2006 Planning Board minutesThe Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday January 12, 2006 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Keith Wilson 5 Vice Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 George Kohout 5 Kenneth Jodrie Jennifer Dieringer 5 Fran Volkmann David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member 7:10 , Associate Member Staff: ; Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:05 P.M. Keith Wilson opened continuation of 412 N. Farms Road (request to withdraw) Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Francis Johnson the board voted unanimously to allow withdrawal without prejudice. 7:10 P.M. Request by Scapes Builders & Landscaping for a special permit for greater than 30% lot coverage and site plan approval for more than one driveway cut at 17 Florence Rd, Florence, Map ID 22D-57. Property owner, Robert Gould, presented request. He described that an existing cut is there. George Kohout asked for clarification on use of second portion of property. Bob Dilman spoke in favor based on safety for additional curb cuts. The Board discussed conditions. Upon motion by Fran Volkmann and second by Paul Voss, the board voted unanimously to close the hearing (5-4). Upon motion by Fran Volkmann and second by Paul Voss the board voted 5-1 (Francis Johnson opposed) 7:40 P.M. Keith Wilson opened the request by Forish Construction, Co. to build a 12,000 square foot building at 168-190 Industrial Dr, Northampton, Map ID 18D-69. Eric Forish presented application. He stated that there was no need for tractor trailer loading area. Shipping/receiving area could be located to the rear of the building in the future. Craig Bradford stated concern about lack of tractor trailer turn around. Board discussed the following conditions: 1. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant must obtain sign off from Department of Public Works that sufficient plans have been submitted and accepted that address the following: 1 a. The catch basin shall be set to capture all drainage from the parking lot and should include a stormceptor or other system to remove solids(80%TSS ). The flow should then be directed to either the swale or the . b. The roof drains should be connected to the swale to allow infiltration. 2. Prior to issuance of a building permit, inspection of the “no disturb area” buffer shall be performed by Office of Planning and Development. The buffer shall consist of armored silt fence with Haybale and orange construction fencing. 3. If in the future a sidewalk is installed along Industrial Drive abutting this property, the sidewalk connection to the building shown in the landscaping plan shall be installed within one year of sidewalk installation. 4. Prior to issuance BUILDING PERMIT the applicant must submit revised plans showing adequate provision for tractor trailer turn around on site. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Fran Volkmann, the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by George Kohout and second by Paul Voss the board voted unanimously to approve the site plan. 8:40 P.M. Keith Wilson opened request by LHIC, Inc. for a special permit for commercial vehicle storage at 34 North Maple St., Florence, Map ID 17C-231. Eric Suher presented application. The plan is for a total of 11 ambulances. Discussion with abutters and applicant regarding idling. No change to existing parking. Ron White, North Main stated opposition. No refueling or repair work is planned. Upon motion by Fran Volkmann and second by Ken Jodrie, the board voted unanimously to close hearing. Letter from abutter was read into the record. Upon motion by Fran Volkmann and second by Ken Jodrie, the board voted unanimously to grant with special permit for parking reduction with conditions: 1. Prior to issuance of BUILDING PERMIT the following items must be addressed by Office of Planning and Development and signed off a revised parking plan showing the total number of parking spaces for the site that meet current parking standards. 2. Prior to final sign off from Building department, new bike racks and pedestrian striping shall be installed 3. No refueling and repair is allowed on the site. 4. No trees or vegetative buffer along on the west side of the building along the residential property boundary may be removed. 5. A reduction to 15 parking spaces has been approved through special permit for this use. Board discussed the following minutes: July 28 6:55 hearing. Aug 25 minutes continuation of smith (add continue) Coop store (owner)? And adjourn at 11 PM Sept 8, meeting started in Wayne’s office to discuss cpa Sept 29 7:15 hearing Kohl discussion about area (not are) 10/27 Kary Street connection (end) 2 3 12/8 reduction of letter 50,000 to 5,000 (not 50 to 5,000) 11/10 Housing Authority change to Housing Partnership Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Ken Jodrie board approved minutes with changes discussed. The Board voted unanimously to reduce the letter of credit for the Ridge to $227,970. Adjourn 10:25 The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday January 18, 2006 Room 11, 210 Main Street, City Hall Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time Chair, Keith Wilson 5 Vice Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson George Kohout 5 Kenneth Jodrie Jennifer Dieringer 5 Fran Volkmann David Wilensky Paul Voss, Associate Member 7:10 , Associate Member Staff: 5 Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:05 P.M. The Planning Board convened to discuss the Sustainable Plan Process. There was discussion about focus group questions and plan process. The discussion ended at 8:30 PM 1 The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday January 26, 2006 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Keith Wilson 5 Vice Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 George Kohout 5 Kenneth Jodrie Jennifer Dieringer 5 Fran Volkmann 5 David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member 7:10 , Associate Member Staff: Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:05 P.M. Keith Wilson opened the request by Wright Builders for a special permit for mixed use property at 202 to 206 State St., Northampton, Map ID 24D-173. Jonathan Wright described changes to the use and showed revised planting plans. He indicated that there would be no dumpster on site. Lida Lewis, abutter, spoke in favor. Bill Dwight, abutter, spoke in favor. There will be an evergreen screen in the southwest corner of the property. Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by David Wilensky, the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion Paul Voss and second by Ken Jodrie the board voted unanimously to approve the special permit with condition that evergreen screen be planted in accordance with plan or other like Condition 7:30 P.M. Keith Wilson opened the request by Northampton Housing Authority to construct an 18,000+ square foot senior center at 81 Conz St., Northampton, Map ID 39A-001 Mike Owens, CDBG Coordinator, introduced the project. Kevin Kroback partner at Juster, Pope, Frasier Architects described the building details. Rick Klein described the site layout. The Board discussed drainage issues. Councilor Marianne LaBarge spoke in favor. Patricia Shaunnessy, Council On Aging Director, spoke about Center needs. 1 2 Councilor Marilyn Richards, spoke in favor. Mike Ahearn, Senior Center Building Committee spoke in favor. Ken Jodrie suggested that the Board approve the plans as submitted with the cupola and any changes would require amendment by the Board. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Francis Johnson, the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie an d second by Francis Johnson, the board voted unanimously to approve permit with conditions. • Prior to issuance of a BUILDING PERMIT, the applicant must submit the revised plan showing elimination of the courtyard at the main entry and the full details of the shared patio with the Walter Salvo House. • No dumpster shall be located on site without further approval. • Bike racks shall be added in front of both entrances. • Any significant changes to or elimination of architectural elements require amendment of this site plan by the Planning Board. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday February 9, 2006 City Hall , Room 10, 210 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Keith Wilson 5 Vice Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson George Kohout 5 Kenneth Jodrie Jennifer Dieringer Fran Volkmann 5 David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member , Associate Member Staff: 5 Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 6:00 P.M. – 8:00 P.M. Bob Ritchie, Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office provided presentation to all Permit Granting Boards on running public meetings. No other items. 1 The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday February 23, 2006 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Keith Wilson 5 Vice Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 George Kohout 5 Kenneth Jodrie Jennifer Dieringer Fran Volkmann 5 David Wilensky Paul Voss, Associate Member , Associate Member Staff: Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:00 P.M. Keith Wilson opened the request by David Short for Site Plan Approval to expand a curb cut beyond 24' at 30 Industrial Dr. , Northampton, Map ID 25A-178. Mark McCluskey presented the application. He described the reason for moving driveway to align with Coke driveway and the existing driveway Upon motion by David Wilensky and second by Ken Jodrie, the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Francis Johnson the board voted unanimously to approve with Condition discussed. 7:20 P.M. Keith Wilson opened request by Sovereign Builders for side lot access and two curb cuts for property at 44 Ridge View Rd., Florence, Map ID 41-61. Todd Cellura described the project. It was clarified that no other driveway access will be allowed from lot 3. Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by George Kohout the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Francis Johnson the board voted unanimously to approve with condition that no additional cuts be allowed. 7:40 P.M. Keith Wilson opened request by Cooley Dickenson Hospital for Site Plan Approval to construct a 7,350 square foot wood chip heating plant expansion at 30 Locust St., Northampton Map 23B-46. John Furman described the project. He stated that the Hospital would like to modify the request to show 21 additional parking spaces on the former “Drinker” lot. Furman stated that the garage, retaining wall and arborvitae would remain on the house lot until further review by the Board. 1 2 Apostalue at 118 Elm Street stated concern about the proper abutter notice given the changed parking request. He also stated a concern about lighting and buffers. Margaret Adams 118 Elm Street stated her concern about appropriate procedures. The Board discussed removing the parking lot from review. Board discussed Department of Public Works comments and potential conditions. There was discussion about whether to close the hearing or wait for Department of Public Works comments. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by David Wilensky the board voted 2-2 to close the hearing. (George Kohout and Francis Johnson opposed). Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by David Wilensky the board voted unanimously to continue the hearing to March 9 at 7:00 pm OTHER: Staff asked board about scheduling the Turkey Hill Rd project for March 23 Upon motion by George Kohout and second by Ken Jodrie the board voted unanimously to accept minutes for the January meetings. Staff updated the Board on the Recodification of all City Ordinances and the changes to the subdivision and zoning ordinances that would be necessary to match formats. There was a discussion of the Tree Committee letter and enforcement on Honda. Board requested that a letter be sent about tree planting and that it must conform to plans. Adjourn. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday March 9, 2006 City Hall , Room 10, 210 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time Chair, Keith Wilson 5 Vice Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 George Kohout 5 Kenneth Jodrie Jennifer Dieringer 5 Fran Volkmann 5 David Wilensky Paul Voss, Associate Member , Associate Member Staff: Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:00 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the continuation of the hearing on the Cooley Dickinson Woodchip plant. The Board discussed stormwater permit status. Upon motion by David Wilensky and second by Ken Jodrie, the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by David Wilensky and second by Ken Jodrie, the Board voted 4-0-1 to approve permit with conditions discussed. Fran Volkmann abstained due to absence during initial hearing. 7:05 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the request by Patrick Melnik for Special Permit to create an open space cluster development for 6 townhouse units on Haydenville Rd, Leeds, Map ID 6-62. Staff described issue regarding stormwater permit needs. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Fran Volkmann, the Board voted unanimously to continue the hearing without opening to April 27 at 7:30 P.M. Upon motion by George Kohout and second by Ken Jodrie, the Board voted unanimously by roll call vote to appoint Francis Johnson as chair of the Board. Upon motion by David Wilensky and second by Fran Volkmann, the Board voted unanimously by roll call vote to appoint George Kohout as vice chair of the Board. 1 The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday March 23, 2006 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 Vice Chair, George Kohout Keith Wilson Kenneth Jodrie 5 Jennifer Dieringer 5 Fran Volkmann 5 David Wilensky Paul Voss, Associate Member 5 George Russell, Associate Member Staff: 5 Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch JOINT HEARING with City Council Ordinance Committee on the following Ordinance Amendments (Bardsely, M.LaBarge, Richards present for Ordinance Committee) 7:15 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the hearing on the proposed lighting ordinance changes. Carolyn Misch gave overview of the changes. Garrett Stover, Fairview Rd, Northampton, spoke in favor of this ordinance. Loretta Gougeon, W. Center St, Florence, raised an issue about changes proposed for section 8.9. She asked that it not be changed. Upon motion by Michael Bardsley and second by Marianne LaBarge, both boards voted unanimously to close the hearing. George Kohout suggested modifications to the ordinance based on hearing. Upon motion by Jennifer Dieringer and second by George Russell, the board voted unanimously to recommend to City Council that the zoning ordinance be approved with amendments. 7:50 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the public hearing on Amending the Zoning Map, Section 3 to rezone a parcel of land on Nonotuck Street from General Industrial (GI) to Special Industrial (SI). Maureen Scanlon, Nonotuck St, Florence, spoke in favor of the change. Joyce Rosenfeld, Warner St,. spoke in favor and read a letter by Emily Rosenfeld. Lisa Leary, 10 Hayward Rd. spoke in favor. Liz Chalkin, Oak Street spoke in favor Diana Stallone, Berkshire Terrace, spoke in favor Loretta Gougeon, W. Center St, spoke in opposition. Michael Hogan, business owner raised concern about residential use in the building. Todd Sienkiewicz concerned about the changes SI would bring to the neighborhood. Bill Arnold spoke in opposition. 1 2 Teri Anderson, Mayor’s Office, spoke in favor but raised concerns about the language of “live/work” space. She suggested that this should be changed to state that it is combined live/work. She also stated an interested in removing PUD from an allowable use. Upon motion by Bardsley and second by M. LaBarge both boards voted to continue the hearing to April 27 at 7 pm with staff to provide information on other language changes for PUD and Live/work space. George Kohout voted against the motion to continue. 8:50 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the hearing on the proposed change to the Zoning Map-section 3, and amendments to sections 5 and 6 to create an Education Use Overlay district, generally encompassing the area generally bounded by Kensington Street on the northwest, the Mill River to the south, West Street to the southeast, Bedford terrace and frontage parcels and including parcels on Henshaw and Prospect St. Wayne Feiden, staff, described changes and development agreement. Suzanne Beck, Chamber of Commerce, spoke in favor. Mayor Higgins spoke in favor Garrit Stover, Fairview spoke in opposition. Robert Wilson, 42 Harrison Ave, spoke against the changes based on the 85’ heights. Maria Labozzetta, 187 Elm St., spoke in opposition. Jane Rene, 7 Langworthy spoke in opposition. Eric Arcese, 8 Washington Ave spoke in opposition to the 85’ heights. Peter Whittredge, 23 Dryads Green, spoke in opposition to the height. Martin