Draw down request June 2012
June 1, 2012
John Frey
Office of Planning and Development
210 Main Street, Rm 11, City Hall
Northampton, MA 01060
Dear John,
I am requesting a drawdown of $30,000 as the second and final drawdown for Year 3 of Community Preservation Act funds for the Garfield Avenue site.
To date we have incurred $108,763 in costs – detailed as follows:
For the sitework $102,811 (at 90% completion – total estimate at
$120K allocated at 24K/house- covered by prior years CPA award- already drawdown)
#6 Garfield:
Share of site work $ 24,000 (covered by prior years CPA)
House Construction $ 84,763
TOTAL $108,763
I am sending a detail of the construction and site costs via email. Please let me know if you require additional documentation or backup.
If you have any questions about any of the expenditures, please give us a call at 413-586-5430. Thank you.
In Partnership
MJ Adams
Executive Director