. As a co- applicant, the Commission also provides its support to this important preservation project that will also create a site to memorialize and dm" honor the hospital's patients and employees, and its important role in Northampton's history. mmk. Thank you, — • jeN: Mak w.a 411ft David Drake Chair, Northampton Historical Commission aft aft alek AIM MIA AIM City Hall • 210 Maid Street, Room 11 • Northampton, MA 01060 • • Fax 413 -587 -1264 original printed on recycled paper Oft INA AIR AIM SIM ARM aft AIM AIM MIS AIM A A ..R AIM dOlh AGM Awn APR Aft eft aft oft Oft O.. a.. Oft Mak Aft Aft LETTERS OF SUPPORT oft aft mow ... AIM AIM ..R ..t ARIA ..R AIM ONS INS MIS w ASIR ANIL ww . AIM ,w w .w/. w .mow AIM aft AIM iw w AI1� BEALS+THOMA8 1512 any WORK coalEI1 ME SPREADSHEET PROACYCITY/TOMnt Notl�inpbn. MA anr COST a�c u 8errgtald 2010081 DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT COST UNIT COOT SUBTOTAL SOURCE MIA 81TEPREPARATION 31.11 etyma aalam 31.11 cwoom, Wady taw4 bush amps 0.10 Awe 64600.00 M00 1978.00 Akan 2012.p2o1 Oft 31.14 STaPPNOSSTOacw.NO 31.14 AdpioilxypiftModyies a WIMP dim. mow ambIlam 230 CY 11.25 11.21 Saa8.08 mow 20t2. AIAw 8U8TOTAL MITE PREPARATION) 11241.09 HAIR AM SAAR Ala Oft /11�R S>s% 4AA4+ Olin 40111 NSA►. 4! MBA +4AAw 0101, AM 4119 AIWA oft AA4 170018CSOlidu 1 ! 1 ■ 5 (-LC aft U , AIM ..R AIM AIM Alb AIM AINik ..w Mit AIM Mite AMR August 2012 Oft �.. Estimate for the contribution from Smith College First Year Seminar 121, The Evolution and Transformation of the Northampton State Hospital, Fall 2012, for the Northampton State Hospital memorial project: golk "" 1. Two student research assistants to Tom Riddell, Lecturer and Professor Emeritus, Smith College: 2011 -2012 — one half of one Stride stipend ($2,250) = $1,125 "" 2012 -2013 — one half of two Stride stipends = 2.250 440, TOTAL $3,375 "ft 2. Fifteen students enrolled in FYS 121, Fall 2012: - oft 2 hours per week, 13 weeks in semester, © $9 per hour = $3,510 AIM 3. Contribution of time and expertise of instructor: oft $10,000 2 Grand Total $16,885 Aft As submitted b Tom Riddell, Smith College MOW Aim Alb AIM AIM IMO alb aft Alb .1! MIN AIM AIM AMR AMR MIR MIA IINO AIM ..b ..A Asew o ft RE: Northampton State Hospital memorial site - Yahoo! Mail Page 1 of 2 Oft Aft Ir g-3ot re MAIL 4ffik Classic RE: Northampton State Hospital memorial site Friday, August 24, 2012 1:52 PM a�w From: "David LaPointe" <> To: "jackie dude" <jackieduda> Cc: "Murphy, Elizabeth" <> a_ 1 File (2KB) +au elw► 4w. Image00... • ,, Good afternoon Jackie, w► You summed up the work that we have done pretty well but here is my list: �.� - Attendance at a meeting with member of the Memorial Park Committee. - Preparation of a conceptual design for the park area and subsequent revisions and altemative designs for the park based on comments received pertaining to the existing topography of the site. oft - Research of interpretive panels (manufacturers, sizes, cost, etc) . - Preparation of a cost estimate of the initial park design. To date, we have incurred $2,920.00 in labor fees and $141.21 in expenses. 4141111 Hopefully this is what you need, but let me know if you need something different. Dave COD DT p,, D b A S Djuvjr 4" t o -K-11 L David J. LaPointe, RLA, LEED AP oph BEALS AND THOMAS, INC. 144 Turnpike Road, Southborough, MA 01772 -2104 T 508.366.0560 1 F 508.366.4391 Aft I aft BTl Email Signature . ..03 * 1 * Please consider the environment before printing this email +aw Aft Aft From: jackie duda [] Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2012 5:27 PM 1 1" To: David LaPointe Subject: Northampton State Hospital memorial site Aria Am% Hello Dave: • http: / /us.mc1408.mail. yahoo. com /mc/showMessage ?s1V d= 7 &fidFOUNTAIN %2520PR... 8/30/2012 AINIR JINe JINX JIM I.A. IMP AIM JINN aft JINX JIN' OM! Arm ass AMR JINN, JINX AIM ARM Oft NORTHAMPTON STATE HOSPITAL MEMORIAL SITE oft Value of In-kind support 440, AIM 4", Beals & Thomas design work $ 2,920.00 Beals & Thomas expenses $ 141.21 Smith College students $ 16,885.00 Auk Mass Development LLC, land, estimated $ 10,000.00 'I Mass Development LLC, site preparation $ 1,261.06 Aft Aft Committee time: Approximate hours expended to date: 120 X $10/hr $ 1,200.00 orn, Additional hours expected: 300 X $10/hr $ 3,000.00 4011i Total value of in-kind support $35,407.27 oft 4111Ik 4111114 41•01. 101111. 41116 MI* Oft Oft M1004 1110, Ink lerk AM. AMR AMR .1R AIM ..R IOW SIN ,.R INA MN. AIM AIM AIM IBM a Aft AIM Ala 411110, a Oft IN -KIND CONTRIBUTIONS Al Mk Oft Oft a mom MOW .. AIM w w w AIM w . .w w w A asp .w► w w MOM ,4 Aft �ww w rr Ink AIM aft w "'" August 31, 2012 Ms. Jackie Duda """ c/o Northampton Historical Commission ., 210 Main Street, Room 11 Northampton, MA 01060 Re: ; Village Hill Pocket Park Scope and Fee alk Dear Jackie, As requested I've outlined a scope of service and fee for a proposed pocket park located at Village Hill, Northampton, MA. Please note 41111k that the fee is approximate since I haven't had the opportunity to review the schematic design option developed by Beals and Thomas. Also I did not include any permitting in the scope since I assumed the park was already approved. — Construction Documents: 100% Bid Plans and Specifications Based on the approved schematic design we will prepare a final set Ank of construction drawings, technical specifications and bid documents "` for solicitation, of public bids. Final drawings will contain the level of detail necessary to allow contractors accurate estimating and bid ,ft documents will contain all necessary bidding information to conform with all state requirements for this project. Construction drawings of the proposed improvements will include the following: Ank 411114 • cover sheet • existing condition plan • demolition plan • grading and drainage plan Aft • layout plan • planting plan 40, • details • specifications Aft • bid forms *f* Approximate cost: $9,400 AIM .■► AIPIE AIM MEE ..A AMIE Aft hEllh AWE JOE AIER MIR APE AElk AMR AWE APE INNIR JIM AIM Al Mk AIM MN Ph, sal B E A L S +THOMAS 2812 SITE WORK COSTESTNAIE SPREADSHEET Pk PROJECTCITWTOWN: Nothampton. MA QTY COST INDEX USED: Sp t9 d III PM EARTHWORK BACKF1LUNG ORDINARY BORROW, Mendes import material, place and compact (Item 150.) Statewide ('[ 10,000CYbd) 370 CY $23_00 $23.00 $8,510.00 "MHD SUBTOTAL(EARTHVIfORK) $8,516.00 OW PAVING Os WALKWAYS Concrete naming stones. 