SC Public Safety TDA Addenda 1  Page 1 Memo To: All Contractors From: Jody Barker, Thomas Douglas Architects, Inc. CC: Gary Hartwell, Smith College; Dino D’Angelo, Lindgren & Sharples Date: 1/28/11 Re: Smith College Public Safety Relocation Project, Smith College Facilities Management, Smith College, Northampton, MA – ADDENDA #1 ADDENDA #1 Smith College Public Safety Relocation Project Smith College Facilities Management Smith College Northampton, Massachusetts RFI: 1. Q: Please specify products and number of coats of paint. A: Painting sub-contractor to apply one (1) coat of primer and two (2) finish coats. Dark colors may require additional finish coats to provide even appearance. Preliminary paint colors are specified in section 09999 – FINISH SCHEDULE of the Project Manual. Walls shall be “eggshell” sheen and wood & trim shall be “satin”. 2. Q: The finish schedule says the general wall color for Wait ing Area 100R1 is P8 and the accent color outside 100R2 and 105 is P7. Does this accent color extend along the entire west wal l, or only outs ide these two rooms? A: Assume the only painting to be included in this contract to be that on the “plan east” wall of Waiting Room 100R1 (demise wall between Public Safety Corridor 100C1, Women’s Lockers 100L2, Break Room 100BR and Conference Room 100CR). Other wall finishes will be by Smith College under separate contract. 3. Q: Are we painting all the existing frames in Waiting Area 100R1, or just the two located outside 100R2 and 105? A: Please include painting of doorframes at doors 111, 116 and 117 in this pricing. 4. Q: The floor plans show a door in the south wal l of Waiting Area 100R1, but i t is not shown on the existing condit ions/demo plan. Is this a new door and frame? What are the finish requirements ? A: This is an existing door and frame. No finish requirements. A-101 is correct, EX-101is in error in this location. 5. Q: Detail 10/A-200 shows an existing door and frame at the north wa ll of Break Room 100BR. The floor plan doesn't show a door at this location, but it does show an unmarked door at the south wal l. Which drawing is correct? A: The plan is correct. The THOMAS DOUGLAS Architects, Inc. ADDENDA #1 Smith College Public Safety Relocation Project Smith College Facilities Management Smith College Northampton, Massachusetts  Page 2 existing door in this location is to be removed. The existing frame is to remain as a “cased opening” to be painted the scheduled wall color. 6. Q: Extent of painting in the Break Room 100BR? A: For pricing, please limit painting to the plan north wall, “demise walls” and low ceiling at surrounding Conference Room 100CR and the west wall at the new door. East wall, South wall, upper mezzanine wall, and ceiling will not be in contract other that minor touch up where those surfaces are effected by new construction or renovation. 7. Q: Are exist ing radiator covers painted? I f so, are they the same color as the wal ls? A: Yes, paint the radiator colors the scheduled wall color. 8. Q: Is there any HVAC or sprinkler pipe painting associated with Alternate #2? A: Need for paint will be determined during the project and will be taken care of in house of via change order. 9. Q: The window spec appears to be for Marvin windows. May we entertain prices from other vendors? A: We have been informed that Smith College will be using Marvin Windows for their standard windows on campus. Please price accordingly. No substitutions allowed. 10. Q: Page 4 of the general conditions say temporary power is by the elect rical contractor while 16100.1.10 say by GC. In real ity won’t the existing SMC power be used at no cost to the GC? A: Those paragraphs appear to be “boiler plate” sections missed in the editing process. Building power should be available to the contractor(s). Should there be need for temporary power or power shut downs in the building during the construction period, Smith College Facilities Management should be alerted a minimum of 3 days in advance. Should it be required, the Electrical Contractor will supply temporary power. 11. Q: Sheet A-100 says for GC to instal l existing shelving suppl ied by Smi th College. What is the shelving made of? A: Please refer to TDA AD-SK-2 2 for revised information at the basement storage space. Adjustable shelving will be installed in lieu of existing shelving. 