Resolutions 2010 Round 2CITY OF NORTH MPTONN
/� D December 2, 2010
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Upon the recon of Mayor Clare Higgins and the Cornrnurnity Preservation
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O rc // ered d't
WHEREAS, the funds contribute to the purchase of a 30 -acre open space parcel on
Turkey Hill Road.
WHEREAS, the parcel extends existing conservation land and abuts additional land
being preserved in Westhampton.
WHEREAS, this is a strategically important location
WHEREAS, the purchase will allow discontinuance of approximately 1 /2 mile of Turkey
Hill Road, which will eliminate cost to the city and a threat from possible
WHEREAS, the project meets the goals of the Northampton Sustainability Plan to
protect open space and provide for passive recreation.
WHEREAS, on November 17, 2010, the Northampton Community Preservation
Committee, voted unanimously to recommend $85,720 in Coirunu.nity
Preservation Act funds be used to support this project.
That $85,720 be appropriated from Cornrnunity Preservation Act funding to the Turkey
Hill Land Acquisition. And, that the grantee meets the conditions approved by the
Community Preservation Committee, the Mayor, and City Council.
Specifically, $85,720 is appropriated from the CPA Open Space Reserve (account
#2344930- 359931)'.
- - - - -- -- --
/� /� December 2, 20"10
A City C�� .............................................................................................. ...............................
Upon the reconunendation of Mayor Clare Higgins and the Community Preservation
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rr ri //iiiiittlee.
O rdered ' that
WHEREAS, the project provides funding for a pilot program to preserve Northampton
farmland through the purchase of Agricultural Protection Restrictions
(APRs) on the land
WHEREAS, the project will especially target tracts of land that are important to protect
but are not large enough or valuable enough to qualify for the
Commonwealth's APR Program
WHEREAS, the project saves resources that would otherwise be threatened
WHEREAS, the project leverages funds effectively
WHEREAS, the project contributes to a goal of the Northampton Sustainability Plan to
protect agricultural land
WHEREAS, on November 17, 2010, the Northampton Community Preservation
Committee, voted unanimously to recommend $60,000 in Community
Preservation Act funds be used to support this project,
That $60,000 be appropriated from Community Preservation Act funding to the
Northampton Agricultural Preservation Restriction Program. And, that the grantee
meets the conditions approved. by the Community Preservation Corrunittee, the Mayor,
and City Council.
Specifically, $60,000 is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve (account #2344930-
/� December 2, 20"10
_9n 6t C�oun.cii ........................................................................................ ...............................
Upon the reconunendaLion of Mayor Clare Higgins and the Community Preservation
. Colyvii nt (r :.. ................................................................................................ ...............................
Order ed // d
' 't
WHEREAS, the fund makes possible increased acquisition or protection of open space
parcels in Northampton by supporting fast action on time - sensitive real
estate opportunities.
WHEREAS, the project may leverage additional public and / or private funds
WHEREAS, the project meets the goals of the Northampton Sustainability Plan for
protection of open space and agricultural lands.
WHEREAS, the applicant has used these funds effectively in the past
WHEREAS, on November 17, 2010, the Northampton Community Preservation
Conunittee, voted unanimously to recommend $60,000 in Corrununity
Preservation Act funds be used to support this project.
That $60,000 be appropriated from Conununity Preservation Act funding to the
Northampton Conservation Fund. And, that the grantee meets the conditions approved
by the Cormnuiuty Preservation Committee, the Mayor, and City Council.
Specifically, $32,037 is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve (account #2344930-
359930) and
$27,963 is appropriated from the CPA Open Space Reserve (account #2344930 - 359931)
..�� ct �ounC�� ............................................................... .......... December ... 2 ........
Upon the recommendation of Mayor Clare Higgins and the Community Preservation
..................... ...............................
o rdered ' that
WHEREAS, the project will continue infrastructure development and support
construction for the Florence Fields Recreation Center, which will
eventually provide five multi- purpose fields and two baseball fields, along
with services and parking.
WHEREAS, this is a long - standing goal of the Department of Recreation to increase the
availability of much - needed playing fields
WHEREAS, CPA funds have already supported acquisitiori of the land for this project.
WHEREAS, the project meets the goals of the Northampton Sustainability Plan in
contributing to healthy recreational opportunities for our citizens.
WHEREAS, on November 17, 2010, the Northampton Community Preservation
Committee, voted unanimously to recommend $130,000 in Community
Preservation Act funds be used to support this project.
That $130,000 be appropriated from Community Preservation Act funding to the
Florence Fields Recreational Center Development. And, that the grantee meets the
conditions approved by the Community Preservation Committee, the Mayor, and City
Specifically, $130,000 is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve (account
#2344930 - 359930)
December 2, 2010
............................................................................................. ...............................
Upon the recommendation of May Clare Higgins and the Communit�l Preservation
............. eoii vitittee ............. ................................................................................................................................
Orclered tLt
WHEREAS, this is s pilot program to determine the extent to which Northampton
homeowners of historic properties are willing to place permanent historic
preservation restrictions on those properties,
WHEREAS, all properties are eligible for which documentation of historic status has
been submitted to the Mass Historic Commission.
WHEREAS, the project contributes to the city's goals of historic preservation.
WHEREAS, the project contributes to the preservation of Northampton's unique
WHEREAS, the project saves resources that would otherwise be threatened.
