Resolutions 2009 (8)CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS -9n (ft 1 d C o unc il , ............................... Ma .... ..... 21 2009 . ............................... . ........................Upon the,.. recommendation _ of ", MVl yor... Clare... Higgins.,,ai�d,. tlze,..Con Committee. o / / Preservation C rdered that BE IT ORDERED WHEREAS, the acquisition would contribute to a future connection between the newly acquired Saw Mill Hills Conservation Area parcel and the existing Saw Mill Hills Conservation Area core area, thereby serving a public good. WHEREAS, the project meets the goals of the Open Space and Recreation Plan, Sustainable Northampton Plan and the CPA for the preservation of open space for recreation purposes. WHEREAS, the project serves a public purpose by preserving important natural resources and species diversity. WHEREAS, on April 1, 2009, the Northampton Connnunity Preservation Committee voted 6 -0 to recommend 513,000 in Community Preservation Act funds be used to support this project. NO'"', THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, That 513,000 be appropriated fiom Community Preservation Act funding to t1 Conservation Fund for the preservation of open space for recreation purposes. And, that the grantee meets the conditions substantially approved by the Community Preservation Committee, the Mayor, and City Council. Specifically, $13,000 is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve (account 42344930 - 39930). In City Council, June 4, 2009 R suspended, passed two readings and enrolled. Attest: V V \w.�.. Clerk of Council Approved: Mary Clare Higgins, Mayor A true copy. Attes lerk of Council �d V CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS May 21, 2009 . in C'�t council ....:...................................................... ............................... Upon the recommendation of Mayor Clare Higgins and the Community ..... Preservation _ Committee.. ...................................................................... ............................... O rdered ' that BE IT ORDERED WHEREAS, the Conservation Commission has been effective in preserving key open space parcels in the City of Northampton. WHEREAS, the funding would allow the Conservation Commission to act quickly on high priority, time.sensitive open space acquisition and preservation proj ects. WHEREAS, the fund would support the general criteria for open.space acquisition in the Community Preservation Plan and the Sustainable Northampton Plan. WIffiREAS, on April 1, 2009, the Northampton Community Preservation Committee voted 6 -0 to recommend $100,000 in Community Preservation Act funds be used to support this project. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, That $100,000 be appropriated from Community Preservation Act funding to the Conservation Fund for high priority, time sensitive open space acquisition and preservation projects. And, that the grantee meets the conditions substantially approved by the Community Preservation Committee, the Mayor, and City Council. Specifically, $100,000 is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve (account #2344930 - 359930). In City Council, June 4, 2009 Rules suspended, passed two readings and enrolled. Attest: . Nk_. t Clerk of Council Approved: Mary Clare Higgins, Mayor A true copy. Attest: V� Y r �Cy-t �lr,�l of Council CI'T'Y OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS Jn (fit Council, .. . ...........................May 21, 2009 ......................... ............................................. ...:. Upon the recommendation of Mayor Clare Higgins and the Community Preservation Committee. ................... ............................... ...... ........................... ..... ................................................................................ O rclered. t4at BE IT ORDERED WHEREAS, the project provides a broad public benefit to the citizens of Northampton and the region. WHEREAS, the project presei a historical structure that serves as a center for culturally significant community activities. VFrHEREAS, the project serves a public purpose by preserving a structure of important historic significance. WHEREAS, on April 1, 2009, the Northampton Community Preservation Committee voted 6 -0 to recommend 5230,000 in Community Preservation Act funds be used to support this project. NO THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, That $230,000 be appropriated fiom Coninr unity Preservation Act funding to the Academy of Music for historic restoration of the marquee, Wont doors and side egress doors. Acid, that the grantee meets the conditions substantially approved by the Community Preservation Committee, the Mayor, and City Council. Specifically, 5230,000 is appropriated fiom the CPA Historical Preservation Reserve (account #2344930- 359932). In City Council, May 21, 2009 Rules suspended, passed t vo readings and enrolled. Attest: �c..�.�., �(V�c�1� �.t� Clerk of Council Approved: Mary Clare Higgins, Mayor A true copy. Attest �c� al.. YY ..