12. Q: Sheet A-100 shows a safe in room B11A. Do we have anything to do with rigging it into the basement ? A: The safe will be relocated /installed in the basement by the College. 13. Q: Sheet A-200 say the GC is to move lockers from existing location and set up. Gary Hartwell tells me this is NIC. A: The lockers in rooms 100L1 and 100L2 will be relocated by Smith College. The GC will not be responsible for this work. 14. Q: Sheet A-200 say for GC to inst all existing OH cabinets from P.S. Who takes them down and brings to site? A: The GC will remove existing cabinets from Tilly Hall and move to the new location. GC to co-ordinate removal and relocation with the Smith College Department of Public Safety. Please refer to the attached TDA sketch AD-SK-1 for location of existing cabinetry. 15. Q: Sheet A-200 shows some tack boards. Who furnishes them? If the GC does, do you have a mfg. in mind? A: The tack boards are to be fabricated by the GC or cabinetry sub-contractor as described in detail 1/A-300. 16. Q: Sheet H-102 notes 5 & 6 -Gary Hartwel l tells me are NIC? A: Correct. This work will be completed before this start of this project as part of the in-house relocation project. 17. Q: According to the architectural plans the existing sink in the break room get s removed & r elocated. The engineering drawings indicate there i s no work. Please ADDENDA #1 Smith College Public Safety Relocation Project Smith College Facilities Management Smith College Northampton, Massachusetts  Page 3 clari fy? A: The existing sink is to be removed and re-installed in the existing location in a new, preformed countertop. 18. Q: There are two hardware schedules listed in the specificat ions – one with cylinder locks, one with mort ise locks. Which is the correct schedule? A: The schedule with cylinder locks was included in the specification book in error. Please disregard. We have included the correct “mortise lock” hardware set with this addendum with clarifications /corrections on a few sets. 19. Q: Who furnishes Toi let accessories? Do you have a schedule of what is needed? A: Please refer to the attached “10801 TOILET AND BATH ACCESSORIES” specification section for information. 20. Q: Is there a reason why one of the windows in RM 108 ADMIN is not being replaced? A: Please add this window to alternate #1 increasing the count from six (6) windows to seven (7). This window is located behind an infill panel to remain and will need to be replaced from the exterior. 21. Q: Is there a specif ication for HM frames? A: Please refer to the attached specification 08110 – STEEL DOORS AND FRAMES included in this addendum package. 22. Q: Is door 102 storefront glas s or hol low metal ? It makes a di fference who does security lock. A: It is an aluminum storefront. 23. Q: What is shelving at Communications Closet of f of Corridor 100C1? A: The shelving is to be paint grade, 16” deep by 4’0” wide with a 1x2 painted wood edge. Provide four (4) shelves. Shelves to be mounted on heavy-duty metal standards and hardware. 24. Q: Clar ification where we are installing new counters? A: Please provide a new, pre-formed plastic laminate counter top with 4” back splash and side splash at the Kitchenette in Break Room 100BR. Please provide opening for re-installation of the existing kitchen sink in its existing location. Please provide new, fabricated countertop/desks in rooms 100C1 (Shift Shift Officers’ desk), 100IR (Interview Room), 106 (Shift Sargeants), and 108 (Administrator Office). Desktops, shelving and tack boards to be as illustrated in detail 1/A-300. All other office furniture, files, tables, benches, and lockers will be by Smith College (relocated from present Public Safety offices) and not in the General Contractor’s contract. 25. Q: Species for hardwood edging in detai l 1/A-300? A: Hardwood edging to be maple. ADDENDUM SKETCHES: AD-SK-1 – KEY PLAN, EXISTING CABINETS TO BE RELOCATED: Key plan indicating existing locations of cabinets at Tilly Hall, Smith College to be removed and relocated by the G.C. and locations in the new Public Safety offices. AD-SK-2 – REVISED BASEMENT STORAGE PLAN: Revised perimeter shelving and perimeter wall at the basement storage area, room B11. SPECIFICATION SECTIONS: 08110 -STEEL DOORS AND FRAMES 08711 -HARDWARE SETS ADDENDA #1 Smith College Public Safety Relocation Project Smith College Facilities Management Smith College Northampton, Massachusetts  Page 4 10801 -TOILET AND BATH ACCESSORIES