141 Damon Rd 2011-06-22 ARCHITECT J E F F R E Y S COT T PEN N 77 Worthington Road, Huntington, MA 01050 tel. 413-667-5230 fax. 413-667-3082 jspsed@verizon.net RECEIVED Proposed Expansion ;JJN 2 120U Curves ~.141 Damon Road :; IIEPU"I.IUILDING':.~ Northampton, MA 21 June 2011 Louis Hasbrouck, Building Commissioner Northampton City Hall 212 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Mr. Hasbrouck: I have walked thru the Curves franchise on Damon Road and the adjacent space and fmd the space and the adjacent space suitable for combining into one large Curves. The retail building (use group B) was constructed for this purpose and maintains many safety features including proper Exit locations and signage, proper battery-backup emergency egress lighting, and proper Accessible features. The building is CMU exterior and wood framed separation walls (type III B construction). The non-:-structural wall separating the spaces will be opened by installation ofthree 6 foot wide openings. One other alteration is being considered which is to address sound sound attenuation to the left adjacent tenant. My recommendation is to add one layer Y2" Gypsum wallboard (for sound transfer deadening) and/or one layer acoustical board (for in space sound absorption) and relocate any features properly. The surface treatment for any finish materials shall meet class C fire spread (class A at Exit enclosure and passage). This work proposed is ofa non-structural and minor nature, and will not diminish . the health or safety ofthe pUblic. This work will not require construction control. Sincerely Jeffrey Scott penn~ STORE PUBLIC WAY ]EXI:--~--~ LAV LAV II S~~RA.GE/OFFICE S LVES LAV (24'-4") (23'-4") 4112" ~ ;" 1RELOC 1E OUTLET VACANT STOREFRONT ("r) I TO BE ADDED TO ~ ("r)EXISTING CURVES '-' THIS WALL MAY HAVE ACOUSTIC mEA 1. ADD ONE LAYER 112" GYPSUMWALLB ARD l:2. ADD_ SURFACE LAYER ACOUSTIC ABS RPTION BO](MAY DO 1OR 2 OR BOTH) ALL NEW FlNlSHES CLASS C FLAME SP 1 ! OPEN TInrnE NE 6'x7' OPENlN I EXISTING CURVES STORE OR~D~YPS RE11JRN 7ERBE ,..-________'-__------'Il_--'--___REC_EPTI_ON_---' SIDEWALK PARKING MAIN ENTRY FIRST FLOOR PLAN/CURVES BUSThffiSSRENOVATION 141 DAMON ROAD NORTHAMPTON, MA SCALB~;S::l'-O~ ~riocUMENTSARETHEPROPERTY OFt OFJEFFREYSCOITPENN.ARCHITECT. Al I 'DATE: 21 JUNE. II.. ... T.EL..413-661~52JO.ANDMAYBEUSEDONLY _ 1-: _m____ I~DURAnONAND~BOF.~. i _