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02-021 666 north farms road planningAM City of Northampton, Massachusetts Office of Planning and Development City Hall • 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 • (413) 586 -6950 FAX(413)586 -3726 • Conservation Commission • Hislorical Commission • Housing Partnership • Parking Commission • Planning Board • Zoning Board of Appeals DECISION OF NORTHAMPTON PLANNING BOARD APPLICANT: Patrick M. Goggins ADDRESS: 666 North Farms Road Northampton, MA 01060 OWNER: Patrick M. Goggins ADDRESS: 666 North Farms Road Northampton, MA 01060 RE LAND OR BUILDINGS IN NORTHAMPTON AT: 666 North Farms Road MAP AND PARCEL NUMBERS: MAP 2 PARCEL 21 At a meeting conducted on May 22, 1997, the Northampton Planning Board voted unanimously 6:0 to grant the request of Patrick M. Goggins for a SPECIAL PERMIT WITH SITE PLAN APPROVAL under the provisions of Section 6.13 in the Northampton Zoning Ordinance, to create a flag lot at property located at 666 North Farms Road, also known as Assessor's Map #2, Parcel #21. Planning Board Members present and voting were: Vice Chair Daniel J. Yacuzzo, Jody Blatt, Paul Diemand, Nancy Duseau, Kenneth Jodrie and Associate Member Sanford Weil, Jr. In Granting the Special Permit, the Planning Board found: A. The requested use for a flag lot protects adjoining premises against seriously detrimental uses because flag lots are allowed by Special Permit in Suburban Residential (SR) districts. B. The requested use promotes the convenience and safety of vehicular and pedestrian movement within the site and on adjacent streets and minimizes traffic impacts on the streets and roads in the area because access to the lot will be over a common driveway, and no new curb cut is required. C. The requested use promotes a harmonious relationship of structures and open spaces to the natural landscape, existing buildings and other community assets in the area 1 ORIGINAL PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER because the requested use involves the creation of a flag lot and a building lot for single - family homes, which are in keeping with other structures in the area. D. The requested use will not overload, and will mitigate adverse impacts on, the City's resources, including the effect on the City's water supply and distribution system, sanitary and storm sewage collection and treatment systems, fire protection, streets and schools. E. The requested use meets all special regulations set forth in the Zoning Ordinance. specifically, Section 6.13 - Flag Lot; see "Attachment A," for criteria_ F. The requested use bears a positive relationship to the public convenience or welfare, and will not unduly impair the integrity of character of the district or adjoining zones. The use will not be detrimental to the health, morals, or general welfare and shall be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Ordinance. G. The requested use will promote City planning objectives to the extent possible and will not adversely affect those objectives, as defined in City master or study plans adopted under M.G.L. Chapter 41, Section 61 -C and D. In addition, in reviewing the Site Plan, the Planning Board found the applicant has complied with the following technical performance standards: F. 1. Curb cuts onto streets have been minimized because the lot will be served by a common drive. 2. Pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular traffic movement on site are separated to the extent possible. No conditions were imposed upon this Special Permit. 2 ATTACHMENT A Section 6.13 Flaq Lots. In reviewing the application for a Special Permit with Site Plan Approval for a Flag Lot, the Planning Board found said lot has: 1. met the requirements of the Table of Dimensional and Density Regulations, Section 6.2; 2. an access roadway with no curve having a radius of less than eighty (80) feet or, if access ms from another lot, an area on the flag lot for an access roadway with no curve having a radius of less than eighty (80)_feet; 3. configurations such that the principal structure is located on the lot in such manner that a circle, with a minimum diameter equal to one and one -half (1 1/2) times the amount of the minimum frontage requirement required for a non -flag lot in that district, can be placed around the principal structure without any portion of said circle falling outside of the property's line; and 4. No contiguous Flag lots. The Flag Lot approved under this Special Permit is already served by a legally existing common drive. 5. The lot is served by an existing common driveway. 