Resolutions 2008 (11)f CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS �- A C' /� /� /� March 6, 2008 it00 Council ...................... Upon the recommendation of Mayor Clare Higgins and the Community Preservation C olru nit�:e e . ................................................................................ ............................... ...................... O / // rdered that BE IT ORDERED uTIEREAS. The Conservation Commission has identified 90± acres on Turkey Lill Road and an additional 20± acres nearby which abuts the existing Mineral Hills Conservation Area on three sides, as their top priority for conservation acquisition, and has raised $470,000 for such acquisition; and WHEREAS, On July 17 2007, the Northampton City Council voted unanimously to approve the purchase of said property in -fee and less than fee; and V,rHEREAS, On March 1, 2008, the Northampton Community Preservation Committee voted to recommend $350,000 in Community Preservation funds be used to support this project. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, That $350,000 is appropriated from Community Preservation Act funding for such acquisition for permanent preservation as conservation land consistent with the July 17, 2007 City Council approval. Specifically, $72,347.66 is appropriated from CPA Open Space Reserve (account #2344930 - 359931) and $277,652.34 is appropriated from CPA Budget Reserve (account 42344930- and with the total $350,000 appropriated to Capital Improvements Open Space (account #3100- 49720). In City Council, March 20, 2008 Rules suspended, passed two readings and enrolled. Attest: AA {M�. --� Clerk of Council Approved: Mary Clare Higgins, Mayor �^ I' A true copy. Attest UI/W V \ , Clerk of Council G 0,b i fia t CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS In City Council, Map 15, 2008 Rules suspended, passed two readings and enrolled. Attest \JA dV^— Clerk ol'Council i - Aly1 oved: Mary ClarePliggins; Mayor - �� ^ C � A true copy, Attest �/ r V"� ,Clerk of Council ��JJ May 1, 2008 Ja n C'it� (�ourcciC ............................ ............................... ............................ ............................... Upon the recommendation of Mayor Clare ]Higgins and the Community Preservations. .......... ....... .Commit: tee :........ .............................................................................................. ............................... . Ord t4at BE IT ORDERED 'WHEREAS, The need for affordable housing in Northampton is well documented and this project meets the goals of both the Sustainable Northampton Plan and the Community Preservation Committee, , yWHEREAS, Pioneer Valley Habitat for Humanity has a long record of success in the creation of affordable housing. 'WHEREAS, The project uses City land in an appropriate manner. WHEREAS, The project has a unique and community -wide dimension in that the houses will be built by: future owners, Smith Vocational students, and volunteers, and some of the materials will be donated or provided at cost from local merchants, - WHEREAS, Community Preservation Act funds are used efficiently and compose only about 17% of the cost of the project. 'WHEREAS, On March 19, 2008, the Northampton Coznrnunity Preservation Conunittee voted to recommend $120 in Community Preservation Act funds be used to support this proj act. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, That $63,000 is appropriated from Community Preservation Act fielding in 2008 and $57,000 is appropriated fi Conuuunity Preservation Act funding in 2009 to Habitat for Humanity for the infrastructure costs for six affordable homes to be built on Garfield Avenue. And, that the grantee meets the conditions substantially approved by the Community Preservation Committee, the Mayor, and City Council. Specifically, $120,000 is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve (account #2344930- 359930). 'C—i ys'�— a/ In City Council, May 15, 2008 Rules suspended, passed two readings and enrolled. Attest: Cleric of Council - Approved: Mary Clare Higgins;-Mayor CITY OF NORTHAMPTON A true cop Attest: _, Cleric of Council MASSACHUSETTS nn /� /� May 1, 2008 — C,it� C'un.ciC, .............................................................................................. ............................... Upon the recommendation of Mayor Clare Higgins and the Community Preservation .......... / C4l• 311 / 13il tee :.................................................... ............................... .................... ............................... O rdered ' that BE IT ORDERED WHEREAS, The First Churches Meetinghouse has been a central feature of the community since 1655, which serves a broad public purpose beyond that of the church. 'WHEREAS, The present building, constructed in 1878, stands as an outstanding historic edifice in the very center of Northampton. WHEREAS, The building is in urgent need of restoration and preservation. 'WHEREAS, The preservation and use of the building supports the goals of the Sustainable Northampton Plan and the Community Preservation Committee. WHEREAS, The proj ect uses Community Preservation Act funds efficiently, as a small part (12.5 %) of a much larger fundraising effort, and directs Community Preservation Act funds solely to the reconstruction of the roof. - \iTHEREAS, On March 19, 2008 the Northampton Community Preservation Committee voted to recommend $250,000 in Community Preservation Act funds be used to support this project. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, That $250,000 is appropriated fiom Community Preservation Act funding to the First Churches for the restoration of the roof of the historic meetinghouse. And, that the grantee meets the conditions substantially approved by the Community Preservation Coi i i.ttee, the Mayor, and City Council. Specifically, 5177,652.34 is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reseive (account #2344930- 359930) and $72,347.66 is appropriated from the CPA Historic Preservation Reserve (account #2344930- 359932). r. v-" In City Council, May 15, 2008 Rules suspended, passed two readings and enrolled. Attest Clerk of Council Apprgyed:,Mary_Clare. Higgins, Mayor A true copy. CITY OF NOl��'HIAlYIP'�O�N Atles ,Clerk of Council MASSACHUSETTS -9, (fLt� counci , ....... May 1, 2005 Upon the recommendation or Mayor Clare 1= libgins and the Community Preservation .......... .. ....... C / 0111 m ] tlee :................. O rdered ' that BE IT ORDERED N�Tf= IEREAS, The project meets the goals of the Sustainable Northampton Plan and the Community Preservation Committee for the preservation of open space for recreation purposes. VA HEREAS, The prof ect will eventually expand the supply of needed sports fields. '\VHEREAS, The project uses Community Preservation Act funds efficiently. WHEREAS, On March 19, 2008, the Northampton Community Preservation Committee voted to recommend up to S1,500 in Community Presenvation Act funds be used to support this proj ect. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, That 51,500 is appropriated from Conmlunity Preservation Act funding to the Northampton Recreation Commission for the acquisition of land adjacent to Sheldon Field. Arid, that the mantee meets theconditions substantially approved by the Community Preservation Committee, the Mayor, and City Council. Specifically, 51,500 is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve (account #2344930- 359930) X10 uS i Ino��►'f s " L" In City Council, May 15, 2008 Rules suspended, passed two readings and enrolled. Clerk of Council ` -- Approvc :Mary� Claim Higgins, Mayor CITY OF NORTHAMPTON A true copy. Atte Clerk of Council MASSACHUSETTS /� //�� �� May 1, 2008 A C'it� C�ounciL, ...................................................... ............................... Upon the recommendation of Mayor Clare Higgins and the Community Preservation ........................................................................................................ ............................... . O rdered ' t4at BE IT ORDERED WHEREAS, The need for affordable housing in Northampton is well documented and this project meets the goals of both the Sustainable Northampton Plan and. the Community Preservation Committee. WHEREAS, The project moves forward the Housing First Concept: a widely accepted approach to dealing with homelessness, )WHEREAS, The project provides a loner teml housing solution that is less costly than alternative approaches. 