4're^z2- tf1',a/en«n grade, upbeat bedding 955 SF $12.10 *13.29 $12,687.94 Moen 2012, p612 OM SUBTOTAL (PAVING) *12,687.94 AMk SITE IMPROVEMENTS AND AMENITIES " < �/— Mesta Sal $3.50/Tern $3.50/Tern Stone. Heigtd Above Grade 3' 6O L)L - s_ r • - -- -' . . - ' Oft SION, INTERPRETATIVE - - $1 2466^ East* on Doable Pedestal Base 7 EA 1760.00 $746.25 $5.223.75 Pannier Graphics GRANITE POSTS AM 10"910• Square posts, Trim 5' reveal 2 saws ttlenmal, 2 sides rock face 4 EA $269.00 5267.66 51,070.62 Swenson Ofenite Works OW SUBTOTAL (SITE IMPROVEMENTS AND AMENITIES) let emir-- 5 .31.73 LANDSCAPING 32.91 TOPSOLILOAM BORROW 32.91 Rent* & piece, back dumped, screened e' deep 580 SY 97.35 *7.31 $4.241.69 MeaRS 2012, p395 Ms 32.91 SEEDING AND MULCHING Lase, Flat Areas, sestet Stops sm, 8me0 commercid 2 MSF $1,056.00 *1,049.73 $2200-42 Meats 2012, p395 Lawn. Sloped Areas, Seeded, Slope Mix, Smell Commercial 3 NSF 51,285.00 *1,278.58 $3,835.73 Moans 2012, p632A AIM TREE PITS 10 bee, deetdao0s, 3 VCS 1.3M' deep p0. sandysoll 6 EA *206.00 *206.00 *1.236.00 Means 2912, p637 Mika STREET TREES, 2.2.5" caliper Chromes peWsbs(Pin Oak)aed tat tofiage, 2.53' caliper 6 EA $399.00 539900 $2,394,00 Weston 2012 AM SUBTOTAL (LANDSCAPING) 513,911.83 ant SUMMARY OF STIEWORK COST ANALYSIS MIllk PROJECT SUBTOTAL *61,951.50 1k 0121 CONTINGENCY 01.21 concept's! stage 2000% 512,390.30 Mk TOTAL PROJECT BUDGET 574,341.60 OM 'SOURCES OF COST DATA: ABBREVIATIONS: POP EA = Each MSF = 1000 Square Feet RS Means 2012 - RS Means Site Work & landscape Cost Data. 3110 Edition. 2012 LS = Lump Sum SY = Square Yard AS 'A' alter Means pease Moores an ASSEMBLY LF = Linear Foot CF = Cubic Feet Storage City of (Anton 2012 -Po&e Detal.0 8la BPD DP. A1- CostS37Anm S990S. byloce6on SF = Square Foot CY = Cubic Yard MHO 2011 - MOD Weighted Average Bid Prices February 2011 - February 2012 ADS 2012 - Advanced Drainage Systems 2012 Rinker Mataisk Stormceplx STC Data 2012 ' CITY COST INDEXES Springfield , MA 108% Eas Jordan bon Works (LeBaron )2012 -phone call to 0.1W, Feb. 13, 2012 Contactor Equipment 100.0% OSdgs *.2012 - phone ea0 to OldcaOe Precast Feb. 14,2012 Sde Cmnstructi3n 99.5% SM.Tadn InfildSaian Chambers Generic Pso)ect- ADS 2012, Confirmed Fah_ 2012 Concrete 109.8% Ma B *T2012 - Seals and Thomas, kw. 2012 Wesson 2012 - Weston Noreen. Commercial C:.:.. , 2012 1700 19 COLIPUTEO BY REP CHECKED BY Manorial PaAn, l4o9; sm'' Hit NMfiompirn 001E 4,26.'2012 091E AO mak inli Mk oPlOk Mk oft 170018CE001. 5Slt 2 L APRs Mk Oil 1 4141. 4111■ MOW Ai lib 4141. 4141. ,11, r AIM daiik AIM 4141 4141 4141. 4111. AIR AIM 41,41 41 AIM 4141. _ - On Thu, 7128/12, <Jeffbronnes> wrote: ink From: jeff© <jef bronnes@verizon.nefi Subject ESTIMATE FOR FOUNTAIN oft To: Date: Thursday, July 26, 2012, 12:04 PM REQUEST FOR ESTIMATE „00 FOR FOUNTAIN NORTHAMPTON 1861 ilk Aft We were able to find a new cast concrete bowl for the bottom of the fountain; Aft it is seven feet in diameter ow ,,, And one and one half inches deep installed with new ceramic tile is $9,200. Welding of the broken corners and broken objects along with sandblasting and aft preparation of the surface for Aft Painting, primer and paint is $8,200. 11IA Casting of the flue-de lis, even though there are two still existing on the Ank fountain, I suggest that we copy one Aft of them and make four new ones in aluminum , so that they look the same. The All design and the moulds for the Aft casting of Four new lion faces cast in aluminum and installation will amount to 01, S16,000 Plumbing for the interior of the fountain should be around $3200 'b Aft 1. Trucking loading unloading crating and on-site installation will be $4,700 Am Add $2000 for over runs and total estimate for restoration of the fountain is $43, Alik 300 imi AM Request for financial support should be around $45,000 to $50,000 Mk illik Jeff Bronnes �.► Royalston Arts Foundry. 978- 575 -9999 ow 00, dm oft wok moo ea ANEW i A! aft Allea AA IIl� AAt At Ate AM AA• AIM 4 AIR Jr1 AIR AAA Alps IM Air 4111114 AIM Mk A! AMP. AtAw /milk AI! onia �w► Aft Ala 0 aft Aft Oft Ala PROJECT ESTIMATES alth Oft Aft gni NORTHAMPTON STATE HOSPITAL MEMORIALIZATION SITE FOUNDRIES TO WHICH THE REQUEST FOR ESTIMATES WAS SENT* Architectural Iron Company 104 Ironwood Court P.O. Box 126 ... Milford, PA 18337 -0126 Beacon Fine Art Foundry 39 Front Street AIINW Beacon, N.Y. 12508 Berkshire Fine Arts Foundry 17 Keeler Street #I .. Pittsfield, MA 01201 ,.k Jeff Bronnes Royalston Arts Foundry Royalston, MA ..� (Via email) ..� Tom's Ornamental Iron Works 626 Federal Road Brookfield, Connecticut 06804 *The committee notes that few arts foundries that do this type of restoration /repair work exist in the northeast lek AIM AM Ilk AMR Aft AIM ink w w am Photos depicting portions hampt of the disassembled founta as it lay in the ialk ou t d oor yard of the Norton D PW, currently. t - � y b,�` ,sJ�" Y`n �w � a! k n } C 4 µ ' * + `' aft .4,, Ill* . atirei,N. - +* s ° , r , .- „,,,,-..;".1.7,A,A, -,,,,11:f ' ! , `n M. Aft suk + ., dusk c 7 Am ' oil r efillik ry --Z>1.°--,,-,_ j � a M1 y . P A .” i T d =t R � ie A t i fiT� g . - Jr ~ . � �' : @ r , -, x .�. Ank � : * Ailik ` � ° 1 dok — , r Above: base of fountain. Bubble wrap has ' '' F • g��* R�. since been rem Ali t � h � `,�� f $" "+ Left: detail of one of the leaves that adorn the area between the lower and upper base. Following p a g e, clockwise from upper left: upper level; detail of surface —note crack; doh w, Aft illik e c ` ,,_ detail of bas — note crack; detail of lower aft OW level. 9! e Request for Estimate for Restoration of Fountain Fountain as it i t,,, 3 , 1,41.° ' - �` �A? '— z' ,{ { appeared in � ( 1 1r --°' • �, _ rT ; place in 200b. §y � z . . : - • ' ?�`.Ff' =` ' , Hospital grounds , �4� ,) *A� A r ' V v_ ` � } . 1 z V "lit t '! closed/ �°� : x� r — a � ' s abandoned . Y � a, „' \, ,. ` \ --- ■1 several years l .' ''t f �i ' _ � earlier. " / F �. 