31B-244 5.6 6/18/09 Gas Meter Location - Charlie to meet with the gas company about the possible
relocation of the gas meter as Frank is concerned.
6/25/09 7/2/09 no update. Frank still working on it.
6.3 6/25/09 Powder coat on ext. railing. Peter would like a price on getting the ext. railing powder
coated black vs. field painting. Owen to price the deduct. RBz to get the pricing from Accufab
7/2/09 Accufab planned for finish. Deduct coming from Owen.
7.10 7/2/09 New Stair - Per Peter, outside stringers and back channels to be 12" instead of 10 ".
Peter discussed w /Jeff at Accufab. WB to confirm layout wall to wall including offset for brick.
Next Construction Mtg: Thursday, July 9th Walk thru at 9:00 followed by the Job Mtg at 10:00 at
Park House Room 101
The above is intended to be a record of meeting items. Please inform the writer of errors or omissions.
6/11/09 CO #1 is complete and will be included in June Pay Req.
Revised CO Log distributed and reviewed. RBz working on pricing. Peter asked if there was
any cost implications for closet move? Roger thought not, except maybe some cost from HFP?
6/18/09 Revised CO Log distributed and reviewed. All approved COP items to be incorporated
into CO #2 and pencil req next wk.
6/25/09 Revised CO Log was distributed and reviewed. Pencil req to be sent out today or
tomorrow. Peter and Charlie requested an update on the creep of scope on the plaster repair and
additional framing work and materials. RBz to give an idea of the magnitude of it next week
along with a weekly update. PL & Charlie would like to know for next week from the major
subs of any anticipated changes.
7/2/09 Per RBz, Brian Johnson to do drywall. RBz to forward costs for CO items prior to next
1.11 5/21/09 Interior finishes - Peter discussed finishes w/Becky & Linda LaFlam. They confirmed
all the wdw treatments in Liv Rrn are changing. Peter showed them preliminary carpet and vet
color selections. WB to get a larger pc of carpet sample, color: "The Capital" (blue) and also the
carpet submittals for the Corridor carpet.
5/28/09 Doug Mercier brought larger blue room carpet sample and 2 corridor carpet samples to
the mtg. Charlie to bring them to Linda LaFlam for approval. Peter to complete color schedule
after mtg w/Linda & Becky. Doug to resubmit on stair rubber material.
6/4/09 Doug resubmitted stair rubber. Peter is scheduled to meet w/Becky on Thurs, 611, after
the job mtg.
6/11/09 Peter reviewing color /finishes w/Becky today.
6/11/09 Post mtg: Peter emailed Color Schedule. Paint colors to follow. Item closed.
6/18/09 Brett gave Peter samples of upholstery. Peter to get together with Becky to put together
the paint schedule.
6/25/09 Paint schedule pending.Charlie requested pricing on additional sheers for the lvng rm
using Haven house specs. RBz to work on the pricing to be tracked on the CO log.
7/2/09 Peter & Becky to meet. Charlie to look at spec for sheer supplier /manuf.
7/2/09 Charlie emailed sheer info to WB.
4.11 6/11/09 Submittals - some remaining still to be submitted:
Steel reinforcement & conc mix at ramp
Railing shop drwgs
Acoustical ceiling tile
Westek shop drwgs
6/18/09 some remaining still to be submitted.
Acoustical ceiling tile
Westek shop drwgs- per PL samples were dropped off to him by Westek but still no shop
6/25/09 Steel reinforcement & conc mix at ramp still to be submitted.
7/2/09 Ramp steel reinforcement & conc mix submitted today. SC paying for testing but
Chet/WB to call Allied for testing of figs & walls.
7/2/09 Peter called WB w /approved as noted items on steel reinforcement drwgs. LG relayed
nec changes to Barker Steel.
6/25/09 Ted to look at this and get the information to Peter.
7/2/09 Per Ted, light has been changed. No cost change. Item closed.
5.4 6/18/09 Moving of Conduit in trunk space discussions during the site walk through about
moving the layout of the partition of the trunk space. Which would require removing the gas
line that is intended for the laundry and then moving of the conduit that runs above this pipe.
That is determined to be grounding. Charlie, Dino & Peter to look at the moving of it next week
when Ted is here.
7/2/09 Charlie to talk to Bay State Gas for status. Meter to be moved outside. Peter said not
moving grounding conduit. Grounding water services etc is approved. NE to do.
7.8 7/2/09 Color of devices & wall plates? - Per Peter, Baths are ivory w/brushed ss covers. New
Student Rms - ivory. If replacing on brown basebd, plates to be brown. In Liv Rm & Front
Entry on any brown woodwork, plates to be brown. Item closed.
7.9 7/2/09 Inverter of emergency power (on battery, no generator here) - Peter requested NE pick
a location for inverter that can be enlcosed if Dino confirms it needs to be.
P1.12 4/16/09 Structural site visit - See 6/4/09 & 6/25/09 minutes for history.
7/2/09 Roof structural pricing coming.
P2.5 4/23/09 Masonry recon mission - See 6/4/09 minutes for history.
6/11/09 Peter reviewed w/Paul use of stainless strap anchors at roof/brick work and ss pins set
in epoxy for cap stone. RBz to talk w/Paul about stone sample.
6/18/09 RBz to touch base w/ Paul again about the stone sample.
6/25/09 RBz to see Paul tomorrow. Hoping to have him back next week.
7/2/09 Paul ordered 4 pcs. ETA next week. If PL & CC think not a good color match, Paul will
either re -order pcs or stain them for closer match.
P3.5 4/30/09 Windows - see 5/28/09 & 6/25/09 minutes for history.
7/2/09 Peter & RBz rec'd sk on storm wdw system from Robin and discussed at mtg. Peter
requested WB add a wood stop and attach the screen to the wood stop. Peter will review
w /Chet.
Windows to be delivered to site on 7/8/09.
P4.5 5/7/09 Rich K concerns - See 5/7/09 & 6/25/09 minutes for history.
6/25/09 Found new hot spot on first floor in 102 and 100LA and is being abated now. Window
removal to start 7/6.
7/2/09 Abatement in 102 and 100LA is done. BNB letter still pending.
P5.9 5/14/09 CO Log - Revised CO Log distributed today. RBz to have to have pricing on open
items by next job mtg.
5/21/09 - 5/28/09 Not discussed.
6/4/09 Revised CO Log was distributed and reviewed. Peter to prep CO #1 to include COP# 1-
5 & 7 to be included on June Pay Req.
5.1 6/18/09- 3rd floor Mechanical room layou t- Chet and TJC had questions on layout of
controls and the fan placement. Peter asked if a layout of the room is needed. All parties agreed.
Dino to meet with Jay(SC) and Tom(TJC) 6/19/09 at 9 am onsite for coordination and to
determine layout. Charlie to confirm meeting via email with Dino.
6/25/09 Layout to be done this afternoon. Item closed.
7/2/09 Work still needs to be done. Marvin to coordinate.
