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University of Minnesota - TECHNICAL Foundation Test Facility: BULLETIN OWE NS CORAIrncG '" Evaluation of Basement Wall Finishing System September 2000 i No, 2 Study Objective Exterior Side Vapor Retarder To validate the theory that no vapor retarder should During the winter months, condensation formed be used with the Basement Wall Finishing System. on the insulation side of the vapor retarder. The This would be accomplished by obtaining point amount of condensate was enough run down moisture motion and combined system moisture the vapor retarder onto the floor. As the climate transport data for various vapor retarder transitioned into spring and summer, water configurations with the system. Of key interest is droplets accumulated on the exterior wall side of the locations in the basement system where the vapor retarder. In both the heating and moisture levels are high: the interior humidity and cooling seasons, this vapor retarder temperature conditions under which such high configuration was clearly unacceptable. levels are achieved; as well as the interior interior Side Vapor Retarder temperature and humidity conditions required for When the vapor retarder was placed on the complete moisture removal (wetting /drying curves). interior surface, condensation also accumulated on the insulation side of the vapor retarder. The study was conducted at the University of Additionally, the insulation panels showed Minnesota Foundation Test Facility and began in moisture gain during the spring/summer at levels November of 1998. The Owens Coming Basement that exceeded the drying potential during the Wall Finishing System was installed with three heating season. This cycle would result in the vapor retarder configurations; insulation becoming progressively "wetter" over 3► A polyethylene vapor retarder placed between tirne. Thus, the interior vapor retarder the insulation and the foundation wall "Exterior configuration was unacceptable. Side Vapor Retarder No vapor retarder: > A polyethylene vapor retarder placed on the The two quadrants with no vapor retarder clearly interior surface (between the insulation and showed a "stable wetting/drying annual cycle in interior air.) "Interior Side Vapor Retarder" a heated basement." As expected, a more > No Vapor Retarder on 2 of the module significant moisture gain was observed in the quadrants (opposing corners) panels during the "unconditioned" phase of the From 12/98 through 2100, measurements were study with no dehumidification. However, the taken of: interior air temperature, humidity ratio, data also showed the ability of the system to and barometric pressure, ambient exterior effectively - dry out" once conditions changed. temperature and humidity ratio, and humidty ratio This can be extrapolated to conclude `the zero measurements at 40 locations within the insulation vapor retarder configuration has a stable (10 per quadrant). Additional data was collected wetting/drying annual cycle in an approximately hr: amount of dehumidifier condensate (water) unheated basement as well." removed, mass of 8 removable sq. ft. sections, electrical energy consumption Conclusion Discussion When installing the Owens Corning The environmental conditions were established Basement Wail Finishing System, a vapor to be representative of "typical" MN basement retarder should NOT be used. The use of a conditions. Testing began with the basement single vapor retarder, regardless of the location, module under ideal indoor ooncitions -- 85°F and provided a condensation plane where liquid kw; relative humidity (40% RH). Conditions water formed and remained trapped in the were later modified to represent a `worst case system. scenario" — an un ondttoned basement at 56F and 70%a RH. Following is a brief discussion of Additional information regarding this report can each quadrant performance. be obtained by contacting Owens Coming at 1 -800- GET -PINK. TECHNICAL Thermal BULLETIN ' O�'�iF.�ts Performance of rNG t inlsh•ng System m Aptil 2031 I No. 3 What is R:value? Thermal Resistance, frequently referred to as R- Does this meet thermal building value, repress the ability of a material to requirements? retard heat flow. As the resistance increases, As with any construction project it is important the heat flow is reduced. In more t ornmon to first understand your local building code terms, the higher the R- value, the better the requirements. However, for most geographical insulator. Because fberglass insulation has tiny areas, R-11 insulation is the standard minimum pockets of air that resist the transfer of heat, it is requirement for basement insulation. Therefore, an excellent insulating material. the Basement Wall Finishing System will meet most building requirements. How is tit - value determined? R value is calculated by divic ng the thickness of University of MN - Energy Use Comparison the material (t) by the thermal oonductivfty (k). From November 1998 through January 2000, an extensive evaluation of the Basement Wall This is shown by R = __ t f inched Finishing System was conducted at the k. (Btu. in#hr • ff . F) University of Minnesota Foundation Test Facility. Part of the project included data collection on The R- value of the panels of the Basemen the energy consumption of the basement Wall Finishing System is R-11. module during this time period. The study results conclude that the system yields the same performance as a standard R -11 fiberglass bate Why is adding basement "insulation insulation installatn, beneficial? in- rrtost cases, finishing a basement results ire Are there other opportunities to minimize creating a living spat that will be Mconcfitioned" . heat loss in the basement? meaning that the Space will be �oledlheated by Yes. Several studies have been conducted some type of HVAC system: Without adding v ht ► sloe ai irdittratton to be infiltration a perry cause insulation to those exterior walls„ ,a significant of energy loss in a home. One common area for amount of energy can be lost, sigacant air infiltration is where .the foundation wall resets the rest .ofthe house. In many When the Basement Wall Finishing System is basements, one can put their hand alongthe sill mstailed, the increase in thermal performance of platefband joist area and feel the air movement the waits has two primary berets. First, the One simile, cost effective way to reduce the walls are warmer and the nicer feeiS more amount of air infiltration in a home is to seal this comfortable. Second, there is less heat loss area by using a product such as Owens through the wafts. This tan result in lower Cornit gs PinkSeat ' Foam Sealant. energy - oonsump i.and heatinglaxoiing savings. Additional Information For more information on making your home The US. Department of Energy has put together more comfortable and energy efficient, check recommended insulation levels for various out our website at gwenscornln.co am. geographical areas. In all US zones, , the recommendation for Interior Basement You may also want to review the U.S. Insulation is R -11.. Additionally, R-11 insulation (Department of Energy website at .generally the most cost effective .R -value for www_energygovor the North American basement insulation -- so you get the biggest Insulation Manufacturers Association site at "bang for your buck* at this level. wr:rtairrta.c.- Mold & Mildew Resistance of the Basement Wall Finishing System Page 2 SO iS it stil important to control the What else can be done to improve the basement environment with this system? comfort of your basement and rriinimize the Absolutely. First, there is a oomfort aspeol A • potential for creating that musty smell? humid, poorly ventilated environment is not •a comfortable one. Second, the are a lot cif There are several ways to help make . your other matenals in the basement. such as basement feel less Ike abasernerir.. First f u rn i t u r e and carpeting, so you need to make plug in a dehumidifier. Controlling excess sure that the basement is equipped to handle moisture is the best method to prevent and fluctuating humidity levels, control indoor mold growth, so try to keep the humidity below 60%. Increasing the ventilation Additionally, the product should never be in the space, by running your HVAC fan, will installed in a wet basemeptl, Although this also help circulate air and improve the comfort of system has been designed to Perform that living environment. exceptionally •well in high humidity environments, it is not a tX. for moisture problems_ YOU need to Is it possible for mold to ever appear on the make sure that all •water problems are wrrected product? before any finishing work is conducted so that Yes — but only if some nutrient source has been your basem ent performs and feels as left on the product. For example, if someone comfortable as the rest of pour home. were to spill milk on a panel and not dean It, It is possible for mold growth to appear in that area Told M lldew TEC HI'�TTC�I, Resistance of the BJrT J ETIN t Basement Wall Finlahhig System April of Uo:4 What is mold? cellulose based corxiponents - fiberglass, PVC, Molds are fungi. Th are present both indoors and a polymer fabric, This means the materials and out and serve a very Important purpose in are more resistant to deterioration when nature in breaking down materials_ In your exposed`. to high moisture levels -:they won't home, however, they can cause a lot of damage, warp, swell, or rot — and, more importantly, they as well as be a source of health concerns. do not provide a :food source for mold & bacteria growth. Molds are also very simple organisms that need only a -few things to thrive and m What testing was conducted on the system? A' arm, most environment to live in An evaluation was conducted by Denison • University : ille, OH comparing the • A food source n Granville, - Owens Corning Basenl ent Wall finishing Why are`basernerits more likely to have a 5ysteni (BWFS) to other building materials- moldy,.musty smell l ? specifically, wal board untreated mineral fiber Very simile, traditional basement finishing ceiling tips, and standard wood — for fUngal materials and techniques have provided the two resistance. The product was evaluated in a test things that molds; need 'to`dirive and reproduce - home as well as laboratory wing.. The study a warm,: humid environment >and ;awonderful found that, perASTM Cl33e Testing, ' "fungal food source. In cases, :a vapor retarder in growth . could be observed- on the- ceiling tile and the syste m has created high moisture levels well board. No growth was apparent on any within the well assembly that makes it very component of the [W M'. h the test home difficult for the walls to dry out The presence of "abundant fungal growth was observed on the cellulose based materials — such as traditional ceiling file' and wood 2x4... No grovvth was wood framing and drywall — provide the ideal observed on any portion of the Basement Wall food source. With`` this combination, molds can Finishing System" rapidly grow and reproduce, making a bad situation even worse very quickly. Below are microscopic photographs taken during the study. Figure 9 shows :the mold Why is mold important to control? growth on a standard wallboard Figure 2 shows Although molth are very simple` organism 5, they the glass fibers of tile Basement Wall "Finishing can cause damage in your home. Molds can System panel with no mold . growth. create staining and .disaoloration.cn surfaces, foul odors and can lead to the rot and decay of many building materials. Additionally, molds can create unhealthy air. Although not all molds are dangerous;somelelease myootoxtns which can cause health pr'otlems. ftfi►hat"is different about this:pr+oduct versus Fight 1 Figure 2 traditional basement building materials? The Basement Well FinishingSystem; °iis radically different from traditional.:basementfinishing materials and:techniquesfor two reasons. First, the system was designed such theta vapor retarder is not'required and moisture does not becotrn strapped within the wall.. Se xn dly, the system is Comprised of moisture durable, non- ACOUSTICAL TECHNICAL REPORT TECHNICAL Acoustical Performance of BULLETIN amigs cove,to the Basement Wall Finishing System September 2000 / No. 1 What IS Sound? Sound is energy, Which stimulates our sense of Hard, non-porous materials such as drywall hearing. The word 'noise" Is often used when have a NRC value of 0.05 — which means that this sound is unwanted or undesirable, Since 5% of the incident sound energy is absorbed. the Law of the Conservation of Energy states Unpainted concrete has a NRC of 0.35 — which that energy can neither be created nor means that about 35% of the incident sound destroyed, sound/noise can be changed to energy striking the surface is absorbed. another form - such as heat - to be controlled. Therefore, the same physical properties that make Fiberglas panels good Insulators, also Drywall Example: make for good sound absorbers. How Is acoustic performance tested? There are actually several different acoustical aspects of a material that can be evaluated. The measure of a material's ability to efficiently The Owens Coming . , absorb sound is called the absorption Basement Wall Finishing 4 %1# coefficient. One way to measure the absorption System panels have an coefficient is in a Reverberation Chamber. This NRC of 0.95i room is used to compare the amount of time It takes for sound to dissipate in an empty chamber vs. the amount of time for the sound to dissipate in the room with a given amount Hew does the Basement Wall Finishing (square feet) of absorbing material. The results System improve the acoustics of a room? of these measurements are then used to Because the Basement Wall Finishing System calculate the sound absorption coefficients at panels have a high NRC value, sound waves various frequencies. This is the sound are effectively absorbed in the panels (where absorption curve forthe Basement Wall they are actually transformed into heat.) This Finishing System Panels. prevents a lot of sound from bouncing off the walls and back into the room — which can result in a loud" room where speech and music 0 become easily distorted. 11111111.11 1 :11111=111111111 MI I I ! Is this system designed for use with a Home momoni wammini Theater? 