6. Plans submitted to the Planning Board under this Section shall he the same as the plan submitted to the Planning Board under the Subdivision Control Law, and shall include the statement "Lot (s) is a Flag Lot: building is permitted only in accordance with the special Flag Lot Provisions of the Northampton Zoning Ordinance." 7. The Special Permit application shall include a plan showing the location and layout of the proposed driveway and house and all provisions for drainage and storm water run -off. (Members waived the requirement of submitting a Site Plan.) 3 1 99- 5� '/ CrIYOFNORTHAAIPTON PLANNING BOARD APPLICATION FOR: Type of Project SITE PLAN APPROVAL: ]ntrrmcdiateYroject (Site Plan) Tlajor Projoct (Site Plan Specie) Permit) OR SPECIALPERMIT. sl Intermediate Pm&ct(with Site Plan Approval)_ Major Pmject(Site Plan Special Permit) Pcrmitvsregnesiedun derZMmgO[dinance:S,ctim Pg__ 1 Applicant's Name, IPA-T f`-d• G� — Address. 62&62 QCOJNF FA¢rtS QW Telephone: � 2. Parcel IdentJeation: zoning Map N 2 Parcel q 21 Zoning District. Q Street Address._ 3. Status ofAppEranC ✓ thvne, Contract Purchaser, Lessee Other (exnlam) 4. Property Oaner. SAML Address: Telephone: 5. Describe Proposed Work/ Project (Use additional sheets ifnecessary)- 1 C12LA-ft A Z' /'r tf.— PLem L rsr ittttitittt ittYYYYtYttitiHtgttitttttttttiiit ltltltlliXXi Has the following udortnation been included in the application? Slle/l'Iot Plan List of requested waivers fee 2 sets of labels (supplied by the Assessor's Office) Signed dated and dewed Zoning Permit Application NPR rj 1991 fhice(3)wpicsofOw Ce ified Abusers Lisifrom Ass is Ofliw ) C6 E9K tJf1A�� 8. Site plan and Special permit Approval Criteria (if any permit criteria does not apply, explain why) Use additional sheets if necessary. Assistance for completing this information is available through the Once of planning & Development A. How will the requested use protect adjoining prermses against senously detrimental uses? DIM nwC, (A' a nuK n„t r r r f ffLO 6 An' •orp NOQIU rARM5 ROAD IM10 `70n' Mom Tlr- LLLSUY OoJil l,.+, How wdI the in Jcet provide for surfacenaterdrainage V)WjQ M.t_sin i.,msn _ g d ,, n", ' j Sr_ LS sound and sight buffers SS.L h. A&, VL the preservation ofviews,hght and air. iT WK /M 4lAn/MHI ,OMT4r15o AottaT�1'r1L B. How uall the requested use promote the convernmee and safety ofpedest mgptovement walim the site and on adjacent sweets? - Neu ss ✓iAj� t ML- O5.e5- CivLAJ nit)v4MSw.f na iNCSrtL How will the project ounmuze traffic impacts on the sweets and roads to the area? TAZ C,fi. Dokr-. 'j , FS_S 6 Gtitt n.uvt, Aft -<A l r S IA- r rttt A. W. Mit(- S 104. LCYr LINIL Where is the location of dnveway openings in relation to traffic and adjacent streets? I f UMLU) (A- A,1 G,c,CY7t,� DrU L4 J aa Dot HYW 4 UJ IICLa Vhµ M �fAA What features have been mcorporated into the design to allow for. access by emergency vehicles J!/r the safe and convenient arrangement of parking and loading spaces. alk Provisions for persons with disabilities iJ/h C Howwdl the proposed use promote a harmomous relauonslup ofstmetmes and open spaces to: the natural landsespe Tl1 -Sl (S fS p(p}({� FLpt toesulingbuddings D11rta 3u(t d r1�r$ tSY 762 r other community assets in the arcs: D. What measures are being taken that show the use will not overload the City's resources, including: water supply and distribution system: i r m 6" b oM . sanitary sewage and storm water collection and treatment systearr Ptr,a N XIC fire proteetion and aebrol. JIM How will the proposed project mitigate any adverse impacts on the City's resources, as listed above?_ u ° &W _ E List the section(s) of the Zoning Crdmance that states what special regulations are required for the proposed project (tlag lot, common drive, lot a= averaging, em) • G —ac. t.�r • ! „]nA K(Y.J 1`) VA AI CSS nvEd— C 1 nE L.rYF 1..�NG... How does theproject ineet the special requirements? (Ilse additional sheens if necessary)? 1Hj& q4-D4fxT kti W M.L S{ 51,A, IvcQdIKU- f4,-7i F. State how the project meets the following technical performance standards: 1. Curb cuts are minimized tta8 APR 3 195/ Check offal[ that apply to the project. use ofa common driveway for ac to more than one business useofsnexistmgsidestreet use of a lgoped service road 2 Docs the project require more than one driveway cull / NO YES (dyes. explain who 3 Are pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular traffic separated onNtte7 YES NO (d no. explain whv) For projects that require Intermediate Site Plan Approval, ONLY sign apphcation and end here. 9. I certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. The undersigned owner (s) Planning Board permission to enter the property to review this application. Date: 2 'f Applicants Signature: Date Owners Signature. (Ifnot same as applicant) For projects that require a Special Permit or which are a major project, a P st also complete the following page. APR 31997 F Explain wiry the requested use will. not unduly impair the integrity or character ofthe district or adjoining woes 1'r i < .a..