4 > ” ,k, Note missing/ a l bb { �; ' '''' 4 y, ' t t # , /'' ; W .4 " bt . K 9 t 1, g ' , vandalized • . , L �, , I t , 4t , l . L `' , '` ,, i4- \ U! l oval panels v 1 • ' �' t i t z t � " (4) believed to s ue' , ` ; , t , , ,,y 0 ; e' “ , . n t �� depict lion ° >'i r „ l ' _, ; r � heads, with l "�A l ° '',l. `:. 4 [. ` --* ' a �r,.'r , water flowing u • t 1 F ' from their r r / , , �,-rf - 1f r kt ' • 8 +�04nk �� "te t• t, .„ i 4 j����ii' s r m ouths ` }} ,-,, � � yy k , Y ti ^$ y , at .R 1 'S`I T r , y 7 . ' . * ` y , `� �1�r»� � is - :. -3 , `).1 £ - 1 r 1 � ,, i F,:k,� t L \ , ,,r e'S r1 ell I, y ,,..✓✓ d \ L A j ,, ' , d 7 �y( p F £ � 1 1 f . . Z , � .1t 414711,..-1W,,, 47 , , ' e \ V � z • l.1 1:t4 t y Jj ■ k ,. S' 1 hi !1, ' .rte' -Vt- f P h { } t g - 4 t + I X 2E fi J�V t 1 jti .,,,, ,,,, `0' ,,44,,,,,,i,...),.- 1 y 'f 1•;%1.,- i 'S t i 'd' '. , t (` - , ' i , `'wa d).' • )/t pp !! 'Mt i� 1 S` ^ • t 7t YF `+^ te' �,..) -. S 2..., / "'"' i , ; i 3> 5. t. +rte ; °!/" + , r i- . `` %- Aiew R eque s t for Est i m ate for R estoration of Fo untain ,,, itsla ...r �. Fountain as it . ;�:, � -` Allik appeared in ��� .A.� AIM $tip' �" .; '' place in 2006. *1<,,,„,,,,."-'17-4,r, %�� Host- ital ' • g rounds .►� �-" � V ' - - r ; 4 ' a t 'b,.' �r ' r:.a ,.: AIM closed /� `' abandoned �.�� �_ Y several years ► 4 . , i, ` , . �► earlier. - �+ , ' " t � . " ( p. . N ote missing/ r , t van dalized #�' � , ov al p anels !' (4) believed to t v : . ',' ....• €�'� � � Wi t, • ; ,ri dep lion � t , wp ..• \ ..-• heads, with t , water flowing ° > r P fhff d1 - '' ;, from their fi 1 *, " ( y y ,, y b. 4.0, > 5 " � ✓� yy,.R f #., 4 f °' a 5 al* mouths. , a' ,, ,. fi e ,' . ` ` A - 4" ; ° € ter x - { - rF ' " ^ t i1 i s° r� ° fi ', x , '� £ ''d,, , . '°5 - ` �1' ,, `"i ,/:',''''' " p..., Y r "<71/;; ,— 6 �' rl /' •,A,`-. � ,, ` .1 1 h -¢ .t. i s '.. AMR t t' . . � t � ^ , � X �� � �+� AiNk of �e'#iR. a , `r� 3 t r x } 4 „_ , tTG� $3` t \\.'/,':` l f' �. v �4" z d /fit "' € 1 r ' l ,!..'",,,:41,,,V.1: F ' $4 , ; a / "q" t . I � 'Al r� r �� � °tiF � � �9'"� q ♦ 'i � 4 } ry � vim " * t . i f r r. � � , . � `t� � , � ` ' c ; � � e �c ass, t t , ,, ' s�.t 7 •fit `� - f j '' Ai "" S • Amok r�;t' e # : 4 ;�..�" '. y ' '"- t''°"' AIR G lil r i; t 1 . r t 0 y 'mo a � '' Amok r ' . t " #w AIWA Ake' w Aft Oak Aft Request for Estimate for Restoration of alk 41,„, Fountain os. ollik ,., Northampton Historical Commission & aft The Northampton State Hospital Fountain Committee aft 41111 The Northampton Historical Commission, in conjunction with the Northampton State Hospital Fountain Committee, request your work estimate. Aft The project is the restoration of a cast iron fountain that once served as a landscape ornament on the grounds of the former Northampton State Hospital in Northampton, MA. We believe the fountain was originally d placed in 1876. It was disassembled and removed approximately 13 years ago, and stored at the Northamp- r ton DPW yard. Oft Or„ The committee seeks to restore the fountain to its original working order and use it as the centerpiece in a memorial park to honor the patients and employees of the former hospital. Included in the restoration is the AIM recreation/fabrication of four oval panels which once depicted lions from which water flowed into the ce- d is , ramic bowl below. The ceramic bowl is on site, buried, and expected to be excavated and reused; however, ,., failing the success of that, the estimate should include reproduction of the ceramic bowl. Costs for packaging ,,, and transport roundtrip from the foundry to Northampton should also be included in the estimate. This is not a request for proposal. Rather, it is a request for estimate of the cost of the work so that the com- mittee can apply for appropriate funding for the project. We expect funding for the project to be available in 2013. Photographs of portions of the fountain are included here for your interest. sok For further information or to make arrangements to view the fountain parts, contact Jackie Duda PH: 413- '"" 586 -5767; Fax: 584 -1215; snailmail: PO Box 60392, Florence, MA 01062; email: jackieduda ..R Oft Please submit your detailed estimate on company stationery via email or snail mail. Deadline for receipt of estimates is August 15, 2012. A, The Committee appreciates your interest in this important historical project! Allk Arlib Aft AMP AMR ANA AIM AIM AIM APIRek IOW Mak a. .rte ANSI AIM AIM AIM sew Amok 41111 aft .■w REQUEST FOR ESTIMATES FOR FOUNTAIN WORK 4 APS 400 ANA Aft Aft AOOM 30 Waft 7. Original owner (if known) Comm. of Mass. Aft Original use fountain Subsequent uses (if any) and dates AW 8. Historical significance. Oa* This fountain was planned early in the 1870's when the State Hospital first m made a contract with the Northampton Water Works Co. to have water delivered to the property. A stipulation was made for sufficient water to supply an "out -of -door fountain ", but the financial condition of the institution didn't allow this AINW "purely ornamental" work to occur until 1876. The fountain was built of iron and erected directly in front of the central doorway of the Administration Building. The ground basin is 16' in diameter, with a heavy curb of "hewn Fitzwilliam granite ". The fountain, curb and basin are upon Aft a superstructure of solid stone masonry, averaging six feet in height. This r height was necessary, in order to bring the fountain to a level with the road and the ornamental grounds. The space around the foundation was mostly filled in with earth, to bring the grounds into proper shape. The total cost was about $1200. .w® A small, iron,urn -like structure is nearby, on which no information has been found. ww AW MW OW Aft MW AW AW AW AW AW AW MW AM 9. Bibliography and /or references such as local histories. deeds. assessor's records. Aft early maps. etc. m Annual Report: 1876 Forbes Library 4100 Aw mw Aft 3 7., Aft Aft Aft Mk FORM F - STRUCTURE In area no. Form no. a „ MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL COMMISSION Office of the Secretary, State House, Boston _ 30 Aft 4." s i1's ld, y . +ykar� s % y `{ F y r ? 'r y 1 . Nnr thamptoi� 4tac,,..v. F. e • v a J'' " } Y5 j �iti. '.s"'` l'*it7'3 i i � �f- , , .. j r f ���JS Nnrth4i (jP Pri [Jf'P Street i� i i a - 7 ,r .41: ✓ fig { ; 4;4 v y �i �' r ` . - kf + � `'.`1.`,-,°:,-'42 n 1' Y t , i.'4.