�c� ,.Clerk of Council vva+.e)r ✓ CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS —9n ' City council � .... Mai _ 1';2OOJ ....................................... ............................... Upon t11e re comnzendatioil . Mayor Clare li giil.....and,.. tl?e / Preservation Committee. O rdered ' taut BE IT ORDERED WHEREAS, the proj cot preserves critical resource and habitat areas and is essential to the health of Northampton's natural resources. WHEREAS, the project provides public education for natural resource protection. WHEREAS, on April 1, 2009, the Northampton Community Preservation Conunittee voted 6 -0 to recommend up to 58,500 in Community Preservation Act funds be. used to support this project. NQ'VV, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, That $8,500 be appropriated from Community Preservation Act funding to the Department of Public Works for public education for natural resource protection. Acid, that the grantee meets the conditions substantially approved by the Conununity Preservation Committee, the Mayor, and City Council. Specifically, 58,500 is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve (account - 42344930- 359930). In City Council, June 4, 2009 Rules suspended, passed two readings and enrolled. Attest: `1(�. �.�.,J 0 (nn CxAko, C lerk of Council Approved: Mary Clare Higgins, Mayor A true copy. Attes Clerk of Council rRmho.n ,/ CITY OF NORTHAMPTO N MASSACHUSETTS �ortircci� .... ...........................Mai. 21, 2009 Upon the recommendation of Mayor Clare Higgins and the Community Preservation Committee. ....................... .......................................................................................................... ............................... O rcderecl that BE IT ORD ERED WHEREAS, the project supports multiple active and passive recreational uses; WHEREAS, the project addresses recommendations contained in the Sustainable Northampton comprehensive plan and is consistent with other city -wide planning efforts that have received broad- based scrutiny and input and can demonstrate wide community support; WHEREAS, the project serves a significant number of residents, boosts the vitality of the community, and enhances the quality of life for its residents; WHEREAS, the project promotes the creative use of former railway, waterways and other corridors, including connecting corridors, to create safe and healthful non - motorized transportation and exercise opportunities; WHEREAS, on May 6, 2009, the Northampton Connnunity Preservation Committee, voted unanimously to recommend $100,000 in Community Preservation Act Rinds be used to support this project. NO'"', THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, That 5100,000 be appropriated from Community Preservation Act funding to the Manhan Rail Trail Project for recreation purposes. And, that the grantee meets the conditions substantially approved by the Community Preservation Committee, the Mayor, and City Council. Specifically, $100,000 is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve (account 12344930- 359930).- CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS May 21, 2009 Upon the recommendation of Mayor Clare Higgins and the Community Preservati ?... im. e :.......................................................................... ............................... O rd l ered ' taut BE IT ORDERED WHEREAS, the project contributes to the preservation of Northampton's historic character. WHEREAS, the project provides abroad public benefit to the citizens of Northampton and the region. WHEREAS, the project provides public education on Northampton's historic resources. WHEREAS, on April 1, 2009, the Northampton Community Preservation Committee voted 6 -0 to recommend $62,150 in Community Preservation Act funds be used to support this project. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, That $62,150 be appropriated from Community Preservation Act funding to the Historical Commission for a survey that will provide for public education on Northampton's historic resources. And, that the grantee meets the conditions substantially approved by the Community Preservation Committee, the Mayor, and City Council. Specifically, $62,150 is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve (account #2344930- 359930). In City Council, June 4, 2009 Rules suspended, passed two readings and enrolled. Attes ���lc�, Clerk of Council Approved: Mary Clare Higgins, Mayor A true copy. Attes r Cl erk of Council -CITY OFNORR.THIAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS j rz �it� (foU 2.ciG Lune 4. 2009 Upon. recommendation of the Mayor and the Coinmuniiy Preservation Coinm).ttee .............................................................................................................................................. ............................... P'E& f r/ 1 " C - E C the foll.owing amounts be appropriated or reserved from fiscal year 2010 Community Preservation Fund estimated revenues for fiscal year 2.010 Community Preservation purposes: 5105,500 from FY10 Total Estimated CPA Revenue - to the Community Presenration Fund Open Space Reserve 5105,500 from FY10 Total Estimated CPA Revenue to the Community Presenration Fund Historic Preservation Reserve 5105;500 i om FY10 Total Estimated CP < Revenue to the Community Presei cation Fund Affordable rousing Resei�re ® X52.750 from F1'10 Total Estimated CPA Revenue to the Co_mnnunity Presen7ation Fund Administrative Account, of which 523,030 will be, allocated for professional staffing. x685,750 from FY10 Total Estimated CPA R-_Yciue to the FYI Community Presenration Fund Budgeted Reserve In Cite Council, June 18, 2009 Rules suspended passed two readings and enrolled. Attest: e. „ Clerk of Council Approved: Kary Clare Higgins, Mayor A true copy. - Cba ✓ CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS July 9, 2009 A ' cit Councd, .............................................................................................. ............................... Upon the recommendation of Mayor Clare Higgins and the Community Preservation Committee. ........... ............. .......................................................:.................................................................. ............................... Ordered that WHEREAS, The Florence