11.111111_111M11111 RI Although the sound absorbing properties of the 1111111=M111 IIIII 11111 ' Basement Wall Finishing System can improve the audio experience in a multimedia room. it does not address the sound quality aspects of What NRC? the roorn. lithe objective is to obtain a high NRC, or noise reduction coefficient is a single performing, acoustically treated room to create a number rating which represents the ability of "tuned" home theater environment, then the material to absorb sound at various frequencies. Owens Coming Acoustic Room System would The NRC of a material is identified by averaging be the best alternative. For more information the sound absorption, as determined in the about the Acoustic Room System, please above curve, at 250, 500, 1000, and 2000 Hz. contact Owens Corning at 1-800-GET-PINK - -... .,.,„ ' - - -. •-• •:',..1 ' - ' - .''• -' --.. • - '. ••,-."•!•.• - ''' -`'.• • •., ' - :. 4, ....• , --, •-•,.- .`...""., ,. - _ ' '-''' • ' -- „.f'„.- - , . . • ' - - -I:, ' . • ' - - . :. 7, .•- 7 4 ' - ' • . , ' ' : ,-3.1.; ' . ' ' - ' . - - • • :,'.:,,':,. ,- - . . , - _ . . ,., , '. - ' • --, ....___.;. : ',-•.-. . . ,.., ••_ __ . - .••-•'4' : .- ::'...: --- ..,..: - . , . , • - - - • . • .-..'.-,::, , - :-:.-.-. __ .: . , ,_,... . -- •• • - _:,-..',-., ,•`.-4,..,..„'•1'.-,-.',...„.,..._ ' • . !" . - ..„ •- - . , - ' ' -:- :•-•.,,,-;.-,, - • - -4, . „ . 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IC., - ,...-- .: : • , ..:- 6.4 OWENS CORNING Product Liter, firited May 1 , , • ; : ... , „:..,,.:,_ _ ...2; 6.5 oEN CORNING 2 I .l-. i . • ,Bt/l/FS,i dated April 2.00F., , ..,.,,, . .; - - ,• .^., ''Yp''''I l? I . - ..' . ,,: r . ,• ' - ' '',! 6.6 OWENS CORNI_NG Base rile nt Vva.ii Einnii),.,- S. :0 -1 , „- , • January 2000 , ..,,,,..„,. • . 7 0 CONDITIONS OF USE . . , ._,,, The National Evaluation Finishing c S v e s r\ t i e ic tr e a 2001 S i • ll -,,,. - ' - - -- ---' Basement \Na ------' ,, • , ..,,,, ,,. suitable alternate to t s 2 p c e ic c o lfier ,f i nt i e n r t t h a e ti 2 0, 0 11 0 a y i I Cooe ,ith the 2001 ,, ,, tipp/en , - . , 6L''ia'?,.. . . i i -- Suppiernent, the • Code , the 1997 Uniform B , o BOCA Nati d 7a n i g Building Code 1999 the i C de, and 1998 Int e r national , Family Dwelling Code subject to the following conditions 'ilP'c''-c‘teOnncelarc13167a"ITIQV'ito- )g 4 National Evaluation Service, Inc. ii rcc A ilti , 5203 Leesburg Pike, Suite 600, Falls Church, Virginia 22041 -3401 Iul Phone: 7031931 -2187 www.nateval.or_ Fax 703/931 -6505 INTERNATIONAL (ODE COI 'NCIL .. NATIONAL EVALUATION REPORT Report No. NER -635 issued January 1, 2003 DIVISION 07 — THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION Section 07210 — Building Insulation DIVISION 09 — FINISHES Section 09770— Special Wall Surfaces REPORT HOLDER: EVALUATION SUBJECT: OWENS CORNING BASEMENT WALL FINISH SYSTEM ONE OWENS CORNING PKWY TOLEDO, OHIO 43659 Page 1 of 3 Copyright@ 2003, National Evaluation Service, Inc. This report is limited to the specific product and data and test reports submitted by the applicant in its application requesting this report. No independent tests were performed by the National Evaluation Service. Inc. (IVES), and NES specifically does not make any warranty, either expressed or implied, as w any finding or other matter in this report or as to any product covered by this report. This disclaimer includes, but is not limited to, merchantability. This report is also subject to the limitation listed herein. OWENS CORNING e Material Safety Data Sheet Material Name: Basement Wall Finishing System — Wall Panel MSDS No.: 15 -MSD- 22934 -01 -A Key /Legend: EPA = Environmental Protection Agency; TSCA = Toxic Substance Control Act; ACGIH = American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists; IARC = International Agency for Research on Cancer; NIOSH = National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health; NTP = National Toxicology Program; OSHA = Occupational Safety and Health Administration; NFPA = National Fire Protection Association; HMIS = Hazardous Material Identification System; CERCLA = Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act; SARA = Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act; DSL = Canadian Domestic Substance List; EINECS = European Inventory of New and Existing Chemical Substances; WHMIS = Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System; CAA = Clean Air Act Revision Summary: This is a revised MSDS, which replaces 15 -MSD- 22934 -01 with updated toxicological data, PPE information and chemical composition information. Get OC MSDS electronically via Internet: http: / /www.owenscorninq.com or by calling 1- 419 - 248 -8234. This is the end of MSDS # 22934 -01 -A Page 8 of 8 Issue Date: 08/21/02 North America - English OWENS CORNING Material Safety Data Sheet Material Name: Basement Wall Finishing System — Wall Panel MSDS No.: 15 -MSD- 22934 -01 -A State Regulations: A: General Product Information No additional information available. B: Component Analysis - State The following components appear on one or more of the following state hazardous substances lists: Component CAS # CA FL MA MN NJ PA Fiber Glass Wool (Fibrous Glass) (' related to 65997 -17 -3 Yes' No Yes' Yes' No Yes' Mineral wool fiber) The following statement(s) are provided under the California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 (Proposition 65): WARNING! This product contains a chemical known to the state of California to cause cancer. Other Regulations: A: General Product Information No additional information available. B: Component Analysis - Inventory Component CAS # TSCA DSL EINECS Fiber Glass Wool (Fibrous Glass) 65997 -17 -3 Yes Yes Yes Urea, polymer with formaldehyde and phenol 25104 -55 -6 Yes Yes No C: Component Analysis - WHMIS IDL The following components are identified under the Canadian Hazardous Products Act Ingredient Disclosure List: Component CAS # Fiber Glass Wool (Fibrous Glass) 65997 -17 -3 1`)/0 item 768 (884) (related to Fibrous glass) WHMIS Status: Controlled WHMIS Classification: D2A- Carcinogenicity D2B- Irritation * * * Section 16 - Other Information * * * HMIS and NFPA Hazard Ratings: Category HMIS NFPA Acute Health 1* 2 Flammability 0 2 (facing, packaging) Reactivity 0 0 NFPA Unusual Hazards: None. HMIS Personal Protection: To be supplied by user depending upon use. Reasonable care has been taken in the preparation of this information, but the manufacturer makes no warranty of merchantability or any other warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to this information. The manufacturer makes no representations and assumes no liability for any direct, incidental or consequential damages resulting from its use. Page 7 of 8 Issue Date: 08/21/02 North America - English OWENS CORNING Material Safety Data Sheet Material Name: Basement Wall Finishing System — Wall Panel MSDS No.: 15 -MSD- 22934 -01 -A B: Component Waste Numbers No EPA Waste Numbers are applicable for this product's components. Disposal Instructions: Dispose of waste material according to Local, State, Federal, and Provincial Environmental Regulations. * * * Section 14 — Transportation Information * US DOT Information Shipping Name: Not regulated for transport. Hazard Class: None UN /NA #: None Packing Group: None Required Label(s): None Additional Info.: None TDG Information Shipping Name: Not regulated for transport. Hazard Class: None UN /NA #: None Packing Group: None Required Label(s): None Additional Info.: None Additional Transportation Regulations: No additional information available. * * * Section 15 - Regulatory Information * * * US Federal Regulations: A: General Product Information No additional information available B: Component Analysis This material contains one or more of the following chemicals that are identified under SARA Section 302 (40 CFR 355 Appendix A), SARA Section 313 (40 CFR 372.65) and /or CERCLA (40 CFR 302.4). None The following is provided to aide in the preparation of SARA Section 311 and 312 reports. SARA 311 /312 Acute Health Hazard: Yes Chronic Health Hazard: Yes Fire Hazard: No Sudden Release of Pressure Hazard: No Reactive Hazard: No C: Clean Air Act The following components appear on the Clean Air Act -1990 Hazardous Air Pollutants List: None Page 6 of 8 Issue Date: 08/21/02 North America - English OWENS CORNING Material Safety Data Sheet Material Name: Basement Wall Finishing System — Wall Panel MSDS No.: 15 -MSD- 22934 -01 -A Hazardous Decomposition Products: None, except in fire. See Section 5 of MSDS for combustion products statement. Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur. * * * Section 11 - Toxicological Information Acute Effects: General Product Information None Component Analysis - LD50 /LC50 Urea, polymer with formaldehyde and phenol (25104 -55 -6) Oral LD50 Rat: 7 gm /kg Oral LD50 Mouse: 7 gm /kg Carcinogenicity: Fiber Glass Wool: In October 2001, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified fiber glass wool as Group 3, "not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans." The 2001 decision was based on human studies and animal research that have not shown an association between inhalation exposure to dust from fiber glass wool and the development of respiratory disease. This classification replaces the IARC finding in 1987 of a Group B designation "possibly carcinogenic to humans." In May 1997, the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) adopted an A3 carcinogen classification for glass wool fibers. The ACGIH A3 classification considers glass wool to be carcinogenic in experimental animals at relatively high doses, by routes of administration, at sites, or by mechanisms that it does not consider relevant to worker exposure. It also reviewed the available epidemiological studies and concluded that they do not confirm an increased risk of cancer in exposed humans. Overall, the ACGIH found that the available medical /scientific evidence suggests that glass wool is not likely to cause cancer in humans except under uncommon or unlikely routes or levels of exposure. In 1994, the National Toxicology Program (NTP) classified glass wool (respirable size) as "reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen." This classification was primarily based upon the 1987 IARC classification. NTP is currently considering reclassifying this material. Component Analysis Fiber Glass Wool (Fibrous Glass) (65997 -17 -3) IARC: Group 3 "not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans" (related to Glasswool) October 2001 Meeting ACGIH: A3 - animal carcinogen (related to Glass wool fibers) NTP: Reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen (related to glasswool) (possible select carcinogen) * * * Section 12 - Ecological Information * * * This material is not toxic to animals, plants, or fish. * * * Section 13 - Disposal Considerations * * * US EPA Waste Number & Descriptions: A: General Product Information This product , if discarded, is not expected to be a characteristic hazardous waste under RCRA. Page 5 of 8 Issue Date: 08/21/02 North America - English • OWENS CORNING Material Safety Data Sheet Material Name: Basement Wall Finishing System — Wall Panel MSDS No.: 15 -MSD- 22934 -01 -A Ventilation: General dilution ventilation and /or local exhaust ventilation should be provided as necessary to maintain exposures below regulatory limits. Dust collection systems should be used in operations involving the use of power tools. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Respiratory Protection: Use a properly fitted NIOSH or MSHA approved disposable dust respirator such as the 3M Model 8210 (3M Model 8271 in high humidity environments) or equivalent when you: 1) install or remove loose fill, 2) install or remove any of these products in poorly ventilated spaces such as attics or crawlspaces. As an extra precaution you may choose, but are not required, to wear a disposable dust respirator at all times. If temperature of the surface being covered exceeds 250 °F (121 °C), the binder in these products may undergo various degrees of decomposition depending on the temperature of the application. The need for respiratory protection will vary according to the airborne concentration of the decomposition products released and accumulated in the area. If the insulation must be installed on hot surfaces above 250 °F (121 °C), a full face respirator approved for protection against formaldehyde and organic vapors should be used. In areas with good general and /or local exhaust ventilation where exposures are controlled below the formaldehyde occupational exposure limits, respiratory protection is normally not needed. Skin Protection: Normal work clothing (long sleeved shirt, long pants, and gloves) is recommended. Skin irritation is known to occur chiefly at the pressure points such as around the neck, wrists, waist and between the fingers. Eyes /Face Protective Equipment: Wear safety glasses or goggles. * * * Section 9 - Physical & Chemical Properties * * * J Appearance: Fabric Covered, Fibrous Odor: Organic glass Physical State: Solid pH: Not applicable Vapor Pressure (mm Hg @ Not applicable Vapor Density (Air =1): Not applicable 20 C): Boiling Point: Not applicable Solubility (H20): Insoluble Specific Gravity Freezing Point: Not applicable (Water -1): Not applicable Evaporation Rate (n -Butyl Viscosity: Not applicable Acetate =l): Not applicable Physical Properties: Additional Information No additional information available. * * * Section 10 - Chemical Stability & Reactivity Information * * * Stability: This is a stable material. Conditions to Avoid: None expected. Incompatible Materials: None expected. Page 4 of 8 Issue Date: 08/21/02 North America - English OWENS CORNING Material Safety Data Sheet Material Name: Basement Wall Finishing System — Wall Panel MSDS No.: 15 -MSD- 22934 -01 -A Hazardous Combustion Products: Primary combustion products are carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, ammonia, and water. Other undetermined compounds could be released in small quantities. * * * Section 6 - Accidental Release Measures * * * Containment Procedures: This material will settle out of the air. If concentrated on land, it can then be scooped up for disposal as a non- hazardous waste. This material will sink and disperse along the bottom of waterways and ponds. It cannot easily be removed after it is waterborne; however, the material is non - hazardous in water. Clean -Up Procedures: Scoop up material and put into a suitable container for disposal as a non - hazardous waste. Response Procedures: Isolate area. Keep unnecessary personnel away. Special Procedures: None. * * * Section 7 - Handling and Storage * * * Handling Procedures: Keep product in its packaging until use to minimize potential dust generation. Keep work areas clean. Avoid unnecessary handling of scrap material. Wear PPE as described in Section 8. Follow good industrial hygiene practices when handling this material. Storage