( f, C Cll t.l. S 145-. — 1 ' LJAS 0£ 03 SD 'qS h_ [t�lrl� �1 t1 Y 41-txtL 'Rr9ti �.O Y nM be detrimental to the health, moreh or general welfare: be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Ordinance: t r W l t It -"V'T tN R 5)k/1'C4 S1NC.tA- FA HFM4, [. T 114 AAf r1LLJ l)S4A M <rvlj rsl. Zo VfVA G. Eviduthow the requested use will pmrnote City planning objeclives to theextair possible and will not adversely effect thoseobjectives, defined in City masterstudy plans (Open Space and Recreation Plao; Northampton Stale Hospital Rezoning Plan, and Downtown Northampton: Today, TomorroW and the Future). lT �d.�MC'sfLS C nnn L.SNr) JS4 ru An ,n uMl. Iµ 4. I certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. The nndetsigned owner(s) grant the Planning Board permission to enter the property to review this application. Date _9 Applicants Signature: - Date: L f`I Orwer's Sigaatwr. - (Ifnot the same as applicant's) MAJOR PROJECTS must also complete the NPR 3 15vr o � OK 1 462, Pp6E 475 (14.464M) G cDMPANy BO }pj 11 0T Y, / I , 5 17 i� i 3q5 0 � i 5 j6 II t I c TO BE CONVEYED °P� L M PORTION OF &OOK 1587, PAGE 155 —TRACT I „ 1 P, 6.268 ACRES _ \� W 2.5366 HECTARES_'! ! / i P� �fgL,M� N d v��u • \ 860Md � p T50 ( i � } l 2 i R= 8g 52 (3 ( 3 L' LINE 20•(6.096M) FROM L 2 F `rte cg �G ,ENTERLINE OF EXISTING PAVED DRIVE v <� o -Y s 6 , 5 F S f o T� 9 S ?b� ` 36Mt 4l� K 34 ( W In \9� (9 318M� N Z o m psi 2 3 30.57 .W Q W Of AF c UN TY96 ?6 ? [42 2. 590 -[ W 05 ° Ci j . P Q 2 O \m o 3 � J s \ °IS,� m �F� Pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws (MGL), Chapter 40A, Section - 11, no Special Permit, or an y extension, modification or renewal thereof, shall take effect until a cop of the decision bearin the certification of the Cit Clerk that twent da have elapsed after the decision has been filed, or if such an appeal has been filed that it has been dismissed or denied, in recorded in the Hampshire Count re of Deeds or Land Court,, an applicable and indexed under the name of the owner of record or is recorded and noted on the owner's certificate of title. The fee for such recordin or re shall be paid b the owner or applicant. It is the owner or applicant's responsibilit to pick up the certified decision from the Cit Clerk and record it at the Re t r y : .. of .D e eds ... The Northampton Plannin Board hereb certifies that a Special Pe t with Site Plan Approval has been GRANTED and that copies of this decision and all plans referred to in it have been filed with the Plannin Board and the Cit Clerk. Pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 40A, Section 15, notice is hereb g iven that this decision is filed with the Northampton Cit Clerk on the date below. If an wishes to appeal this action, an appeal must be filed pursuant to MGL Chapter 40A, Section 17,-with the Hampshire Count Superior Court and notice of said appeal filed with the : a Cit Clerk within twent da (2 0) of the date of that this decision was filed with the Cit Clerk. Applicant: Patrick Go 666 North Farms Road DECISION DATE: Ma 22, 1997 DECISION FILED WITH This CITY CLERK: June 5., 1997 '? o 4 y o 2. 1 tx 0 0 10 C,�OSSw 4 04&CAe 4 4" ol.�cosl Mme. otAto3 FORM A NORTHAMPTON,MA APPLICATION FOR ENDORSEMENT OF PLAN BELIEVED NOT TO REQUIRE APPROVAL File five completed forms and plans and one mylar with the City Clerk and the Planning Board in accordance with the requirements of Section 3.02. To the Planning Board: The undersigned, believing that the accompanying plan of his /her property in the City of Northampton does not constitute division within the meaning of the Subdivision Control Law, herewith submits said plan for a determination and endorsement that Planning Board approval under the Subdivision Control Law is not required. 1. Applicant - )"15,6 l Print or type name Signature Cpl N��Fa �GRD Na�,a�,� Address Phone 2. Owner S f1F _ _ ...c_. hr 1 - 1 - Print or type name Signature U & & (o , _ i /l1 , Irk 6.,_i�' -� `f /3 - Sb6 - 025, Address ; Phone 3. Surveyor 7l l,Q.O1CD�.ff - = vv�' Print or type name Signature 23d" �vssEct_ S /-/goLeel 5'Bzf -75 9°7 Address / Phone 4. Deed or property recorded in /7.�1g9P$f// '.��- Registry, Book 3476 Page 67 5. Locati and Description of Property: Al,,'1 SsZ),E" aF 11ae{ F Zr1S 1'�o190 6. Assessor's Map ID: Lot(s): Date Submitted for Planning Date Plannin B rd y/ � Board Approval: Decision F' e 7/ City Clerk: City Cle k:"/ (Signature) �, ( _ (8/13/91) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS - - - - -- -PAGE 60