Nov 8, 2010 Minutes The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Nov 8, 2010 City of Northampton Council Chambers, 220 Main St., Northampton, MA Members Present: Time  Chair, Stephen Gilson  Vice Chair, Jennifer Dieringer Francis “Frandy” Johnson  Marilyn Richards  Katharine Baker Mark Sullivan Mark Debin Bruce, Associate Member  Andrew Weir, Associate Member Staff:  Planning Director, Wayne Feiden  Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 6:40 P.M. David Narkewicz, Chair Ordinance Committee opened the joint public hearing between Ordinance Committee (M. Carney, D. Murphy, D. Narkewicz) and Planning Board on proposed zoning changes. 1.Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance section 350-10.12M to Make Home Occupation special Permit process consistent with other special permits. Office of Planning and Development staff described reasons for proposed change. There was no public comment. Elaine Reall asked for the history of the automatic conditions that currently exist. Upon motion by Katharine Baker and second by Jennifer Dieringer, the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Jennifer Dieringer and second by Andrew Weir, the Board voted unanimously to recommend adoption by City Council. 2.Amendment to Section 156 of the Code of Ordinances by adding a subsection for West Street Architecture Review to be conducted by Planning Board with criteria that would: a.Create a new architecture district with map overlay for parcels immediately abutting West Street west of Arnold Avenue along West Street to the dike. b.Add architectural review and standards for building construction/alteration/ demolition within the overlay. Wayne Feiden described changes. Maureen Carney asked for clarification of zoning changes vs. Central Business expansion. Wayne Feiden clarified. Ruth Constantine, speaking on behalf of Smith College, stated that Smith supports the language except for 156-10 where “demolition” requires permits. She handed out photos of existing buildings that demolition review would cover and argued that it made no sense to include. Wayne Feiden described how/why demolition was included and that the language could be altered to accomplish both the City goals and Smith’s concerns. Richard Rescia, owner on Arnold Ave, asked what the interest was in regulating design along the corridor since it is not an historic district. Wayne Feiden described intent. Francis Johnson asked about Planning Board taking over design review and demolition. David Murphy, critiqued areas of review that would be difficult to enforce and asked why demo review would be necessary. Katharine Baker asked about whether design standards are clear enough. She suggested more discussion was necessary. Board discussed continuing. Upon motion by Jennifer Dieringer and second by Katharine Baker, the Board voted unanimously to continue to Dec 2, 2010. PLANNING BOARD moved to Hearing Room 18, 210 Main Street on the following: 7:45 P.M. Stephen Gilson opened the continuation of Hearing for Site Plan Review at the Hampshire…3-County Fair for demolition and reconstruction of barns and associated site development: Map ID 25-44, 25c-251, 264. Stephen Gilson asked about Conservation Commission status. Staff responded. Maria Tymoczko, Pomeroy Terrace noted that the Commission had not reviewed. Michael Pill, representing Tymoczko, noted that the Planning Board was not looking at the most recent plans approved by Department of Public Works. Jeff Squire, design consultant, described plans briefly. He noted that broader outreach by the Fair should and would be undertaken for the larger project changes down the road. He described the revised plans and issues from last hearing regarding lighting, landscaping and stormwater. He specified the difference in lighting levels at various locations on site and request for waiver from standards in section 12 based on circumstances. Bruce Shallcross, Fair, noted that the lighting for the TRG area would only be used during the Morgan Show and the Fair and possibly for Paradise City Arts Festival. Stephen Gilson asked City Solicitor Elaine Reall for clarification of appropriate permit path. Reall handed out position for permits (on Laserfiche) Owen Daniels-Freeman, Woodmont, spoke in favor of the project/site plan. Paul Shul, 40 Pomeroy Terrace stated support for site plan so long as there would be no new runoff from the site. Maria Tymoczko, 28 Pomeroy Terrace noted that she sent an email to Stephen Gilson who read the email which was a request that the Board not act until the Conservation Commission acted. Fred Zimnock, 23 Pomeroy Terrace raised concern about the time for reviewing plans. Teri Anderson, Office of Economic and Community Development, stated that Department of Public Works met with Tymoczko specifically to go over the plans prior to issuing the stormwater permit. Francis Johnson asked about plans to hold large rock concerts on site. Shallcross said that the new barn location in the infiled would greatly diminish the options for holding such large events. Upon motion by Jennifer Dieringer and second by Katharine Baker, the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Andrew Weir asked about lighting and impacts along Cross Path Rd. Upon motion by Jennifer Dieringer and second by Katharine Baker, the Board voted unanimously to approve site plan with conditions relating to light levels. 8:50 Adjourn.