Procedures: Material should be kept dry and undercover. * * * Section 8 — Exposure Controls / Personal Protection * * * Exposure Guidelines: A: General Product Information Follow all applicable exposure limits. B: Component Exposure Limits ACGIH and OSHA exposure limit lists have been checked for those components with CAS registry numbers. Fiber Glass Wool (Fibrous Glass) (65997 -17 -3) ACGIH: 1 f /cc TLV -TWA for respirable fibers longer than 5 um with a diameter less than 3 um; (Listed under "Synthetic vitreous fibers ") (listed as glass wool fibers) (related to particulates not otherwise classified (PNOC)) OSHA: 1 fiber /cc (respirable) TWA (a) (See Note Below) 5 mg /m3 (respirable dust) 15 mg /m3 (total dust) Note: (a) A voluntary PEL was established by the North American Insulation Manufactures Association (NAIMA) and OSHA per the Health and Safety Partnership Program (HSPP) agreement for Synthetic Vitreous Fibers (SVF). Page 3 of 8 Issue Date: 08/21/02 North America - English OWENS CORNING Material Safety Data Sheet Material Name: Basement Wall Finishing System — Wall Panel MSDS No.: 15 -MSD- 22934 -01 -A Skin Contact: Dusts and fibers from this product may cause temporary mechanical irritation to the skin. Eye Contact: Dusts and fibers from this product may cause temporary mechanical irritation to the eyes. Ingestion: Ingestion of this product is unlikely. However, ingestion of product may produce gastrointestinal irritation and disturbances. Medical Conditions Aggravated by Exposure: Chronic respiratory or skin conditions may temporarily worsen from exposure to this product. Chronic Conditions: See Section 11 for additional information. * * * Section 4 - First Aid Measures * Inhalation: If inhaled, remove the affected person to fresh air. If irritation persists get medical attention. Skin Contact: For skin contact, wash with mild soap and running water. Use a washcloth to help remove fibers. To avoid further irritation, do not rub or scratch affected areas. Rubbing or scratching may force fibers into the skin. If irritation persists get medical attention. Never use compressed air to remove fibers from the skin. If fibers are seen penetrating from the skin, the fibers can be removed by applying and removing adhesive tape so that the fibers adhere to the tape and are pulled out of the skin. Eye Contact: Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. If irritation persists get medical attention. Ingestion: Ingestion of this material is unlikely. If it does occur, watch the person for several days to make sure that partial or complete intestinal obstruction does not occur. Do not induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical personnel. * * * Section 5 - Fire Fighting Measures * * * Flash Point: None Flash Point Method: Not applicable Upper Flammability Limit: Not applicable Lower Flammability Limit: Not applicable Flammability Classification: Non - flammable Extinguishing Media: Dry chemical, foam, carbon dioxide, or water fog. Unusual Fire & Explosion Hazards: Vinyl faced products will release hydrogen chloride in a fire. Fire - Fighting Instructions: In a sustained fire use self- contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and full bunker turnout gear. Page 2 of 8 Issue Date: 08/21/02 North America - English OWENS CORNING Material Safety Data Sheet Material Name: Basement Wall Finishing System — Wall Panel MSDS No.: 15 -MSD- 22934 -01 -A * * * Section 1 - Chemical Product and Company Identification * * * ✓ Product Name(s): Basement Wall Finishing System — Wall Panel Manufacturer: Owens Corning One Owens Corning Parkway, World Headquarters Attn. Product Stewardship Toledo, OH 43659, USA Emergency Contacts: Emergencies ONLY (after 5pm ET and weekends): 1- 419- 248 -5330, CHEMTREC (24 hours everyday): 1- 800 - 424 -9300, CANUTEC (Canada - 24 hours everyday): 1- 613 - 996 -6666. Health and Technical Contacts: Health Issues Information (8am -5pm ET): 1- 419 - 248 -8234, Technical Product Information (8am -5pm ET): 1- 800 - GET -PINK. * * * Section 2 — Composition / Information on Ingredients * * * CAS # Component Percent by Wt. 65997 -17 -3 Fiber Glass Wool (Fibrous Glass) 75 -90 25104 -55 -6 Urea, polymer with formaldehyde and phenol (Cured Binder) 3.5 -15 various Decorative Fabric (fabric) 10 -15 Component Related Regulatory Information This product may be regulated, have exposure limits or other information identified as the following: Fiber Glass wool, fibrous glass, insulation glasswool, glasswool (respirable size) and nuisance particulates. Component Information /Information on Non - Hazardous Components No additional information available. * * * Section 3 - Hazard Identification * * * Appearance and Odor: Fabric covered yellow or tan fibrous glass wall panel with faint resin odor. Emergency Overview Acrid smoke may be generated in a fire. Potential Acute Health Effects Inhalation: Dusts and fibers from this product may cause mechanical irritation of the nose, throat, and respiratory tract. Page 1 of 8 Issue Date: 08/21/02 North America - English Installation: 7 Flooring Carpet Installation Guidelines If carpet is already installed • To install floor lineals, snap short pieces of the base trim into the lineals to help locate the floor lineal onto the wall. This will help index the lineal the correct height off the floor. • Visually check that the base trim lays flat on the carpet before attaching the lineal to the wall. If carpet is to be installed • If you know the type of flooring and its thickness, consider indexing the lineal and base trim off the floor so the flooring tucks under the base trim. • If the carpet needs stretched, use a carpet re- stretcher, not a power stretcher. • If the type of flooring cannot determined before installation, attach the lineals tight to the floor. Glued carpet (or vinyl) • Index off the floor the thickness of the Lineal flooring. Base Trim Carpeting 11 Lineals indexed off the floor • Index off the floor depending on the thickness of the carpet (general rule of 1 11 thumb is 1/2 "). Carpeting • Install tack strip 1" in front of the base Padding trim. � �--- -/ • Tuck carpet under base trim as shown. Note: Stiff carpets may require this. Lineals tight to the floor • Install lineal tight to the floor. • Install tack strip 1" in front of the base 1" trim. Carpeting • Butt carpet to base trim as shown. Padding Note: Works only with pliable carpets. Confidential Property of Owens Corning C si Remodeling Systems, LLC v.04.1 INNOVATIONS FOR MG' Installation: 6 Ceiling Ceiling Installing to Existing Drywall Ceiling • Remove one flange from a lineal (see page 16) Joist Drywall • Install it snug to the drywall ceiling. It may be fastened into the wall or ceiling joists. - Plate p j - N Cove Trim 1 Lineal Concrete J Wall =, Drop Ceiling Installation x r ( ; • Determine ceiling height, and mark wall 1-3/4" �. less.Y- � , x-. was.... -: .a ,.� �.., , ,, ,.�' r , .., . . ,a [x. ....... • Snap a chalk line or use a laser to assure a level l ate ; ion. • Align nt the lineal to this line. Install two (2) fasten-( Ceiling Grid ers every 24" to 30" along the ceiling lineal, one in I l - each flange. If the fastener is within 3" of the top Cove Trim of the wall, use concrete screws to prevent damage Concret ) Lineal to the concrete. This will be your wall angle for the Wall a ceiling grid. fI { I Hint: When installing a Mohave tile ceiling, save -�` yourself some time by raising the grid system slightly off of the ceiling lineal / wall angle so you ` do not have to cut a reveal edge around the perim- `, eter of the room! Pictured here are two ways of ``� ''i raising the grid, using pliers to bend the corners down at 45 degree angles or by attaching a 3/16" Bend Down thick cabinet door bumper. Confidential Property of Owens Coming Cotrc Remodeling Systems, LLC v.04. INNOVATIONS FOR MIND' Installation: 5 Electric Boxes Cutting Panels for Electric Boxes 1 "panels • Mark location of box. • Cut out box opening 2-1/2" panels • Mark location of box by placing the panel onto the wall and appling pressure to the front of the board so that an indentation of where the box is located is imprinted. • Cutting from the back side, cut through the fiberglass with the pointed edge of a green handle knife, but not the facing. Use the rounded corner of the knife to finish cutting the fiberglass down to the facing. Remove the fiberglass plug. • If conduit is used, groove the back of the board for the conduit to rest in using the grooving tool. (romex wiring does not require this) • Install panel onto wall and finish cut the facing around the box with a razor knife or scissors. i i t I i Confidential Property of Owens Coming C rIWG Remodeling Systems, LLC v.04. l INNOVATIONS FOR LIVING Installation: 4 Electric Boxes Electric Boxes Attachment to Concrete Walls ' a • Use 2 -1/2" deep boxes fastened directly to concrete wall with concrete screws. - _ ,...... f..,,.. • Attach wire or conduit to wall as ,_,,,., _ ; r - _ required. ' .1111 , I ! —men ; ,.. ...44 „..-_-, , , , , 1 , ____________ , r _ ; r • Attachment to Steel Frame Walls I , f • Fastened directly to the stud with a brace as shown 1 , ' j for support between studs using sheet metal 1 screws. This brace is important to keep the box 1 1 from twisting. Pictured is a 3 -1/4" deep "Adjust -A- 1 ."--- „...<, : J.! Box" electric box by Carlon - Lamson & Sessions 1 1 , with 21.1 cu in volume. A single screw adjusts the ! 11 _� _ box for the proper depth to the 1" interior panel. - -� — "I— t 11 I i I} I I Confidential Property of Owens Corning OWENS Remodeling Systems, LLC v.04.1 CORNING INNOVATIONS FOA UVING" Installation: 3 Overview Vertical Lineals and Panels • Install full width panels for the rest "` ` of the wall until you meet a door or corner. Trim • Install horizontal base and cove trim first. � i • Then install vertical corner and I batten trim. 1 I I i i 1! 1 1111 I Confidential Property of Owens Coming CIWENS Remodeling Systems, LLC v.O4.1 CORNING INNOVATIONS FOR LING" Installation: 2 Overview Corner Lineal & Panel �n- = —= • Cut and set panel place. Snap a ! 1 ; � � �,,,,_- -- small piece of cove trim into the ! j �,,..__ � ,�-�-� � i ; , _� TfL,,T1 �� ceilin lineal to hold the anel in ; 1�I , ; ' _ 1 y ceiling P �) place. - _ ,, _. I .q r �� • Cut all vertical lineals to length so __ ' , ., Al 1 � 1 1 they fit between the floor and -- + l r'---T' I t, ceiling lineals, NOT overlapping. �� '� _- t 1, �_ Slide the corner lineal up snug to .._, I`"" the panel and check for plumb. -1 ! 1- _4 I "" -0;1 , I — 7----.1 -- • Use the same procedure on the ' " k. . ` ''''''' 4, .., - 1s other side of the panel and fasten to stud. i j , � - ------- Second Corner Panel • Cut and set next panel in place. • Slide the vertical lineal up snug to. 1; ri, the and fasten to wall. , , panel ; p i 1! ,t__ ill -----1 I 1.--1H1 __. 1 ,_, i. --t i i f 1 I I � 1:i �i. �' �` = �. Confidential Property of Owens Coming Remodeling Systems, LLC v.04.1 r RNING -. INNOVATIONS FOR LIVING" Installation: 1 Overview Overv Steel Frame Walls r -- • Construct full height steel frame i 1, h _ _ i ; =— - ` — i i M 1 1 .... - � „- i walls +ill !"' _ ! . :u r, •Studs are attached back to back _..1 ' -- -� 1 • Made with 25 a. 2 -1/2" or 1 -5/8" .- `� I i1 I , studs _ __,_ 1 -�' � �-»r - ' I i �a - �--� -- � I' . I t . 0. -f i ;j ".. -_., ., ' I !`.1 - 1-T j: `�I � l II 3 ....� l ,, ,,. 1 1 t t , I I 1 es. 1 1 11 1 —R - -:-,- W Ceiling & Floor Lineals _ _ _ - � ��`�'�' _ - • Proprietary lineals are attached to --- - :- - 1 the wall so the trim can be -:::-..7:1, 1 1 I ;,M -1- �� �' i . �' ._ ti _ - snapped into place which holds the _ i 'p - -_ . ___, , `-- . � ' '� „ PP p 11 r p i ' l panels. 1 L' , 1: -- , ; '= {� i4 a _ _ 1 • Ceiling lineals are used instead of -7; . 11 the wall angle for the ceiling grid ..- t I a l , .., 1 . • Floor lineals are installed so they �_ ; -r -� " ��' - ' `. g l - �'t follow the contour of the floor. 1 �J -,, --- -ii -, 1, ' „...,,I, 1 Z1' —.1; ''''' ' br 1 f Y Confidential Property of Owens Corning OwFSru Remodeling Systems, LLC v.04.1 CORNING INNOVATIONS FOR HYING" Page 2 of 2 Research Report No. 21 -24 information submitted product identification • IntegrexTM Testing Systems, Report No. 73143, dated April 17, All OWENS CORNING Basement Wall Finishing SystemsTM 2000, containing results of physical testing. manufactured in accordance with this research report shall bear the following identification: • IntegrexTM Testing Systems, Report No. C423- 99065, dated August 19, 1999, containing results of physical testing. • "See BOCA Evaluation Services, Inc. Research Report No. 21 -24." • Omega Point Laboratories, Report No. 13060- 103216a, dated May 14, 1999, containing results for fire testing in accordance 1 u with ASTM E84 for rigid fiberglass wall panels used in All Molding Basement Wall Finishing System"' m. Snaps ' .�. into s� Existing Foundation Wall • Omega Point Laboratories, Report No. 16218-106644, dated PVC 'I or Interior Partition April 13, 2000, containing results for fire testing in accordance Support '. with ASTM E84 for moldings used in Basement Wall Finish- Grid ing SystemTM • Omega Point Laboratories, Report No. 13060- 103213a, dated 2.5" Glass i� June 7, 1998, and Report No. 13060- 104470a, dated March Fiber Board 24, 1999, containing results for fire testing for full -scale room Panel with corner testing in accordance with requirements contained in Facing PVC Section 803.6 (2) of the BOCA National Building Code /1999. Cove Molding • OWENS CORNING Product Literature, dated May 1998. PVC Support Lineal • OWENS CORNING Submittal Sheet for Basement Wall (top, bottom, Finishing System (BWFS), dated April 2000. vertically every 48 ") • OWENS CORNING Basement Wall Finishing System Installation Manual, dated January 2000. application for permit To aid in the determination of compliance with this report, the PVC following represents the minimum level of information to Molding an the application for permit: PVC P Y PP P Batten) accompany 1 Molding • The language "See BOCA Evaluation Services, Inc. Research Base Report No. 21 -24" or a copy of this report. • Plans indicating the aggregate area of the room and the area of the PVC moldings being used. Figure 1* Sketch of Basement Wall Finish SystemTM • Plans and specifications of any electrical, mechanical, or Showing Typical Components plumbing items installed within the wall system. • THIS DRAWING IS FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY. IT IS NOT • Details and specifications of the supporting construction to INTENDED FOR USE AS A CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENT FOR THE which the system is to be applied. PURPOSE OF DESIGN, FABRICATION OR ERECTION. • NOTICE TO REPORT USERS This report is subject to annual certification. Reports that are not certified shall not be used or referred to. To determine the status of certification of this report, contact BOCA Evaluation Services, Inc., or consult the latest edition of the BOCA International Product Evaluation Listing published periodically in the BOCA magazine. This report is subject to the conditions listed herein and to the specific product, data and test reports submitted by the applicant requesting this report. Independent test were not performed by BOCA Evaluation Services, Inc. and BOCA -ES specifically does not make any warranty, either expressed or implied, as to any findings or other matter in this report or as to any product covered by this report. Evaluation reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed nor as an endorsement or recommendation for the use of the report subject. This disclaimer includes, but is not limited to, merchantability. Please contact BOCA Evaluation Services, Inc., with any questions you may have regarding this report. Additionally, please contact us if you have any information on the performance of the product described herein which is contrary to this report. 