-"'"- ,fir ""'L .t 1 4 ; , Ll . r� + a sk} h i ,w� .,,u4 e ..„.. ....-,-,:,., ! " 1276" F'(�11T1rRlT'1 yy r i w c i Sri.. k , " K• J1 fLr + / ' ��'• tiv£ff s1 FS'�,j, ?j - i '; t a „ '�` .. t` 4% L n �� ... ' , ` f' .., owner e l' : , , $ , ` Y-.. . , r ■ , -,,,t4 s i Comm. o f Mass . y '� 2l ♦ A i'�i *' e ''' .' ' d fi s ue: ,` '� , . ,, t r ...' y xs „..:-,..!c4,7:-.,--__,-..„ 4.e „,,..„-;---_,;...e-;;.-7.7?,--., l y of structure (check one) - .g / . ig ” ,�' .: 7 r f Af. 't... f :rf � y >, x - fi e pound r: W • #1L a., .. H o ak r t x .�,� �� 3 • K . - f powder house • _ - . " „:„„,,,,,.....^,:... * r ....,,IF':,-„,, r �...,, 1 street r Y`C c sum, Sr rt r , k s's + d yt r . .L_ j {.i - i � tower +fi Ss < tii . .. s .nom* i J : Y t - . 1 rl, s : - i =: + �., ?�4 ` .;5 L - ' "3� - ` : tunnel r a 1 am relation to nearest cross streets, buildings,” &.1.1.,, wa 1 .r other structures, natural features. Indicate lighthouse windmill �� +s.► north. other fountain * AIM a*". /( 5". Description Oft \r�� ' Date 1876 ' . ,p►, �f / � � . ,e,t+ Source Annual Report sss., ) \j tee- M a ., .,_ 4r +�st i Complex Construction material iron l � ` i sourn ~' Dimensions 6' high Ma a ... , lEmoioyee'a ^ I . �aant' � / Setting Home in front of Admin. Bldg. Mk I Home a I + Condition fair OM / _ L // '' J Ho u ses N /Ow ic i -..` a 6. Recorded by Ed Lonergan r , P x P I 11 4 31 w i Organization Northampton Historical Commissic , �'1HC Photo no. ,, Date February, 1981 illik dillk • (over) SM -5- 7:-075074 Me Aft AIM AMR ..w .. AIM •.. 4111 AIM ..■ 4141. aft 4141. AIM IOW JIM APR OM* alw ... AIM In& AIR 4141. .. . AIM AMR MN, AMR 4141. ..M IMO \ Ill < AY" ,s IllPP AR% T2 rr - :41 i p - . 3 V) _ 40114 > 6 0 / ano, K -----' ,- > 0 6 \ _ Aft E / 0 -- I Allik 0 C1J ril - c M -11 1-n ----- o, Ask r 0 r11„ Otf) ci) c -.-..• ...---.z - —1 z u) aik 0 \-- co 2 5,-4 -=',--6 20 *, Am, > >_- ---- oguk i il i 7=-1 77'1 230 Aft ---1P1 K \ _,-- - ‘ ' '-•., , , ,vc, ,/- _ , ::::.). Auk ea 0 ...... _-- , 40, z n loilit ill --'-- , `;,- - - --, .4,,, .. t•' — ' --Ir''.;-7-?:;,,',1,-- -, ' eV, „., :zr:i.a.-:. , ,----, , • 414, -,.....,„,,,,,,,,r4--- -4,, , ..x&-k.-._ .:,,,,-- 1,11 ..- ,---.- 41.1.4 Er/ :":1 r' :'" ' :4'7, '''' • aii 171 1-1 1, n oft i9,-. 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Clockwise from top left: project site ( Olander St); from across Olander St. 111 (project site on left); view from p roject site side looking across Olander St; view from view project side looking 1 down Olander St IMP AIM Aim AIM ANIS IBM Ink AM. AIM AIM AIM ANS AIM Alb AIM AMR IMO ',..' m F r ; \ oft Mk .P1 P1 ANA n AM Oft 0 X -, ilk M ,,,,A1110" x N) ink AMA ''' i ltC).1°C \ \ Milk rte/ 6ZZ ! \XN � ` 9 ti Oil / LZZ Illilk '' 9g 227 --,--_, r ZZ Auk /7 SZZf °` Oink , „_ .01.-2,0-,. --- ' \ imak ARA ►, \ .--'-------- stz \ � � _____,,7 at j am, ii Oft / INA i - -- Mk s `" oft / J t W. - IA 1 ______----- t1 V i„ /1 4 7 �� north Arrow „ r` Village Rill i ;11FP Nu`t1'e"upton. rechneatb Yemp = Park awartlog Arer Y °saDerelopm en t i 1...i_.,_..?. Fz i ... $p sj& Street . '' rt°ta` 8,123/2012 usett' xo. miaow e+? Prosat Na. noo.14 SITE TOPOGRAPHY WS" 411110. OM 4111111k 411111k INV* Ana Mak Aft Al Ilk Ai Pk ANIS6 AIRS 101, AMik OMR ANL • 444114 AIM /111111*. 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Aft. ,, f_g_i_li i%,..,, "7 Ns..i........,iiiii , ;„-, ,....,1,,, , , _ ___„fik.„-, ",:.,;•;;;;,:-y%?'47":"' ' — - ' i., y 4 , ot.muNiTY , iti f.- . CARIO6 '''4 Am: - __,::::.,;.............**"*."----, alik let- 4., mik g 40, ... 0. ...... ....,,...,, ..c., ,i,;:., ......,.....,,,,, e ..., ‘m , ... , , . ... ... _ . . _ . . , ..,. v... e!, mhtsi hoe' Wg ." .. , 4- - .„.:-,4 1,-:::,•;:='i „' ., , • 1 ° TI cfi°4 mo. i• /4 r ow w* ° ''. -- • ....., v ' ' - ,/ 4 , , ow 1111 NA / Mk / , ililli i. OA Note ik ___,,, a pocket par f propose Oft, 0 d location STI3FiET an snE PLAIN' , , .,. Village l nt LLC' Mass Deve - t as 1 R n • n - - Hill develop planned b adjacent wal p k AIM aim A AIM AIM A AIM A alb rnw A �!F .wR A A A Slab of OMR AIM w Ari Amin AIM Aft Aft eft meee1k NPR asw AIPIft 411111\ mew► AIM ATTACHMENTS wee, .1011. AIM wee►.. Oft Aft Oft Oft .gee. AMON AIM NORTHAMPTON STATE HOSPITAL MEMORIALIZATION SITE IOW ATTACHMENTS The following attachments are included in this grant request: Site plan of Village Hill Topographical drawing .� Photos of proposed site Conceptual sketch of pocket park /fountain site **k Mass Historic Commission inventory sheet ,111114 Request for Estimate as sent to foundries, and list of foundries to which the request for estimate was sent .�. Jeff Bronnes estimate of the work to restore fountain, shipping, etc. Estimate from Beals & Thomas for kiosks and park work Estimate from Berkshire Design Group for management costs AIM In -kind contributions Letters of support (f) List of professionals who have assisted in the project thus far Al Ilk Publicity from habeas corpus ... — 13 /NW Aft NORTHAMPTON STATE HOSPITAL MEMORIALIZATION SITE FINAL WORD On November 17, and 18, 2000, volunteers working for artist Anna Schuleit, saw the culmination of her artistic rendition of a farewell to the buildings at the Northampton State Hospital as their many months' work .11 came to fruition in Habeas Corpus. The event was marked b the playing of Bach's Magnificat in a 28 minute musical commemoration for the patients who inhabited the Hospital over the past 100 + years, Anna's vision eftwas to allow the buildings to "breathe and outward breath" through the music which resounded through the ,,,,empt halls of the majestic, then empty and decaying Main Building. More than 1,000 people attend the event. We offer this snapshot in time as an indicator of the importance of the state hospital as a social resource. "'"" In the present day we envision the fountain as the vehicle that will carr communit sentiment into the future, Al just for those who live in Village Hill and the surrounding neighborhood, but for the histor of the site and the communit at large, as all of the persons with a connection to the Northampton State Hospital will �.