Wohl, 187 Elm St, spoke in opposition to heights. Helen Haddad, 65 Kensington, spoke in opposition to height. Robert Haddad, 65 Kensington, requested tabling for further review. Donald Andrew, 24 Harrison Ave, stated height as an issue. Richard Rice, 45 Kensington, stated concerns about safety on public streets relative to service vehicles. Ellen Dibble 43 West St., spoke in opposition. Sue Grant, 24 Trumbull Rd spoke in opposition. April Grant, 24 Trumbull Rd. spoke in opposition. Mary Brant, 67 Kensington Ave., spoke against the proposal specifically regarding the heights. Margaret Sarkissian, 71 Kensington Ave. stated concerns about height along the edge of the boundary. Heights within the core of campus may be appropriate. Linda Sopp, 42 Harrison, spoke against height limits. Jerry Dennerline, 71 Kensington Ave, spoke about problems with specifics height. Georgia Bawick, 4 Barrett Place spoke in opposition. Kerry Knapp 219 Elm Street spoke out against the height. Jackie Misa, 95 West St, stated her opposition. Phil Chu, 12 Carpenter Ave, spoke against the proposed change because of the extent of the overlay. Jon Black 21 Belmont Ave, asked for clarification on some issues and stated his opposition to the district. Sandy Glynn, Upland Rd. spoke in opposition to proposal. Daryl LaFLeur, 244 South St, spoke against change and suggested that bulk restrictions be established. Bob Fishman, Harrison Ave spoke against the changes. Upon motion by Bardsley and second by LaBarge, the board voted unanimously to continue the hearing to April 27 at 8:15 PM. Jennifer Dieringer suggested staff work with Smith on questions raised in hearing on before 4/27 continuation. 10:40 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the public hearing request by City of Northampton for a Special Permit and Site Plan Approval for an open space residential cluster with a 9-unit townhouse lot and a single family lot, and a Special Permit with Site Plan Approval for 1 flag lot with common drive and side lot line access all on property at the end of Turkey Hill Rd, Florence, Map ID 34-2 & 4 and Westhampton, Map ID 20-1. Wayne Feiden described the details of the project. M. LaBarge, ward councilor, spoke in favor. Joanne Bessette, Sylvester Rd spoke in favor Michael Bardsley, Councilor-at-Large, spoke in favor. Jim Dostal, ward councilor, spoke in favor. John Skibiski spoke in favor of the project. He also voiced a concern about possible access to his property and parking for accessing the public open space. Alfreda Roberston, Turkey Hill Road spoke in favor. Faye Hollander spoke in favor. The Board discussed the project and conditions. Upon motion by George Kohout and second by George Russell, the board voted unanimously to close the hearing Upon motion by Fran Volkmann and second by David Wilensky the board voted unanimously to approve the cluster flag lot with waivers with conditions discussed. Upon motion by David Wilensky and second by George Russell the board voted unanimously to approve Park Hill Road S name change. Adjourn. 3 The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Tuesday April 18, 2006 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 Vice Chair, George Kohout 5 Keith Wilson 5 Kenneth Jodrie Jennifer Dieringer 5 Fran Volkmann David Wilensky Paul Voss, Associate Member 5 George Russell, Associate Member Staff: Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:05 P.M. Francis Johnson opened a request by Lyn Nuttleman for a Special Permit for a flag lot and Site Plan Approval for a common driveway at 1095 Westhampton Rd, Florence, MA Map ID 41-22. Mark McCluskey described the site on behalf of his client. Councilor Marianne LaBarge spoke in favor of project. There was discussion of Department of Public Works issues. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by George Russell, the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Ken Jodrie, the board voted unanimously to approve with conditions discussed. 7:40 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the request by Sweet Meadow Properties, LLC for Special Permit with Site Plan Approval to create 2 flag lots with a common driveway on property at 64 Reservoir Rd, Leeds, Map ID 10B-51. Jonathan Wright described the project. Marc D’Urso described the site issues, including plan to connect to City sewer but use private wells. Beth Kildafer of Water Street spoke in opposition, stating that the project is not in keeping with the character of the neighborhood. The Board discussed comments and conditions and issues related to Conservation Commission jurisdiction raised by George Kohout. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Fran Volkmann, the board voted 5-1(George Kohout opposed) to close the hearing. 1 2 Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Ken Jodrie, the board voted 5-1 (George Kohout opposed) to approve project with conditions discussed. 8:25 P. M. Francis Johnson opened a request by Debra Wysocki for a Special Permit to operate a dog day care/kennel at 557 Easthampton Rd, Northampton, Map ID 51-9. Alan Seewald presented the applicants and project and clarified changes to the original application including official name of the owner and owner of the business. Debra Wysocki described the nature of proposed business. Matt Chase, VHB traffic engineer, described the traffic analysis. Sheila Cleary, Nonotuck Street spoke in favor. Andrea Looney, 21 Clement St. spoke in favor of project. George Kohout asked about the downsizing of the paddock. The Board discussed the revised paddock plan and revised traffic studies. The Board discussed the 8’ high fence proposed and conditions. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and Keith Wilson second board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Fran Volkmann and second by Keith Wilson, The Board voted unanimously to approved project with conditions. 9:35 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the request by Equity Builders Realty, LLC for a Site Plan Approval for approximately 4,000 square foot expansion for mixed commercial and residential use at 77 Maple St., Florence, MA Map ID 23A-65. Jim Harrity presented the plans. Tim Shea, Florence Resident asked about the building height. Bill Arnold, Maple Street spoke in favor. The Board discussed the conditions. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Ken Jodrie the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by George Kohout and second by Keith Wilson the board voted unanimously to approve with conditions. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second George Russell the board voted unanimously to approve senior center changes. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and Fran Volkmann approve change for the performance covenant at Rocky Hill Road which included swapping the lots. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday April 27, 2006 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 Vice Chair, George Kohout Stepped out at7:40- back left at 10:45 5 Keith Wilson 7:35 5 Kenneth Jodrie 5 Jennifer Dieringer 5 Fran Volkmann 5 David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member Out for smith 5 George Russell, Associate Member Staff: Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:05 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the continuation of the Petition to rezone a parcel of land in Florence on Nonotuck Street from GI to SI. Maureen Scanlon read a letter in support of the change. Francis Johnson read letter submitted by Teri Anderson. Todd Sienkeiwicz raised concerns about the specifics of the development agreement and the City entering into such agreements. Loretta Gougeon asked about restaurant and retail space. Upon motion by Fran Volkmann and second by Ken Jodrie the board voted unanimously to close the hearing and recommend that Council approve the change on condition that the development agreement be in place before council votes. 7:30 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the request by Eric Westerlund for Site Plan Approval to construct a 4,200 square foot mixed use building at 78 Masonic St., Northampton, Map ID 31D-125. Eric Westerlund presented application. Staff read Department of Public Works comments relating to stormwater connections. There were no public comments. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by George Russell, the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. 1 2 Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Paul Voss the board voted unanimously to approve with conditions: (Keith Wilson abstained because of missed portion). 1. Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for each residential unit, a $2,000 parking in-lieu fee must be paid to the City of Northampton. 2. No surface runoff of roof drainage shall flow into the sidewalk or street. 7:40 PM Francis Johnson opened a continuation of a request for Special Permit for a 6-unit open space cluster development on Haydenville Road. {George Kohout stepped down}. Pat Melnik, Jr. presented the application. Mark Reed of Heritage Surveys. Spoke in favor and discussed some site details. Lora Sandhusen, 32 E. Center St, spoke in opposition. She requested continuation for further traffic study. Dan Keith, Leonard St, spoke in opposition. He stated a concern about traffic impacts. Linda Butler, Grove Ave, spoke in opposition. She questioned the functional relationship of the open space. Sandy Glynn spoke about open space requirement. Deb Jacobs 82 Grove Avenue spoke against project because of proximity to buffer zones. Upon motion by Fran Volkmann and second by Ken Jodrie the Board voted unanimously to continue to May 25th at 7:30 p.m. so the applicant could address: pretreatment of stormwater, sidewalk, clarification of NHESP approval of wells, and contact school dept about bussing for the children on Rt 9. 8:40 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the continuation of the Petition to create an Education Use Overlay District for the area including Smith College. {George Kohout returned, Paul Voss stepped down} Wayne Feiden described changes proposed since the last hearing. Francis Johnson opened to public comment: Ruth Constantine, VP Finance at Smith spoke in favor. Chris Kennedy spoke in opposition Sandy Glynn spoke in opposition. Richard Rice spoke in opposition Helen Hadad spoke in opposition Joan Barberich requested continuance. Daryl LaFleur spoke in opposition Leslie Fraidstern spoke in opposition Ellen Kaufman spoke in opposition Kim Gordon spoke in opposition Bernard Fine spoke in opposition Margaret Sakission spoke in opposition Jenny Donnerline spoke in opposition Ellen Augarten spoke in opposition Joseph Krupczynski spoke in opposition Robert Wilson Spoke in opposition Jonathan Black spoke in opposition Jacqueline Misa spoke in opposition Peter Whittredge spoke in opposition Ed Hagelstein spoke in opposition. The Board discussed issues and changes. Upon motion by Fran Volkmann and second by Michael Bardsley both boards voted to continue hearing to June 13 at 7 PM in council chambers, with 3 opposed to the motion. George Kohout, Jennifer Dieringer Francis Johnson voted against the motion to continue the hearing. 