4051 West Flossmoor Road • Country Club Hills, IL 60478 -5795 telephone (708) 799 -2305 • fax (708) 799 -0310 e -mail: boca -es @bocai.org • http: / /www.bocai.org 130CA International Evaluation Report o PIP im 1 0;0 . 1 evaluation scope condition of use Research Report ompliance with the following codes: This report is limited to applications and BOCA National But Cade11999 products as stated herein. BOCA ES intends .24 that this report be used by the code official to ■ Section 803.2 Classification determine that the report subject complies with Section 803.6 Carpet and carpet -like the code requirements specifically addressed, MANUFACTURER: wall coverings provided that this product is installed in accor- • Section 106.4 Alternative materials dance with the following conditions: OWENS CORNING and equipment • OWENS CORNING Basement Wall Finish- ONE OWENS CORNING PKWY • Section 2603.7 Interior trim ing SystemTM is intended for finishing walls TOLEDO, OHIO 43659 in basement applications. Other applications • Section 1301.1 Scope (Energy are outside the scope of this report. conservation) DIVISION 7 — THERMAL AND • The maximum permitted area of the PVC MOISTURE PROTECTION 1998 International One and Two- moldings shall not exceed 10 percent of the Family Dwelling Code aggregate wall and ceiling area of the room. Section 07200 — Insulation ■ Section 318.1 Wall and ceiling • Installation of the Basement Wall Finishing (flame spread index) SystemTM shall be in accordance with this DIVISION 9 — FINISHES • Section 318.2 Smoke- developed report and the manufacturer's installation index manual. Section 09540 — Special Wall • Section 318.3 Testing • Basement Wall Finishing SystemTM shall be Surfaces installed over cast -in -place concrete or concrete masonry unit walls, or wood or description metal stud framing. Supporting structural EVALUATION SUBJECT: systems shall conforming to code require - OWENS CORNING Basement Wall Finishing ments for that system and are outside scope BASEMENT WALL FINISH SYSTEMTm SystemTM is an alternative to conventional wall of this report. framing and gypsum wallboard. The Basement The electrical wiring in the chase at the • Wall Finishing SystemTM consists of PVC bottom of the Basement Wall Finish Sys support lineals, base, batten, and cove mold temTM shall conform to the requirements of ings, and rigid prefinished fiberglass panels. the code and is outside the scope of this Panels are prefinished with a fabric cover. report. Basement Wall Finishing SystemTM is primar- ily intended for installation in residential Applications. Refer to Figure 1 at the end of items requiring this report for illustrations of the Basement verification Wall Finishing SystemTM. The following items are related to the use of the The Basement Wall Finishing SystemTM shall report subject, but are not within the scope of be installed in accordance with the manufac- this evaluation. However, these items are related turer's installation instructions and this report. to the determination of code compliance. Installation typically consists of either me- s / Concealed electrical, mechanical, or plumb- chanical fasteners or adhesive fastening or a ing components shall be inspected prior to combination of both to the supporting sub- the installation of the Basement Wall Fin - strate. Thermal resistance (R- value) for the ishing SystemTM panels to verify compli- fiberglass panels is 11. ance with related code requirements. Evalu- Basement Wall Finishing SystemTM panels ation of these components is outside scope meet the requirements for classification as a of this report. PRINTED AUGUST, 2000 Class I interior finish as tested in accordance ./ Framing supporting the Basement Wall Page 1 of 2 with ASTM E84 and also has demonstrated Finishing SystemTM shall be inspected prior that it will not spread fire to the edge of the to the installation of the panels to verify Copyright° 2000, specimen or cause flashover in the test room in compliance with related code requirements. BOCA Evaluation Services, Inc. accordance with the testing requirements Evaluation of this framing is outside scope specified in Section 803.6(2) of the BOCA of this report. A Participating Member National Building Code /1999. hth of the NES, Inc. TECHNICAL University of Minnesota - • Foundation Test Facility: BULLETIN #2 OWENS CORNING Evaluation of the Rll Basement Finishing System Study Objective Exterior Side Vapor Retarder: To validate the theory that no vapor retarder should During the winter months, condensation formed be used with the Basement Finishing System. on the insulation side of the vapor retarder. The This would be accomplished by obtaining point amount of condensate was enough run down moisture condition and combined system moisture the vapor retarder onto the floor. As the climate transport data for various vapor retarder transitioned into spring and summer, water configurations with the system. Of key interest is droplets accumulated on the exterior wall side of the locations in the basement system where the vapor retarder. In both the heating and moisture levels are high; the interior humidity and cooling seasons, this vapor retarder temperature conditions under which such high configuration was clearly unacceptable. levels are achieved; as well as the interior Interior Side Vapor Retarder: temperature and humidity conditions required for When the vapor retarder was placed on the complete moisture removal (wetting /drying curves). interior surface, condensation also accumulated on the insulation side of the vapor retarder. The study was conducted at the University of Additionally, the insulation panels showed Minnesota Foundation Test Facility and began in moisture gain during the spring /summer at levels November of 1998. The Owens Corning Basement that exceeded the drying potential during the Finishing System (R11) was installed with three heating season. This cycle would result in the vapor retarder configurations: insulation becoming progressively "wetter" over r A polyethylene vapor retarder placed between time. Thus, the interior vapor retarder the insulation and the foundation wall "Exterior configuration was unacceptable. Side Vapor Retarder" No vapor r . • . ➢ A polyethylene vapor retarder placed on the The two quadrants with no vapor retarder clearly interior surface (between the insulation and showed a "stable wetting /drying annual cycle in interior air.) "Interior Side Vapor Retarder" a heated basement." As expected, a more �E "No Vapor Retarder" on 2 of the module significant moisture gain was observed in the quadrants (opposing corners) panels during the "unconditioned" phase of the From 12/98 through 2/00, measurements were study with no dehumidification. However, the taken of: interior air temperature, humidity ratio, data also showed the ability of the system to and barometric pressure, ambient exterior effectively "dry out" once conditions changed. temperature and humidity ratio, and humidity ratio This can be extrapolated to conclude "the zero measurements at 40 locations within the insulation vapor retarder configuration has a stable (10 per quadrant). Additional data was collected wetting /drying annual cycle in an approximately for: amount of dehumidifier condensate (water) unheated basement as well." removed, mass of 8 removable sq. ft. sections, electrical energy consumption Conclusion Discussion When installing the Owens Corning The environmental conditions were established R11 Basement Finishing System, a vapor to be representative of "typical" MN basement retarder should NOT be used. The use of a conditions. Testing began with the basement single vapor retarder, regardless of the location, module under ideal indoor conditions — 65 °F and provided a condensation plane where liquid low relative humidity (40% RH). Conditions water formed and remained trapped in the were later modified to represent a "worst case system. scenario" — an unconditioned basement at 56F and 70% RH. Following is a brief discussion of Additional information regarding this report can each quadrant performance. be obtained by contacting Owens Corning at 1- 800 - GET -PINK. FEATURES AND BENEFITS Feature Benefit Modular wall system Installs in about 2 weeks Snap -out moldings and panels Complete interior foundation access Resilient glass fiber construction Will not dent like drywall Moisture resistant materials Resists mold and mildew growth 2 I /2" thick panels Added R I I Insulation Tackable surface Hanging pictures or papers without leaving permanent holes with proper use of picture support plate High Noise Reduction Increased comfort, Coefficient (NRC) outstanding sound absorption Wall panels indexed I -3/4" off of floor Helps to minimize flood damage potential Removable base molding Provides wire chase for speaker wires, TV cable, computer, and other low voltage cables Lifetime limited transferable warranty ** Offers homeowner peace of mind Dupont Teflon' fabric protector Stain resistant Certified installers individuals trained for quality installation Ceiling design flexibility Integrates easily with drop or drywall ceilings Based on an average basement. wah two certified installer;. "`See octual worrenty for details OWENS CORNING INNOVATIONS FOR LIVING" OWENS CORNING WORLD HEADQUARTERS ONE OWENS CORNING PARKWAY TOLEDO, OHIO 43659 www.owenscorning.com 1- 800 - GET -PINK Pub. No. 5 - 44071 - D. Printed in U.S.A., September 2004. The color PINK is a registered trademark of Owens Corning. © 2004 Owens Corning OWENS BASEMENT FINISHING SYSTEM SUBMITTAL SHEET lo CORNING INNOVATIONS FOR LIVING" DESCRIPTION The Owens Corning'° Basement Finishing System is comprised of lightweight fiber glass panels, PVC 'meals (which replace conventional framing) and foamed PVC trim moldings (which replace trim lumber).The trim moldings snap into the I I holding Mo dingss and wall panelss arre easy rem p removed to � provide easy access to a home's foundation walls. Because traditional wood and paper- based building materials are replaced with fiber glass and PVC materials, the Basement Finishing x...� System offers inherent resistance to moisture, m mold and mildew.* The system is covered by a lifetime limited transferable warranty ** from Owens Corning. USES tt The Owens Corning' Basement Finishing v k System is an innovative system designed to insulate and finish basement walls. It insulates, Mi acoustically treats and aesthetically finishes walls in a few simple steps.The system can be installed over both masonry foundation walls PHYSICAL PROPERTIES and interior partition walls built with either wood or metal members. Property Test Method Value For Fiber Glass Board: AVAILABILITY Water Vapor Sorption ASTM C 1 104 <2% by wt. @ 12ONF, 95% RH 94" x 48" x 2-1/2" Panels Compressive Strength ASTM C 165 Lineals 10% deformation 25 psf Trim Molding: ©25% deformation 90 psf Thermal Resistance ASTM C 518 R-11 Cnvr I'os ding Vertical Battens Normal Density ASTM C 303 3.2 PCF Base Molding For Finished Panel: Outside Corner Noise Reduction Coefficient ASTM C 423 Casing Jamb Extender Type A Mount 0.95 Chair Rail Surface Burning Characteristics ASTM E 84+ Class A Flame Spread <_ 25 -Meets Class A Burn Rating Smoke Developed <_ 450 Color Choices: Interior Textile Fnish Fire Classification NFPA -286 Meets Acceptance Panels: "Linen Mist" woven fabric Criteria Trim: All trim available in White or Woodgrain. Mold Resistance ASTM C 1338 Pass In addition, vertical trim available in fabric look ASTM G 21 Pass finish or fabric wrapped to match panels. +The surface- burning characteristics of the finished composite panel were determined in accordance with ASTM E 84.This stan- dard measures and describes the properties of materials. products or assemblies in response to heat and flame under CODE COMPLIANCE controlled laboratory conditions. Data from ASTM E 84 testing cannot be used to describe or assess the fire hazard or fire risk of materials, products or assemblies when considering all of the factors pertinent to an assessment of the fire hazard of 2000 BOCA Evaluation 421 -24 a particular end use. Values are reported to the nearest 5 rating. 2004 ICC Report #NER -635 ° While the materials and design of the Owens Corning" Basement Finishing System resist mold and mildew, the System can not prevent or alleviate mold if the conditions necessary for mold growth otherwise exist in your basement * *See actual warranty for deta limitations and restrictions. r '. ' ( l p r 4n ri Yk d -_ __ //fire BOARD OF BUILDING REGIJLATIONS Ucense: CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR t. Number: CS 093008 Birthdate: 11/12/1976 j r - f Expires: 11/12/2089 Tr. no: 93008 Restricted. 00 SHAWN R MCCORMACK 12 BLUEBERRY �xwe srunenmos, MA 01:s6 c^mm/omoe, / __ _______ __- ___ Ag - 6 5:2 0•,?G Wrin&Wea (Orz (AO Board of Building Regulations and Standards One Ashburton Place - Room 1301 Boston. Massachusetts 02108 Horne Improvement Contractor Registration Registration: 145941 Type: Private Corporation Expiration: 3/14/2007 NATIONAL ENERGY SYSTEM, INC. KEVIN WELLS 1331 GRAFTON ST WORCESTER, MA 01604 Update Address and return card. Mark reason for change. DPS-CA1 3 50M-04/04-G101216 : Address Renewal Employment Lost Card E r i e C o g i v i n a r c w e a i ( z e ol - 164,1 aducttsftt ?