'WHEREAS, The project leverages Communit } Preservation Act funds effectively. WHEREAS, The project has broad -based community support. -WHEREAS, On March 19, 2008, the Northampton Community Preservation Committee voted to recommend $220,000 in Community Preservation Act funds be used to support this proj ect. NOVJ, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, That 5220,000 is appropriated from Community Preservation Act funding to tine Friends of Hampshire County Homeless Individuals, Inc. (FHCHI) for the acquisition of a house in Northampton to provide up to six (6) units of permanent supported housing for chronically homeless individuals. And, that the grantee meets the conditions substantially approved by the Community Prese Committee, the Mayor, and City Council. Specifically, $147,652.34 is appropriated fi the CPA Bud (account #2344930 359930), and $72,347.66 is appropriated from the CPA Community Housing Reselwe, (account #2344930- 359933). vcd c ✓ In City Council, M;q 15, 2008 Rules suspended, passed two readings and enrolled. Attest A y5y , Cleric of Council Approved; Mary Clare Higgins, Mayor A true copy. CITY OF NORTHAMPTON �` Cleric ot'council Att est y MASSACHUSETTS //�� May "1, 2008 .9 n (fits counci . ................... ...................................................... . ...................................... I............ Upon the recommendation of Mayor Clare 1- I19911s and the Community Preservation ................... Committee:................................................................. ............................... .......................... O rdered ' thut BE IT ORDERED 'WHEREAS, The need for opportunities for Dome- ownership counseling for lo�� - income Northampton residents has been repeatedly documented by the Northampton Housing Partnership and other community housing organizations. ��THEREAS, The proposed project meets goals of both the Sustainable Northampton Plan and the Community Preservation Committee. V��IEREAS, Valley Comm. Development Corporation has a long history of success in helping qualified first -time- home - bu)lers purchase and keep homes. - WHEREAS, On March 19, 2008, the Northampton Community Preservation Committee voted to recommend 526,161 in Community Preservation Act finds be used to support this project. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, That $26,161 is appropriated from Community Preservation Act funding to the Valley Community Development Corporation for outreach, marketing, counseling, and assistance for the first time homebuyer program in the City of Northampton. And, that the grantee meets the conditions substantially approved by the Community Presei7lation Committee, the Mayor, and City Council. Specifically, $26,161 is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve (account #2344930- 359930) In City Council, May 15, 2008 Rules suspended, passed hvo readings and enrolled. Cleric of Council Approved: Mary Clare Higgins, Mayor A true copy. CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Atte: Clerk of Council MASSACHUSETTS f May l , 2005 -9" c�t� counci � ........................ Upon the recommendation of Mayor Clare Higgins and the Community Preservation ...................................... ............................... O rdered ' that BE IT ORDERED VAq-IEREAS, The Elm Street neighborhood is an important historic district within the City of Northampton. WHEREAS, Revisions to the Elm Street Historic District design standards and historic inventory meet a broad public purpose in protecting the historical character of Elan Street, WHEREAS, Protection of this district is in keeping with the goals of the Sustainable Northampton Plan and the goals of the Community Preservation Committee. - w The revised Elm Street Historic District design standards and historic inventory can be used as an educational tool and the model may be applied elsewhere in the City. WHEREAS, On March 19, 2008, the Northampton Community Preservation Committee voted to recommend 535,681.25 in Community Preservation Act funds be used to support this proj ect. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, That 535,681.25 is appropriated from Community Preservation Act filnding to the Elm Street Historic District Commission for revisions to the Elm Street Historic District design standards and historic inventory. And, that the grantee meets the conditions substantially approved by the Community Preservation Committee, the Mayor, and City Council. Specifically, $35,681.25 is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve (account #2344930- 359930). In City Council, May Ii, 2008 Riles suspended, passed two readings and enrolled. _ — — F'Ierk oYCouncll ►— Approved: Mary Clare Biggins, Mayor CITY m�J (� NORTHAMPTON A true copy. OF Atte 4\, ,Clericol'Council MASSACHUSETTS - 1\9 ay 1 1, 2 008 �n C'it� l,ounciC .............................................................................................. ............................... Upon the recommendation of Mayor Clare Higgins and the Community Preservation ........ / Cona41ai ttee ........................................................................................................ ............................... O rdere / d ' t4at BE IT ORDERED 1 WHEREAS, Forbes Library was constructed in the early 1890s and constitutes a. central and unique landmark of the city. WHEREAS, The building serves a broad public purpose, as a library, as a repository of historic documents, and as a center for community activities. WHEREAS, Support of this project meets the goals of both the Sustainable Northampton Plan and the Community Preservation Committee. 'WHEREAS, On March 19, 2008, the Northampton Community Preservation Committee voted to reconunend 5 1,000,000 in Community Preservation Act funds be used to support this proj ect. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED That 51,000,000 is appropriated from Community Preservation Act funding to the Forbes Library for the historic restoration and preservation of the Library. And, that the grantee meets the conditions substantially approved by the Community Preservation Committee, the Mayor, and City Council. Specifically, the Community Preservation Connrrittee requests that the City Treasurer, with approval of the Mayor, is authorized to borrow $1,000,000, over four years, under M.G.L. c. 44; § 7, (3A) or any other enabling authority, and the debt repaynicirt is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve (account 9=2344930- 359930). In City Council, May 1, 2008 Passed First Reading by a Roll Call vote of 9 Yes —0 No. t Atte ° "IAA )n/� Clerk of Council In City Council, May 15, 2008 Passed Second Reading by a unanimous voice vote of 8 Yes —0 No. (Councilor Reckman being absent) Attes In lAn Cleric of Council Approved: Mary Clare Higgins, Mayor Rules suspended, passed two readings and enrolled. I hereby certify that the above order passed the Northampton City Council on May 15, 2008 by a unanimous vote of 8 Yes — 0 No. Her Honor Mayor Mary Clare Higgins approved the or on May 15, 2008. Attes /fin n Y + Clerk of Cow uil InouSino � In City Council, May 15, 2008 Rules suspended, passed two readings and enrolled. Clerk of Council ApprovedaMary Clare Higgins, Mayor___ Atrue copy. CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Attes n r Clerk or a copy. MASSACHUSETTS /� May 1, 2005 A, C'it� l ................ .................................................................. ............................... Upon the recommendation of Mayor Clare Higgins and the Colnlll Lill] t) Preservation ....................................... ............................... .. ........ C41}1111111- tee :............... O rdered ' / that BE IT ORDERED 'WHEREAS, Both the Sustainable Northampton Plan and the Community Preservation Act call for a housing needs assessment for the City of Northampton. )WHEREAS, A needs assessment and strategic plan are necessary for the most effective allocation of Community Preservation Act funds and other funds for community housing. WHEREAS, The Northampton Housing Partnership has a long record of infonned involvement in affordable housing in Northampton and is uniquely qualified to oversee this proj ect. WHEREAS, On March 19, 2008, the Northampton Community Preservation Committee voted to recommend up to $35,000 in Community Preservation Act funds be used to support this project. NOS', THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, That up to 535,000 is appropriated from Community Preservation Act funding to the Northampton Housing Partnership for the development of housing needs assessment plan. And, that the grantee meets the conditions substantially approved by the Convnunity Presentation Committee, the Mayor, and City Council. Specifically, 'S5,000 is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve (account. #2344930- the Scope of Se1 is appropriated from the 359930) and up to $30 after a revie« of CPA Budgeted Reserve (account #2344930- 359930). �avvm ll ✓ CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS A C'it� C�ouraci� July 10, 2008 � ......... ............................... . .................. Upon -the •recommendation of Mayor -Glare. Biggins -and. the. Gonnnunity -Preservation- Com=ittee: - O rderect. :that BE IT ORDERED WHEREAS, The Saw Mill Hills Open Space Acquisition Project would protect valuable natural resources and create a comlection between the Saw Mill Hills . Conservation Area and the Mineral Hills Conservation Area thereby serving a public good. WHEREAS, The project meets the goals of the Open Space and Recreation Plan, Sustainable Northampton Plan and the Community Preservation Act for the preservation of open space and for recreation purposes. WHEREAS, The Broad Brook Coalition, Nonotuck Land Fund and other conservation partners support the Project. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, That $150,000 be appropriated from Community Preservation Act funding to the Saw Mill Hills Open Space Acquisition Project for the acquisition of approximately 12 acres of land located at the corner of Ryan Road and Sylvester Road consisting of riparian corridor along Parsons Brook, wetlands, a vernal - pool complex and upland area. And, that the grantee meets the conditions substantially approved by the Community Preservation Committee, the Mayor, and City Council. Specifically, $150,000 is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve (account #2344930- 359930). In City Council, July 10, 2008 Rules suspended, passed two readings and enrolled. Attes , Clerk of Council Approved: Mary Clare Higgins, Mayor �_ w J A true copy. Attestq- h& Clerk of Council V CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS �n City coetincd July 10, 2008 I .............................................................................................. ............................... .................. upon. the- - recorrm - imdation -of M- ayor.ClareHiggins•. and - the- Com- niunity Preservation. Carnnlittee. -. O rclered ' that BE IT ORDERED WHEREAS, The Grove Street Community Housing Project serves an important public benefit by providing safe, temporary shelter and stabilization for homeless adults in the community WHEREAS, The project benefits from a wide range of support fiom the community WHEREAS, The need for a new fire alarm system goes beyond ordinary maintenance and operation costs NOS', THEREFORE RE IT ORDER7ED That .$8,824 be appropriated from Community Preservation Act funding to the Grove Street Community Housing Project for the installation of anew fire alarm system. And, that the grantee meets the conditions substantially approved by the Community Preservation Committee, the Mayor, and City Council. Specifically, $8,824 is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve (account #2344930- 359930). In City Council, July 10, 2008 Rules suspended, passed two readings and enrolled. Attest Clerk of Council Approved: Mary Clare Higgins, Mayor c ^ A true copy. �nn Attes J �--' , Clerk of Council Eumme r ✓ CITE OF NORI`HAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS �-. August 21, 2008 �llt �C�L� �OLL/2CLL .............................................................................................. ............................... Upon the recommendation of Mayor Clare Higgins and the Community Preservation ......................... ................ ................................. ............................... O rdered ' theft BE IT ORDERED WHEREAS, The Summer Street Community Housing Project serves a public good by supporting housing and providing a support system for low /moderate income individuals who chose to live in a sober and drug free environment WHEREAS, The need for structural support improvements goes beyond ordinary maintenance and operation costs WHEREAS, The project benefits from a wide range of support from the community WHEREAS, The project supports the Northampton Sustainability Plan in encouraging housing in a dense urban neighborhood NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, That up to $39,61:7 be appropriated from Community Preservation Act funding to the Suiluner Street Community Housing Project for replacement and shoring of structural framing of the main beam, floor beams, and foundation walls. 'And, that the grantee meets the conditions substantially approved by the Community Preservation Committee, the Mayor, and City CounCll. Specifically, up to $39,617 is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve (account #2344930- 359930). In City Council, August 21, 2008 C Passed first reading unanimously (9-0). Attest Clerk of Council In City Council, September 4, 2008 Passed second reading unani mously (8 -0), Councilor Spector being absent. Attes 1 V��� , ` 1 � �U+�w� Ierk of Council Approved: Mary Clare Higgins, Mayor _ A true copy. Attest: ��_�Clerk of Council August 21, 2008 �� c�t� council ........................... ............................... Upon the reconu-endation of Mayor Clare Higgins and the Community Preservation ._��..}}..... //...._... . omii�> tee : .................. ............. ..................... .... Vrde". f4.t BE IT ORDERED WHEREAS, The Paradise Pond Community Housing Project serves an important public benefit by providing housing and stabilization for previously homeless families in the conununity 'WHEREAS, The project benefits from a wide range of support from the community WHEREAS, Ongoing funding from the Department of Housing and Urban Development is contingent upon this years gap funding - \�rHEREAS, HAP, Inc. has excellent track record over -zany years of supporting affordable housing in Northampton NOS', THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, That $26,627 be appropriated f rom Community Preservation Act funding to the Paradise Pond Community Housing Project for support of housing and stabilization for previously homeless families in the community. Acid, that the'grantee meets the conditions substantially approved by the Community Preservation Committee, the Mayor, and City Council. Specifically, $26,627 is appropriated Rom the CPA Budgeted Reserve (account #2344930 359930). In City Council, August 21, 2008 Passed first reading unanimously (9 -0). Attest: L Cleric of Council In City Council, September 4, 2008 Passed second reading:unanimously (8 -0), Councilor Spector being absent. Att . , Clerk of Council Approved: Mary Clare Higgins, Mayor A true copy. Attest: UM\0 —o-- J Cleric of Council I lalr,� � �� s✓ I CITY , OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS ~ August 21, 2008 A ' Cit cu oncil ............................... Upon the recommendation of Mayor Clare Higgins and the Community Preservation ............ // f .............................. ............................ Ordere that BE IT ORDERED WHEREAS, The Jackson Street Recreation Project serves a public purpose in providing easy access from the Jackson S neighborhood, including the Jackson Street School, to the existing bilcepath network WHEREAS; The project improves the safety of the bilcepath access WHEREAS, The project supports the Northampton Sustainability Plan in encouraging alternative transportation WHEREAS The project is supported by a wide range of community groups and'departments NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, That up to $35,000 be appropriated from Community Preservation Act funding to the Jackson Street Recreation Project for the purchase of two separate Right -of -Ways for construction of a bike path access ramp. And, that the grantee meets the conditions substantially approved by zhe Community Preservation Committee, the Mayor, and City Council. Specifically, up to 535,000 is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve (account #2344930- 359930). In City Council, August 21, 2008 C , Passed first reading unanimously (9 -0). Attest: '(f c., � C lerk of Council In City Council, September 4, 2008 Passed second reading unanimously (8 -0), Cou ncilor Spector being absent. Attest: . �611� Clerlc of Couneit Approved: Mary Clare Higgins, Mayor A true copy. Attest: • O c "3 .Clerk of Council h � CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS August 21, 2008 -9. c�t� (founcil ............................................................................................. ............................... Upon the recommendation of Mayor Clare Higgins and the Community Preservation ................... Collim ttee : ....................................................................................................... ........................I._.... O rdered ? t4at BE IT ORDERED 1, ATHEREAS, The Historic Northampton Museum is a significant community and regional resource for historic collections WHEREAS, The project enjoys widespread public support WHEREAS, The project serves a public purpose by preserving structures and artifacts of important historic significance NOS', THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, That $105,100.be appropriated from Community Preservation Act funding to the Historic Northampton Museum Historic Preservation Project for the preservation of the Parsons, Shepherd and Damon Houses. And, that the grantee meets the conditions substantially approved by the Community Preservation Committee, the Mayor, and City Council. Specifically, $105,100 is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve (account #2344930- 359930). In City Council, August 21, 2008 Passed first reading unanimously (9 -0). Attest: Clerk of Council In City Council, September 4, 2008 Passed second reading unanimously (8 -0), Councilor Spector being absent. Attest: 1 Y�� �� Clerk of Council Approved: Mary Clare Higgins, Mayor A true copy. Attest: V Y (:L �-IMK Clerk of Council CI'T'Y OF NORTHAMPTO N MASSACHUSETTS /� //JJ pp August 21, 2008 J`n eit9 - ounciC� .............................................................................................. ............................... Upon the recommendation of Mayor Clare Higgins and the Community Preservation ................... Comnlittee ..................... ............................... ............................... _.. O rdered ' .that BE IT ORDERED WHEREAS, The acquisition would extend the Fitzgerald Lake Conservation Area thereby serving a public good WHEREAS, The project meets the goals of the Open Space and Recreation Plan, Sustainable Northampton Plan and the Community Preservation Act for the preservation of open space and recreation purposes WHEREAS, The Broad Brook Coalition, Nonotuck Land Fund and other conservation partners support the Project WHEREAS, Fundirig would be returned to the taxpayers of Northampton after the required payment of back taxes NOW. THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, That $31,000 be appropriated from Community Preservation Act fielding to the Fitzgerald Lake Open Space Acquisition Project for the purchase of approximately 1.1 acres of land consisting of wetlands, riparian corridor and upland habitat adjacent to Broad Brook. And, that the grantee meets the conditions substantially approved by the Cornmrmity Preservation Committee, the Mayor, and City Council. Specifically, $31,000 is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve (accounLte August 21, 2008 .359930. Passed first reading unanimously (9 -0). Attest: , Clerk of Council In City Council, September 4, 2008 Passed second reading unanimously (8 -0), Councilor Spector being absent. Attest: Y Vim* 1 cJ 1 Y � of Council Approved: Mary Clare Higgins, Mayor �Q A true copy. Attest: OC_ , Cleric of Council C� ' ✓ UTY OF -NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS C ounci l August 21, 2008 — it� t noun cif ........ ............................... Upon the recommendation of Mayor Clare Higgins and the Community Preservation .. ............................... .................. O rdered ' .taut BE IT ORDERED WHERE-AS, the City Clerk Historic Records Preservation Project serves a public need by preserving vital historic records WHEREAS, Project implementation meets the Commonwealth's Registry of Vital Records Mandate WHEREAS, On June 18, 2008, the Northampton Community Preservation Committee voted to recommend $49,708 ($16,033 in FY 08 and 533,675 in FY 09) in Community Preservation Act funds be used to support this project NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, That $16,033 FY 08 and $33,675 FY 09 be appropriated from Conununity Preservation Act funding to the City Clerk Historic Records Preservation Project to dismantle bindings, surface dly clean, repair, restore, re -sew, re- bind.and encapsulate vital City records. And, that the grantee meets the conditions substantially approved by the Community Preservation Conunittee, the Mayor, and City Council. Specifically, $49,708 ($16,033 in FY 08 and $33,675 in FY 09) is appropriated from the Cp A Budgeted Reserve (account #2344930- 359930). In City Council, August 21, 2008 Passe first reading unanimousl} (9 -0). Attest: lerlc of Council In City Council, September 4, 2008 Passed second reading:unanimously (8-0), Councilor Spector being absent. Att +: �� � �i, .��C erk of Council Approved: Mary Clare Higgins, Mayor A true copy. Attest: Vw �*-) Clerk of Council December 8, 2008 (fit ............................ e. C�ounci� .................... ..............................: ............ . Upon the recommendation of Mayor Clare Higgins and the Community Preservation ..................................................... ....................:.......... O rdered ' that BE IT ORDERED WHEREAS, the project creates eight new units of very -low income single -room occupancy housing and 1,200 square feet of commercial space. WHEREAS, there has been a significant decline in single -room housing in Northampton over the last several decades. WHEREAS, single room occupancy housing adds to the social and economic diversity of the City of Northampton. WHEREAS, the Valley Community Development Corporation has an excellent record of preserving and creating sustainable housing projects WHEREAS, on December 3, 2008, the Northampton Community Preservation Committee voted 7 -0 to recommend $225,000 in Community Preservation Act funds be used to support this project. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERER, That $225,000 be appropriated from Community Preservation Act funding to the Valley Community Development Corporation for the creation of eight new "eiiklanced" single room occupancy units on King Street. And, that the grantee meets the conditions substantially approved by the Community Preservation Committee, the Mayor, and City Council. Specifically, $225,000 is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve (account 9 359930): In City Council, December 18, 2008 Passed First Reading of n Roll Cnll Vote of 8 Yes, I No (Councilor Mtu•phy voting No) Attest: `-\NC, r t l fir, Clerk of Council III City Council, January 15, 2009 Passed Second Reading on a Voice Vote of 7 Yes, 2 No (Councilors IMw•phy and Raymond LaBarge voting No) Attest: �LG1` -LJ f., Clerk of Council Approved: Mary Clare Higgins, Mayor Rules suspended, passed two readings and enrolled. I hereby certify that the above order passed the Northampton City Council On January 15, 2009 Her Honor Mayo" M111-3' Clal•c Higgins approved the order on January 15, 2009. Attest: . �lerk of' Council City of Northampton. Community Treseroation. Committee December 8, 2008 Mayor Clare Higgins City of Northampton 210 Main Street, City Hall Northampton, MA 01060 Northampton, 9V19 01060 Re: Community Preservation Committee Recommendation to Fund the Valley Community Development Corporation's King Street Single Room Occupancy Community Housing Project Dear Honorable Mayor Higgins, On September 12, 2008, the deadline for the third round of Community Preservation Act (CPA) funding requests in the City of Northampton, the Community Preservation Committee (CPC) began reviewing ten project proposals submitted for CPA fielding. The Community Preservation Committee conducted project site visits on September 27, 2008, and met with five applicants on October 15, 2008 and five applicants on November 5, 2008 to discuss their project proposals. On November 19, 2008 the CPC held its summary evaluative discussions of the applications, and on December 3, 2008 the Community Preservation Committee voted 7- 0 to fund $225,000 to the Valley Community Development Corporation for the creation of eight new "enhanced" single room occupancy units on King Street. The following are conditions /contingencies that the Community Preservation Committee is requiring as part of its recommendation for the Valley Community Development Corporation's King Street Single Room Occupancy Community Housing Project: • Procedures for monitoring and reporting shall be worked out among the Committee, Mayor and the grantee. • The Valley Community Development Corporation provides an affordable housing restriction for 99- years. • $50,000 is to be allocated for predevelopment funds, up to $40,000 is to be allocated when the building is acquired, and the remainder is to be allocated upon the receipt of funds from the Department of Housing and Community Development. • Acquisition funds are to be returned to the Community Preservation Fund if the applicant is not funded by the Department of Housing and Community TIA,r�1r,,,,,,an9 �xrithin ttx�Pnt- v- fcui- n7oilth� -of r -ece pi_of ac -quisition ftinds. We hope that you will find this overview useful during this critical stage in the funding process. The Community Preservation Committee has worked diligently to ensure that both the Committee and the process have been comprehensive, transparent and iinclusive; we welcome your input and expertise on this project recommendation, Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Jack Horror Chair, City of Northampton Community Preservation Committee CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS December 8, 2008 -9. cit Council .............................................................................................. .........................:..... Upon the recommendation of Mayor Clare Higgins and the Community Preservation ................... Caznmittee....................................................................................................................................... O rdered ' taut BE IT ORDERED WHEREAS, the Daughters of the American Revolution Betty Allen Chapter is a well -known service organization in the community. WHEREAS, the design of the storm windows preserve the historic facade of the building and reduces the ecological footprint. WHEREAS, the funding contributes to the preservation of a historically significant building. WHEREAS, on December 3, 2008, the Northampton Community Preservation Committee voted 7 -0 to recommend $2761.00 in Community Preservation Act funds be used to support this project. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, That $2761.00 be appropriated from Community Preservation Act Rinding to the DAR Betty Allen Chapter for the installation of custom interior storm windows and the restoration of a flag pole. And, that the grantee meets the conditions substantially approved by the Community Preservation Committee, the Mayor, and City Council. Specifically, $2761.00 is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve (account #2344930- 359930). I In City Council, December 1S, 2008 Passed First Reading unanimously (9 -0). Attest; 1 .R L ;kC— ClerkofCouncil Iii City Council, January 15, 2009 Passed Second Reading on a Voice Vole of S Yes, I No (Councilor Raymond LaBarge voting No) Attest: = l \' �LG� Clerl: of Cowicil Approved: Mary Clare Higgins, Mayor Rules suspended, passed two readings and enrolled. I hereby certify that the above order passed the Northampton City Council On January 15, 2009 Her 1-101101 Mayor Mary Clare Higgins approved the order on January 15, 2009. Attest: `C'Icrk of Council City of Northampton Community (Pieseivation. Committee Northampton, WX 01060 December 8, 2008 Mayor Clare Higgins City of Northampton 210 Main Street, City Hall Northampton, MA 01060 Re: Community Preservation Committee Recommendation to Fund the Betty Allen Chapter DAR Historic Preservation Project Dear Honorable Mayor Higgins, On September 12, 2008, the deadline for the third round of Community Preservation Act (CPA) funding requests in the City of Northampton, the Community Preservation Committee (CPC) began reviewing ten project proposals submitted for CPA funding. The Community Preservation Committee conducted project site visits on September 27, 2008, and met with five applicants on October 15, 2008 and five applicants on November 5, 2008 to discuss their project proposals. On November 19, 2008 the CPC held its summary evaluative discussions of the applications, and on December 3, 2008 the Community Preservation Committee voted 7- 0 to fund $2761.00 to the Betty Allen Chapter DAR House Historic Preservation Project. The requested funding is for the installation of custom interior storm windows and the restoration of a flag pole. The following are conditions /contingencies that the Community Preservation Committee is requiring as part of its recommendation for the Betty Allen Chapter DAR House Historic Preservation Project: Procedures for monitoring and reporting shall be worked out among the Committee, Mayor and the grantee: • Prior to receipt of funding, the DAR Betty Allen Chapter provides a preservation guarantee that is acceptable to the CPC. I We hope that you will find this overview useful during this critical stage in the funding I process, The Community Preservation Committee has worked diligently to ensure that . both the Committee and the process have been comprehensive, transparent and inclusive; we welcome your input and expertise on this project recommendation. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Jack Hornor Chair, City of Northampton Community Preservation Committee 9nva <�e� CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS December 8, 2008 A c (founcil, Upon the recommendation of Mayor Clare Higgins and the Community Preservation ....................................... ............................... .... O rdered ' that BE IT ORDERED WHEREAS, the Broad Brook Coalition is a community organization with a long history of acting in the public interest to preserve open space, recreational opportunities and natural habitats. WHEREAS, the project preserves critical habitat areas and is essential to the health of native flora and fauna. WHEREAS, on December 3, 2008, the Northampton Community Preservation Committee voted 7 -0 to recommend $12,000 in Community Preservation Act funds be used to support this project. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, 'That $12,000 be appropriated from Community Preservation Act funding to the Broad Brook Coalition for the removal of invasive species located in the Fitzgerald Lake Conservation Ai And, that the grantee meets the conditions substantially approved by the Cornrnunity Preservation Committee, the Mayor, and City Council. Specifically, $12,000 is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve (account #2344930- 359930). r In City Council, December 18, 2008 Passed First Reading unanimously (9 -0). Attest: �. C \ �t Clcr{: of Council Li City Council, January 15, 2009 Passed Second Reading on a Voice Vote ol'8 Yes, I No (Councilor Raymond LaBargc voting No) Attest: `\' LM S4 of Council Approved: Mary are Higgins, Mayor Rules suspended, passed two readings and enrolled. I hereby certify that the above order passed the Northampton City Council On January 15, 2009 Her Honor Mayor Mary Clare Higgins approved the order on January 15, 2009. G Attest: BCD - ^_ C 11, &• `C,Clerl:of'Council City o Xorthamp•ton• C'omnaunity Preservation Comnaittee Xoithanzpton, 9�I.A 01060 December 8, 2008 Mayor Clare Higgins City of Northampton 210 Main Street, City Hall Northampton, MA 01060 Re: Community Preservation Committee Recommendation to Fund the Broad Brook Coalition's Fitzgerald Lake Conservation Area Open Space Preservation Project Dear Honorable Mayor Higgins, On September 12, 2008, the deadline for the third round of Community Preservation Act (CPA) funding requests in the City of Northampton, the Community Preservation Committee (CPC) began reviewing ten project proposals submitted for CPA funding. The Community Preservation Committee conducted project site visits on September 27, 2008, and met with five applicants on October 15, 2008 and five applicants on November 5, 2008 to discuss their project proposals. On November 19, 2008 the CPC held its summary evaluative discussions of the applications, and on December 3, 2008 the Community Preservation Committee voted 7- 0 to fund $12,000 to the Broad Brook Coalition for the removal of invasive species located in the Fitzgerald Lake Conservation Area. The following are conditions /contingencies that the Community Preservation Comnaittee is requiring as part of its recommendation for the Broad Brook Coalition's Fitzgerald Lake Conservation Area Open Space Preservation Project: • Procedures for monitoring and reporting shall be worked out among the Committee, Mayor and the grantee. . We hope that you will find this overview useful during this critical stage in the funding process. The Community Preservation Committee has worked diligently to ensure that both the Committee and the process have been comprehensive, transparent and inclusive; we welcome your input and expertise on this project recommendation. Sincerely, Jack Hornor Chair, City of Northampton Community Preservation Committee - moyyoz ✓ CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS December 8, 2008 -9. 