6.1 6/25/09 Marvin requested that the sprinkler air compressor be moved sooner than later so that
work can continue to progress. Chet to address. Item Closed.
7.1 7/2/09 Sprinkler drwgs - need to be emailed asap to TJC for coordination.
7.2 7/2/09 Air handling unit - confitiued to be on concrete pad. Chet and TJC to coordinate. Item
7.3 7/2/09 Radiators /chases - Chet requested radiator placement approval, one radiator size
change to be confirmed and review of chases (location & size).
7.4 7/2/09 Utility Monitoring Meters - does SC want it or not? Charlie says yes. Marvin to relay
to Yankee Tech. Jen/SC providing meters & TJC /YT to do install. Marvin to review w /Jen after
mtg. Charlie requested deduct on conduit runs. Marvin to check on it.
7.5 7/2/09 New water meter - Charlie to talk w/Frank about request for new water meter.
P2.1 4/23/09 Coverage - see 6/4/09 minutes for history.
6/4/09 Dino has forwarded drwgs & FPN to insurance provider. Two new heads are required.
Dino will consolidate 2 new heads & other sprinkler changes and forward directive tomorrow,
6/11/09 Dino relayed 2 new required heads to HFP, along w /other minor modifications at walk
thru. HFP to revise drwgs and forward to Dion asap.
6/18/09 Dino talked to the office they should have the shop fabrication drawings by next week.
6/25/09 RBz to talk to Dino later today.
7/2/09 Neither Dino nor Chris /HFP were at mtg. Shop drwg status?
7.6 7/2/09 Mtg attendance - Chris/HFP to come to job mtgs. Item closed.
7.7 7/2/09 Daily safety procedure - Chet to call in daily to SC safety office 585 -2490. No longer
nec to turn in slips. Item closed.
5.3 6/18/09 Light in corridor outside 313 - Peter wanted the ceiling light fixture to be smaller to
match the rest of the fixtures. Dino to talk to Ted about changing it from a 21" fixture to a 14"
Wright Builders, Inc.
48 Bates Street
Northampton, MA 01060
Tel: 413 -586 -8287
Fax: 413 -587 -9276
Park House Renovation
Meeting Minutes
Date: 7/2/09
Re: Park House Renovation, Smith College
Construction Meeting #7 - 7/2/09
To: Attendees - via email
Present: Charlie Conant, Becky Shaw - Smith College (SC)
Peter Lapointe - Archimetrics Design Studio (ADS)
Roger Buzzell, Chet Mitchell, Linda Gaudreau - Wright Builders, Inc. (WB)
Marvin Blakley - TJ Conway (TJC)
Ted Forcier- Northup Electric (NE)
Cc: Tony Patillo - Northampton Building Commissioner
Ryan Hellwig - (RH)
Chris Zurheide - HFP Sprinkler Contracting (HFP)
Robin Sheldon - R &R Window Contractors (R &R)
Jeff - Accufab Ironworks
Fred Pazmino - Titan Roofing
Doug Mercier - Mercier Carpet (MC)
Mark Ledwell, Ann Ledwell - Wright Builders, Inc. (WB)
Dino D'Angelo - Lindgren & Sharples (L &S)
By: Linda Gaudreau - Wright Builders, Inc.
Work Progress:
Working towards rough inspections
Framing to be complete by 7/6
Insulators & drywall scheduled for next week pending plumbing/electrical rough inspections
Rainy weather slowing down progress on roofing and removal of scaffolding
The following items were discussed:
Mt a.
P1.6 4/16/09 Solar panel - See 6/25/09 minutes for history
7/2/09 Roger to forward pricing for roof structural pc on Mon, 7/6. Work to start soon after.
Marvin to check on riser scope in contract/addendum and get temperature controls started in
48 Bates Street
NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 2 /73 0244((
(413) 586 -8287 I
DATE / /( 6 /6 9 JOB NO. 0 9f_ 9/6
0/1. FAX (413) 587 -9276 ATTENTION � ��
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WE ARE SENDING YOU Attached ❑ Under separate cover via the following items:
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❑ For review and comment ❑
SIGNED: : . (—. L_ 4 _4
If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once.
5/28/09 Doug Mercier brought larger blue room carpet sample and 2 corridor carpet samples to
the mtg. Charlie to bring them to Linda LaFlam for approval. Peter to complete color schedule
after mtg w/Linda & Becky. Doug to resubmit on stair rubber material.
6/4/09 Doug resubmitted stair rubber. Peter is scheduled to meet w/Becky on Thurs, 611, after
the job mtg.
6/11/09 Peter reviewing color /finishes wBecky today.
6/11/09 Post mtg: Peter emailed Color Schedule. Paint colors to follow. Item closed.
6/18/09 Brett gave Peter samples of upholstery. Peter to get together with Becky to put together
the paint schedule.
6/25/09 Paint schedule pending.Charlie requested pricing on additional sheers for the lvng rm
using Haven house specs. RBz to work on the pricing to be tracked on the CO log.
4.7 6/11/09 Chimney cap - Charlie requested price to cap front chimney w /copper.
6/18/09 Fred onsite today. Peter to do a PR
6/25/09 RBz to email today also has pricing for siding from Monty. Item Closed.
4.10 6/11/09- 6/18/09 Roller shade resubmittal - distributed. Discussed request by SC for heavier
duty spring on large window sizes. Peter to review.
6/25/09 Peter has them to be sent out today. Item Closed.
4.11 6/11/09 Submittals - some remaining still to be submitted:
Steel reinforcement & conc mix at ramp
Railing shop drwgs
Acoustical ceiling tile
Westek shop drwgs
6/18/09 some remaining still to be submitted.
Acoustical ceiling tile
Westek shop drwgs- per PL samples were dropped off to him by Westek but still no shop
6/25/09 Steel reinforcement & conc mix at ramp still to be submitted.
5.6 6/18/09- Gas Meter Location - Charlie to meet with the gas company about the possible
relocation of the gas meter as Frank is concerned.
6/25/09 no update. Frank still working on it.
6.3 6/25/09 Powder coat on ext. railing. Peter would like a price on getting the ext. railing powder
coated black vs. field painting. Owen to price the deduct. RBz to get the pricing from Accufab
6.4 6/25/09 Floor in 200P- Per Charlie, Dion to do T &M for sand and seal in 200P and to track in
the c. o. log. Item Closed.
Next Construction Mtg: Thursday, July 2nd Walk thru at 8:30 followed by the Job Mtg at 9:00 at
Park House Room 101
The above is intended to be a record of meeting items. Please inform the writer of errors or omissions.
6/18/09 Post Mtg: Robin called RBz the eagle windows are to arrive in CT on 7/6/09 and to
be delivered to Park House on 7/8/09
6/25/09 Removal of windows to start on 7/6 the install to begin on 7/8. Owen agreed to paint
after new windows are in he will tape them off as long as he does not have to wash the
windows.A11 agreed. Robin will be forwarding a sketch of the storm window system to RBz
and Peter today.
P4.5 5/7/09 Rich K concerns - See 5/7/09 minutes for history.