► eventually pass on. Oft Pik Pik Piet 11114 PIR 12 1 1 AIM NORTHAMPTON STATE HOSPITAL MEMORIALIZATION SITE ZONING, SITE ASSESSMENT, WETLANDS DELINEATION Zoning Allah The entire Village Hill development is zoned "Planned Village District ", a category specifically developed by Northampton's Zoning Board for Village Hill. The fountain and pocket park as proposed coincide with the Planned Village District zoning definition. Site Assessment A Phase I Environmental Assessment was completed on the entire Village Hill project site in September 2003 for Mass Development LLC b GZA GeoEnvironmental Technologies, Inc. of Springfield, MA. The assessment determined the presence of no hazardous materials at the site. Wetlands Delineation The entire area was delineated for wetlands concerns for Mass Development LLC by Epsilon Associates, • Maynard MA in 2002. No wetlands were located within 200 feet of the fountain/pocket park site. 401111t AMR ONO AIM ONO AIM AIM Aft X11.. 11 '®'" AIM AMR 41111h NORTHAMPTON STATE HOSPITAL MEMORIALIZATION SITE Ink FEASIBILITY/FURTHER ACTIONS AND STEPS TO COMPLETE THE PROJECT 40►, We anticipate no barriers to the success and feasibilit of the project, other than funding. Following successful funding from the Communit Preservation Committee, Mass Development LLC will work Auk with the memorialization committee and the cit of Northampton to formall transfer title of the parcel on dm which the restored fountain and pocket park will be located. ,w. .► The Committee then expects to issue an RFP for a project management firm to oversee the RFP for the construction of the park as soon as funding approval is received in Februar 2013. Following that, the committee will issue an RFP for rehabilitation/restoration of the fountain b a foundr We expect the foundr work to take 4 months, based on an estimate b Jeff Bronnes, owner of Royalston Arts Foundr (the onl 4 "' foundr who responded to our Request for Estimate for the project), and the construction of the park to take much less time. In the fall of 2012, Tom Riddell, Lecturer and Professor Emeritus of Smith College, will lead a group of students on a semester - long stud of The Evolution and Transformation of the Northampton State Hospital. S tudents will gather materials about the life of patients and the hospital and develop texts and gather images for sift the 10 informational kiosks included in the site. We will begin earnest fundraising efforts for the long -term maintenance of the fountain and park. We hope to be oft assisted b Anna Schuleit, the conceptual artist who designed and installed Habeas Corpus in the Main Building A.w in 2000. It was Anna's idea to use the fountain as the focal point of the memorialization of the state hospital, and she has agreed to assist with fund- raising. MiA We hope to dedicate the fountain on November 17, 2013, a date selected to coincide with the anniversar of ink Habeas Corpus in 2000. aft ink Ili* Milk 10 OMR NORTHAMPTON STATE HOSPITAL MEMORIALIZATION SITE MULTI -'YEAR FUNDING We do not anticipate multi - funding. However, if restoration of the � e ountain or construction of the site is d delayed for unforeseen reasons, the project ma continue into 2014. Timing and access to the site is, in part, etermined b the progress of Mass Development LLC and other developers surrounding the memorialization site. ,wa oast aro Area Mar .wa AI Ilk 9 ,- AMR NORTHAMPTON STATE HOSPITAL MEMORIALIZATION SITE 11111k PROPOSED PROJECT TIMELINES Aft Fall 2012 Smith College students begin research for kiosks a., November 2012 Finalize legal work with city of Northampton /Mass Development regarding oft ownership of site, maintenance of site b city, and permanent historic preservation Aft restriction Januar 2013 Fundraising planning and development b Memorialization Committee s., Issue RFP for fountain restoration Issue RFP for construction of pocket park Issue RFP for management of project Ank February 2013 CPA funding announced 4110114 Fundraising ..� March 2013 Determine successful RFP applicants Aft Fundraising April 2013 Ship fountain parts to foundry for restoration oft Contract with fine for management of the construction project 41.0* Fundraising Completion of Smith College student research for kiosks aft "' May- September Preparation of pocket park and base for fountain site w .► 2013 Fundraising Ank Production of kiosks September 2013 Return of fountain and placement on site; completion of park and kiosk installation Fundraising °— October Fundraising WOW November 17, 2013 Dedication ceremony Oft Oft 8 NORTHAMPTON STATE HOSPITAL MEMORIAL SITE PROTECT NOTES: '"' MEW We anticipate donations of landscaping work, shrubs and trees for the pocket park; however z as we do not have a firm commitment yet, these costs are reflected in the budget. Beals & Thomas' written estimate for the pocket park includes $20,356.92 for a stone retaining wall which lies since been excluded from the project. J. Bronnes' written estimate for tke fountain repair includes plumbing, which has sin ce been excluded from the project. A. SIM NNW .. Alt MIA aft 7 _ NORTHAMPTON STATE HOSPITAL MEMORIAL SITE ,, Project Budget Fountain Restoration .�, (based on estimate from J. Bronnes, Royalston Arts Foundry) """ Cast concrete bowl $ 9,200.00 Welding, sandblasting, paint & primer $ 8,200.00 o .► Recreation of 4 lion faces & missing parts $ 16,000.00 Transportation, crating, on -site installation $ 4,700.00 oft Anticipated cost increase $ 4,000.00 Fountain Restoration Total $ 42,100.00 Aft Pocket Park Construction (based on estimate from Beals & Thomas less retaining wall) .. Earthwork $ 8,510.00 Paving $ 12,687.94 Site Improvements /Amenities $ 5,223.75 oft Landscaping (see note) $ 13,911.83 20% contingency $ 8,067.00 oft Pocket Park Construction Total $ 48,400.52 Project Management Cost �.n Project Management firm to oversee construction $19,100.00 (based on estimate from Berkshire Design Group) Project Management Cost Total $ 19,100.00 Aft A In- kind. Support Oft Beals & Thomas design work $ 2,920.00 oft Beals & Thomas expenses 141.21 .