11:00 P.M. Francis Johnson request by Beaver Brook Nominee Trust for Preliminary Subdivision Approval for 19 residential lots at Evergreen Rd and Chestnut Ave, Map IDs 5-6,5-7,5-12; 6-18, 6-19, 6- 20, 6-21, 6-58; 11A-3. {George Kohout stepped down} Pat Melnick presented the plans. Dan Keith, Leonard Street, spoke against the project due to environmental concerns and traffic. Jim Montgomery, Grove Ave, spoke in opposition and stated that the requested waivers should not be approved. Sandy Glynn, Evergreen, spoke in opposition and against the waiver request. Deb Jacobs, Grove Ave, spoke against project. Lora Sandhusen, E. Center St,- spoke against. Michelle Laraque stated a concern about concerned about wildlife. Buffer line /no complete clearing Ruth Ever spoke against the project. The Board discussed the issues raised in the plans and the hearing and discussed ways the project might be altered to address the issues. Upon motion by David Wilensky and second Keith Wilson the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by David Wilensky the board voted unanimously to deny the preliminary plan based on issues discussed by the Board related to waivers and environmental impact. (eliminate 6 lots and the Board would be willing to waive the affordable units with road extension) 12:05 A.M. Francis Johnson opened the request by Lia Honda for Site Plan Amendment to expand the parking lot into the former Agway site at 263 King St, Northampton, Map ID 24B-67. Eric Forish, representing applicant, presented request. David Wilensky stated that tree plantings on original Honda site were not adequate and suggested the Board hold off on approval. Ken Jodrie stated the vote of the tree committee to recommend that no additional permits be issued until the trees have been corrected on the original site plan. There was discussion about how to handle the status of the project Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second Jennifer Dieringer to continue to May 25, 7 PM 3 The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting May 11, 2006 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 Vice Chair, George Kohout 5 Keith Wilson 7:45 p.m. left 9:40 5 Kenneth Jodrie Left 9:40 5 Jennifer Dieringer 5 Fran Volkmann David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member 5 George Russell, Associate Member Staff: Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:00 P.M. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by George Kohout , the Board voted unanimously to accept minutes for April. Board discussion of July 13 and August 10 permit meeting. July 20th should be scheduled as an extra meeting.(working only) to discuss non-permit related items. 7:22 P.M. Francis Johnson opened a request by Hixson for Site Plan Approval to construct approximately 9,500 square foot addition with reduction in parking at the Coca Cola plant at 45 Industrial Dr., Northampton, Map ID 25A-185. Chris Jarc, representing the applicant presented application. The Board discussed possible conditions. Upon motion by Fran Volkmann and second by Ken Jodrie, the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second George Russell, the Board voted unanimously to approve the project with waivers and conditions. 7:45 P.M. Francis Johnson opened request by Huntley Associates, PC for approximately 3,300 square foot mixed-use expansion at 52 Maple St, Florence, Map ID 23A-40. Ed Etheredge, representing the owner gave a history of the site and permit requests and legal update. Mark McCluskey, on behalf of Huntley Associates, described the site. There was a discussion of tree plantings as they exist and proposed on the plan. 1 Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by George Russell, the Board voted unanimously by roll call vote to go into executive session for the purposes of discussing the pending litigation at this site. George Kohout voting yes, Fran Volkmann voting yes, Jennifer Dieringer voting yes, Ken Jodrie voting yes, George Russell voting yes, Paul Voss voting yes. Francis Johnson voting yes. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by George Russell the board voted unanimously by roll call vote to come out of executive session and continue the public hearing. Paul Voss George Russell, Keith Wilson, and Ken Jodrie Francis Johnson, Jennifer Dieringer, Fran Volkmann, George Kohout all voting yes. Mark Bird, resident of W. Center St, spoke in opposition stating a concern about drainage and maintenance of the building. Lorretta Gougeon, W, Center street spoke in opposition. She presented an old plan that was denied by the Board and stated a concern about discrepancies in the plans and building size. She voiced a concern about the dumpster in buffer and snow storage. Fred Wellman, 9 W. Center St, spoke in opposition. Katherine Robinson 38 Main Street spoke in opposition. Patricia Doyle, 9 W. Center St. spoke in opposition. McCluskey responded to building size changes and other comment. The Board discussed procedure and possible conditions. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Paul Voss, the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Ken Jodrie the board voted unanimously to approve the plan with conditions stated. 9:40 P.M. Francis Johnson opened a request by Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc for a Special Permit to create a mixed use project and Special Permit for greater than 20% reduction in parking requirements at 9-11 Dewey Ct., Northampton, Map ID 31D-254. {Ken Jodrie stepped down} JB Howard presented for the applicant. He clarified that the applicant was requesting only a 20% reduction in parking. The project required 12 and 10 are shown on the plan. The required number changed due to a recalculation of the building square footage. Francis Johnson opened the hearing for public comment. Jordi Herold 3 Massasoit Ave, spoke in favor. Eileen Myers 14 Lawndale St, Easthampton spoke in favor. Steve Calcomino, 35 Columbus Ave, spoke in favor. Bob Walker, 13 Fort St, spoke in favor. Tris Metcalf, 142 Main St, spoke in favor Bob Fishman, 64 Harrison, spoke in favor. Tom Lesser, spoke at length in favor. Alan Seewald spoke on behalf of the residents in opposition to the project. He argued that the some of the parking spaces depicted do not meet the criteria in zoning and therefore do not count. 