5/14/09 - 5/28/09 Only remaining open items:
Charlie to mark up elevations of wdws to be abated and forward it to Rich K & WB.
Titan to provide letter stating that roofing went to "peimanent solid waste landfill ".
5/28/09 Post mtg: BNB will provide letter of harzardous roofing to 'permanent solid waste
6/4/09 Charlie to scan & email mark up elevations of wdws to WB.
BNB still to provide letter.
Lower level Bath floor has been abated once. Does floor underneath also need abatement?
Charlie to check w/Rich K.
Lower level Hall - remove existing tile? Or go over w /carpet? WB to ask Doug Mercier.
6/11/09 BNB letter pending.
Lower level Bath floor determined to still be "hot" and was abated.
WB spoke w/Doug Mercier and carpet will be installed over lino in Lower level Hall.
6/18/09 Charlie to tell Rich it is looking like starting around 7/6- 7/13th.
Roger to email and confirm dates by tomorrow. BNB letter still pending.
6/18/09 Post Meeting: Window installation beginning 7/8. Window removal starts 7/6 -7
6/25/09 Found new hot spot on first floor in 102 and 100LA and is being abated now. Window
removal to start 7/6.
P5.9 5/14/09 CO Log - Revised CO Log distributed today. RBz to have to have pricing on open
items by next job mtg.
5/21/09- 5/28/09 Not discussed.
6/4/09 Revised CO Log was distributed and reviewed. Peter to prep CO #1 to include COP# 1-
5 & 7 to be included on June Pay Req.
6/11/09 CO #1 is complete and will be included in June Pay Req.
Revised CO Log distributed and reviewed. RBz working on pricing. Peter asked if there was
any cost implications for closet move? Roger thought not, except maybe some cost from HFP?
6/18/09 Revised CO Log distributed and reviewed. All approved COP items to be incorporated
into CO #2 and pencil req next wk.
6/25/09 Revised CO Log was distributed and reviewed. Pencil req to be sent out today or
tomorrow. Peter and Charlie requested an update on the creep of scope on the plaster repair and
additional framing work and materials. RBz to give an idea of the magnitude of it next week
along with a weekly update. PL & Charlie would like to know for next week from the major
subs of any anticipated changes.
1.11 5/21/09 Interior finishes - Peter discussed finishes w/Becky & Linda LaFlam. They confirmed
all the wdw treatments in Liv Rm are changing. Peter showed them preliminary carpet and vct
color selections. WB to get a larger pc of carpet sample, color: "The Capital" (blue) and also the
carpet submittals for the Corridor carpet.
6/25/09 Ted to look at this and get the information to Peter.
5.4 6/18/09 Moving of Conduit in trunk space- discussions during the site walk through about
moving the layout of the partition of the trunk space. Which would require removing the gas
line that is intended for the laundry and then moving of the conduit that runs above this pipe.
That is determined to be grounding. Charlie, Dino & Peter to look at the moving of it next week
when Ted is here.
6.2 6/25/09 Moving of electrical storage- Chet requested that NE temp. storage be moved to the
3rd floor. Agreed. Item Closed.
P1.12 4/16/09 Structural site visit - See 6/4/09 minutes for history.
6/11/09 Ryan on site today. Structural items:
1. Peter will give directive for wall under steel beam
2. Ryan will issue SK for reinforcement of steel beam
3. Ryan will issue SK for reframing of 1st Fir stair opening
4. Roger Bz said layout of Bath toilets land right on joists. Carpenter to header off. Peter said to
use salvaged existing framing to match dimensions.
5. Roof - structural changes - to stiffen roof for snow & solar panel load.
6/18/09 PR #5 was issued today by PL. PL mentioned the logistics on how to get the 22ft
LVL into the roof. CM and RBz to work it out.
RBz to get together with Monty and forward pricing for PR #5. Peter will issue another PR off
Chet's list.
6/25/09 Ryan to talk to Accufab about cutting the steel beam or diverting around it. Per Chet -
the footing is in going to drill holes and epoxy anchors.
P2.5 4/23/09 Masonry recon mission - See 6/4/09 minutes for history.
6/11/09 Peter reviewed w/Paul use of stainless strap anchors at roof/brick work and ss pins set
in epoxy for cap stone. RBz to talk w /Paul about stone sample.
6/18/09 RBz to touch base w/ Paul again about the stone sample.
6/25/09 RBz to see Paul tomorrow. Hoping to have him back next week.
P3.5 4/30/09 Windows - see 5/28/09 minutes for history.
6/4/09 Peter reminded that brickmould to remain w /new caulking at dormers w /arch top wdws
scheduled for new wood sash into openings.
Peter requested confirmation that middle of arch top DH & top of 1/2 screens align.
6/11/09 Per Roger, Robin/R &R confirmed alignment of meeting rail of arch top DH.
Charlie asked about schedule for removal of windows. Start wk of 6/29 at 3rd Floor.
WB to get confirmation from R &R on window delivery date.
Peter said powerwash to happen AFTER shingle patching.
6/18/09 PL emailed Robin for product data on the transom windows and possible gasketing &
sealing issues.
RBz talked to Robin about the lead time Robin is working on pushing it up by a week but as of
now the delivery date is at 7/13. Roger to email and confirm dates by tomorrow.
• 5.1 6/18/09- 3rd floor Mechanical room layou t- Chet and TJC had questions on layout of
controls and the fan placement. Peter asked if a layout of the room is needed. All parties agreed.
Dino to meet with Jay(SC) and Tom(TJC) 6/19/09 at 9 am onsite for coordination and to
determine layout. Charlie to confirm meeting via email with Dino.
6/25/09 Layout to be done this afternoon. Item closed.
5.2 6/18/09- Louver Drawings- Marvin to give drawings of spec'd Louver elevations to Peter.
Peter needs to see what elevation looks like so he can give direction on how to install.
6/25/09 Per Marvin Louver needs to be 38 *38. Peter said go for it. Marvin to order. Item
6.1 6/25/09 Marvin requested that the sprinkler air compressor be moved sooner than later so that
work can continue to progress. Chet to address. Item Closed.
P2.1 4/23/09 Coverage - see 6/4/09 minutes for history.
6/4/09 Dino has forwarded drwgs & FPN to insurance provider. Two new heads are required.
Dino will consolidate 2 new heads & other sprinkler changes and forward directive tomorrow,
6/11/09 Dino relayed 2 new required heads to HFP, along w /other minor modifications at walk
thru. HFP to revise drwgs and forward to Dion asap.
6/18/09 Dino talked to the office they should have the shop fabrication drawings by next week.
6/25/09 RBz to talk to Dino later today.
P2.3 4/23/09 Submittals - Ted is working on both the light fixture and fire alarm submittals.
Request made for Charlie to please supply NE w /cuts on SC provided light fixtures. Ted noted
that he is submitting on an upgraded panel for fire alarm that interfaces w /future work required
to be UL approved.