'cit Council .............................................................................................. ............................... Upon the recommendation of Mayor Clare Higgins and the Community Preservation ........... /........ Corn/ mittee :.............. ............................... . ........................................................ ............................... O rdered ' ' that BE IT ORDERED WHEREAS, the project preserves open space and watershed land. WHEREAS, the project protects natural habitats and species diversity. WHEREAS, the projects meets open space goals in the Community Preservation Plan and the Sustainable Northampton Plan. WHEREAS, on December 3, 2008, the Northampton Community Preservation Committee voted 6 -1 to recommend $118,600 in Community Preservation Act funds be used to support this project. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDEREgD, That $118,600 be appropriated from Community Preservation Act funding to the Nonotuck Land Fund for the purchase of a Conservation Restriction on 168 acres of open space. And, that the grantee meets the conditions substantially approved by the Community Preservation Committee, the Mayor, and City Council. Specifically, $118,600 is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve (account #2344930- 359930). 1n City Council, December 18, 2008 Passed First Reading unanimously (9 -0). � Attest: c `1��C1- Clrkof In City Council, January 15, 2009 Passed Second Reading on a Voice Vote 01 yes, 1 No (Councilor Raymond LaBarge voting No) C � Attest: \' \CL �1 �� (P,- Clerk of Council Approved: \4a1 Clare Higgins, Mayor Rules suspended, passed two readings and enrolled. I hereby certify that the above order passed the Northampton City Council Ou January 15, 2009 Her Honor Mayor \4ary Clare hlio,"O s approved the order on .lanuary 15, 2009. Attest: �^ Clerk of Council e - C City of7Vonhmnpton. Community (Preservation. Committee Nor t(ampton, WX 01060 December 8, 2008 Mayor Clare Higgins City of Northampton 210 Main Street, City Hall Northampton, MA 01060 Re: Community Preservation Committee Recommendation to Fund the Nonotuck Land Fund Marble Brook Open Space Acquisition Project Dear Honorable Mayor Higgins, On September 12, 2008, the deadline for the third round of Community Preservation Act (CPA) funding requests in the City of Northampton, the Community Preservation Committee (CPC) began reviewing ten project proposals 'submitted for CPA funding. The Community Preservation Committee conducted project site visits on September 27, 2008, and met with five applicants on October 15, 2008 and five applicants on November 5, 2008 to discuss their project proposals. On November 19, 2008 the CPC held its summary evaluative discussions of the applications, and on December 3, 2008 the Community Preservation Committee voted 6- 1 to fund $118,600 to the Nonotuck Land Fund Marble Brook Project. The requested funding is for the placement of a Conservation Restriction on 168 acres of open space. The following are conditions /contingencies that the Community Preservation Committee is requiring as part of its recommendation for the Nonotuck Land Fund Marble Brook Open Space Acquisition Project: • Procedures for monitoring and reporting shall be worked out among the Committee, Mayor and the grantee. • The applicant or holder of the Conservation Restriction provides the Community Preservation Committee a long-term management plan prior to the receipt of funding. • The applicant requires the landowner to complete a Forest Stewardship Plan prior to conducting any forestry activities on the parcel. We hope that you will find this overview useful during this critical stage In th.e funding process. The Community Preservation Committee has worked diligently to ensure that both the Committee and the process have been comprehensive, ttansparent and inclusive; �e wel- Iona _e— y_o_ttLUlpttLalad_ ex pertise on this t recommendation. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. 1. I Sincerely, Jack Hornor Chair, City of Northampton Community Preservation Committee d CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS December 8, 2008 -9. ' (fit council ......................... Upon the recommendation of Mayor Clare Higgins and the Community Preservation ........... ........ G Omnlittee :...................................................................................................... ............................... . Ord .. ered ' that BE IT ORDERED WHEREAS, the Conservation Commission has been effective in preserving key open space parcels in the City of Northampton. WHEREAS, the funding would allow the Conservation Commission to act quickly on high priority, time sensitive open space acquisition and preservation projects. WHEREAS, the fund would support the general criteria for open space acquisition in the Community Preservation Plan and the Sustainable Northampton Plan. WHEREAS, on December 3, 2008, the Northampton Community Preservation Committee voted 5 -2 to recommend S 10,000 in Community Preservation Act funds be used to support this project. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDEREID, That $10,000 be appropriated from Community Preservation Act funding to the Conservation Fund for high priority, time sensitive open space acquisition and preservation projects. And, that the grantee meets the conditions substantially approved by the Community Preservation Committee, the Mayor, and City Council. Specifically, $10,000 is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve (account #2344930- 359930). r.. In City Council, December 18, 2008 Passed First Rcadinc on a Roll Call Vote of 8 Yes, 1 Abstention (Councilor Bardsley abstaining) Attest_ ` � 11C`, Clcrlc of Council Li City Council, Jnn inry 15, 2009 Passed Second Rending on a Voice Vote of 8 Yes, 1 No (Councilor Raymond LaBarge voting No) Attest: �A�[' lerlc of Council Approved: 'Mary Clare Higgins, Mayor Rules suspencled, passed two readiness and enrolled. r I hereby certify that the above order passed the Northampton City Council On January 15, 2009 Her Honor AVIayor Mary Clare Higgins approved the order on January 15, 2009 Attest: CVk'u'([l� of Council City of Xonfiampton Community nresenoation. Committee Northanipton, %,X 01060 December 8, 2008 Mayor Clare Higgins City of Northampton 210 Main Street, City Hall Northampton, MA 01060 Re: Community Preservation Committee Recommendation to Fund the Conservation Commission Conservation Fund Project Dear Honorable Mayor Higgins, On September 12, 2008, the deadline for the third round of Community Preservation Act (CPA) funding requests in the City of Northampton, the Community Preservation Committee (CPC) began reviewing ten project proposals submitted for CPA funding. The Community Preservation Committee conducted project site visits on September 27, 2008, and met with five applicants on October 15, 2008 and five applicants on November 5, 2008 to discuss their project proposals. On November 19, 2008 the CPC held its summary evaluative discussions of the applications, and on December 3, 2008 the Community Preservation Committee voted 5- 2 to fund $10,000 to the Conservation Commission Conservation Fund Project. The request is for the transfer of Community Preservation Act fields to the Conservation Fund for high priority, time sensitive open space acquisition and preservation projects. The following are conditions /contingencies that the Community Preservation Committee is requiring as part of its recommendation for the Conservation Commission Conservation Fund Project: • Procedures for monitoring and reporting shall be worked out among the Committee, Mayor and the grantee. ;- We hope that you will find this overview useful during this critical stage in the fielding process. The Community Preservation