L&S Public Safety Adenddum 01-26-11
435 Cottage Street, Suite 1, Springfield, MA 01104-4005 Phone: (413) 732-4336 /Fax: (413) 731-0786 PUBLIC SAFETY /FACILITY PLANNING SMITH COLLEGE Northampton, Massachusetts ADDENDUM
No 1 January 28, 2011 CHANGES TO THE DRAWINGS Fire Protection Drawing FP 101: DELETE: Note 2 at the existing sprinkler heads in the existing reception area and entry hall (total of 6
heads). The existing heads shall remain to protect the space above the new ceiling. Drawing FP 201: CHANGE: Drawing Note 1 to read as follows: “Connect new 1” sprinkler to existing piping
and install new concealed pendent head as shown. Install new upright heads to protect new ceiling space. Replace branch piping as required.” Drawing FP 102: DELETE: Reference to work
in Rooms 208 and 209. This work will be performed under a separate contract. Drawing FP 202: DELETE: Work in new conference and training room. This work will be performed under a separate
contract. Drawing FP 301: ADD: On the typical pendent heads detail ADD an upright sprinkler head on the new branch pipe serving the new pendent head for all new first floor pendent heads
only. Plumbing Drawing P 101: CHANGE: Note 4 to read as follows: “Remove existing sink to allow installation of new countertop. Re-install sink in new countertop as required.
Page 2 HVAC Drawing H 101: CHANGE: The make and Model of the dehumidifier to, “ Ebec Kompact 56, with built in condensate pump, automatic defrost cycle, and moisture removal rate of
56 pints/day. Electrical Drawing E 202 Admin 108: ADD: Two (2) duplex receptacles below counter for computers. Wire both receptacles and new monitor receptacle with 2#12, 1#12 ground
in ¾” conduit to new 20A-IPC/B in existing emergency panel ”EM2” in basement corridor. ADD: Two tel/data outlets below counter for computers DELETE: Note: Extend branch circuit wiring
to existing receptacle branch circuit in Admin Room. REMOVE: Doorbell mounted on wall and RELOCATE to new wall in Lobby Area 100R1. ADD: Provide two (2) security monitors and monitor
desk stands to be located on counter. Monitor shall be AIPHONE Model JF-2MED with PS-182OUL power supply. Waiting Area 100R2: ADD: Security door station on wall adjacent to door entering
Public Safety. Door station shall be AIPHONE JFDVF. DELETE: Camera and keyed note 13. REVISE: Keyed Note 9 to read: Run 2#12, 1#12 ground in ¾” conduit to new 20 amp, single pole circuit
breaker in existing emergency panel “EM2” in basement corridor for equipment in the communication closet.
Page 3 ADD: Keyed Note 18: Run 2#12, 1#12 ground in ¾” conduit to new 20A-IPC/B in existing emergency panel “EM2” in basement corridor.