4/30/09 Ted still working on submittals. Charlie said fixtures are same as last yr therefore Ted
said he doesn't really need cut sheets. Also, CC has the actual fixtures if the site electrician
needs to see one.
5/7/09 Ted will have submittal pkg by Mon, 5/11.
5/14/09 Ted brought electrical submittals to mtg. LG gave to Dino. Only remaining submittal
coming is Fire Alarm. Eta 5/15.
5/21/09 - 5/28/09 Fire Alarm submittal pending.
5/29/09 Post mtg: Ted emailed drwgs to Dino for preliminary review. Complete fire alarm
submittals to be dropped at WB office on Mon, 6/1.
6/4/09 Fire alarm submittal was given to Dino today. Item closed.
6/11/09 Dino working on fire alarm submittal. Should be ready today for return to NE.
6/25/09 Submittals returned today via Peter. 1 to Peter and 2 to NE and WBI. Item Closed.
5.3 6/18/09 Light in corridor outside 313 - Peter wanted the ceiling light fixture to be smaller to
match the rest of the fixtures. Dino to talk to Ted about changing it from a 21" fixture to a 14"
4/23/09 Dino will issue SK by end of the wk. WB to price both options: 1) flat panel and 2)
evacuated tube. Peter to go back & present to city for Elm St approval.
4/30/09 Dino is working on it. Closed.
5/7/09 Dino distributed SK today. Peter to issue PR after looking at structural & panel location
w/Ryan. WB awaiting PR to price. Closed.
5/14/09 Dino to email Peter the cut sheet on panel showing how it is mounted. PL needs for
flashing and point load details. PL said WB can go ahead and start pricing solar panels per
Dino's SKs. Structural info to follow. Closed
5/21/09 WB working on pricing. Jay/L &S to email cut sheet to Peter. Peter will issue PR #2 for
solar panels w/o structural. There will be a separate PR for the structural work. Closed
5/28/09 Peter issued PR #2. WB pricing. Closed.
6/4/09 Roger gave Peter, Dino and Charlie the load specs for solar panels.
Dino to contact Yankee Tech for controls info.
Peter to provide structural and mounting detail to roof.
All reviewed proposals /costs for both flat panel & evacuated tube. Flat panel is preferable and
easier technology. Roger to prepare and forward CO Proposal #6 with flat panel costs for
approval by the College.
6/11/09 Per Dino & YT, the controls are compatible w /meters. RBz will include as option in
solar CO. Closed.
Peter working on structural. RBz working structural pricing solar panel pricing done.
6/18/09 Loads and Structural questions are covered in Architectural. CO Proposal coming.
6/25/09 RBz still working on pricing for structural piece. Monty looked at it last week will need
to cut a hole in the roof and patch and use a crane for at least 1/2 a day.
3.1 6/4/09 Duct cleaning - Marvin would like to do sooner than later. Dino said wait until duct
demo is done. In meantime, TJC to make sure fans are off to minimize construction dust
accumulating in ducts.
6/11/09 Fan still running. TJC requested Northup Elec disconnect. Item closed.
6/18/09 Electric is disconnected. TJC is going to clean cap it in the next wk or 2.
6/25/09 Being done July 1st. Item closed.
3.2 6/4/09 Existing water lines in Lower Level - all to view 10' run from new Mech Rm to new
Bath and decide whether to move it up higher?
6/11/09 Dino requested TJC price RFP for moving a section of water lines up. Scope of work
also includes rerouting heating lines out of Corridor and thru Bathroom soffits.
6/18/09 Waiting on itemized pricing from TJC to be sent out early next week.
6/25/09 Pricing on COP 11- approved. Item closed.
4.1 6/11/09 Deteriorated, broken sewer line - Dino to issue SK including showing sewer line
extended out about 5' beyond wall in planting bed. Decision made to not add additional lights in
crawl space. Peter reminded that future access to everything in this crawl space area is required.
6/18/09- Per Charlie it is a go for sewer pipe repair & adding exterior cleanout exterior. RB to
get it scheduled.
6/25/09 Excavation done. Back fill to start tomorrow. Item closed.
- a 2 g4
Wright Builders, Inc. /
48 Bates Street
Northampton, MA 01060
Tel: 413 -586 -8287 4 .
Fax: 413 - 587 -9276
juN 2009
Park House Renovation
Meeting Minutes �?tS
!l '_,;10
Date: 6/25/09
Re: Park House Renovation, Smith College
Construction Meeting #6 - 6/25/09
To: Attendees - via email
Present: Charlie Conant, Hannah Durrant- Smith College (SC)
Peter Lapointe - Archimetrics Design Studio (ADS)
Roger Buzzell, Chet Mitchell, Ann Ledwell - Wright Builders, Inc. (WB)
Marvin Blakley - TJ Conway (TJC)
Owen Lococo - Lococo Painting
Ted Forcier- Northup Electric (NE)
Cc: Tony Patillo - Northampton Building Commissioner
Ryan Hellwig - (RH)
Chris Zurheide - HFP Sprinkler Contracting (HFP)
Robin Sheldon - R &R Window Contractors (R &R)
Jeff- Accufab Ironworks
Fred Pazmino - Titan Roofmg
Doug Mercier - Mercier Carpet (MC)
Mark Ledwell, Linda Gaudreau - Wright Builders, Inc. (WB)
Dino D'Angelo - Lindgren & Sharples (L &S)
Becky Shaw- Smith College (SC)
Ann Ledwell, Wright Builders, Inc.
Work Progress:
Roofing, masonry, framing ongoing.
Hardwood Floors- 2nd floor in process of sand & seal
Rough mechanical, Plumbing and electrical ongoing.
Excavation on sewer line done back fill to be done tomorrow.
The following items were discussed:
P1.6 4/16/09 Solar panel - Per Peter, Dino will issue an SK on solar panel and how it interfaces in
Basement. TJC to run pipes and connect.
Railing shop drwgs
Acoustical ceiling tile
Westek shop drwgs
6/18/09 some remaining still to be submitted.
Acoustical ceiling tile
Westek shop drwgs- per PL samples were dropped off to him by Westek but still no shop
5.5 6/18/09 Hardware finish - Roger spoke with Jo -Ellen and 691 is closer to the other hardware
finishes. Finish Changed to 691 from 696. Item Closed
5.6 6/18/09 Gas Meter Location - Charlie to meet with the gas company about the possible
relocation of the gas meter as Frank is concerned.
Next Construction Mt p: Thursday, June 25th, 9:00 Walk Thru with Job i Jtg to follow at 9:30 at
Park House Room 101
The above is intended to be a record of meeting items. Plerse infoun the writer of errors or omissions.
Revised CO Log distributed and reviewed. RBz working on pricing. Peter asked if there was
any cost implications for closet move? Roger thought not, except maybe some cost from HFP?
6/18/09 Revised CO Log distributed and reviewed. All approved COP items to be
incorporated into CO #2 and pencil req next wk.