\ -- Board o[ Building Regulations and Standards License or registration valid for individul use only - HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR before the expiration date. If found return to: t `' Registration: Board of Building Regulations and Standards e 3yy = g tration: 145941 One Ashburton Place Rm 1301 Expiration: 3/14/2007 Boston, Ma. 02108 Type: Private Corporation NATIONAL ENERGY SYSTEM, IN 1331 GRAFTON WELLS AFTO N ST � 1331 AFO �(�,,i WORCESTER, MA 01604 Administrator Not valid without signature Date: 4/29/05 Time: 7:37 AM To: @ 9,15087551578 Page: 002 -003 Client#: 79872 NATEN ACORD.. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE T D/YYYY' PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION RC Knox & Company, Inc. ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE One Goodwin Square HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR q ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. Hartford, CT 06103 -4305 860 524 -7600 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIL # INSURED INSURER A MA Assigned Risk W/C TBA National Energy Systems Inc NSURER B: New England Sash Inc INSURER a 1331 Grafton Street INSURER D: Worcester, MA 01604 -2256 INSURER E: COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR i4DD'L - POUCY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION LTR NSRC TYPE OF INSURANCE POUCY NUMBER DATE IMM/DD/YY) DATE (MM /DD/VY) UM(TS GENERAL UABIUTY EACH OCCURRENCE S COMMERCIAL GENERAL UABIUTY DAMAGE TO RENTED PREMISES PREMISES (Fa rrnirrenm) CLAIMS MADE 0 OCCUR MED EXP (Any one person) $ PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ GENERAL AGGREGATE $ GEN'LAGGREGATE UMIT AP PER: PRODUCTS - COMP /OP AGG $ POLICY n JFCT I I LO AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE UMIT --- ANY AUTO (Ea accident) S ALL OWNED AUTOS - BODILY INJURY Per person) $ - SCHEDULED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY $ NON -OWNED AUTOS (Per acd dent) PROPERTY DAMAGE $ Per ecadent) GARAGE UABIUTY AUTO ONLY - EA ACCIDENT $ ANY AU OTHER THAN EA ACC S AUTO ONLY: AGG $ EXCESS/UMBRELLALIABIUTY EACH OCCURRENCE S OCCUR n CLAIMS MADE AGGREGATE S $ DEDUCTIBLE $ RETENTION $ 5 A WORKERS COMPENSATION AND WCAPPLICATION 04/29/05 04/29/06 X 1 TORY! IMITS 1 I EMPLOYERS' UABIUTY E.L. EACH ACCIDENT $100,000 ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE 5100,000 If yes, describe under SPECIAL PROVISIONS below ow E.L. DISEASE - POUCY UMIT $500,000 OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES / EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT / SPECIAL PROVISIONS CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 1n DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL IMPOSE NO OBUGATION OR IJABIUTY OF ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. A ,ZED REPRESENTATIVE e . nG amd ifavai ACORD 25 (2001/08) 1 of 2 #334048 JAP 0 ACORD CORPORATION 1988 H 10 /1-5/20145 10: 13 RC KNOX -3 915087551579 I I — - NO. 964 1)02 ■ , I � Client 781572 NA_TEN • ACORd1 CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 10; /05 ' : PRDaI1iCv THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INI-ORMATION RC Knox & Company, Inc. ONLY ANO CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE One Goodwin uare HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR S9 ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW, H artford, CT 06103 -4305 • ;860 524-7600 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC N g1BURE0 INSURER A: The Employer's Fire Insurance Compan National Energy Systetns InC INSURER B: One Beacon America insurance Company I 1331 Grafton Street INSURER C: • I I+ Worcester, MA 01604 -2266 I INSURER 0; INsuREN E , COVERAGFs I THE POLtG OF INSURANCE USTEO BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIR WENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED eY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS ANO CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. �•* ' •' WOlICY OFpECTNE PODGY EXPRIATIDN iL_TR ,lisp[ TYPE OF INSURANCE POUCT NUMBER pATe (MM(DOry71 QATE IMMIPOTYY1 LIMITS IA QENRRALLIABILITY( FBRB25121 10/11/05 10!11/06 EACHOCCuRRENOE 41,000,000 X c D/�.Iii„if6p REN COMMERCIAL GENERAL L1ABRrTY �FM1SF tEt �n, ypl 6100,000 I CLANS AM06 I XI OCCUR M60 ExP (Any DM. Person) 510,000 ' PERSONAL & ADY INJURY 41, GENERAL AGGREGATE 32,000,000 DEN•L MICR EGATE UMfr APPUESPERI PRODUGT8 • COMP/OP AGG :2,0OO,000 t POLICY ri € 0 LOG _ A AUTDMONLEUARIMY FBXE60252 10(11/05 10/11/06 COUwNED SINGLE WAIT ANY AVM IEu au:aw10 61,040,000 ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY j X SCHEDULE0 AUTOS (Par parean) 5 X HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY 6 I X NON -OWNED AUTOS (Per ealdonl) PROPERTY DAMAGE s I (P c+ op lOenl) - 0ARAGE UABIIJTY AUTO ONLY • EA ACCIDENT 6 1 ANY AUTO OTHER THAN EA ACC S AUTO ONLY: AGO $ B ExCEES/UUDRE31AUABNJTY FBDV16921 10/11/05 10/11/06 i EACH OCCURRENCE 55,000,000 j -ore. � CLA+M6 MADE _ AOLI RR ( KT s5,000,000 s DEDUCTIBLE $ X 1 RETENTION i 10000 s _ T WO STAID - I (0TR- WORKERS COMPENSATIDNi AND IT Difi() twat_ l ER ( um PLOY ERG' LIAB(LR'Y E.L. EACH ACCIDENT 5 ANY PROPRIET'ORIPARTNEFVPECUTIVE OFFICEHn,IDARER actu ED] EL DISEASE • EA EMPLOYEE s • .. p yy€aBe, Al I P under ' SpFCI E.L DISEASE • POLICr LIMIT s AROV191QNS Wk./ i . ', OTHER I OESCRIF OF OPERATIONS 1 LOCATIONS / VEIICLPA1 E%ClilslOHB ADDEO BY EN 16PED PROVISIONA Supplemental Name" I First Supplemental Name applies to all policies • Name Printed on DEC Page: National Energy Systems, Inc_, I 1 , � eta! I Polley!! FBR826121 • Insured Multiple Names: National Energy Systems Owen's Corning, Inc ; I (See Attached Descriptions) � i CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION _ I H O TI SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBE° PUCIEB BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE FJ(PIRAOR 11 Evidence of Insurance ° ATP THEREOF, THE 1SSUfN0 WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL. 10 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER MAIAPP TO THE LEFT. BTIr FAILURE TO 00 60 SHALT ( i l IMPOSE NO 09UOA nON OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER, ITS AOCRT9 OR REPRESE11ATIVE6- , , AUnIDRI1.Eq REPRESeHTATNE (? �'r1/ and_ ('`lt�llar7N ACORO 25 (2001(08) 1 of *348412 CMR o ACORD CORPORATION 1988 I . T Of Cori - t. is Pg 1 Certificate of Liability Insurance Pg 18 Material Data Sheet Pg 2 Workers Compensation Certificate Pg 19 Material Data Sheet continued Pg 3 Mass Home Improvement Contractor Registration Pg 20 Material Data Sheet continued Pg 4 Mass Construction Supervisors License Pg 21 Material Data Sheet continued Pg 5 Rhode Island Contractors' Registration card Pg 22 Material Data Sheet continued Pg 23 Material Data sheet continued Pg 24 Material Data Sheet continued Pg 6 Basement Finishing System Submittal sheet Pg 25 Material Data Sheet continued Pg 7 Features & Benefits of BFS Pg 8 Evaluation of the R11 BFS Pg 9 BOCA International Evaluation Report Pg 26 National Evaluation Report Pg 10 Continued International Evaluation Report Pg 27 National Evaluation Report continued Pg 28 National Evaluation Report continued Pg 11 Overview of BFS Pg 12 Overview of BFS continued Pg 29 Acoustical Performance of BFS -wall Pg 13 Overview of BFS continued Pg 30 Mold & Mildew resistance of BFS Pg 14 Overview of BFS continued - electric boxes Pg 31 Mold & Mildew resistance continued Pg 15 Overview of BFS continued - electric boxes Pg 32 Thermal Performance of BFS Pg 16 Overview of BFS continued - ceiling Pg 33 Evaluation of Basement wall Finishing Systems Pg 17 Overview of BFS continued - carpet installation guidelines Owens Coming Basement Finishing Systems by National Energy Systems, IncJNES 1331 Grafton Street FED ID *043287680 Worcester MA 01604 MA Reg *145941 877 - 580-0800 RI Reg #26375 Gil/ Date of Buyerts) Home Telephone Number Buyerfs)WSS Telephone Number 4 0 413 -5/1 -413$ 'ti 3 - aiO- $'Ji Buyers) ( � zw1,v4l. Iir14c' 11 Buyer(s) Street Address InsInstallation Address 070 eAilvtai 4)44 Sri ANA Buyer(s) City e ..i State Zip Code r 'Ord $ OlOG> CONTRACT TO INSTALL OWENS CORNING BASEMENT FINISHING SYSTEMS This is a contract between the Contractor and the above -named customer to install the Owens Corning Basement Wall Finishing System and related items specified herein at the Customer's residential premises identified above. As used in this con- tract, the words we, us or our refer to the Contractor, and the words you and your refer to the Customer. The Customer and Contractor agree that with reference to the completion date, time is NOT of the essence. It is understood that the following contingencies could materially change the approximate completion date stated below. Customer's financing approval time or to make payments as agreed, inclement weather, strikes or other labor disruptions, non - availability of materi- als, acts of God, or delay of municipality in issuing the requisite building permit. Scope of Work: Are sketches and/or specifications attached? YES NO (circle one) M attachments signed by customer are incorporated into and become part of this contract �� Owens Coming Basement Fini hing Systems/NES does not paint, stain orr� paper LA r{E Description of Work X 411 e ()tams (dCAw. , , K.;,.CI,; _ Svc !74 q,li ( i>✓-f A} s iT u p'j lei .Vteli 4 „ Je S ;4t • Work Schedule: Approximate Start Date: S ) 0 - 1 ,, u Contract Price: $ T 3 t 'H Approximate Finish Date: r2 w/tL W S#wt Deposit With Order. $ I t 3 t t C Due On Commencement: $ Z 1 7 or Due On Completion: $ 17 36 T= Finance (circle one) ash Items require ,sit, 50% on commencement of work, 40% on completion. BY SIGNING BELOW, YOU REPRESENT THAT - 1rQU OWN THE INSTALLATION PREMISES AND THAT YOU AGREE TO ALL OF THE TERMS OF THIS CONTRACT, INCLUDING THE ADDJOPIALTERMS LOCATED ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS PAGE. YOU ALSO ACKNOWL- EDGE THAT YOU HAVE RECEIVED A FULLY COMPLETEB.,COPY OF THIS CONTRACT AND TWO COMPLETED COPIES OF THE NOTICE OF CANCELLATION AND THAT YOU HAVE BEEN ORALLY INFORMED OF YOUR RIGHT TO CANCEL. YOU, THE BUYER, MAY CANCEL THIS TRANSACTION ANY TIME PRIOR TO MIDNIGHT OF THE THIRD BUSINESS DAY AFTER THE DATE OF THIS TRANSACTION. SEE THE ATTACHED NOTICE OF CANCELLATION FORM FOR AN EXPLANATION OF THIS RIGHT. DO NOOSIGN THIS •. '- CT THERE ARE ANY BLANK SPACES. Witness our hand (s) below on this _ 6 day of = P 32'00(. . ... Rsprsaelltative: Buyer � � Z d _ / /f Sig ` t� re f Sign - Signs — . - 1 \ o[f 44 lJEtl & &W ( I hf o lN 04911- (,e L� ESPJ" Print Name - Print Name . Ant Name • NOTICE OF CANCELLATION NOTICE OF CANCELLATION DATE OF TRANSACTION DATE OF TRANSACTION YOU MAY CANCEL THIS TRANSACTION, WITHOUT ANY YOU MAY CANCEL THIS TRANSACTION, WITHOUT ANY PENALTY OR OBLIGATION, WITHIN THREE BUSINESS PENALTY OR OBLIGATION, WITHIN THREE BUSINESS DAYS FROM THE ABOVE DATE. DAYS FROM THE ABOVE DATE. IF YOU CANCEL, ANY PROPERTY TRADED IN, ANY PAY- IF YOU CANCEL, ANY PROPERTY TRADED IN, ANY PAY- MENTS MADE BY YOU UNDER THE CONTRACT OR MENTS MADE BY YOU UNDER THE CONTRACT OR SALE, AND ANY NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENT EXECUTED SALE, AND ANY NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENT EXECUTED RY YAl 1 we 1 on own IQMCr1 WITWM TCeJ co mimeo* ov v(I I Wel 1 DC DC771DMCrt WITMI■ 'Mil 01I0IMCCC I 11'3" 1 12' I 21'4" 1 H I -3'4 "� 1-2.2 „—I T H Notes 1023 SF to be Finished - - toJautsid He i ht 6'9” 1 #3 9 g - Delivery 1 m T rim Color: White C / #3 1 �a � 1 o Trailer Option: O Ceiling Height 7'2" A > 1 .-1 Installation A N #1 Stairs and framing around stairs c n / 1 • • • w is existing and will remain as is. ,� #2 Duct work to remain exposed. Ceiling Height 6'9" #2 1 Ceiling Height 6'7" #3 Install Wall shelf using Birch ul "�. C ' e l I i n g He gh(8'4'' - "., ,: — Plywood with a Batten edge. H2O 11111 F S B 411.11 - T '2" i C eight 7 1 O © - Railing assembly - w O s Existing rnoke/ 02 Det s 1 _ DI 01 Soffit — Pantry Area IM — Metal Studs - I 3'10 " - 1 MI — Blueboard — 1 11'3" I 12' 1 21'3" I IN — O/C Panel — Ill - Foundation - Door & Window Schedule A 4'0 "x6'6 "Bi Fold H E i tineouble hUNN4 Aquilino, Annabel & Kenneth Basement Floor Plan # 1 / 2.5 W B 2'8"x6'6" Bi Fold 1 201 Cardinal Way Building Dept # Fenner / Marciano C Existing Steel DoorJ OWENS 2'8 "x6'8" lilt CORNING, F Florence, MA 01062 Date of Measure 4/26/2006 Need to be completed by June 8 D Existing Steel DoorK INNOVATIONS fOR LIVING' 2'8 "x6'8"41 866 - 936 -7937 H 413 - 584 -4738 Measured by SM Customer W 413 - 210 -8393 Initials Owens Corning / NES does not Paint or Stain I 11'3" 1 12' 1 21'4" I H 1- 3'4 "—I �.� 1-2'2"-I T #3 1 T Bulk Head 1 H H - Notes ,, �1���O"t' d ,, i ,. 1 --•4 - 1023 SF to be Finished to�e 1 1 #3 — — C #3 Ceiling Height 6'9" • 1 ` Delivery I Trim Color: White / _ ",� .�, '.� -� Ceiling Height 7'2" 1 ° Trailer Option: 1 O Installatiort 0A -. 1 N #1 Stairs and framing around stairs o 1 ) 1 • • • c is existing and will remain as is. ob i #2 Duct work to remain exposed. N Ceiling Height 6'9" - #2 1 Ceiling Height 6'7" #3 Install Wall shelf using Birch Gelling He ght�'4' 1 Plywood with a Batten edge. H2O O '1"' FU MAIN O O B • - 4. #1 _ 1#2 i C eiling Height 7'2" 1 O J - Railing assembly - ,, / Q Existing Wall & Girders w / s - Srrake /CO2 Detectors - /// IN Soffit Pantry Area D — Metal Studs - I " • - Blueboard - I 11'3" I 12' 1 21'3" I IN — O/C Panel — III - Foundation - Door & Window Schedule Aquilino, Annabel & Kenneth Basement Floor Plan # 1 / 2.5 W A 4'0 "x6'6 "Bi Fold H ND O y DoubN hUNNG B 2'8"x6'6° Bi Fold I 201 Cardinal Way Building Dept # Fenner / Marciano C Existing Steel DoorJ r NS 2'8 "x6'8" RH CORNING t' Florence, MA 01062 Date of Measure 4/26/2006 Need to be completed by June 8 D Existing Steel DoorK INNOVATIONS FOR LIVING' 2'8 "x6'8 "RH 866 - 936 - 7937 H 413- 584 -4738 Measured by SM Customer W 413 - 210 -8393 Initials Owens Corning / NES does not Paint or Stain I- 11'3" 1 12' I 21'4" I H I- 3'4 "-1 I- 2'2 "---I T #3 1 T B Ilk Head 1 H H Notes to.?.Lltside 1 1 #3 — 1023 SF to be Finished Delivery moiling Height 6'9" • 1 :1 4 Trim Color: White #3 g 1 o Trailer Option: 0 ___ Ceiling Height 7'2" 1 . Installation r ,q 1 - �, „m m N #1 Stairs and framing around stairs o R , 1 • • , G is existing and will remain as is. n of 1 #2 Duct work to remain exposed. Ceiling Height 6'9" _ #2 3 Ceiling Height 6'7" #3lnstall Wall shelf using Birch Gelling He ghlt 4' , Plywood with a Batten edge. 06 .