Committee has worked diligently to ensure that both the Committee and the process have been comprehensive, transparent and inclusive; we welcome your input and expertise on this project recommendation. or concerns. Sincerely, Jack Hornor Chair, City of Northampton Community Preservation Committee MO Pg V CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS December 8, 2008 �rc C'it� C"un,ciC, .............................................................................................. ............................... Upon the recommendation of Mayor Clare Higgins and the Community Preservation .................................................................. ............................... O rdered ' that BE IT ORDERED WHEREAS, the project preserves eleven units of very -low income affordable housing. WHEREAS, there has been a significant decline in single -room occupancy housing in Northampton over the past several decades. WHEREAS, the Housing Partnership has identified the creation and preservation of single room occupancy units as their highest priority. WHEREAS, the Valley Community Development Corporation has an excellent record of preserving and creating sustainable housing projects. WHEREAS, on December 3, 2008, the Northampton Community Preservation Committee voted 5 -2 to recommend $250,000 in Community Preservation Act funds be used to support this project. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, That $250,000 be appropriated from Community Preservation Act fiulding to the Valley Community Development Corporation for the preservation of eleven single -room occupancy units on Maple Street. And, that the grantee meets the conditions substantially approved by the Community Preservation Committee, the Mayor, and City Council. Specifically, $250,000 is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve (account #2344930- 359930). In City Council, December 18, 2005 Passed First Reading on a Roll Call Vote of G Yes, 2 No, 1 Abstention (Councilors Murphy and Reckman voting No; Councilor Dostal abstaining) Attcst: of Council In City Council, Ja uary 15, 2009 Passed Second Rcadim on a Roll Call Vote of 5 Yes, 4 No (Councilors Murphy, Dostal, Reclunan and Raymond LaBarge voting No) Attes k of Council Approved: Mary Cla re Higgins, Mayor Rules suspended, passed two readings and carolled. a I hereby certify that the above order passed the Northampton City Council On January 15, 2009 Her Ilonor Mayor Mary Clare Higgins approved the order on January 15, 2009. Attest�� of Council City of Northampton Community Treservation Committee Northampton, %,9. 01060 December 8, 2008 Mayor Clare Higgins City of Northampton 210 Main Street, City Hall Northampton, MA 01060 Re: Community Preservation Committee Recommendation to Fund the Valley Community Development Corporation's Maple Street Single Room Occupancy Community Housing Project Dear Honorable Mayor Higgins, On September 12, 2008, the deadline for the third round of Community Preservation Act (CPA) funding requests in the City of Northampton, the Community Preservation Committee (CPC) began reviewing ten project proposals submitted for CPA funding. The Community Preservation Committee conducted project site visits on September 27, 2008, and met with five applicants on October 15, 2008 and five applicants on November 5, 2008 to discuss their project proposals. On November 19, 2008 the CPC held its summary evaluative discussions of the applications, and on December 3, 2008 the Community Preservation Committee voted 5- 2 to fund $250,000 to the Valley Community Development Corporation. The requested funding is for the preservation of eleven single -room occupancy units located on Maple Street in Florence. The following are conditions /contingencies that the Community Preservation Committee is requiring as part of its recommendation for the Valley Community Development Corporation's Maple Street Single Room Occupancy Community Housing Project: • Procedures for monitoring and reporting shall be worked out among the Committee, Mayor and the grantee. • The Valley Community Development Corporation provides ail . affordable housing restriction for 99- years. $25,000 is to be allocated for predevelopincrit funds and the remainder is to be allocated upon the receipt of state matching funds as referenced in the application packet. We lope -tllai yol�i -1 -l- find- tlzi- s- o��e�a -etn� us_elL Clllrill� this critical stage in the fundin process. The Community Preservation Committee has worked diligently to ensure that both the Committee and the process have been comprehensive, transparent and inclusive; we welcome your input and expertise on this project recommendation, Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns, Sincerely, Jack Hornor Chair, City of Northampton Community Preservation Committee Vwc, V CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS December 8, 2008 —9n City Coun.ci p , .............................................................................................. ............................... Upon the recommendation of Mayor Clare Higgins and the Community Preservation ................... C. oinmittee :....................................................................................................... ............................... O rdered ' that BE IT ORDERED WHEREAS, the fund allows the applicant to expedite land acquisition projects. WHEREAS, the funds will contribute to the creation, preservation, rehabilitation and support of affordable housing in the City of Northampton. WHEREAS, the Valley Community Development Corporation has an excellent record of preserving and creating sustainable housing projects. WHEREAS, on December 3, 2008, the Northampton Community Preservation Committee voted 6 -1 to recommend $10,000 in Community Preservation Act funds be used to support this project. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, That $10,000 be appropriated from Community Preservation Act funding to the Valley Community Development Corporation's Predevelopment Fund. And, that the .grantee meets the conditions substantially approved by the Community Preservation Committee, the Mayor, and City Council. Specifically, $10,000 is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve (account #2344930- 359930). In City Council, December 18, 2008 Passed First Reading on a Voice Vote of 8 Yes, l Abstention (Councilor Bardsley abstaining) L Attest: • � O Ierk of Council In City Council, Jan ary 15, 2009 Passed Second Reading on a Voice Vole of 8 Yes, I No (Councilor Raymond LaBarge voting No) C � Attest; 1 i C lerk of Council Approved: Mary Clare Higgins, Mayor Rules suspended, passed two readings and enrolled. I hereby certify that the above order passed the Northampton City Council On January 15, 2009 Her Honor Mayor Mary Clare Higgins approved tile order 011 January 15, 2009. 1 Attest rk of Council City of.Northanipton. Community Ti Committee Xorthampton, 91I.4. • 0 / 1060 December 8, 2008 Mayor Clare IIiggins City of Northampton 210 Main Street, City Hall Northampton, MA 01060 Re: Community Preservation Committee Recommendation to Fund the Valley Community Development Corporation's Predevelopment Fund Dear Honorable Mayor Higgins, On September 12, 2008, the deadline for the third round of Community Preservation Act (CPA) funding requests in the City of Northampton, the Community Preservation Committee (CPC) began reviewing ten project proposals submitted for CPA funding. The Community Preservation Committee conducted project site visits on September 27, 2008, and met with five applicants on October 15, 2008 and five applicants on November 5, 2008 to discuss their project proposals. On November 19, 2008 the CPC held its summary evaluative discussions of the applications, and on December 3, 2008 the Community Preservation Committee voted 6- 1 to fund $10,000 to the Valley Community Development Corporation's Predevelopment Fund. The following are conditions /contingencies that the Community Preservation Committee is requiring as part of its recommendation for the Valley Community Development Corporation's Predevelopment Fund: • Procedures for monitoring and reporting shall be worked out among the Committee, Mayor and the grantee. _ • Funds must be used for projects in the City of Northampton We hope that you will find this overview useful during this critical stage in the fielding process. The Community Preservation Committee has worked diligently to ensure that I I both the Committee and