► Smith College students $ 16,885.00 aft Mass Development LLC, value of land donated (committee estimate) $ 10,000.00 Mass Development LLC, site preparation $ 1,261.06 (based on Beals & Thomas estimate) Aft Volunteer and Committee Time: Approximate hours expended to date: 120 X $ 10 /hr $ 1,200.00 +**� Additional hours expected: 300 X $10 /hr $ 3,000.00 ,, Total In -kind Support $ 35,407.27 Total Project Budget $ 145,007.79 Cash contributions received to date $ (1,700.00) Additional cash contributions anticipated from fund raising $ (5,000.00) Total Request from CPC $ 102,900.52 (Total reflects Total Project Budget less cash contributions and in -kind) b Ana .1/R Al* AIM MIA AIM AMR w AMR Agra AMUR AMR AMER .ERR Baer OW w NORTHAMPTON STATE HOSPITAL MEMORIALIZATION SITE Oft MEASUREMENTS OF SUCCESS The success of the project will be measured b the interaction of the public with the fountain and the sitting area. The design of the memorial will be inviting and welcoming to all, with written information displa in kiosks, allowing eas insight into the histor of the hilltop setting, both to those who live in the Northampton as dm well as those who are visiting the area. The memorial is an outdoor project that is meant to withstand the __ elements over time and serve the community for man generations to come. Visitors are free to come and go as the wish, and there will be times of quiet as well as tunes of traffic. The true success of this project will be the continued remembrance of the hospital in the evolving communit of Northampton. Not forgetting what once stood on this magnificent hilltop, not forgetting the man man lives that were affected b the institution, is the "success" we hope for in creating this memorial. If the hospital continues to sta alive in Northampton's w .► collective memory, then this project has succeeded. 4" onk oft isa oft aft Mei Oft Oft *�* 5 OMR aa NORTHAMPTON STATE- HOSPITAL MEMORIALIZATION SITE . 4101114 LONG TERM GUARANTEES, ONGOING MAINTENANCE, COMMUNITY SUPPORT Long -term Guarantees awa The City of Northampton has given its informal approval for this project and for the long -terns maintenance of the pocket park. The Memoriabzation Committee will .work with the city's legal department to solidify this agreement before the project begins. Contributions received .from the public for the project will be deposited in a ..E fund maintained b the Northampton Historical Commission to offset costs for the creation of the project, and .,. possibl to contribute to the long -term maintenance of the fountain. As part of the project work, the ,,,,,, Committee will seek a permanent Historic preservation restriction from the cit Ongoing Maintenance For reasons of practicality, maintenance, and cost - reduction for the cit we do not foresee the active use of the fountain (water vessel); however, we do Hope that it will be planted with annual flowers at its base. A small group of Village Hill and other nearby residents has expressed interest in this flower project. However, even if the interest of the volunteer gardeners wanes over time, the fountain will continue to be in place and beautiful on its a' own, with or without annual planting at its base. It is expected that the city's Department of Public Works will .. maintain the physical site (mowing, etc), but these plans still need to be finalized. 4.,, Community Support The committee has received wide support from community leaders, former employees of the hospital, Smith College, residents of Village Hill and the surrounding neighborhood. Attached are letters of support the project has received. AIM AMORE AlMit MOW AIM IOW Aft aft .A► 4 - SPik NORTHAMPTON STATE HOSPITAL MEMORIALIZATION SITE oft WHAT COMMUNITY PRESERVATION AND RECREATIONAL CRITERIA DOES THE PROJECT MEET? Historic Preservation Criteria The fountain meets the definition of a historic resource as defined by M.G.L. Chapter 44B section 2... "A .o. building, structure, vessel,...that is...deterrnined b the local historic preservation commission to be significant in ,,,,„ history, archaeology, architecture, or culture of a city or town". The fountain has been determined b the Northampton Historical Commission to be a relic of significant local histor at its meeting on August 27, 2012 onik a According to the City of Northampton Community Preservation Plan, "The preservation of historic resources ,,, within a community is essential for the vitality of its unique character ". For over a centur Northampton's character was uniquely defined b the presence of two large emplo -the Leeds VA hospital and the Northampton State Hospital. During the 1900's, so- called "day patients ", those with "grounds privileges", were allowed free access in the community and often shopped or browsed in the downtown area, sometimes talking to '"'' themselves or mingling with store owners and shoppers. Residents grew accustomed to their presence and often mik knew patients on a first -name basis. As one of the only remaining ornamental artifacts of the Northampton State Hospital, the fountain will recall the once unique relationship between hospital patients and the communit at large. *"k Recreational Criteria am Placement of the fountain into a neighborhood pocket park will serve the multiple active and passive recreational 410, needs of the public through its sitting area, its direct connection to an extensive walking trail, and presentations to the public of the history of the hospital. As such it will expand the recreational opportunities of more than Aft 2,000 residents of Village Hill and the adjacent neighborhood, as well as the estimated 500 emplo of current and planned business establishments in the immediate area, including Kollmorgen Corporation, located across °I' the street from Village Hill. ,e. Pik Oft 3 Oft NORTHAMPTON STATE HOSPITAL MEMORIALIZATION SITE COMMUNITY NEEDS SERVED Al Following the demolition of the Northampton State Hospital in 2007, the construction of a new neighborhood, .. Village Hill, has been underway. Presentl this includes 95 new Housing units, of the 327 potential Housing units that have been approved by the Northampton Planning Board. Another 100+ housing units exist adjacent to Village Hill. Yet few parks or recreational spaces serve those dwellings. The fountain and its associat pocket park will provide a sitting area, central to the residential neighborhood, to serve the Village Hill `" residents as well as hose in the surrounding neighborhood. Because