1.11 5/21/09 Interior finishes - Peter discussed finishes w/Becky & Linda LaFlam. They
confirmed all the wdw treatments in Liv Rm are changing. Peter showed them preliminary
carpet and vet color selections. WB to get a larger pc of carpet sample, color: "The Capital"
(blue) and also the carpet submittals for the Corridor carpet.
5/28/09 Doug Mercier brought larger blue room carpet sample and 2 corridor carpet samples
to the mtg. Charlie to bring them to Linda LaFlam for approval. Peter to complete color
schedule after mtg w/Linda & Becky. Doug to resubmit on stair rubber material.
6/4/09 Doug resubmitted stair rubber. Peter is scheduled to meet w/Becky on Thurs, 611, after
the job mtg.
6/11/09 Peter reviewing color /fmishes w /Becky today.
6/11/09 Post mtg: Peter emailed Color Schedule. Paint colors to follow. Item closed.
6/18/09 Brett gave Peter samples of upholstery. Peter to get together with Becky to put
together the paint schedule.
3.7 6/4/09- 6/11/09 Room #s - have been relocated per plan. Chet to get list of new #s needed to
6/18/09 Chet has gotten the list of new room #'s together. He gave it to Charlie. Item closed.
4.6 6/11/09 May pay req - Charlie said req signed and in system on Tues, 6/16. Check cut on
Thurs, 6/18. Item closed.
6/18/09 Per Charlie check to be cut next Thursday, 6/25. Item Closed
4.7 6/11/09 Chimney cap - Charlie requested price to cap front chimney w /copper.
6/18/09 Fred onsite today. Peter to do a PR
4.8 6/11/09 Flashing over dormer wdws - Charlie asked for confirmation that Titan was
installing head flashing over dormer windows as originally planned.
6/18/09 Done. Chet mentioned the need to replace comer board as it was broken. Peter,
Charlie and RBz discussed different material choices Azek was determind to be the most
durable mat. Peter to do a PR.
4.9 6/11/09 Old stuff - Becky requested WB put glassware & misc Kitchen items in box and
store in Basement. She said Ok to throw out any remaining Student stuff from Basement. SC
will pick up any electronic items. Chet to set them aside for pickup.
6/18/09 Chet has put them by the backdoor. Charlie to have them picked up. Item Closed.
4.10 6/11/09- 6/18/09 Roller shade resubmittal - distributed. Discussed request by SC for heavier
duty spring on large window sizes. Peter to review.
4.11 6/11/09 Submittals - some remaining still to be submitted:
Steel reinforcement & cone mix at ramp
RBz to get together with Monty and forward pricing for PR #5. Peter will issue another PR off
Chefs list.
P2.5 4/23/09 Masonry recon mission - See 6/4/09 minutes for history.
6/11/09 Peter reviewed w/Paul use of stainless strap anchors at roof/brick work and ss pins set
in epoxy for cap stone. RBz to talk w/Paul about stone sample.
6/18/09 RBz to touch base w/ Paul again about the stone sample.
P3.5 4/30/09 Windows - see 5/28/09 minutes for history.
6/4/09 Peter reminded that brickmould to remain w /new caulking at dormers w /arch top wdws
scheduled for new wood sash into openings.
Peter requested confirmation that middle of arch top DH & top of 1/2 screens align.
6/11/09 Per Roger, Robin/R &R confirmed alignment of meeting rail of arch top DH.
Charlie asked about schedule for removal of windows. Start wk of 6/29 at 3rd Floor.
WB to get confirmation from R &R on window delivery date.
Peter said powerwash to happen AFTER shingle patching.
6/18/09 PL emailed Robin for product data on the transom windows and possible gasketing &
sealing issues.
RBz talked to Robin about the lead time Robin is working on pushing it up by a week but as of
now the delivery date is at 7/13. Roger to email and confirm dates by tomorrow.
6/18/09 Post Mtg: Robin called RBz the eagle windows are to arrive in CT on 7/6/09 and to
be delivered to Park House on 7/8/09
P4.5 5/7/09 Rich K concerns - See 5/7/09 minutes for history.
5/14/09 - 5/28/09 Only remaining open items:
Charlie to mark up elevations of wdws to be abated and forward it to Rich K & WB.
Titan to provide letter stating that roofing went to "permanent solid waste landfill ".
5/28/09 Post mtg: BNB will provide letter of harzardous roofing to "permanent solid waste
6/4/09 Charlie to scan & email mark up elevations of wdws to WB.
BNB still to provide letter.
Lower level Bath floor has been abated once. Does floor underneath also need abatement?
Charlie to check w/Rich K.
Lower level Hall - remove existing tile? Or go over w /carpet? WB to ask Doug Mercier.
6/11/09 BNB letter pending.
Lower level Bath floor determined to still be "hot" and was abated.
WB spoke w/Doug Mercier and carpet will be installed over lino in Lower level Hall.
6/18/09 Charlie to tell Rich it is looking like starting around 7/6- 7/13th.
Roger to email and confirm dates by tomorrow. BNB letter still pending.
6/18/09 Post Meeting: Window installation beginning 7/8. Window removal starts 7/6 -7
P5.9 5/14/09 CO Log - Revised CO Log distributed today. RBz to have to have pricing on open
items by next job mtg.
5/21/09 - 5/28/09 Not discussed.
6/4/09 Revised CO Log was distributed and reviewed. Peter to prep CO #1 to include COP# 1-
5 & 7 to be included on June Pay Req.
6/11/09 CO #1 is complete and will be included in June Pay Req.
6/18/09 PR E -1 recvd then COP 12.6 was issued. Approved. Item closed
2.3 5/28/09 Emergency lighting - Peter requested JoeJ/L &S issue Bulletin on emergency lighting
and location of emergency power. Per Peter, remote battery type of emergency lighting
6/4/09 Dino to issue PR.
6/11/09 PR coming. NE to start pricing.
6/18/09 PR E -1 recvd then COP 12.5 was issued. Approved. Item closed
3.4 6/4/09 1st, 2nd & 3rd Floor elec panels - have exposed wires. Ted & Dino looked at them
today. Dino to issue PR.
6/11/09 PR coming. NE to start pricing.
6/18/09 PR E -1 recvd then COP 12.4 was issued. Approved. Item closed
3.5 6/4/09 T12 light fixtures in 2nd & 3rd Flr Baths - at Charlie's walk thru with Danno /SC
environmental, they noticed these existing fixtures and asked they be eliminated and replaced
with standard fixture, possibly the Corridor fixture which is in stock. Dino to issue PR..
6/11/09 PR coming. NE to start pricing.
6/18/09 PR E -1 recvd then COP 12.7 was issued. Approved. Item closed
4.3 6/11/09 Some energy lights - to be replaced in existing locations were fed w /romex - rewire?
Ted to send locations to Dino and go ahead & price.
6/18/09 PR E -1 recvd then COP 12.5 was issued. Approved. Item closed
5.3 6/18/09 Light in corridor outside 313 - Peter wanted the ceiling light fixture to be smaller to
match the rest of the fixtures. Dino to talk to Ted about changing it from a 21" fixture to a 14"
5.4 6/18/09 Moving of Conduit in trunk space- discussions during the site walk through about
moving the layout of the partition of the trunk space. Which would require removing the gas
line that is intended for the laundry and then moving of the conduit that runs above this pipe.