WHEREAS, on November 17, 2010, the Northampton Community Preservation
Committee, voted unanimously to reconunend $10,000 m Con
Preservation Act funds be used to support this project.
That $10,000 be appropriated from Coirumnity Preservation Act funding to the Local
Historic Preservation Restriction Program. And, that the grantee meets the conditions
approved b the Community Preservation Committee, the Mayor, and City Council.
Specifically, $10,000 is appropriated from the CPA Historic Preservation Reserve
(account #2344930- 359932).
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Jn. cit Coun.ciC
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Upon the recommendation of Mayor Clare 7 iggllls and the Colnnlunity Preservation
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// Cori // �iru ttee `:
O rdered. that
WHEREAS, this project allows the applicant to act quickly on time - sensitive real estate
opportunities in support of the development of affordable housing in
WHEREAS, the project leverages funds effectively, and successful projects return money
expended to the Loan Fund, creating a highly leveraged used of CPA
WHEREAS, a Loan Fund of substantial size is important in Northampton's real estate
market to move properties into the affordable housing pipeline
WHEREAS, the project creates community housing and encourages use by diverse
WHEREAS, on November 17, 2010, the Northampton Comrnunity Preservation
Committee, voted unanimously to recommend $80,000 in Con
Preservation Act funds be used to support this project.
That $80,000 be appropriated from Community Preservation Act funding to the Valley
CDC Predevelopment Loan Fund. And, that the grantee meets the conditions approved
by the Coinmunit 7 Preservation Corrunittee, the Mayor, and City Council.
Specifically, $80,000 is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve (account #2344930-
CITY OF NORTHAMPTON - - - -- - - - - - -- - -
December 2, 2010
-9. Cit Counci I ........................... ............................... .......................... ...............................
Upon the recommendation of Mayor Clare Higgins and the Community Preservation
........... .............................................................................................................. ...............................
/ Cbm rrut /Eee.
o rdered ' / that
WHEREAS, this project will contribute to a census of Northampton s downtown public
trees, by providing identifying signage and a clickable and printable GIS-
based map of approximately 250 trees.
WHEREAS, the project will provide information to the Department of Public Works
critical to the long -term protection and replacement of downtown trees.
WHEREAS, the project will contribute to public education, enjoyment, and recreation.
WHEREAS, the project will contribute to the health and sustainability of our "urban
forest ".
WHEREAS, on November 17, 2010, the Northampton Community Preservation
Committee, voted unanimously to recommend $5,000 in Community
Preservation Act funds be used to support this project.
That up to $5,000 be appropriated from Community Preservation Act funding to the
Northampton Tree Census. And, that the grantee meets the conditions approved by the
Community Preservation Committee, the Mayor, and City Council.
Specifically, $5,000 is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve (account #2344930-
-9. Cit council, ............................................................... ......... Dece ...... . b ..... er ... 2 . , .... 2010 ..
Upon the recommendation of Mayor Clare Higgins and the Community Preservation
............. ....................................................................................................... ...............................
rr orr //i'rrmift /ee.
O rdered ' thut
WHEREAS, the project will provide permanent housing for at least five chronically
homeless people in Northampton who are committed to sobriety.
WHEREAS, The project will be carried out with the Gandara Center, in conjunction with
the Alliance for Sober Living and the Recover Project, to provide a carefully
supported residential recovery program
WHEREAS, the project provides services for underserved populations.
WHEREAS, the project provides housing that is harmonious with surrounding
WHEREAS, the applicant has a strong record of success with the previously supported
"Yvonne's House".
WHEREAS, on November 17, 2010, the Northampton Community Preservation
Committee, voted unanimously to recommend $120,000 in Community
Preservation Act funds be used to support this project.
That $120,000 be appropriated from Community Preservation Act funding to the Sober
Housing for Chronically Homeless Individuals project. And, that the grantee meets the
conditions approved by the Community Preservation Comrnittee, the Mayor, and City
Specifically, $66,342 is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve (account #2344930-
359930), and
$53,658 is appropriated from the CPA Affordable Housing Reserve (account #2344930-
Coan. cil //�� em
s ......................................... .......................... Dec ..... e ... b .. e .. r ... 2 ...... 2010 .. ...............................
Upon the recorrunendation of Mayor Clare Higgins and the Coiiu11Llnil 7 Preservation
Con iut lee :.........................
........................................................................... ...............................
Ordered // //u taut
WHEREAS, funds will support the restoration and re- harngnlg of 13 historically
significant stained glass windows in the Library.
WHEREAS, tlus project will complete a recent major restoration and extension of the
WHEREAS, the project meets the goals of the Northampton Sustainability Plan for the
preservation of historic resources,
WHEREAS, the project contributes to the preservation of Northampton's unique
WHEREAS, the project has received wide public support.
WHEREAS, on November 17, 2010, the Northampton Community Preservation
Committee, voted unanimously to recommend $13,000 in Community
Preservation Act funds be used to support this project.
That $13,000 be appropriated from Cornmuiuty Preservation Act funding to the Lilly
Library Window Restoration. And, that the grantee meets the conditions approved by
the Community Preservation Committee, the Mayor, and City Council.
Specifically, $13,000 is appropriated from the CPA Historic Preservation Reserve
(accotult #2344930 - 359932).