South Street Calming Alternative by NN
42’-45’42’-45’47-49’43-44’XX’XX’46’47-48’44’-52’42’45’38-39’ (end)South Street CorridorSouth & Old South DetailSouth & Earle DetailCross Section ‘A’Cross Section ‘B’(Dimensions are range
of curb to curbwidths in that street segment)
7-17’Cross Section ‘A’42’-52’0’-4’7-10’7-10’
5’7-10’4’Cross Section ‘B’38’5’5’
South & Old SouthExisting
South & Old SouthAlternativeNew curb and fillLandscaping barrels or similar
South & Old SouthExisting (zoom)
New curb and fillLandscaping barrels or similarSouth & Old SouthAlternative (zoom)
South & EarleExisting
South & EarleAlternativeLandscaping barrels or similar
South & EarleExisting (zoom)
Landscaping barrels or similarSouth & EarleAlternative (zoom)