2 3 Jeanne Watt, Dewey Ct., opposed to project based on traffic and parking lot. Lynn Crevier, 3 Dewey Ct, spoke in opposition to project based on traffic and parking and change to neighborhood. Grace Brianchardy stated a concern about business use changing the residential street.(she read a letter on behalf Susan McCreary) Angela Trever, 96 South Street read letter against project (and read petition) Mark Moggio, owns property on Dewey Ct. spoke in opposition based on the change of use. Eva Treager, 21 Dewey Ct. spoke against the project. George Zimmerman, 7 Hampton Terrace, stated his concern about traffic entering onto South Street. Marilyn Richards, Ward Councilor, spoke on behalf of neighborhood in ward 3 in opposition of the permit. She argued that the change of use would change residential character of Dewey Ct. David Narkewicz, South Park Terrace spoke on behalf of Ward 4 neighbors in opposition based on traffic and use. Michael McCreary 14 Dewey Ct spoke in opposition. JB Howard spoke again to rebut some of the statements. The Board discussed possible changes to the site plan that could be conditioned Upon motion by George Russell and second by Jennifer Dieringer, the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by George Russell and second by Jennifer Dieringer the Board voted 3-3 on a motion to deny the project. In favor: Jennifer Dieringer, George Russell, Francis Johnson George Kohout opposed, Fran Volkmann opposed Paul Voss opposed Upon motion by Paul Voss and second George Kohout the board voted 3-3 on a motion to approve the project. Jennifer Dieringer, Francis Johnson, George Russell Deny. George Kohout, Fran Volkmann, Paul Voss voted to approve. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Fran Volkmann the board voted unanimously to allow withdrawal of excess over $5,000 from the Cloverdale HOA account, by the HOA. Upon motion by Fran Volkmann adjourn. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting May 25, 2006 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 Vice Chair, George Kohout Left at 7:50, Returned at 8:20 5 Keith Wilson 5 Kenneth Jodrie 5 Jennifer Dieringer 5 Fran Volkmann David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member 5 George Russell, Associate Member Staff: Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:05 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the continuation of a request by Lia Honda for Site Plan Amendment to expand the parking lot into the former Agway site at 263 King St, Northampton, Map ID 24B-67. Eric Forish, Forish Construction described the changes. The Board discussed the landscape stone colors and determined that a natural granite was preferred over white. Concrete curbing along should be installed around the landscape islands in the rear. Ken Jodrie gave a review of the tree committee meeting and stated their concern of installing a single species(Green Ash). Forish suggested there would be an intermix of Pin Oak. The Board discussed the tree belt. Jay Girard, Northampton Tree Committee, commented that trees should be set back into the buffer along King. There was further discussion about conditions for the permit. Upon motion by Paul Voss and second by Keith Wilson the board voted unanimously to close the hearing Upon motion by Paul Voss and second by George Russell, the board voted unanimously to approve permit with conditions. George Kohout stepped down. 7:50 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the continuation of a request by Patrick Melnik for Special Permit to create an open space cluster development for 6 townhouse units on Haydenville Rd, Leeds, Map ID 6-62. 1 2 Pat Melnick JR. presented the changes. Keith Wilson discussed need for sidewalk connection into the development. Francis Johnson opened the hearing to the public. Sandy Glynn of Upland Rd. stated her concern about safety. Dan Keith, 68 Leonard St, spoke in opposition. The board discussed sidewalk maintenance issues. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by George Russell, the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by George Russell and second by Keith Wilson the board voted unanimously to approve plans with conditions discussed. George Kohout returned. 8:25 P.M. Valley Vision, Regional Plan prepared by PVPC - presented by Catherine Miller. Seeking review and comment in MOU. Need recommendation. 8:50 P.M Sustainable Northampton -- Planning Board Discussion Other: Discussion about how the PB could participate in sustainable Northampton process. The Board reviewed draft land uses to identify on the map for all parcels within the City. Upon motion by George Kohout and second by Paul Voss, the board voted unanimously to approve all minutes with the change showing that George Kohout was not present at the February 9 meeting. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting June 8, 2006 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 Vice Chair, George Kohout 5 Keith Wilson 5 Kenneth Jodrie Jennifer Dieringer 5 Fran Volkmann 7:50 left 8:45 return. 