� GAS 1 H2O O 1111 I FURN MAIN O 1 #2 d, #1 � i 7'2" Height 72" 1 O p — Railing assembly— _ Existing Wall & Girders W D s - Srnoke /CO2 Detectors - 1 / — • Soffit Pantry Area t — Metal Studs — I 3'10 " - 1 • — Blueboard — I 11'3" I 12' 1 21'3" I • — O/C Panel — IN - Foundation - Door & Window Schedule A 4'0 "x6'6 "Bi Fold H =Double oubb hUNNG Aquilino, Annabel & Kenneth Basement Floor Plan # 1 / 2.5 W B 2'8 "x6'6" Bi Fold I 201 Cardinal Way Building Dept # Fenner / Marciano C Existing Steel DoorJ r NS 2'8 "x6'8" RH CORNING , Florence, MA 01062 Date of Measure 4/26/2006 Need to be completed by June 8 D Existing Steel DoorK INNOVATIONS f OR LIVING' 2'8 "x6'8 "111 866- 936 -7937 H 413 - 584 -4738 Measured by SM Customer W 413 - 210 -8393 Initials Owens Corning / NES does not Paint or Stain • • �� C�ix r of arfIiant #art a Wit.: i ,% la 4 ( 1 ,. � _ a� x ,.. (i " a sset usrtts ' mss.. DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS ' _ ' : i =j^ LT " — r. INSPECTOR 212 Main Street • Municipal Building i� Northampton, MA 01060 �,~ ' 0 HOME OWNER EXEMPTION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The State of Massachusetts allows the homeowner the right under 780CMR 108.3.4 to act as Lis /her construction sups: sor. The state defines "Homeowner" as, " Person(s) who owns a parcel on which he /she resides or intends to be, a one or two family dwelling, attached or detached structures accessory to such use and/or farm struct A person who constructs more than one home in a two -year period shall not be considered a home owner." The building department for the City of Northampton wants any person(s) who seek to use the home owner exemption, to act as their own construction supervisor, to be aware that by doing so you become responsible for compliance with state building codes and regulations. The inspection process requires that the building department be called to inspect work at various stages, which include foundation /footings (before backfill), sonotube holes (before pour), a rough building inspection (before work is concealed), insulation inspection (if required) and a final building inspection. The building department requires these inspections before the work is concealed, failure to secure these inspections can result in failure to obtain a certificate of occupancy until the work can be inspected. If the homeowner hires other trades to perform work (electrical, plumbing & gas) the homeowner will be responsible to make sure that the trades hired secure their proper permits in conjunction to the building permit issued, and that they get their required inspections. Failure of the individual trades to secure the permits and inspections as required can DELAY the project until such time as the proper permits and inspections are made I, understand the above. (Home owner /resident's signature requesting exemption) I will call to schedule all required building inspections necessary for the building permit issued to me. Date Address of work location • , L } t. .`� Of ��L�I:fIji111l�JfDll j ■ �t r I1i3a RC1IRLrIIII DEPARTMENT OP BUILDD�C INSPECTIONS • -- 212 Main Street Municipal Building Northampton, Mass. 01060 r' WORit R'S CO\'CPENSATION L'ISURA_NCE A U)AV'1T (Ii ittcc) with 2 principal place of at: / 3 j/ 6- 4 f l ►1 f r 7 Pk- C S T /14 (phone:') e'er 3•vr -7 - 7 t--/ (sa-=tici ty /stalc' p do hereby certify, under the pains and penalties of perjury.; :hat ( I am an employer providing the following worker's compensation cove- c For my employees wor!>dng on this job. c /‹ v X P 6 d --/ / - Conte•) (Policy Nu-_r) {T= pirrioa Dai ) - ( ) I am a sole proprietor, general contractor or homeowner (c cie one) and have hired the cone actors Listed below who have the following worker's compensation pa!icies: (-Na 1e of Co„rCiOr) (Insur2nc Corrtoa_rr fPoiic (i Dater) (Name of Con n cior) (Insuranc; Company/Policy Nurncrr) (Expiration Date) • (Name of Conrz (Ilzsurancc Company/Policy Nambjr) (Expirdon Date) (Name of Contractor) (Lnsuraac Comp uy/PoLicy Number) (Expiration Date) . (nRiGJ] :D:4i.:ocal bcC ifacrx=mi0• to include inforo oa peruti pc-t to .11 mc7--e-ors) ( ) I am a sole proprietor and have no one wog for me. ( ) I am.a home owner performing all the work myself. NOTE: pr,-4.c be a4r2rr tfi•• wbo employ pc—soaz to do cp-i=tonsoce, ir work on . ci cll_i.: of not most then c - tmi i in wb:icb the bocnoowocr raidca or on the g-o od, zppurtearn thou cot Ca -zlty ocrsd_ to be ctployca a+ yr the k a i _zion Act (G LI52.= I (S)) apptic tiioa by n bomcoavcr for a Gc - a pc-ait tzy cti-idcnce the It-s J runt. of ea czzployer uodrr dw Workttet Gompomaiioo. Act I u scicro a.od that a copy of thia mzcmmx oaay bo for - 'yarded to tbo Dcgarcmroi of Accdcatf OiTioo of Lray'•ooe for tb. cove: sc `"zriratioo and th i Lilt= to rccurc tovcznso tzodcs wcsioo 25A of MOL 152 ma Ied to the inapozitioa of eimin.'1 pcnahi'z co i i3g of a floc of top to S 1 SOO.00 and/or of up to ooc yc3r end c ail pm.t ca in 6c form or. Stop Work Order nod a fim of 5100.00 a thy ngai¢a me fi- F orr'1 . uc only Permit Namur o v lvfap= __ Lot Sipiaturc of Lio nstxlPc • uc:. [kite Fi SECTION 8 - CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 8.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor: p� Not Applicable ❑ Name of License Holder : /'// i"' ^/ Y L/P C l� L «. y License Number t L L ' E / ,- - Z- I A- "C x ^ � — 7 Address f/ Expiration Date — 3av 79 7 Signature Telephone 9.12e.1stated Howie= lnm.rovernent Contractor... pa , A1r „ . Mf ? ; ; ;72 Not Applicable .❑ / C. ,F nl ; 4 S 7 Tom _ / � 7 Company Name ✓ 7 Registration Number (3 3/ C 4 f T r, S T --/ 5' a c/-a 7 Address Expiration Date 4 C r S 7F P'2,(/ 0 y Telephone 9? 7 y SECTION 10- WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT (M.G.L. c. 152, § 25C(6)) Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached Yes ❑ No ❑ 11 .t ..Imo ;nr.:emjion The current exemption for "homeowners” was extended to include Owner- occupied Dwellings of one (1) or two(2) families and to allow such homeowner to engage an individual for hire who does not possess a license, provided that the owner acts as supervisor. CMR 780, Sixth Edition Section Definition of Homeowner: Person (s) who own a parcel of land on which he /she resides or intends to reside, on which there is, or is intended to be, a one or two family dwelling, attached or detached structures accessory to such use and/ or farm structures. A person who constructs more than one home in a two -vear period shall not be considered a homeowner. Such "homeowner" shall submit to the Building Official, on a form acceptable to the Building Official, that he /she shall be responsible for all such work performed under the buildin! permit. As acting Construction Supervisor your presence on the job site will be required from time to time, during and upon completion of the work for which this permit is issued. Also be advised that with reference to Chapter 152 (Workers' Compensation) and Chapter 153 (Liability of Employers to Employees for injuries not resulting in Death) of the Massachusetts General Laws Annotated, you may be liable for person(s) you hire to perform work for you under this permit. The undersigned "homeowner" certifies and assumes responsibility for compliance with the State Building Code, City of Northampton Ordinances, State and Local Zoning Laws and State of Massachusetts General Laws Annotated. Homeowner Signature SECTION 5- DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK (check all applicable) New House ❑ Addition 12 Replacement Windows Alteration(s) E Roofing El Or Doors ED Accessory Bldg. ❑ Demolition El New Signs [0] Decks [p Siding [CI] Other [0] Brief Description of Proposed 7 - Work: £ ' - A i 5 C . /fir / T AI (5 / i3 1 5 F -' f n 7 ' -S 7, -' . Alteration of existing bedroom Yes < No Adding new bedroom Yes. No Attached Narrative Renovating unfinished basement _ j{ Yes No Plans Attached Roll - Sheet r sa if °.NewFoc>ise an�foaditiorrta- existinq,�ioustnq:rcomnrete theio�lowrrip: a. Use of building : One Family tX Two Family Other b. Number of rooms in each family unit: Number of Bathrooms c. Is there a garage attached? d. Proposed Square footage of new construction. Dimensions e. Number of stories? f. Method of heating? Fireplaces or Woodstoves Number of each g. Energy Conservation Compliance. Masscheck Energy Compliance form attached? h. Type of construction i. Is construction within 100 ft. of wetlands? Yes No. Is construction within 100 yr. floodplain Yes No j. Depth of basement or cellar floor below finished grade k. Will building conform to the Building and Zoning regulations? Yes No . I. Septic Tank City Sewer Private well City water Supply SECTION 7a - OWNERAUTHORIZATION - TO BE COMPLETED - WHEN OWNERS AGENT OR CONTRACTOR APPLIES FOR: BUILDING PERMIT , as Owner of the subject property hereby authorize to act on my behalf, in all matters relative to work authorized by this building permit application. Signature of Owner Date C t r i1/7 . L if At Z 41 , as Owner /Authorized Agent hereby declare that the statements and information on the foregoing application are true and accurate, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed under the pains and pens s of perjury. 7 Print Name f -//'4 2 Signature of Owner /Agent Date Section 4. ZONING All Information Must Be Completed. Permit Can Be Denied Due To Incomplete Information Existing Proposed Required by Zoning This column to be filled in by Building Department Lot Size — — . — • Frontage Setbacks Front Side L:-...._ - R: L:' R:'_ _ -- Rear Building Height Bldg. Square Footage Open Space Footage (Lot area minus bldg & paved I parking) # of Parking Spaces Fill: — -- —_ _ . _ . (volume & Location) A. Has a Special Permit /Variance /Finding ever been issued for /on the site? NO 0 DONT KNOW IA YES 0 IF YES, date issued:: IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO 0 DONT KNOW 0 YES 0 IF YES: enter Book Page: ! and /or Document #'' B. Does the site contain a brook, body of water or wetlands? NO 0 DONT KNOW ►1 YES 0 IF YES, has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? Needs to be obtained Q Obtained 0 , Date Issued: ! C. Do any signs exist on the property? YES 0 NO i IF YES, describe size, type and location: D. Are there any proposed changes to or additions of signs intended for the property ? YES 0 NO Q IF YES, describe size, type and location: E. Will the construction activity disturb (clearing, grading, excavation, or filling) over 1 acre or is it part of a common plan that will disturb over 1 acre? YES 0 NO 0 IF YES, then a Northampton Storm Water Management Permit from the DPW is required. City of Northampton Sta s of d '�u`lding Department _ a r ,12 Main Street -'Room 100 ��Norfampton, MA 01060 uro�ets,•o t�" ��a = w� ,,� � ��.�, � �; phone 413 -587 -1240 Fax 413- 587 -1272 Potff� r S Otfie� � F'iCtfy '� r c�;xas ,�, �;. �, H•� `�.. Z �r ,�""� s' §«. APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT, ALTER, REPAIR, RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING SECTION 1 - SITE INFORMATION 1.1 Property Address: This section to be completed byaffice L. V. 0 / C. M !, / /V /J 7 Map :Lot Unit G,k i 1 C ~' Zone Overlay District EIm.SY:'Dtstt3ct : CB:Distnct SECTION 2 - PROPERTY OWNERSHIP /AUTHORIZED AGENT 2.1 Owner of Record: * Chin/ / , q/`"v4SA L 4 t ipfi,Liat , 4 ?c7, Cn !'1 r�,s L_ w✓/^ - Name (Print) Current Mailing Address: 4 // 3 — 41 73 lr Telephone ��/��a,✓t Signature e I' 2.2 Authorized Agent: 717-7-,0 _ p/,� dry-i4 fn+F 1 5 is 7 Av� /,3 )j (0-7'-44/ //f' s i �/`S /7/IL Name (Print) Current Mailing Address: r 7 — 7a - 7 4 - / Signature ✓ /r� Telephone SECTION 3 - ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS Item Estimated Cost (Dollars) to be Official Use Only completed by permit applicant j s (a) Building Permit Fee 1. Building j 2. Electrical (b) Estimated Total Cost of Construction from (6) 3. Plumbing Building Permit Fee 4. Mechanical (HVAC) 5. Fire Protection 6. Total= (1 +2 +3 +4 +5) Check Number � �� This Section For Official Use Only Date Building Permit Number. Issued: Signature: Date Building Commissioner /Inspector of Buildings File # BP- 2006 -1164 APPLICANT /CONTACT PERSON NATIONAL ENERGY SYSTEMS INC ADDRESS/PHONE 1331 GRAFTON ST WORCESTER (800) 300 -7274 PROPERTY LOCATION 201 CARDINAL WAY MAP 36 PARCEL 317 001 ZONE SR THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE ZONING FORM FILLED OUT Fee Paid Building Permit Filled out Fee Paid /t ,7 j ?/ 7'_ Typeof Construction: INSTALL OWENS CORNING FINISH BASEMENT SYSTEM New Construction Non Structural interior renovations Addition to Existing Accessory Structure Building Plans Included: Owner/ Statement or License 093008 3 sets of Plans / Plot Plan THE F OWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION BASED ON IN ATION PRESENTED: A pproved Additional permits required (see below) PLANNING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER:§ Intermediate Project: Site Plan AND /OR Special Permit With Site Plan Major Project: Site Plan AND /OR Special Permit With Site Plan ZONING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: § Finding Special Permit Variance* Received & Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Permits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval Board of Health Well Water Potability Board of Health Permit from Conservation Commission Permit from CB Architecture Committee Permit from Elm eet Commission ___ ,..,.,, ,,.-s yc;i:__.,.. j Signature of Building Official Date Note: Issuance of a Zoning permit does not relieve a applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from Board of Health, Conservation Commission, Department of public works and other applicable permit granting authorities. * Variances are granted only to those applicants who meet the strict standards of MGL 40A. Contact Office of Planning & Development for more information. BP- 2006 -1164 GIS #: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Lot: -001 Permit: Building Category: BUILDING PERMIT Permit # BP- 2006 -1164 Project # JS- 2006 -1715 Est. Cost: $217.00 Fee: $217.00 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const. Class: Contractor: License: Use Group: NATIONAL ENERGY SYSTEMS INC 093008 Lot Size(sq. ft.): Owner: AQUILINO KENNETH S & Zoning: SR Applicant: NATIONAL ENERGY SYSTEMS INC AT: 201 CARDINAL WAY Applicant Address: Phone: Insurance: 1331 GRAFTON ST (800) 300 -7274 WC WORCESTERMA01604 ISSUED ON:5/8/2006 0:00:00 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK:INSTALL OWENS CORNING FINISH BASEMENT SYSTEM POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Building Inspector Underground: Service: Meter: Footings: Rough: Rough: House # Foundation: Driveway Final: Final: Final: Rough Frame: Gas: Fire Department Fireplace /Chimney: Rough: Oil: Insulation: Final: Smoke: Final: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Certificate of Occupancy Signature: FeeType: Date Paid: Amount: Building 5/8/2006 0:00:00 $217.001042 212 Main Street, Phone (413) 587 -1240, Fax: (413) 587 -1272 Building Commissioner - Anthony Patillo a/ NQ S DUND #27 ♦ 2939508.31 / '- r '` ,1 Q 2 2 Q. F T. 25 R- 305.00 ' A r 334068.25 1 ^ C• ±/ BOUND #12 r � - - N 2939567.0 . / i=01 r 38 ,. E 334080.61 / C • 6.. 