Council Resolution_ !,-/L kSSACHUSETrS J Pa (f,, Y C'UP,.Cf December 1, 2011 Clporl the reconiillendation of Acting Mayor David Narkewicz alld the CO1l1111 Lill lty' ................. I'resQI tIo11.Comilllt. tee.................................................................................... ............................:.. 0 ,O ere _'1 Ih-." WHEREAS, the Recreation Department and Recreation COMIRISSion submitted an application for Community Preservation Act Funding for further development of Florence Fields. WHEREAS, the project will provide five multi- pul fields and two baseball fields, along with related recreation services, infrastructure and parking at Florence Fields, although this funding will not be used for an ) playground or pavilion. WHEREAS, the project addresses a long- standing goal of the Recreation Department and Recreation Commission to increase the availability of much needed playing. fields. VATHEREAS, CPA funds have. already supported acquisition of the land and early phase work for this project. W11FREAS, the project meets the goals of the Sustainable Northampton Plan and the Open Space, Recreation and Multiuse Plans in contributing to healthy recreational opportunities for our citizens. WHEREAS, on November 16, 2011, the Northampton Community Preservation Committee, voted unanimously to recommend that CPA funding be used to support this project. ?SOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, That up to 51,957,000 be appropriated from Community Preservation Act funding to the Recreation•Departnient for the Florence Fields Recreational Development project. And, that the g rantee meets the conditions approved by the Community Preservation Cornn.aittee, the Mayor, and City Council. —Ild that the City Treasurer with the approval of the Mayor is authorized to borrov, up to 5;1,957 0.00, over 15 years,, under G.L. c,44B, §1 l or any other ellablinL1 L.ult1l0l ti Mid the debt repaynlcnt ]s appropriated From the CPA Budgeted ReSer1 e (aecoLIllt #2 ? 3599300). If a Fiscal Year 2012 Parkland Acquisition and Renovations for C.'onlrnun grant frorll the Division of Conservation Services of the Executive Office of Environmental Affairs, under the Self-Help Act, Section. l l of Chapter 132A of the General Laws ( "PARC Grant ") is received, $757,000 of tills bollding authority will not be exercised. And that the Recreation Commission is authol to contra.cHor and expend allyTederal, state, or other aid available for this project, including but not limited to the PARC Grant. ' In City Council, December I, 2011 Passed First Reading on a Roll Call Vote of 9 Yes, 0 No, Attest: ��o �.� c� -v.�c� CICI oi' Council In City Council, December IS, 2011 Passed Second Reading on a Roll Call Vote of 9 Yes, 0 No Attest: Clerk Of Council Approved: David J. Narkewicz, Acting Mayor Rules suspended, passed t readings and enrolled. I hereby certify that the above Order passed the Northampton City Council bn December 15, 20,11. David J. Narlceiviez, Acting al)proved Order oo December 15, 2011. Attest: .� 1��� u�� � , Clerk of' Council