Close Out Report Jackson Street CPA projectTO: FROM: RE: DATE: PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT CITY OF NORTHAMPTON planning conservation zoning northampton GIS historic community preservation central business architecture Wayne Feiden, FAICP, Director of Planning and Development Wfeiden @NorthamptonMA.gov 413 -587 -1265 Community Preservation Committee Wayne Feiden, FAICP, Director of Planning and Development Jackson Street Bike Trail Access Acquisition Project- Final Report and Project Closeout December 22, 2010 I am pleased to close out the Jackson Street Bike Trail Access CPA project and proud that we are able to release some unspent CPA funds. Please consider this the final report for the project. The project has been successful beyond our wildest dreams. Originally, this project, built on a shoe string of CPA and CDBG funds, was going to build the absolute simplest connection from the rail trail to Jackson Street. Because we had the forward commitment of CPA (for acquisition and related costs), CDBG (for handicap access improvements), Jackson Street School, the Ward Councilor, DPW, Planning, and the Jackson Street Safe Routes to School Committee, we were ready to go when federal stimulus funds became available. The result we ended up getting a project with a budget over a million dollars, all very well spent, and the project was much better than we thought it wou Id be. In addition, we needed less CPA and CDBG funds than we had originally budgeted. When the Mayor cut the ribbon on this project, she appropriately gave credit to the CPA and the CPC for their faith in the project and willingness to forward fund the project before we lined up all of our other project partners. It was this willingness to be the first dollar in that made this project a success. CPA funds were all focused on the phases of the project related to land acquisition: Preliminary design necessary for exact layout to identify land to acquire 8,335 Soft costs for acquisition (appraisals and recording fees 1,425 Property consideration as cash directly to property owner 750 Property consideration as landscaping as required by purchase contract)$ 9,082 TOTAL CPA FUNDS EXPENDED ON PROJECT $19,592 TOTAL CPA FUNDED PROJECT $35,000 FUNDS RELEASED WITH PROJECT CLOSEOUT $15,408 All of the design costs and all of the construction costs were funded by Federal Stimulus funds. Other land acquisition costs were funded by CDBG and City funds. Thank you. City Hall 210 Main Street, Room 11 Northampton, MA 01060 www.NorthamptonMa.gov Fax 413 -587 -1264 original printed on recycled paper