Civic and Business Association provides a significant community and regional resource for historic collections WHEREAS, The project enjoys widespread public support WHEREAS, The project serves a public purpose by preserving structures and artifacts of important community and historic significance NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, That $40,000 be appropriated from Community Preservation Act funding to the Florence Civic and Business Association Historic Preservation Project for the preservation of the historic collection. And, that the grantee meets the conditions substantially approved by the Community Preservation Committee, the Mayor, and City Council. Specifically, $40,000 is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve (account #2344930- 359930). In City Council, July 9, 2009 Rules suspended, passed two readings and.enrolled. Attes C leric of Council Approved: Mary Clare Higgins, Mayor A true copy. Attest __ - ;L" ' N� Y- u�c �,.Clerlc -of Council -. . CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS November 5, 2009 A 'Cit Council, Upon recommendation of the Mayor and the Community Preservation Committee ........................ ..................................................................................................................... ............................... . .... O rdered ' that the following amounts be transferred within the Community Preservation Fund Reserve Accounts: • $230,000 from the Community Preservation Fund Open Space Reserve Account to the Community Preservation Fund Budgeted Reserve • $380,000 from the Community Preservation Fund Affordable Housing Reserve Account to the Community Preservation Fund Budgeted Reserve In City Council, November 19, 2009 Rules suspended, passed two readings and enrolled. Attest: a.�,.� �. 1� lerlc of Council Approved: Mary Clare Higgins, Mayor A true copy. Attest - C leric of Council I -- I , it CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUS November 5, 2009 Cit Council :............... .... .......................................................................................................... Upon recommendation of the Mayor and the Community Preservation Committee ..................... .............................................I............................................................................ ............................... Ordere that the following amounts be transferred within the Community Preservation Fund Reserve Accounts; • $230,000 from the Community Preservation Fund Open Space Reserve Account to the Community Preservation Fund Budgeted Reserve • $380,000 from the Community Preservation Fund Affordable Housing Reserve Account to the Community Preservation Fund Budgeted Reserve In City Council, November 19, 2009 Rules suspended, passed two readings and enrolled. Attest: �- `I Vy.cQ , . of Council Approved: Mary Clare Higgins, Mayor A true copy. Attest� Clerk of Council CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS — 9iz City C.Unci4 ...... ............... N.ovember.1.9,. 2009..................................................................... Upon the recommendation of the Mayor Mary Clare Higgins and the Community Preservation ...... .......................................................................................... ............................... ..—Committee* ..................... O rdered ' that WHEREAS, Barrett Street Marsh Beaver Preservation saves wildlife resources and habitat that would otherwise be threatened and preserves surface water resources; and WHEREAS, Barrett Street Marsh Beaver Preservation can be implemented expeditiously and within budget; and WHEREAS, the final contract for such funds will include conditions to ensure the project is properly executed; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, That City Council appropriates $5,000 from the Community Preservation Act Budgeted Reserve ( #2344930 - 359930) for Barrett Street Beaver Preservation. In City Council, November 19, 2009 R ules suspended, passed two readings and enrolled. Attest YV�`�J .`M�(" g&. , Clerk of Council Approved: Mary Clare Higgins, Mayor A true copy. Attest lerk of Council CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS A pit y Council, ....... .............. November.X9,. 2009..................................................................... Upon the recommendation of the Mayor Mary Clare Higgins and the Community Preservation ............................................................................................... ............................... O rdered. that WHEREAS, Barrett Street Marsh Beaver Preservation saves wildlife resources and habitat that would otherwise be threatened and preserves surface water resources; and WHEREAS, Barrett Street Marsh Beaver Preservation can be implemented expeditiously and within budget; and WHEREAS, the final contract for such funds will include conditions to ensure the project is properly executed; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, That City Council appropriates $5,000 from the Community Preservation Act Budgeted Reserve ( 42344930 - 359930) for Barrett Street Beaver Preservation. In City Council, November 19, 2009 Rules suspended, passed two readings and enrolled. Attest oa • _ a�, C lerk of Council Approved: Mary Clare Higgins, Mayor A true copy. Attest C lerk of Council 3 ' '�l e'� d 'hao �- o T CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS December 3, 2009 A Cit Coun�� , .............................................................................................. ............................... Upon the recommendation of the Mayor Mary Clare Higgins and the Community