Oct 14, 2010 Minutes The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting 10-14pb, 2010 City of Northampton Council Chambers, 220 Main St., Northampton, MA Members Present: Time  Chair, Stephen Gilson  Vice Chair, Jennifer Dieringer  Francis “Frandy” Johnson  Marilyn Richards Katharine Baker  Mark Sullivan Mark Debin Bruce, Associate Member  Andrew Weir, Associate Member Staff:  Planning Director, Wayne Feiden  Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch Arrive 8:05 Central Business Architecture members present (for King Street project only) At 7:10 PM, Stephen Gilson opened the public hearing on the application filed by the Northampton Office of Planning and Development for an open space residential (cluster) at 400 Burts Pit Road (owned by Donald and Elizabeth Willard Map ID 30C-43, 44, and 60) . Dmitri Robbins, who hopes to develop the property, clarified that an APR or CR would cover half of the property. Feiden presented the application. He explained that DPW preferred a 30’ right-of-way for formal multi-use trails, although this might end up being nothing more than a simple walking path and the city is accepting easements where possible simply to leave options open. He also said that the project would need a stormwater waiver from DPW once the property owner demonstrates that they will disturb less than 1 acre of land. Cynthia Monahan, an abutter to the abutter on Burts Pit Road expressed concern about any easement for a bicycle trail because it would hug her property. Mark Kestler, an immediate abutter on Burts Pit Road, said he was fine with the development but also expressed concern about a bicycle trail that would wrap around his property on two sides. Upon motion by Frandy Johnson and second by Jen Dieringer, the board voted unanimously to close the public hearing. Upon motion by Mark Sullivan and second by Jen Dieringer, the board voted unanimously to approve the requested Special Permit and Site Plan Approval with the following conditions to be completed prior to the issuance of a building permit for the flag lot/new house: 1.The conservation restriction or agriculture preservation restriction and the multi-use trail right-of-way offered to the city must be fully executed, in effect, and on-record. 2.A stormwater permit waiver must be obtained from the Department of Public Works. At 7:40 PM, Stephen Gilson opened the joint Planning Board/Central Business Architecture Committee public hearing on the applications filed by the Roman Catholic Church 91 King Street, Map ID 31B-192. Mr. Gilson reported that the applicant requested a continuance to December 9, 2010. There was no board discussion on the application. Upon motion by Bruce Kriviskey and second by Joe Blumenthal, of the Central Business Architecture Committee (CBAC), the CBAC members present voted unanimously to continue the public hearing to 7:00 PM on Thursday December 9, 2010 in City Council Chambers. Upon motion by Jen Dieringer and second by Marilyn Richards, the Planning Board voted unanimously to continue the public hearing to 7:00 PM on Thursday December 9, 2010 in City Council Chambers. At 7:45 PM, Stephen Gilson opened the public hearing on the applications filed by the Pun Family Restaurant176 Pine Street, Map ID 22B-41. The applicant presented their application. Upon motion by Marilyn Richards and second by Mark Sullivan, the board voted unanimously to close the public hearing. Upon motion by Marilyn Richards and second by Jen Dieringer, the board voted unanimously to issue the requested permit with the following condition: 1. Prior to a certificate of occupancy, the required grease trap shall be installed. Said grease trap must be maintained to prevent grease from entering city sewerage. Feiden presented a request for a letter of support for the Historical Commission’s request for CPA funding for a Historic Preservation Restriction program. Upon motion by Mark Sullivan and second by Jen Dieringer, the board voted unanimously to support such a letter. At 8:00 PM, Stephen Gilson opened the public hearing on the applications filed by the Three County Fairground 54 Fair Street, Map IDs 25c-251. Mr. Gilson reported that the applicant has requested a continuance. Mark Sullivan and Marilyn Richards recused themselves from all discussion of the fairgrounds application. There was no board discussion on the application. Upon motion by Jen Dieringer and second by Andrew Weir, the board voted unanimously (but with Sullivan and Richards not taking part) to continue the public hearing to 7:00 PM on October 28, 2010 in City Council Chambers. Wayne Feiden described interest in obtaining letter of support for Historic Preservation application. Board voted unanimously to support the application. Board discussed table changes that staff should rework for Board review: Office Industrial, CB maybe GI but keep parking with the changes to site plan and special permit language columns Next agenda : Fair, ZRC workplan OI/CB -- SC/WP 8:30 Adjourn