7' 'i 0" W 1 6.89' / , N • - ( ISOLATED �- / /� ' = 1 WETLAND � ' 7 u5 0 R— **5.00' t 10 ----------? '.- 01 S . T.± f 0 1\ id r,,y/ %• 0.422 A C. ± Lo 29 02, 0 c- I''' 1 N NN 12 lo 10 � 5 sg�� 2 -D • ° �6) 57. F 1 09" ? �o• °�F Soo_ WOODS 17' --54 "W Z \\ til il r R 305.00' / , r w 7 5' � L= 4.97' ,825 S+ .FT.± , '. � z i--0 ' -- 41' -24' / 0.432 C. _ ,� HUNTLEY O WNER LOCATION HUNTLEY ASSOCIATES, P.C. _ �� � �,3na.��� 4., wt.; ENGINEERS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS JOB NO. DATE SCALE 30 INDUSTRIAL DRIVE EAST 00 5/13/0 N/A NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 __ . OP pT„ 1 "M T CITY OF NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS ,► . . ' 1 `, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS t� +;�' 125 Locust Street �� Northampton, MA 01060 413- 587 -1570 Samuel B. Brindis, P.E. Fax 413 -587 -1576 • Director, City Engineer Guilford B. Mooring, P.E. Assistant Director of Public Works BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS DRIVEWAY PERMIT GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS AND REGULATIONS 1. A "Driveway Permit" is required in all cases where a new curb cut or an alteration to an existing curb cut is proposed on a City public way. 2. Driveway permits issued by the Board of Public Works (BPW) shall be attached to and become part of the "Building Permit" issued by the Building Inspector. 3. Prior to the issuance of a "Building Permit" the owner of any lot to be serviced by a new driveway shall apply to the BPW for a "Driveway Permit" by completing the pertinent portions of the permit (see attached). Once the location of the driveway is approved by the BPW, a building permit may be issued. 4. The Building Inspector shall not issue an "Occupancy Permit" unless the driveway to the lot has been approved by the BPW. 5. By the issuance of a driveway permit for the stated location, neither the City of Northampton . nor the Department of Public Works imply that no drainage problems will result with the driveway when constructed. Properties situated or driveways installed in low lying areas in the path of the natural drainage will be subject to water problems. These problems may include water sheeting across roadways adjacent to the driveway. The City and the DPW assume no responsibility for any such drainage problems. The owner of the property is responsible for constructing and maintaining the driveway with adequate provision for natural water runoff situations. f b"emuel B Brindis, P.E. Director of Public Works . C:\MyFiles\.Lyn\Driveway Permit General Instructions • Permit No. D32 -04 Conditions: Driveway Permit In lieu of plan approved by City Engineer I agree to the following added conditions: 1. I will contact the Department of Public Works and have an inspector check and approve the graded gravel base prior to paving to insure compliance with slope and location; 2. I further agree that if in the inspections any of the permit conditions are not met that I will at no expense to the City remove and replace the driveway as directed by the City Engineer. By: etitioner Dave L ine 413 -563 -4543 262 East Street Easthampton, MA 01027 Note: The Public Works Department recommends that you provide a plan showing the proposed driveway with grades and location in the future to avoid possible expense which you will incur by not getting approval of actual plans in advance. cc: Building Inspector • • ., Permit No. D32 -04 CITY OF NOR I'HAMPTON, MA DRIVEWAY PERMIT Date: 11 -14 -03 FEE: $25.00 CHECK #: 6213 THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS The undersigned respectfully petitions your honorable body for: Permission to install a driveway at 201 Cardinal Way Lot 13 Fifteen (15) foot maximum width at the street line. Gutter drainage not to be disturbed. All drainage shall be directed off the driveway surface to adjacent land and not on the existing roadway. Driveway surface to be paved as soon as possible if the grade of the proposed driveway exceeds 3% or more. Homeowners will be held responsible for any cost to the City of Northampton in the event of a washout of this driveway. By: Dave Le Building Contractor 262 East reet, Easthampton, MA 01027 Telephone #: 413- 563 -4543 Proposed Location Inspected By: „ ,f /i0 5 Gravel Base Grade Inspected By: Final Approval THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS voted that petition be granted. George Andrikidis Director of Public Works (SUBJECT TO ATTACHED CONDITION 1 & 2) cc: Building Inspector MUNICIPAL SEWER AVAILABILITY APPLICATION Northampton Streets Department 125 Locust Street Northampton, MA 01060 587 -1570 A Department of Public Works Trench Permit shall be require prior to any construction or connection activity associated with this application. Location: 201 Cardinal Way Lot 13 Inquiry Made By: Dave Lepine 413 - 563 -4543 Date of Inquiry: 11/14/03 Municipal Sewer Main in Front of Location: Yes No Municipal Storm Drain Available: Yes No Size of Sewer Main: 2" Material: PVC Age: 2002 Depth of Sewer Main: S Size of Service Connection: 1 - a Pvc Comments: The City of Northampton has not accepted responsibility for the maintenance of the sewer main and service connections as of this date of inquiry. A corresponding "sewer entrance fee" shall be paid prior to making any connection to the municipal sewer system. Arrangements of such installation shall be made with the Northampton Streets Department with a minimum of 5 working days notification. All work shall conform to Northampton Streets Department specifications. Storm Drain Concurrence Josep homas, uperintendent Douglas McDonald, Enviromental Planner Streets Department Engineering Department cc: Ned Huntley, Asst. City Engineer Anthony Patillo, Building Inspector MUNICIPAL WATER AVAILABILITY APPLICATION Northampton Water Department 237 Prospect St. Northampton, MA 01060 587 -1098 A Department of Public Works Trench Permit shall be required prior to any construction or connection activity associated with this application. Location: 201 Cardinal Way Lot #13 Inquiry Made By: Dave Lepine 413 - 563 -4543 Date of Inquiry: 11/14/03 Municipal Water Main Existing service to in Yes: X No: Yes: X No: — site? Front of Location? Size of Water Main: 12" Material: Ductile Iron Age: 2002 Number of Type of _X_ Single Family Type of X _ Private Units: 1 Unit(s): Accessory Apart. Ownership: _ Condo _ Multi- family Rental Approximate Static Street 70 Flow Test Conducted : Yes: No: X — — Pressure: If done attach results Size of Service Connection: 1" Comments: The Water Department cannot guarantee adequate water pressure during peak demand times at elevations above 320 feet. This subdivision was approved by the Northampton Planning Board on 5/23/03. It is the responsibility of the developer to provide the necessary infrastructure as shown an the approved Plans. • A corresponding water entrance fee shall be paid prior to making any connection to the municipal water system. • Arrangements of such installation shall be made with the Northampton Water Department with a minimum of 5 working days notification. • 11 work shall conform to Northampton Water Department specifications. 0.1 David W. Sparks, Acting Superintendent of Water cc: Ned Huntley, Asst. City Engineer DUND #27 , 2939508.31 P fQ.FT. ' 334068.25 R 305.00' BOUND #12 ( / L= 89 '' 0 • r. A C. N 2939567.0:. / 1 =01 • ' 38" CHW E 334080.61 / 4 C 77' ' i' 6.89' 7 , 4 . w ? � Ni 1 ' ISOLATED � � 1 "� r WETLAND 8S . O.!, R— 0 5.00 pl o� ! / L=:•.97' a , 1= 6 2 ' -1 • � ' \■ d= N*,:' -3• —01 "W _ • ' o n �• �8 :, 401 Se. T.± mow o id ,c./ ' 0.422 C.± 40 2 p2, fit:, ∎_. 4 0 s. sts, %77,a,, , 00, 10 • 4) AcNe m 2 09" 0 17' -54 "W 1/(6 1 °+ WOODS `\ c\ \ 0 / / j /R3o5.00' / - , 8 2 J S*.FT.± w 75, L— 4.97' r 0.432 ' C. ± i • . n 1=0\4-*— 41 , oI Chd�-N58•- 08' -10 "W HuN t O HUNTLEY ASSOCIATES, P.C. ac r ( < L SURVEYORS ENGINEERS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS JOB NO. DATE SCALE 30 INDUSTRIAL DRIVE EAST NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 00 -013 5/13/03 N/A Table 1: Minimum Insulation Thickness for Circulating Hot Water Pipes. Insulation Thickness in Inches by Pipe Sizes Heated Water Non - Circulating Runouts Circulating Mains and Runouts Temperature ( F) Up to 1" Up to 1.25" 1.5" to 2.0" Over 2" 170 -180 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 140 -160 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 100 -130 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 Table 2: Minimum Insulation Thickness for HVAC Pipes. Fluid Temp. Insulation Thickness in Inches by Pipe Sizes Piping System Types Range ( F) 2" Runouts 1" and Less 1.25" to 2" 2.5" to 4" Heating Systems Low Pressure /Temperature 201 -250 1.0 1.5 1.5 2.0 Low Temperature 120 -200 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.5 Steam Condensate (for feed water) Any 1.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 Cooling Systems Chilled Water, Refrigerant, 40 -55 0.5 0.5 0.75 1.0 and Brine Below 40 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 NOTES TO FIELD (Building Department Use Only) Materials Identification: [ ] Materials and equipment must be identified so that compliance can be determined. [ ] Manufacturer manuals for all installed heating and cooling equipment and service water heating equipment must be provided. [ ] Insulation R- values and glazing U- values must be clearly marked on the building plans or specifications. Duct Insulation: [ ] Ducts shall be insulated per Table J4.4.7.1. Duct Construction: [ ] All accessible joints, seams, and connections of supply and return ductwork located outside conditioned space, including stud bays or joist cavities /spaces used to transport air, shall be sealed using mastic and fibrous backing tape installed according to the manufacturer's installation instructions. Mesh tape may be omitted where gaps are less than 1/8 inch. Duct tape is not permitted. [ ] The HVAC system must provide a means for balancing air and water systems. Temperature Controls: [ ] Thermostats are required for each separate HVAC system. A manual or automatic means to partially restrict or shut off the heating and /or cooling input to each zone or floor shall be provided. Heating and Cooling Equipment Sizing: [ ] Rated output capacity of the heating /cooling system is not greater than 125% of the design load as specified in Sections 780CMR 1310 and J4.4. Circulating Hot Water Systems: [ ] Insulate circulating hot water pipes to the levels in Table 1. Swimming Pools: [ ] All heated swimming pools must have an on /off heater switch and require a cover unless over 20% of the heating energy is from non - depletable sources. Pool pumps require a time clock. Heating and Cooling Piping Insulation: [ ] HVAC piping conveying fluids above 120 ° F or chilled fluids below 55 ° F must be insulated to the levels in Table 2. MECcheck Inspection Checklist Massachusetts Energy Code MECcheck Software Version 3.2 Release la DATE: 11/12/03 TITLE: 201 Cardnal Way Bldg. Dept. Use Ceilings: [ ] 1. Ceiling 1: Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss, R -38.0 cavity insulation Comments: Above - Grade Walls: [ ] 1. Wall 1: Wood Frame, 16" o.c., R -19.0 cavity insulation Comments: Windows: [ ] 1. Window 1: Wood Frame, Double Pane with Low -E, U- factor: 0.350 For windows without labeled U- factors, describe features: # Panes Frame Type Thermal Break? [ ] Yes [ ] No Comments: Doors: [ ] 1. Door 3: Solid, U- factor: 0.350 Comments: Floors: [ ] 1. Floor 4: All -Wood Joist /Truss, Over Unconditioned Space, R -19.0 cavity insulation Comments: Heating and Cooling Equipment: [ ] 1. Furnace 1: Forced Hot Air, 78 AFUE or higher Make and Model Number [ ] 2. Air Conditioner 1: Electric Central Air, 10 SEER or higher Make and Model Number Air Leakage: [ ] Joints, penetrations, and all other such openings in the building envelope that are sources of air leakage must be sealed. [ ) When installed in the building envelope, recessed lighting fixtures shall meet one of the following requirements: 1. Type IC rated, manufactured with no penetrations between the inside of the recessed fixture and ceiling cavity and sealed or gasketed to prevent air leakage into the unconditioned space. 2. Type IC rated, in accordance with Standard ASTM E 283, with no more than 2.0 cfm (0.944 L /s) air movement from the the conditioned space to the ceiling cavity. The lighting fixture shall have been tested at 75 PA or 1.57 lbs /ft2 pressure difference and shall be labeled. Vapor Retarder: [ ] Required on the warm -in- winter side of all non- vented framed ceilings, walls, and floors. • Permit Number M .Ccheck Compliance Report Massachusetts Energy Code MECcheck Software Version 3.2 Release la Checked By/Date TITLE: 201 Cardnal Way CITY: Northampton STATE: Massachusetts HDD: 6404 CONSTRUCTION TYPE: 1 or 2 Family, Detached HEATING SYSTEM TYPE: Other (Non - Electric Resistance) DATE: 11 /12/03 DATE OF PLANS: 11 -12 -03 PROJECT INFORMATION: Plantation At West Farms COMPANY INFORMATION: — Dave Lepine Building Contractor COMPLIANCE: Passes Maximum UA = 426 Your Home = 361 15.3% Better Than Code Gross Glazing Area or Cavity Cont. or Door Perimeter R -Value R -Value U- Factor UA Ceiling 1: Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss 1367 38.0 0.0 41 Wall 1: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 2764 19.0 0.0 146 Window 1: Wood Frame, Double Pane with Low -E 278 0.350 97 Door 3: Solid 58 0.350 20 Floor 4: All -Wood Joist /Truss, Over Unconditioned Space 1223 19.0 0.0 57 Furnace 1: Forced Hot Air, 78 AFUE Air Conditioner 1: Electric Central Air, 10 SEER COMPLIANCE STATEMENT: The proposed building design described here is consistent with the building plans, specifications, and other calculations submitted with the permit application. The proposed building has been designed to meet the Massachusetts Energy Code requirements in MECcheck Version 3.2 Release la. The heating load for this building, and the cooling load if appropriate, has been determined using the applicable Standard Design Conditions found in the Code. The HVAC equipment selected to heat or cool the building shall be no greater than 125° the design as specified in Sections 780CMR 1310 and J4.4. Builder /Design Date //—/c2,—e)3 • i . • . . . r . . . . 1 • -, • - .4: 77 - b 2 ; NX.