Preservation Qommittee ..................................................................................................................... ............................... O rdered ' that WHEREAS, the Garfield Avenue Habitat for Humanity housing creates community housing and encourages use by diverse populations; and WHEREAS, the Garfield Avenue housing places high value on sustainable, ecologically responsible construction; and WHEREAS, the Garfield Avenue housing is widely supported by community; and WHEREAS, the Garfield Avenue housing leverages funds effectively; and WHEREAS, the Garfield Avenue housing serves educational purpose in partnering with Smith Vocational High School; and WHEREAS, the final contract for such funds will include conditions to ensure the project is properly executed; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, That City Council appropriates $60,000 from the Community Preservation Act Budgeted Reserve ( #2344930 - 359930) for Garfield Avenue Habitat for Humanity housing. In City Council, December 17, 2009 Rules suspended, passed two readings and enrolled. T -� -� o Attest: �• r &c c, , Clerk of Council Approved: Mary Clare Higgins, Mayor A true copy. Attes 6� c�,, Clerk of Council L c,<5 IL I CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS • b 3, �rc itch �OU/2CCL .............................. Decem ....... er ........... 2009 ............................................... ............................... Upon the recommendation of the Mayor Mary Clare Higgins and the Community Preservation .....Co..r mitt ee ..................................................................................................................... ............................... . Ordered thut WHEREAS, designing recreation improvements at Look Memorial Park contributes to the preservation of Northampton's unique character and enhances quality of life for its residents; and WHEREAS, Look Park recreation design supports multiple active and passive recreation uses; and WHEREAS, Look Park recreation design leverages community preservation funds effectively; and WHEREAS, the final contract for such funds will include conditions to ensure the project is properly executed; NOW, THE e' FO BE IT ORDE That City Council appropriates $75,000 from the Community Preservation Act Budgeted Resen7e ( #2344930 - 359930) for the Look Park Recreation Design to design recreation improvements at Look Park. In City Council, December 17, 2009 Rules suspended, passed two readings and enrolled. Attest yyVq Clerk of Council Approved: Mary Clare Higgins, Mayor A true copy. Attest VY� -�-�M ��C , Cleric of Council ( YOVP r'1QS:QI` � B i OL Y CV V 012 c+0 X ' CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS — 9n C,it (fOU/ZCiL ....................... December . 3,. 20. 09............................................................ Upon the recommendation of the Mayor Mary Clare Higgins and the Community Preservation f ff6 .................................................................................................................... ............................... ....... o itEee / O rdered ' that WHEREAS, the Grove Street Inn rehabilitation provides housing for very low income residents and is supported by the Plan to End Homelessness; and WHEREAS, the Grove Street Inn receives broad community support; and WHEREAS, the Grove Street Inn provides housing that is harmonious with surrounding community and demonstrates urgent need; and )A the final contract for such funds will include conditions to ensure the project is properly executed; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, That City Council appropriates $36,950 from the Community Preservation Act Budgeted Reserve ( #2344930 - 359930) for the Grove Street Inn Rehabilitation. In City Council, December 17, 2009 Rules suspended, passed two readings and enrolled. Attest t�� -1 �•�, Clerk of Council Approved: Mary Clare Higgins, Mayor, A true copy. i Attest � .a off• ld��CQ.. dew , Clerk of Coin �� CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS December 3, 2009 .9. Cit counci ............................... Upon the recommendation of the Mayor Mary Clare Higgins and the Community Preservation ......Co ..................................................................................................................... ............................... O rdered / ' that WHEREAS, Hospital Hill Chapel Restoration partially restores a historically significant structure associated with the former Northampton State Hospitals which is in urgent need of preservation; and WHEREAS, the Hospital Hill Chapel Restoration serves a broad public purpose and boosts the vitality of community; and WHEREAS, the Hospital Hill Chapel Restoration is supported by the Historical Commission; and WHEREAS, the final contract for such funds will include conditions to ensure the project is properly executed NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, That City Council appropriates $26,475 from the Community Preservation Act Budgeted Reserve ( #2344930 - 359930) for the Resurrection Life Ministries — Hospital Hill Chapel restoration (roof). In City Council, December 17, 2009 Rules suspended, passed two readings and enrolled. Attest: C lerk'of Coyer Approved: Mary Clare Higr' / Attest same paw a S CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS — 9n City C,ounci , ....................... Decernber.3 2009...................................................................... Upon the recommendation of the Mayor Mary Clare Higgins and the Community Preservation .it .. .... :............................................................................................................................................... I..... Co /mm/te / O rdered ' th.t WHEREAS, the Academy of Music Restoration restores one of the most historically significant structures in center of city which is in urgent need of preservation; and WHEREAS, the Academy of Music Restoration serves a broad public purpose and boosts the vitality of community; and WHEREAS, the Academy of Music Restoration is supported by public and by city boards; and WHEREAS, the final contract for such funds will include conditions to ensure the project is properly executed; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, That City Council appropriates $210,000 from the Community Preservation Act Budgeted Reserve ( #2344930 - 359930) for the Academy of Music Restoration. In City Council, December 17, 2009 Rules suspended, passed two readings and enrolled. Attest: o �. Clerk of Council Approved: Mary Clare Higgins, Mayor A true copy. Attest: C lerk of Council vcdc V" CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS J . Cit (foun ...................... Decernber•3 2009....................................................................... Upon the recommendation of the Mayor Mary Clare Higgins and the Community Preservation ..................................................................................................................... ............................... / Ordered that WHEREAS, the Valley Community Development Corporation Predevelopment Fund enables the acquisition of high priority affordable housing projects under time - sensitive circumstances and saves resources that would otherwise be threatened; and WHEREAS, the Valley CDC Predevelopment Fund may leverage additional public and /or private funds; and WHEREAS, the Predevelopment Fund contributes to the broad community goal of affordable housing development and preservation and receives strong support from Northampton Housing Partnership; and WHEREAS, the final for such funds will include conditions to ensure the project is properly executed; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, That City Council appropriates $10,000 from the Community Preservation Act Budgeted Reserve ( #2344930 - 359930) for the Valley Community Development Corporation Predevelopment Fund In City Council, December 17, 2009 Rules suspended, passed two readings and enrolled. Attest: �. )L's u& Cl erk of Council Approved: Mary Clare Higgins, Mayor c _ A true copy. Attest C", Clerk ofCouncil CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS A n Cit C .Uncil ...................... D.ecember.3,.. 2009............................................................... Upon the recommendation of the Mayor Mary Clare Higgins and the Community Preservation Co .........ttee ....................................................................................................................................................... Ord mmi/ // ered that WHEREAS, the Northampton Conservation Commission Conservation Fund enables the acquisition of high priority open space parcels under time - sensitive circumstances and saves resources that would otherwise be threatened; and WHEREAS, the Conservation Fund will leverage additional public and /or private funds; and WHEREAS, the Conservation Fund contributes to the broad community goal of open space preservation; and WHEREAS, the final contract for such funds will include conditions to ensure the project is. properly executed; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, That City Council appropriates $10,000 from the Community Preservation Act Budgeted Reserve ( #2344930 - 359930) for the Conservation Commission Conservation Fund. In City Council, December 17, 2009 Rules suspended passed two readings and enrolled. Attest: \ Clerk of Council Approved: Mary Clare Higgins, Mayor A true copy. Attest - 1 �h ( moo. , Clerk of Council 3eu.Ne� �roo\ j CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS December 3, 2009 c t Council D .......................................................................................... ............................... Upon the recommendation of the Mayor Mary Clare Higgins and the Community Preservation Committee O rdered ' that WHEREAS, on June 18, 2009, City Council authorized the purchase of the approximately 100 acres (Map ID 6 -12 and 13) on Haydenville Road (Beaver Brook/Broad Brook Headwaters); and WHEREAS, the acquisition of this property will protect supports multiple active and passive recreational uses; and WHEREAS, the parcel is in a strategically important location in the Beaver Brook/Fitzgerald Lake area of city; and WHEREAS, the project addresses recommendations contained in the Sustainable Northampton Comprehensive Plan and the Northampton and Open Space and Recreation Plan; and WHEREAS, the project uses Community Preservation funds effectively to leverage a state LAND grant; and WHEREAS, the final contract for such funds will include conditions to ensure the project is properly executed; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, That City Council appropriates $150,000 from the Community Preservation Act Open Space Reserve ( #2344930- 359931) and $40,000 from the Community Preservation Act Budgeted j Reserve ( #2344930- 359930) for the Beaver Brook/Broad Brook Land Acquisition to preserve the parcel as permanent Conservation Commission managed open space, consistent with Article 97 of the amendments to the Massachusetts Constitution and the Community Preservation Act. In City Council, December 17, 2001 Rules suspended, passed two readings and enrolled. Attest: "�c�C��- �o� Clerk of Council Approved: Mary Clare Higgins, Mayor c� A true copy, Attest: 7V�o s-�,� �Nv 1�, , Clerk of Council