That is determined to be grounding. Charlie, Dino & Peter to look at the moving of it next
week when Ted is here.
P1.12 4/16/09 Structural site visit - See 6/4/09 minutes for history.
6/11/09 Ryan on site today. Structural items:
1. Peter will give directive for wall under steel beam
2. Ryan will issue SK for reinforcement of steel beam
3. Ryan will issue SK for reframing of 1st Fir stair opening
4. Roger Bz said layout of Bath toilets land right on joists. Carpenter to header off. Peter said
to use salvaged existing framing to match dimensions.
5. Roof - structural changes - to stiffen roof for snow & solar panel load.
6/18/09 PR #5 was issued today by PL. PL mentioned the logistics on how to get the 22ft
LVL into the roof. CM and RBz to work it out.
5.1 6/18/09- 3rd floor Mechanical room layou t- Chet and TJC had questions on layout of
controls and the fan placement. Peter asked if a layout of the room is needed. All parties
Dino to meet with Jay(SC) and Tom(TJC) 6/19/09 at 9 am onsite for coordination and to
deteiuiine layout. Charlie to confirm meeting via email with Dino.
5.2 6/18/09- Louver Drawings- Marvin to give drawings of spec'd Louver elevations to Peter.
Peter needs to see what elevation looks like so he can give direction on how to install.
P2.1 4/23/09 Coverage - see 6/4/09 minutes for history.
6/4/09 Dino has forwarded drwgs & FPN to insurance provider. Two new heads are required.
Dino will consolidate 2 new heads & other sprinkler changes and forward directive tomorrow,
6/11/09 Dino relayed 2 new required heads to HFP, along w /other minor modifications at walk
thru. HFP to revise drwgs and forward to Dion asap.
6/18/09 Dino talked to the office they should have the shop fabrication drawings by next week.
P2.3 4/23/09 Submittals - Ted is working on both the light fixture and fire alarm submittals.
Request made for Charlie to please supply NE w /cuts on SC provided light fixtures. Ted noted
that he is submitting on an upgraded panel for fire alarm that interfaces w /future work required
to be UL approved.
4/30/09 Ted still working on submittals. Charlie said fixtures are same as last yr therefore Ted
said he doesn't really need cut sheets. Also, CC has the actual fixtures if the site electrician
needs to see one.
5/7/09 Ted will have submittal pkg by Mon, 5/11.
5/14/09 Ted brought electrical submittals to mtg. LG gave to Dino. Only remaining submittal
coming is Fire Alarm. Eta 5/15.
5/21/09- 5/28/09 Fire Alarm submittal pending.
5/29/09 Post mtg: Ted emailed drwgs to Dino for preliminary review. Complete fire alarm
submittals to be dropped at WB office on Mon, 6/1.
6/4/09 Fire alarm submittal was given to Dino today. Item closed.
6/11/09 Dino working on fire alarm submittal. Should be ready today for return to NE.
1.7 5/21/09- 5/28/09 Room 100D - No SDs shown on drwg. Ted & Peter think they are probably
needed. Dino to give directive.
6/4/09 Per Dino - Yes - we need SD in Room 100D. Dino to issue PR.
6/11/09 PR coming. NE to start pricing.
6/18/09 PR E -1 recvd then COP 12.3 was issued. Approved. Item closed
1.9 5/21/09- 5/28/09 Exterior light - at corner of bldg where tree was removed - Peter thinking
this light maybe should remain. Dino to confirm.
6/4/09 Dino to issue PR.
6/11/09 PR coming. NE to start pricing.
P1.6 4/16/09 Solar panel - Per Peter, Dino will issue an SK on solar panel and how it interfaces in
Basement. TJC to run pipes and connect.
4/23/09 Dino will issue SK by end of the wk. WB to price both options: 1) flat panel and 2)
evacuated tube. Peter to go back & present to city for Elm St approval.
4/30/09 Dino is working on it.
5/7/09 Dino distributed SK today. Peter to issue PR after looking at structural & panel location
w/Ryan. WB awaiting PR to price.
5/14/09 Dino to email Peter the cut sheet on panel showing how it is mounted. PL needs for
flashing and point load details. PL said WB can go ahead and start pricing solar panels per
Dino's SKs. Structural info to follow. Closed
5/21/09 WB working on pricing. Jay/L &S to email cut sheet to Peter. Peter will issue PR #2
for solar panels w/o structural. There will be a separate PR for the structural work. Closed
5/28/09 Peter issued PR #2. WB pricing.
6/4/09 Roger gave Peter, Dino and Charlie the load specs for solar panels.
Dino to contact Yankee Tech for controls info.
Peter to provide structural and mounting detail to roof.
All reviewed proposals /costs for both flat panel & evacuated tube. Flat panel is preferable and
easier technology. Roger to prepare and forward CO Proposal #6 with flat panel costs for
approval by the College.
6/11/09 Per Dino & YT, the controls are compatible w /meters. RBz will include as option in
solar CO.
Peter working on structural. RBz working structural pricing solar panel pricing done.
6/18/09 Loads and Structural questions are covered in Architectural. CO Proposal coming.
3.1 6/4/09 Duct cleaning - Marvin would like to do sooner than later. Dino said wait until duct
demo is done. In meantime, TJC to make sure fans are off to minimize construction dust
accumulating in ducts.
6/11/09 Fan still running. TJC requested Northup Elec disconnect. Item closed.
6/18/09 Electric is disconnected. TJC is going to clean cap it in the next wk or 2.
3.2 6/4/09 Existing water lines in Lower Level - all to view 10' run from new Mech Rm to new
Bath and decide whether to move it up higher?
6/11/09 Dino requested TJC price RFP for moving a section of water lines up. Scope of work
also includes rerouting heating lines out of Corridor and thru Bathroom soffits.
6/18/09 Waiting on itemized pricing from TJC to be sent out early next week.
4.1 6/11/09 Deteriorated, broken sewer line - Dino to issue SK including showing sewer line
extended out about 5' beyond wall in planting bed. Decision made to not add additional lights
in crawl space. Peter reminded that future access to everything in this crawl space area is
6/18/09- Per Charlie it is a go for sewer pipe repair & adding exterior cleanout exterior. RB to
get it scheduled.
4.2 6/11/09 Cost changes - Dino requested Marvin start pricing changes and have ready for
Charlie next Weds, 6/17, for review and approval. Charlie is out Thurs & Fri, 6/18 -19.
6/18/09 Item closed.
?J3a 1-
"' -- ' } Wright Builders, Inc.