it will be located along a walking path that .," extends from Olender Street on Village Hill to Earle Street and connecting to the Manhan Bike Trail, it has AIM the potential for serving the needs of those outside of the immediate neighborhood who walk and bike along the path. It will also be adjacent to Smith College. It wasn't just patients who made their lives at the state hospital, it was employees as well. As one of the largest emplo in the area, the state hospital was a self - contained community that employed its own police, fire, painters, roofers, carpenters, electricians, plumbers, librarians, security, cooks, seamstresses, bookbinders, cobblers and leatherworkers, fanners, machiner workers, medical personnel, social workers and the like. ,,. Multiple generations of f am;lies worked at the hospital, and much of their lives centered around the hospital communit in one way or another. It was common, even in the 1970's, for entire families to work on. the hospital grounds in one capacity or another —young men and women apprenticing in the trades while their .. parents worked shifts on the patient wards. For more than 100 years the Northampton State Hospital:also housed its employees on the grounds. Much of the current neighborhood in the vicinity of the hospital was built in the 1850's as housing for hospital emplo (then called the Northampton Lunatic Hospital), including t6 Homes of 3 members of the fountain "'"a committee. Final fountain p ark will serve .. ly, park the need of the most undexeerved —the mentally ill, who are often forgotten. .� Fifteen percent of housing on Village Hill is reserved: for clients of the. Massachusetts Department of Menta Health, so they, too, live and work in the area. Mit AMR AIM 2 .". Alth- AIMPA Aft s Aft APPLICATION FOR COMMUNITY PRESERVATION ACT FUNDING „",, NORTHAMPTON STATE HOSPITAL MEMORIALIZATION SITE September 2012 Aft "` DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT A ,w► The Northampton State Hospital Memorialization Committee, under the auspices of the Northampton Historical Commission, seeks funding to restore the Victorian- st cast -iron fountain that once adorned the front entrance to the Main Building of the Northampton State Hospital. We seek to place it within a small aft pocket park to create a place of remembrance and reflection at the site of the former hospital, and to mark the site for future generations. The fountain will honor the memor of hospital emplo and the thousands of n► patients who worked and lived in the former buildings for decades. Man patients had no voice and little chance aft of participation in civic life, due to involuntar commitments, abandonment b their families, and the stigma of aft mental illness that accompanied their Hospitalization. Since virtuall all of the historic buildings and artifacts have been demolished or lost, we propose to restore the An k old fountain and create the memorial to engage the communit —those who wish to sit and contemplate, walk their dogs along the adjoining wooded paths, weekday joggers, and Sunda visitors, incidental or otherwise —b Aaft marking the site where the Hospital once stood and inviting those who pass b to stop for a moment of reflection and remembrance. The fountain will serve as the centerpiece of the park, which will be outfitted with seating and aft informational kiosks. An area will be created with the names of former emplo patients, or interested individuals engraved on paving stones or bricks. aft 41 This effort is the onl memorial effort to create a permanent marker at the site of the former hospital. It will Mk serve as a unique, historical, public sitting space in the neighborhood. Returning the fountain to its original site within the proposed pocket park will place a beautiful historic cast -iron symbol —of healing and reflection —in the heart of the communit of Village Hill. Aft We are fortunate to acquire the parcel of land, through Mass Development LLC, to be given at no cost to the ' city of Northampton, for the project. To our great fortune, it is ver near the exact location where the fo +s* originall stood, and also near a number of the magnificent beech trees preserved on the site. a Oft Oft Oft 1 mak lk AIR AR Y AIM AR AR Aw AM* Al AMIN A• . Al At w AIM AR A. AIR AIM AIM w MIR 4111116 -- AMR NORTHAMPTON STATE HOSPITAL MEMORIALIZATION SITE aft Af MEASUREMENTS OF SUCCESS dift • . The success of the project will be measured b the interaction of the public with the fountain and the sitting area The design of the memorial will be inviting and welcoming to all, with written information displa in APIA o► kiosks, allowing easy insight into the Histor of the hilltop setting, both to those who live in the Northampton as well as those who are visiting the area. The memorial is an outdoor project that is meant to withstand the ""'" elements over time and serve the communit for man generations to come. Visitors are free to come and go as • the wish, and there will be times of quiet as well as times of traffic. The true success of this project will be the • continued remembrance of the hospital in the evolving communit of Northampton. Not forgetting what once Aft stood on this magnificent hilltop, not forgetting the man man lives that were affected b the institution, is the "success" we hope for in creating this memorial. If the hospital continues to sta alive in Northampton's sok collective memory, then this project has succeeded. aft Aft APIA Oft a► AI ft Olk uw 5 oft AMA IMP Oft AIM ink aft AIM AIM AIM A AUK aft AIM AMC .71•01.4% 41/11k 4 41014 NORTHAMPTON STATE HOSPITAL MEMORIALIZATION SITE WHAT COMMUNITY PRESERVATION AND RECREATIONAL CRITERIA DOES THE PROJECT MEET? Ask Ask Historic Preservation Criteria The fountain meets the definition of a historic resource as defined by M.G.L. Chapter 44B section 2..."A 4mik buildin structure, vessel,...that is...determined b the local historic preservation commission to be signiftcant in • histor archaeology, architecture, or culture of a city or town". oimk 40 „ The fountain has been determined b the Northampton Historical Commission to be a relic of significant local h istor at its meeting on August 27, 2012 AMR According to the City of Northampton Communit Preservation Plan, "The preservation of historic resources drn". within a communit is essential for the vitalit of its uni character". For over a centur Northampton's im character was uniquel defined b the presence of two large emplo Leeds VA hospital and the alk Northampton State Hospital. During the 1900's, so-called "da patients", those with "grounds privileges", were allowed free access in the communit and often shopped or browsed in the downtown area, sometimes talking to themselves or mingling with store owners and shoppers. Residents grew accustomed to their presence and often oft k new patients on a first-name basis. 