the process have been comprehensive, transparent and inclusive; we welcome your input and expertise on this project recommendation. Sincerely, Jack Homor Chair, City of Northampton Community Preservation Committee Mi 1 i oral v CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS December 8, 2008 Cit y council .............................................................................................. ............................... Upon the recommendation of Mayor Clare Higgins and the Community Preservation ........... .....:..0 ammittee :....................................................................................................... ............................... Ordered.. / ' th.t BE IT ORDERED WHEREAS, the project contributes to the preservation of Northampton's historic character. WHEREAS, the project provides a broad public benefit to the citizens of Northampton and the region. WHEREAS, the project preserves a historical structure in a geographical area that is historically and culturally significant. WHEREAS, on December 3, 2008, the Northampton Community Preservation Committee voted 7 -0 to recommend $150,000 in Community Preservation Act funds be used to support this NOW. THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, That $150,000 be appropriated from Community Preservation Act funding to the David Ruggles Center for Early Florence History and Underground Railroad Studies for the purchase of the museum and education center. And, that the grantee meets the conditions substantially approved by the Community Preservation Committee, the Mayor, and City Council. Specifically, $150,000 is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve (account #2344930 - 359930). In City Council, December 18, 2008 Passed First Reading, on a Voice Vote of 8 Yes, 1 Abstention (Councilor Murphy abstaining) Attest:lClerk of Council In City Council, Jan nary 15, 2009 Passed Second Readia;, on a Voice Vote ol•7 Yes, 2 No (Councilors Murphy and Raymond LaBarge voting No) Attes }V�Cj �i.� 11�CSt .lt. Coll ncil Approved: Mary Clare Higgins, Mayor Rules suspended, passed two readings and enrolled. I hereby certify that the above order passed the Northampton City Council On January 15, 2009 Iles I-Ionor Mayor Mary Clare Higgins approved the order on January 15, 2009. Attest: C lerk of Council C I City of Northanzpton. f -- ' Conmiunity (Preservation Committee Northampton, 9WX 01060 December 8, 2008 Mayor Clare Higgins City of Northampton 210 Main Street, City Hall Northampton, MA 01060 Re: Community Preservation Committee Recommendation to Fund the David Ruggles Center for Early Florence History and Underground Railroad Studies Historic Preservation Project Dear Honorable Mayor Higgins, On September 12, 2008, the deadline for the third round of Community Preservation Act (CPA) funding requests in the City of Northampton, the Community Preservation Committee (CPC) began reviewing ten project proposals submitted for CPA funding. The Community Preservation Committee conducted project site visits on September 27, 2008, and met with five applicants on October 15, 2008 and five applicants on November 5, 2008 to discuss their project proposals. On November 19, 2008 the CPC held its summary evaluative discussions of the applications, and on December 3, 2008 the Community Preservation Committee voted 7- 0 to fund $150,000 to the David Ruggles Center for Early Florence History and Underground Railroad Studies Historic Preservation Project. The requested finding is for the purchase of the museum and education center. The following are conditions /contingencies that the Community Preservation Committee is requiring as part of its recommendation for the David Ruggles Center for Early Florence History and Underground Railroad Studies Historic Preservation Project: • Procedures for monitoring and reporting shall be worked out among the Committee, Mayor and the grantee. • Prior to receipt of funding, the David Ruggles Center provides a preservation guarantee that is acceptable to the CPC. i m $12,500 is provided forpredcvelopment costs, $ 18,000 is provided upon signing a Purchase and Sale Agreement, and. the remainder is provided at the purchase closing. , I r Vise hope -thai: you will -Enid -this o��er��iev�yusef -ul- dui -iilb this- cr- ili- cal_stageaaa t1ac;�LUl process. The Community Preservation Committee has worked diligently to ensure that both the Committee and the process have been comprehensive, transparent and inclusive; we welcome your input and expertise on this project recommendation. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Jack Hornor Chair, City of Northampton Community Preservation Committee CITY OF NORTHAMPTON' MASSACHUSETTS December 8, 2008 -9,-, :c�t� Council ...... ............................... ............................... Upon the recommendation of Mayor Clare Higgins and the Community Preservation ................... / Com m . e itte :....................................................................................................... ............................... Ordere that BE IT ORDERED WHEREAS, there is a widely recognized need for additional playing fields in the City of Northampton. WHEREAS, the project supports diverse recreational opportunities in the City of Northampton. WHEREAS, the project meets a broad public purpose, as stated in the Community Preservation Plan and the Sustainable Northampton Plan. WHEREAS, on December 3, 2008, the Northampton Community Preservation Committee voted 7 -0 to recommend $40,000 in Community Preservation Act funds be used to support this project. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, That $40,000 be appropriated from Community Preservation Act funding to the Recreation Commission for a playing fields feasibility study. And, that the grantee meets the conditions substantially approved by the Community'Preservation Committee, the Mayor, and City Council. Specifically, $40,000 is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve (account #2344930- 359930). In City Council, December 18, 2008 Passed First Rending unanimously (9 -0). C ll1�� Attest: - v-. • �C.;✓to'C erlc of Council 1n City Council, January 15, 2009 Passed Second Reading on a Voice Vote of 8 Yes, 1 No (Councilor Raymond LaBarge voting No) Attest: 1NC��i' 1 �Clerlc of Council Approved: Mary Clare Higgins, Mayor Rules suspended, passed two readings and enrolled. I hereby certify that the above passed the Northampton City Council On Janun•p 15, 2009 Her Honor Mayor Mary Clare I-Iiggins approved the order on January 15, 2009. Attcst: \W Clerk of Council " z �- r". City of Nonfiampton. Community Preservation. Committee Nortfiampton, 9kfA 01060 December 8, 2008 Mayor Clare Higgins City of Northampton 210 Main Street, City Hall Northampton, MA 01060 Re: Community Preservation Committee Recommendation to Fund the Recreation Commission Feasibility Study for Playing Fields Dear Honorable Mayor Higgins, On September 12, 2008, the deadline for the third round of Community Preservation Act (CPA) funding requests in the City of Northampton, the Community Preservation Committee (CPC) began reviewing ten project proposals submitted for CPA funding. The Community Preservation Committee conducted project site visits on September 27, 2008, and met with five applicants on October 15, 2008 and five applicants on November 5, 2008 to discuss their project proposals. On November 19, 2008 the CPC held its summary evaluative discussions of the applications, and on December 3, 2008 the Community Preservation Committee voted 7- 0 to field $40,000 to the Recreation Commission Playing Field Feasibility Study. The following are conditions /contingencies that the Community Preservation Committee is requiring as part of its recommendation for the Recreation Commission Feasibility Study for Playing Fields: • Procedures for monitoring and reporting shall be worked out among the Committee, Mayor and the grantee. • Steps #1 and #2 in the project narrative must be completed and presented to the Community Preservation Committee prior to the receipt of funding. We hope that you will find this overview useful during this critical stage in the funding process. The Community Preservation Committee has worked diligently to ensure that i both the Committee and the process have been comprehensive, transparent and inclusive; we welcome your input and expertise on this project recommendation, Sincerely, Jack Homor Chair, City of Northampton Community Preservation Committee