--i L. ) E / . . . ...... (25 4n.lod nioaG D i - 11 \," 3 :1001,1 0 i 'NA e- c'') / Oe &ie 0 -:.' Pu • 0 5 51 :lunoury al... a_lenbs mot° .s3u;,\,i 'uoldtorkn :ON :( J : •— — _1 - .....s _—,--- 1-1 1 . ■ ON1 Cri I flil :1(.) .LN3P.,Li•z1Vd1 i iird'i t i g 7 i — .._.,---.. ,.... ■ 1:01d1L11411T.":10 ni 4 ' : 1.9 \ . ( ...L___; ''.. . . , 1, ....„..... , . ,- • , , . . — . . . . ii; - :1 "4" -- - :.A ., '?:-.!, , ',N • ';,: ' ,,,,,:-.• , :;44:4:AiLE.1,::,::-:_. ' ... - • Q�tpT ° (Lrtll laf Ni nt11a11Tptu11 i ' 9 - `mss )fit. 18 � C r 3 � B �lcsancf,nstlla _ • — _� � � _ a � �uJ' r DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS , =i= == 212 Main Street ' Municipal Building_ Northampton, Mass. 01060 No" WORKER'S COMI ENSA'z'1.ON INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT (l iccnsrJperinittco) with a principal place of business/residence at: ` '°? 5 i „5 5 7 t - '`) ✓ (pho ) (stTc .Ucitylstatc ip) do hereby certify, under the pains and penalties of perjury, that ( ) I ani an employer providing the following worker's compensation covera:je for my employees working on this job: (Innirancz Company) (Folic, Number) (Expimt on Date) 4 I and a - ole rounetor general contractor homeowner (circle one) and have led the contractors isted below who have the follovrn : workers compensation pork :es: 4»-I w l U'rcAN- . 'D ! 2 c -at> T ( j i;c i'Ic'c.J " IA) A A Z i•O C'' 5 770 001 5-' � °- oy (Name of Contractor) (Insurance Company/Policy Number) (Ex lrauon Date) (Name of Contractor) (insurance Comoanv/Po!icy Number) (Exsirtion Date) Y Re& j t 6.;3 COW `. a ►Z I e4 pair z Y ic ame of Contractor) (Insurance, Comp y /Policy N umt�r) (F x,: r 1 =on Date) , ■.■3 i+ , ties' E r ( m l c - COO rr , Ns CO — C 7c 3 &Cc t. " -dl` L (Name of Contractor) (Insurance Company/Policy Number) (Exp - :io:; Date) (attadi.viditiond duct if rcrc- r -.. :o lo-_ -'ucic c7.cKnu:ior. perte. to 01 c_c:radr,r•:) q/ zj Kcsrl ?k .l bu „ y� r iief% 2 .oeZt < s' 5 t c t' .5 c/ -, 47 -o i ✓ (i 1 am a sole proprietor and have no one wor .ulg for me. ( ) I atn a home owl1C Del-forming all the vor:; myself. NOTE: plc,ac be nwa:c that w :iic Ixcncow \tY_t3 who cvnploy pC .01 to eo tn.atatcnancc, colrs, CI cr it , . , , ,, [tic:. LiNST 1!i c f not more than thrco unite in whdt'Fr Ik .:s )-vu-- rcaid. or cc t:se ..;.da appurtenant thcrcto ur n( Orrrralny eon; ci-r :d be cnrpIoyc3 u vl IBC swrl :rl oat. snticn Ac: (GL152, i 1(5)), r.c.p. Iicvcn by a. hortma n. for c l:cctu co per ;:i: ma .". - -.'cr :c e`= legal darns of an omployer under tho Worker. Compooartion Ace. l undor:wad that a copy of this oaten: cat auy bo focwnntod to tho Dcpartxrrxt of Ind, tNtri al /1.066 n Ofiicc of L r �?o for tho coverage vrtificatioa and that failure to tcatrc coverage and r section 25A of MOL 152 can lead to the imposition of cnmiatl penalties consisting of a fine of up to 51,500.00 ar1'cx i.:pri_socuncnt of up to on: }tar tr0 civil pcnaltits in tlx form of n Ste, Work. Orde. end a firm of 5100.00 a day ag in.:1 ttr_" s` For deputrrY l uro mty Ptrmit Number — /A-4;2— ( &3 I,ot Sign crrt 'ttc., II_ ,,_t , k . -,arkA . - __. • SECt770N 8 CJt4S7'RUCTION SERVICES 8.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor: Not Applicable ❑ Name of License Holder : 1 h'1 • t N- f`"/ CYIY/ 6i License Number C-Rtr?;Z. EAST Sr E-4.57-761,12, Address Expiration Date e� � —`" sv? 7-- 3fr' 7��' Signature Telephone .'Re re a •`4emen Tern r:'ac •r:. *- x; . ,.44'',nr 4. Not Applicable ❑ Company Name Registration Number Address Expiration Date Telephone SECTION 10 WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT (M. G. L. c. 152, § 25C(6)) Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached Yes ( No ❑ The current exemption for "homeowners" was extended to include Owner - occupied Dwellings of one (1) or two(2) families and to allow such homeowner to engage an individual for hire who does not possess a license, provided that the owner acts as supervisor. CMR 780, Sixth Edition Section Definition of Homeowner: Person (s) who own a parcel of land on which he /she resides or intends to reside, on which there is, or is intended to be, a one or two family dwelling, attached or detached structures accessory to such use and/ or farm structures. A person who constructs more than one home in a two -year period shall not be considered a homeowner. Such "homeowner" shall submit to the Building Official, on a form acceptable to the Building Official, that he /she shall be responsible for all such work performed under the building permit. As acting Construction Supervisor your presence on the job site will be required from time to time, during and upon completion of the work for which this permit is issued. Also be advised that with reference to Chapter 152 (Workers' Compensation) and Chapter 153 (Liability of Employers to Employees for injuries not resulting in Death) of the Massachusetts General Laws Annotated, you may be liable for person(s) you hire to perform work for you under this permit. The undersigned "homeowner" certifies and assumes responsibility for compliance with the State Building Code, City of Northampton Ordinances, State and Local Zoning Laws and State of Massachusetts General Laws Annotated. Homeowner Signature • SECTION D S R 0� OF PROPOSEb VYORK chec i 11 a .1 ic b e xt- ,:.. o!im . rU New House Addition ❑ Replacement Windows Alteration(s) ❑ Roofing ❑ Or Doors ❑ Accessory Bldg. ❑ Demolition❑ Ne/ i ns [ ecks [ ] Siding [ ] Other [ r Brief Description of Proposed Work: CbA)STi1(.XT1 cA.7 <5 c � 5.� =� lc' rem i`k1 � Alteration of existing bedroom Yes No Adding new bedroom Yes _ No Attached Narrative ❑ Renovating unfinished basement Yes No Plans Attached Roll 0 • Sheet 0 $111flNew h"o se and,d ;a'"ddition to existing. =.ho singift - O nple. e::.tite fol ow-i ig: • a. Use of building : One Family Two Family Other b. Number of rooms in each family unit: Number of Bathrooms S� c. Is there a garage attached? d. Proposed Square footage of new construction. g5 Dimensions SZ) XY e. Number of stories? a l a' s £l' aJ e t f. Method of heating? sa r few ' 5 replace or Woodstoves Number of each _ g. Energy Conservation Compliance. Mascheck Energy Compliance form attached? h. Type of construction U'J 3 / re_ ,/ i. Is construction within 100 ft. of wetlands? _ Yes _ X No. Is construction within 100 yr. floodplain Yes No j. Depth of basement or cellar floor below finished grade (,) k. Will building conform to the Building and Zoning regulations? X Yes No . I. Septic Tank City Sewer Private well City water Supply y •SECTIO 7adWNE TO BE COMPLETED WHEN • OWNERS'AGENT?O t FOR, BUILDING • PERMIT , as Owner of the subject property hereby authorize _ to act on my behalf, in all matters relative to work authorized by this building permit application. Signature of Owner Date , as Owner /Authorized Agent hereby declare that the statements and information on the foregoing application are true and accurate, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed under the pains and penalties of perjury. • /0 1- 1, EPA" Print Nam f2 Signature of Owner /Agen - Date n ( 1 Section 4. ALL INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETED, or PERMIT CAN BE DENIED DUE TO LACK OF INFORMATION Existing Proposed Required by Zoning This column to be filled in by Building Department Lot Size / �. VC)/ 4z� Frontage Setbacks Front s 15 30 Side L: / j R: /3 L: (5 R: �j 20 Rear Z/C Building Height / Bldg. Square Footage _ -7c7 Jl'/ d Open Space Footage � (Lot area minus bldg & paved G /D parking) # of Parking Spaces Fill: (volume & Location) A. Has a Special Permit /Variance /Finding ever been issued for /on the site? NO DON'T KNOW YES ?C IF YES, date issued: IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO DON'T KNOW YES IF YES: enter Book Page and /or Document # B. Does the site contain a brook, body of water or wetlands? NO )( DON'T KNOW YES IF YES, has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? Needs to be obtained Obtained , Date Issued: C. Do any signs exist on the property? YES NO IF YES, describe size, type and location: D. Are there any proposed changes to or additions of signs intended for the property ?YES No IF - YES, describe size, type and location: • City of Northampton Building Department .,b r 4 t og k • 212 Main Street Se er Room 100 a erg Northampton, MA 01060 Sets "r f� phone 413- 587 -1240 Fax 413. 587 -1272 Plo OtherfSpeci � e e.... 144 , - APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT, ALTER, REPAIR, RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING SECTION 1- SITE INFORMATION F S`sectro 1.1 Property Address: to be comp } leted by office (901, �. e0A.. "A ( 1 \ Map � `f� Lo � Unit J s Zone Overlay'District Elm St. District CB District SECTION 2 PROPERTY OWNERSHIP /AUTHORIZED AGENT 2.1 Owner of Record: 0 t - �/ a `2 9 T T T/� r ;/L4 Nam nt) _ Current Mailing Address: 7 -33j7s Telephone Signature 2.2 Authorized Agent: Name (Print) Current Mailing Address: Signature Telephone SECTION 3 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS Item Estimated Cost (Dollars) to be Official Use Only completed by permit applicant 1. Building (a) Building Permit Fee / /U, c)©c-) - OcJ 2 Electrical (b) :timated Total Cost of //- ©r, o ° o Construction from (6) 3. Plumbing ci C j �j (7) Building Permit Fee 4 Mechanical (HVAC) `e. , C C3 O Cry 5. Fire Protection ‘ 2,5 --. 6 C.) c _ 6. Total = (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5) 1 itSct, Vo0 t) 0 Check Number Sc This Section For Official Use Only Building Permit umb r: Date Issued: Signature: Building Commissioner /Inspector of Buildings Date • File # BP- 2004 -0608 APPLICANT /CONTACT PERSON DAVID LEPINE ADDRESS/PHONE 262 EAST STREET EASTHAMPTON (413) 527 -3975 PROPERTY LOCATION 201 CARDINAL WAY - LOT #13 MAP 36 PARCEL 317 001 ZONE SR THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE ZONING FORM FILLED OUT Fee Paid Building Permit Filled out // Fee Paid 11/7 y 4 336, 76 Tvpeof Construction: CONSTRUCT 2 STORY SFH W /ATT /GARAGE/DECK New Construction Non Structural interior renovations Addition to Existing Accessory Structure Building Plans Included: Owner/ Statement or Licens 04418 3 sets of Plans / Plot Pla /nfQ THE FO OWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION BASED ON INF ATION PRESENTED: Approved Additional permits required (see below) PLANNING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER:§ Intermediate Project: Site Plan AND /OR Special Permit With Site Plan Major Project: Site Plan AND /OR Special Permit With Site Plan ZONING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: § Finding Special Permit Variance* Received & Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Permits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval Board of Health Well Water Potability Board of Health Permit from Conservation Commission Permit from CB Architecture Committee Permit from Elm Street Co 'ssion Signature of Building Official Date Note: Issuance of a Zoning permit does not relieve a applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from Board of Health, Conservation Commission, Department of public works and other applicable permit granting authorities. * Variances are granted only to those applicants who meet the strict standards of MGL 40A. Contact Office of Planning & Development for more information. • (Sit of Northampton ' jltxs echnstt DLPAi.TI ENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR 212 Main Street` " Municipal Building Northampton, Mass. 01060 CERTIFICATE of OCCUPANCY and USE This is to certify that permission is hereby granted under 780 CMR, sixth edition of the Massachusetts State Building Code, allowing the occupancy or use of the premises or structure or part thereof located at 201 Cardinal Way - Lot #13 as shown on the Assessors Page# 36 , Lot# 317 , Zone SR in the City of Northampton, as herein specified: CONSTRUCTION TYPE(780CMR 6) 5B USE GROUP CLASSIFICATION (780 CMR 3 R4 OCCUPANT LOAD PER FLOOR (780 CMR Table 1008.1.2 40 PSF 30 PSF LIVE LOAD PER FLOOR (780 CMR Table 1606.1) 40 PSF Under the following limitations, special stipulations, and /or conditions of the permits: , Issued this 24th day of June , 2004 Certificate of Occupancy and Use # BP 2004 - 0608 Authorized Department Personnel Electrical �� ;H . _� _ Elevator Fire 1%-dj Plumbing ‘4A,A..° Building ��i u _ �.,. Gas A. i/ J� l Building Commissioner / / This certificate shall be posted by the owner, in a permanent manner and in a visible location, on all floors designated as use group H, S, M, F, or B, and in every room where practicable of use group A, I, R -1, or R -2 per requirement of 780 CMR section 120.5 Posting Structures. Building Department 413 -587 -1240 fax 413 -587 -1272 4 _ 7 12--k3 4 .rts?--, 7 - -„ti i v g ,_0 / 7.:7 r .. „ . . 0 ,.., 07.• ...._ 7 , ,,,, / 7 ' / i , i , Sa - kd \INN --- CO - V VA C cn,s1-1') 5 y , i Q ‘A ,a42 movk s » 0 - bo - b 1 tl ca cy cA 0 ? -‘/Y) a ) 6 -q cu 4 ir ( 4 r 1 I 4 / 1 y. V (›§. b ° 2 f C r y 0 / 7 ciD I* 2 --, Li , s j / 7 /. -'' R ?/ 5 2 ( NJ, //3 R_./.. rra 2 , de/ . 07 = 7 ' r 201 CARDINAL WAY - LOT #13 BP -2004 -0608 GIS #: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map:Block: 36 - 317 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Lot: -001 Permit: Building Category: New Single Family House BUILDING PER1VIIT Permit # BP- 2004 -0608 Project # JS -2004 -0859 Est. Cost: $147500.00 Fee: $1336.75 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const. Class: 5B Contractor: License: Use Group: R4 DAVID LEPINE _ 044188 Lot Size(sq ft.): Owner: LEPINE DAVID M WILLIAM P WZOREK SR Zoning: SR Applicant: DAVID LEPINE AT: 201 CARDINAL WAY - LOT #13 Applicant Address: Phone: Insurance: 262 EAST STREET _ .413) 527 -3975 Workers Compensation EASTHAMPTONMA01027 ISSUED ON: , TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK :CONSTRUCT 2 STORY SFH W /ATT /GARAGE /DECK POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Insppector of Plumbing inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Building Inspector Underground: Service: Meer: Footings: Rough/: -W Roughs 1 41 House # Foundation:Ck j - 3 cj �� 1, / 4- c r � Driveway Final: efe Final:;, a2 3 - 0 e Final ,, / �,� j� `4 lj/, 4, 4 t/ Rough Frame:' - / 'O'f Gas: Fire Depart ► i 7 — 7 Fireplace /Chimney: t '9;f:- Rough: DEG ki - .ptr Oil: �� Insulation :o� It `i Kb� _J' Y " Final: C -- ,Po 0' Smoke: Final: ep K 6_ a y' 4 f ,.. " �'Y/ THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATI F ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. ----- --el ' ....• • .411-Zfee Certificate of Occupancy ` . si. !' attire: FeeType: Receipt No: Date Paid: Check No: Amount: Building 12/12/03 0:00:00 6217 $1336.75 212 Main Street, Phone (413) 587 -1240, Fax: (413) 587 -1272 Building Commissioner - Anthony Patillo