41114 As one of the only remaining ornamental artifacts of the Northampton State Hospital, the fountain will recall gm the once unique relationship between hospital patients and the communit at large. iask Recreational Criteria aft Placement of the fountain into a neighborhood pocket park will serve the multiple active and passive recreational 41 needs of the public through its sitting area, its direct connection to an extensive walking trail, and presentations Ash to the public of the histor of the hospital. As such it will expand the recreational opportunities of more than 4" 2,000 residents of Village Hill and the adjacent neighborhood, as well as the estimated 500 employees of current de and planned business establishments in the immediate area, including Kollmorgen Corporation, located across the street from Village Hill. oft oft elk elk ook 3 sok sisk ADM .ia .w Aft aft ..► /Mb W .. . Aft w. A Aft AIM A IR AIM Aft AIM Alisk A lab A 41111k AIM Mat ORA Oft APPLICATION FOR COMMUNITY PRESERVATION ACT FUNDING NORTHAMPTON STATE HOSPITAL MEMORIALIZATION SITE oft September 2012 mph DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT Aft Iljk The Northampton State Hospital Memorialization Committee, under the auspices of the Northampton diiik Historical Commission, seeks funding to restore the Victorian- st cast -iron fountain that once adorned the ., front entrance to the Main Building of the Northampton State Hospital. We seek to place it within a small pocket park to create a place of remembrance and reflection at the site of the former hospital, and to mark the site for future generations. The fountain will honor the memor of hospital employees and the thousands of patients who worked and lived in the former buildings for decades. Man patients had no voice and little chance of participation in civic life, due to involuntar commitments, abandonment b their families, and the stigma of " k mental illness that accompanied their hospitalization. 01 ,, Since virtually all of the historic buildings and artifacts have been demolished or lost, we propose to restore the old fountain and create the memorial to engage the community —those who wish to sit and contemplate, walk mow their dogs along the adjoining wooded paths, weekda joggers, and Sunday visitors, incidental or otherwise —by marking the site where the hospital once stood and inviting those who pass b to stop for a moment of reflection all and remembrance. The fountain will serve as the centerpiece of the park, which will be outfitted with seating and mo informational kiosks. An area will be created with the names of former employees, patients, or interested dm individuals engraved on paving stones or bricks. This effort is the only memorial effort to create a permanent marker at the site of the former hospital. It will serve as a unique, historical, public sitting space in the neighborhood. Returning the fountain to its original site .1, within the proposed pocket park will place a beautiful historic cast -iron symbol —of healing and reflection —in Aft the heart of the community of Village Hill. We are fortunate to acquire the parcel of land, through Mass Development LLC, to be given at no cost to the city of Northampton, for the project. To our great fortune, it is ver near the exact location where the fountain r.A originall stood, and also near a number of the magnificent beech trees preserved on the site Oft Oft 1 Mat Mgt ANS ANIL AIM a Ana aalt Ant w AIM AGO AIM AMP MIR Alb AIM Aft AIM Al MIR AMR dos Oft Oft ,.. ,.R Awl% Oak AWE MIA ABM .q► ,. k w ... .+. ..., ■.. �. iw ... ... 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AM" MII A AINw �w �r A �1 r► A M* �I AINIn AMR mow Mak Aft Oft ellee APPLICATION FOR FUNDING f, THROUGH THE NORTHAMPTON COMMUNITY PRESERVATION COMMITTEE aft FOR RESTORATION OF THE NORTHAMPTON STATE HOSPITAL FOUNTAIN AND CREATION OF A POCKET PARK AT VILLAGE HILL oft September 2012 oft lift MIR elk vork oft Oft eft AIM AMR AIR AMR AIM Ala JIM AIM web ANIS AIM w AMA AIM AMR AIM sir ' �,� 'A' COMMUNITY PRESERVATION "WA wi 'a3 PROJECT APPLICATION COVER SHEET �� l A tan State Hospital Fountain Project Oft Project Title: The Northampton p j AMA , Project Summary: Rehabilitation of the Victorian -style cast -iron fountain that once adorned the grounds of the Northampton State Hospital, and placement into a pocket park on Village Hill. The fountain will serve as a focal point of a "" site to memorialize and honor the former hospital's patients and employees, m.► and tell the story of the hospital, its role in the community, and the lives of its patients and employees. The pocket park will be a place of quiet contemplation, a sitting place for residents of Village Hill and surrounding neighborhoods, and a stop -off point Auk for visitors on the adjacent walking path that connects the neighborhood to downtown Northampton. Ani Estimated start date: February 2013 Estimated completion date: November 2013 CPA Program Area (check those that apply): Al" X Historic Preservation X Recreation Aft ma y s,„ `= t Contact Person: Jackie Duda Organization (if applicable): Northampton State Hospital Memorialization Committee aft under the auspices of the Northampton Historical Commission AIM Mailing Address: P.O. 60392 Florence, MA 01062 410. Daytime phone #: (413) 586 -5767 Fax #: (413) 584 -1215 Email address: jackieduda( .-1- Total budget for the project: $145,007.79 ink CPA funding request: $102,900.52 CPA request as percentage of the total budget: 70% 411114. Applicant's Signature: •' Date submitted: September4 2012