NORTHAMPTON REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 6:00 PM Wednesday May 7, 2008 Room 10, Second Floor of City Hall 210 Main Street, Northampton, MA Members present: Edward Skroski, Richard Abuza,
and David Short. Staff present: Wayne Feiden Others present: Teri Anderson Edward Skroski called the meeting to order at 6:05 PM. Consider repealing the Industrial Park Covenants regulating
the redevelopment of the Northampton Industrial Park. The board reviewed the proposed revocation of the redevelopment plan. They discussed that the current covenants are no longer necessary
because zoning addresses almost all of the items in the covenants and they simply create a burden on redevelopment. They stressed that revoking the covenants will simply property transfers
and refinancing. Feiden explained the reasons for the proposed changes and the process for amending the covenants (RDA vote, PB vote, property owner input, City Council vote, state approval).
Upon motion by Richard Abuza and second by David Short, the board voted unanimously to rescind the covenants/redevelopment plan, subject to consultation with property owners and City
Council and state approval. Discuss possible future directions of the Northampton Redevelopment Authority. The board discussed their future role as advocates for the Industrial Park
and the potential of them getting involved in other major redevelopment projects in the future. Other business. The board discussed the need to improve the Industrial Park entry sign
and possibly add a directly sign. The board was very supportive of the idea. The board discussed the Planning Boards efforts to create sidewalks along Industrial Drive. The board had
no concerns about sidewalks but one member expressed concern of having the capital cost of the sidewalks passed onto property owners in the park. The board discussed the Office of Planning
and Developments interest in using the traffic circle island as a wetlands mitigation bank and was supportive of doing a feasibility study. The board adjourned at 6:55 PM.