�� s _ y 48 Bates Street
Northampton, MA 01060
juN 2 4 2009 Tel: 413 -586 -8287
Fax: 413 -587 -9276
Nn 7 '' ` `. -- — ' � -- — ' Park House Renovation
Meeting Minutes
Dade: 6/18/09
Re: Park House Renovation, Smith College
Construction Meeting #5 - 6/18/09
To: Attendees - via email
Present: Charlie Conant, Hannah Durrant, Brett McGuinness - Smith College (SC)
Peter Lapointe - Archimetrics Design Studio (ADS)
Dino D'Angelo - Lindgren & Sharples (L &S)
Marvin Blakley - TJ Conway (TJC)
Roger Buzzell, Chet Mitchell, Linda Gaudreau, Ann Ledwell - Wright Builders, Inc. (WB)
Mark Ledwell - Wright Builders, Inc. (WB)
Cc: Tony Patillo - Northampton Building Commissioner
Ryan Hellwig - (RH)
Chris Zurheide - HFP Sprinkler Contracting (HFP)
Robin Sheldon - R &R Window Contractors (R &R)
Jeff - Accufab Ironworks
Fred Pazmino - Titan Roofmg
Owen Lococo - Lococo Painting
Doug Mercier - Mercier Carpet (MC)
Mark Ledwell - Wright Builders, Inc. (WB)
Ted Forcier- Northup Electric (NE) -
En Linda Gaudreau, Wright Builders, Inc.
Work Progress:
Roofmg, masonry, framing ongoing.
Hardwood Floors- 3rd floor complete with 3 coats and 100% protected (except the suites)
Start the 2nd floor next week.
Rough mechanical and electrical ongoing. Rough plumbing to start next week.
Excavation on sewer line to be done next week.
The following items were discussed:
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\tar _ Y•s' °` r $,o x00., 1 01 0210$ -1615
P (617) 727 -3200
fM (617) 727 -S732
(for Professional Engineers /Architects responsible for only a portion of a controlled project)
Project Title: Park House Dorimitory Renovations Date: August 13, 2009
Project Location: Elm Street, Smith College Campus, Northampton MA
Scope of Project: Fire Alarm System Replacement associated with building renovations
In accordance with Section 127.0 of the Massachusetts State Building Code sixth edition
I, Mark W Felgate Mass. Registration Number 47531 being a registered professional Engineer hereby
CERTIFY that I have prepared or directly supervised the preparation of all design plans, computations and
specifications concerning:
[ ] Entire Project [ ] Architectural [ ] Structural [ ] Mechanical
[ ] Fire Protection [ X ] Electrical [ ] Other (specify)
for the above named project and that to the best of my knowledge, such plans, computations and specifications meet
the applicable provisions of the Massachusetts State Building Code, all acceptable engineering practices and all
applicable laws for the proposed project.
I further certify that I have performed the necessary professional services and I or my Representative have been
present on the construction site on a regular and periodic basis to determine that the work has proceeded in
accordance with the documents approved for the building permit and shall be responsible for the following as
specified in Secion 116.2.2.
1. Review for conformance to the design concept, shop drawings, samples and other submittals which are
submitted by the Contractor in accordance with the requirements of the construction documents.
2. Review and approval of the quality control procedures for all code - required controlled materials.
3. Be present at intervals appropriate to the state of construction to become generally familiar with the
progress and quality of the work and to determine in general if the work is being performed in a manner
consistent with the construction documents.
Pursuant to Secion 116.4, I have submitted progress reports together with pertinent comments to the Building
Inspector. Upon completion of the work, I am submitting this Final Report as to the satisfactory completi• + pl
work and readiness of the project for occupancy. � '" M '1616,
Signature and Seal of registered professional: - Z FELGATE
2 FQ /8��
SU: `CR,IBED ; ND S ORN TO BEFORE ME THIS ��.1 DAY OF ( ,/j. 20x9.. SOpq�:
� A ' / j / ,e' Y COMMISSION EXPIRES � 4..: � c :L' //
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i g., Ho140444414 02109
P44 (617) 727 - 3200
fMe (617) 727-S732
(for Professional Engineers /Architects responsible for only a portion of a controlled project)
Project Title: Park House Dorimitory Renovations Date: August 13, 2009
Project Location: Elm Street, Smith College Campus, Northampton MA
Scope of Project: Fire Alarm System Replacement associated with building renovations
In accordance with Section 127.0 of the Massachusetts State Building Code sixth edition
1, Charles P Sharpies Mass. Registration Number 28940 being a registered professional Engineer hereby
CERTIFY that I have prepared or directly supervised the preparation of all design plans, computations and
specifications concerning:
[ ] Entire Project [ ] Architectural [ ] Structural [ X ] Mechanical
[ ] Fire Protection [ ] Electrical [ ] Other (specify)
for the above named project and that to the best of my knowledge, such plans, computations and specifications meet
the applicable provisions of the Massachusetts State Building Code, all acceptable engineering practices and all
applicable laws for the proposed project.
I further certify that I have performed the necessary professional services and I or my Representative have been
present on the construction site on a regular and periodic basis to determine that the work has proceeded in
accordance with the documents approved for the building permit and shall be responsible for the following as
specified in Secion 116.2.2.
1. Review for conformance to the design concept, shop drawings, samples and other submittals which are
submitted by the Contractor in accordance with the requirements of the construction documents.
2. Review and approval of the quality control procedures for all code - required controlled materials.
3. Be present at intervals appropriate to the state of construction to become generally familiar with the
progress and quality of the work and to determine in general if the work is being performed in a manner
consistent with the construction documents.
Pursuant to Secion 116.4, I have submitted progress reports together with pertinent comments to the Building
Inspector. Upon completion of the work, I am submitting this Final Report as to the sat' ?- a, -> . letion of the
work and readiness of the project for occupancy.
Signature and Seal of registered professional: . / / � I P.
/ / S H ARPIES y
�O �
/ i F SS1 N c ECG .
f 1, ' A l'
a +
August 25, 2009
Anthony Patillo, Building Commisioner
Puchalski'Municipal Center
212 Main Street
Northampton, MA 01060
Project: Renovations to Park House, Smith College, . Northampton, MA 01060
Scope: Renovation and Refurbishment of existing building.
In accordance with Section 116.0 of the Massachusetts State Building Code, 7th
Edition, I, Peter E. Lapointe, Massachusetts Registration No. 5291, being a
registered Architect, hereby certify that I have prepared or directly supervised the
preparation of all design plans, computations and specifications for the above
mentioned project.
(further certify that'I have performed the necessary professional services during
construction and have been present on the construction M ite on a regularand
periodic basis to determine that the work is proceeding ir\accordance with the
drawings and specifications approved for the building permit.
,yam RE ARC
;{,, V,. LAp
t 44, ,
No. '- 291
S SA,eI , . w F,m, i
Peter E. Lapointe
PETER LAPOINTE, ARCHITECT PH 413 582 -9100 FAX 413 582 -9101 www.archimetrics.net
/13 — .c71
Wright Builders, Inc.
