46-036 City of Northampton
f Massachusetts �
212 Main Street • Municipal Building t+
Northampton, MA 01060
Sandra Yurgielewicz
4 Ferry Avenue
Northampton, MA 01060
July 20, 2010
46 =036
Dear Sandra,
We received a complaint about the bushes on your property at 4 Ferry Avenue. The bushes on
the corner of Ferry Avenue and Island Road make it extremely difficult for drivers to see vehicles
traveling north on Island Road. This creates a hazardous condition. The Northampton Zoning
Ordinance, 350 -6.8 (E) states:
At no street intersection in any district shall any obstruction to vision exceeding three feet in height
above the plane established by the intersection streets be placed or permitted to grow, on any lot within
the triangle formed by the lot lines abutting the intersection and a line connecting points on these lot
lines at a distance of 25 feet from the point of intersection of the lot lines. This restriction shall also
apply to the intersection of a street and a driveway in a 8 or I District
Please make arrangements to trim the bushes back far enough to establish the required sight
lines. Feel free to call if you have any questions. I could meet you at your property to discuss the zoning
requirements. My telephone number is 587 -1240. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Louis Hasbrouck
Building Commissioner
City of Northampton