48 Bates Street I U�U ( �(Hw JUL L
Northampton, Ma 01060 Date 8/28/2009 'Job No. 09 -910
(413) 586 -8287 Re:
Fax (413) 587 -9276 Park House
Smith College
To: Tony Patillo
Northampton Building Dept. x \i 2 8 2UU9
We are Sending You 1 Attached Under Separate Cover via
The Following Items:
Shop Drawings r Prints r , Plans r Samples " Specifications
Copy of Letter u. Change Order r-
Copies Date No. Description
1 8/25/2009 Final Construction Control Affidavit - Architectural - Peter Lapointe
1 8/13/2009 Final Construction Control Affidavit - Mechanical - Lindgren & Sharples
1 8/13/2009 Final Construction Control Affidavit - Electrical - Lindgren & Sharples
These are Transmitted as checked below:
For approval r Approved as submitted 3 Resubmit copies for approval
For your use r Approved as noted r Submit copies for distribution
As Requested f` Returned for corrections 1 "" Return corrected prints
For review and comment
Copy to
Signed: )1€449,-.1.-4-------
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gb/far -v1V3 4404°4 -- trlivy
134 ELM ST - PARK HOUSE w BP- 2009 -0935
Map:Block: 31B - 244 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON
Category: renovation BUILDING PERMIT
Permit # BP- 2009 -0935
Project # JS- 2009 - 001004
Est. Cost:
Const. Class: 5B Contractor: License:
Use Group: R2 WRIGHT BUILDERS 84280
Lot Size(sq. ft.): 11151.36 Owner: SMITH COLLEGE OFFICE OF TREASURER
Zoning: URC(100) / /EU Applicant: WRIGHT BUILDERS
Applicant Address: ,Phone: Insurance:
48 Bates St (413) 586 -8287 Workers Compensation
NORTHAMPTONMA01060 ISSUED ON:5/27/2009 0:00:00
Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Building Inspector
Underground: °a Service: Meter: VM 6 1P reo ft '-
Roughs) . 0 e , 'p:Rough:.Sw.fi3 - House # Foundation: 3Z/ y 't\
// Driveway Final: 444
Final: e -if 0 v [ � p Rough Frame: 01( 671 C 9 ` .
Gas: Fire Department Fireplace /Chimney:
Rough:7 16 ,(1 Oil Insulation:
Final: d S mok� Final: //
Certificate of Occu•anc si. nature:
FeeType: Date Paid: Amount: _.
Building 5/27/2009 0:00:00 $4998.00
212 Main Street, Phone (413) 587 -1240, Fax: (413) 587 -1272
Building Commissioner - Anthony Patillo
10. Do any signs exist on the property? YES NO X
IF YES, describe size, type and location:
Are there any proposed changes to or additions of signs intended for the property? YES NO X
IF YES, describe size, type and location:
11. Will the construction activity disturb (clearing, grading, excavation, or filling) gver 1 acre or is it part of a common
plan of development that will disturb over 1 acre? YES NO
IF YES, then a Northampton Storm Water Management Permit from the DPW is required.
This column reserved
for use by the Building
Lot Size /
Frontage //A.• /
. N /a
Setbacks Front /
Side L: /� R: IJ � L: 1.11A. R: N /A L: R:
Building Height
1 as B rE-
Building Square Footage
2 0, 391 20 , 39 I
Open Space: (lot area
minus building Et paved 1.1 /4. K1 A
# of Parking Spaces
/0 K\/A.
# of Loading Docks
Nla- �Oa
(volume Et location)
13. Certification: I hereby certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of
my knowledge.
Date: ' / 0 c r Applicant's Signature _ . , . ' , ( G i
/ /
NOTE: Issuance of a zoning permit does not relieve an applicant's burden to comply with all zoning
requirements and obtain all required permits from the Board of Health, Conservation Commission,
Historic and Architectural Boards, Department of Public Works and other applicable permit granting
W:\Documents\FORMS \original\Buil ding - Inspector\ Zoning- Pennit- Application- passive.doc 8/4/2004
File No. fPO g(o3
Please type or print all information and return this form to the Building
Inspector's Office with the $15 filing fee (check or money order) payable to the
Ta' I City of Northampton I
1. Name of Applicant: E. TaUUTE S of TOE SMIT� COLLEGE
Address: FAC.I LI T-I as M40,4GEMEL1T � 1∎ , AI 4 Telephone: 413 585' 2424
ec LEC E
2. Owner of Property: FICA LITIES M EUT, IT+ -1 CpL.Ll =r�1=
Address: 12 - Le) WEST S I V_F__ET Telephone: 4r3• 5 86 2400
3. Status of Applicant: Owner X Contract Purchaser Lessee Other (explain)
4. Job Location: ROL - 1oUSE , ITO COLLEG -E , 134 ELM STZEET
Parcel Id: Zoning Map# Parcel# District(s):
In Elm Street District In Central Business District
5. Existing Use of Structure /Property: STU DEL.1T DOa i IToa\f
6. Description of Proposed Use /Work /Project /Occupation: (Use additional sheets if necessary):
IDILI 2EPa1 $ SL&TE HET41.._ 26oF EP1 A.C EM 16 kJDud
QgpLAcEME,0T, LIMO► Na S I 4,12 &DDITI , 12E1-A NVI L. OF ECTE2IcQ
7. Attached Plans: Sketch Plan Site Plan Engineered /Surveyed Plans
8. Has a Special Permit /Variance /Finding ever been issued for /on the site?
NO DON'T KNOW X YES IF YES, date issued:
IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds?
IF YES: enter Book Page and /or Document #
9.Does the site contain a brook, body of water or wetlands? NO X DON'T KNOW YES
IF YES, has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission?
Needs to be obtained Obtained , date issued:
(Form Continues On Other Side)
W:\ Documents \FORMS\ original\ Building- Inspector\Zoning- Permit- Application- passive.doc 8/4/2004
wr■ ,.
File # MP- 2009 -0063
APPLICANT /CONTACT PERSON Trustees of Smith College
ADDRESS /PHONE 126 West Street (413) 585 -2424 0
m: isi WcAi 4,5. . , y . ST ;PARKHs •
I ' AP ti .+f.•< -' 44 011'' ONE URC(100UiEU
e e Paid
Building Permit Filled out
Fee Paid
New Construction
Non Structural interior renovations
Addition to Existing
Accessory Structure
Buildin. Plans Included:
Owner/ Statement or License
3 sets of Plans / Plot Plan
Approved _ j A dditional permits required (see below)
Intermediate Project : Site Plan AND /OR Special Permit with Site Plan
Major Project: Site Plan AND /OR Special Pei with Site Plan
Finding Special Permit Variance*
Received & Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed
Other Permits Required:
Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability
Septic Approval Board of Health Well Water Potability Board of Health
Permit from Conservation Commission Permit from CB Architecture Committee
1 Permit from Elm Street. J:nunission Permit DPW Storm Water Management
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Signature of Building C fici.' Date
Note: Issuance of a Zoning permit does not relieve a applicant's burden to comply with all zoning
requirements and obtain all required permits from Board of Health, Conservation Commission, Department
of public works and other applicable permit granting authorities.
* Variances are granted only to those applicants who meet the strict standards of MGL 40A. Contact the Office of
Planning & Development for more information.