5 David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member 7:35 left, returned 7:40 5 George Russell, Associate Member Staff: Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:00 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the request by Omnipoint Communications for Site Plan Approval to erect telecommunications facilities on top of an existing building at 76-78 Main St, Northampton, Map ID 32C-17. Simon Brighenti presented the application on behalf of Omnipoint. George Kohout asked about the color of the rear casing of cable. Brighenti stated that the casing casing is 24” wide by 16” deep on rear of building and would be painted with a brick pattern so that the color and pattern would match the wall. George Kohout asked about the distance between this site and the King Street tower and the need for additional coverage so close to King Street tower. The Board discussed standard conditions including the bond requirements. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by George Russell, the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by David Wilensky, the board voted unanimously to approve with above conditions. Paul Voss left the chambers due to Smith College ownership of the site. 7:35 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the request by Harun Nigel (Pizza Amore) for a Special Permit to move a sit-down restaurant to a new location at 18 Green St, Northampton, Map ID 31D-52. There was no public comment. The Board discussed the application. 1 2 Upon motion by David Wilensky and second by Keith Wilson the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by George Kohout and second by Keith Wilson the board voted unanimously to approve as is. 7:40 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the request by John Clapp and Dee Boyle Clapp for a Special Permit to create a Bed and Breakfast at 940 Chesterfield Rd, Florence, Map ID 20-2. Paul Voss returned. The applicant requested approval for three B & B rooms and described the application. Upon motion by Fran Volkmann and second by Keith Wilson, the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Fran Volkmann and second by Paul Voss the board voted unanimously to grant with condition to inform applicants that Department of Public Works land is not open for recreation. Fran Volkmann recused herself from the discussion. 8:00 P.M. Review of plans for a Comprehensive Permit at 46-48 School Street. Keith Wilson moved to make positive recommendation to the ZBA second by George Russell, voted unanimously to approve recommendation with the following suggestions: Bike parking facilities racks should be installed. Applicant could consider Sidewalk could be moved closer to property boundary Recommend reduction in parking. Lighting should conform to zoning standards with no waivers. The Board reviewed the request by developer of the Hockanum Road Towhouse project to change the landscape plantings from Juniper Spartan to Arbovitae. The Board agreed that it was a comparable species. The Board reviewed the request for the driveway widening at River Valley Market and determined that the applicant should formally apply for an amendment. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Ken Jodrie the board voted unanimously to recommend to the Mayor that she sign the MOU with PVPC with 2 caveats for change in map and remove site plan issue The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting June 22, 2006 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 Vice Chair, George Kohout Keith Wilson Kenneth Jodrie 5 Jennifer Dieringer 5 Fran Volkmann David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member 5 George Russell, Associate Member Staff: Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:10 P.M. Francis Johnson opened a request by Bell Atlantic Mobile (dba Verizon Wireless) for Site Plan Approval to add telecommunication facilities to an existing tower at 327 King St, Northampton, Map ID 24B-38. Ellen Freyman presented the application and photo simulations. She requested a waiver from standards for providing technical reports to building commissioner. Upon motion by George Kohout and second by Paul Voss the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by George Russell and second by Jennifer Dieringer with waivers the board voted unanimously to grant site plan with 3 conditions discussed. 7:30 P.M. Francis Johnson opened request by Edward Elgar Publishing for a Special Permit to create a mixed-use property and for off-site parking at 9-11 Dewey Ct., Northampton, Map ID 31D-254. Ed Etheredge 64 Gothic Street, representing applicant, gave overview of project. Rick Henning described the business. He stated that he would require 5 employees to park off site and that there would be no parking on Dewey Ct. Mark Darnold, engineer for applicant, described the site and traffic analysis. Paul Voss and George Kohout asked for clarification of on and off-site parking spaces, particularly the visitor and seasonal spaces. 1 2 Jean Watt 3 Dewey Ct. spoke in opposition to the mixed uses due to its creep of commercial use into the neighborhood. She asked for conditions: to prevent development on the front lot; additional trees, minimum employees entering the site; elimination of spaces 6 and 7. Eileen Meyers 14 Lawndale Street spoke in favor of the project. Robert Walker, 13 Fort Street spoke in favor. Jordi Herold, 3 Massasoit Ave spoke in favor of the project. Robert Fishman 64 Harrison Ave, spoke in favor. Michael Bardsley, Councilor at Large, spoke in favor based on consistency with the sustainability plan and preservation of the structure. Tris Metcalfe, 142 Main Street, spoke in favor. Michael Ford, 6 Massasoit St, spoke in favor of the project. Gregory Jones 42 Graves Avenue, spoke in favor. Tom Lesser, spoke in favor and described changes from the previous application. Mark Moggio, asked questions about the lease arrangement and the parking and enforcement. He stated his concern about delivery truck traffic. Bob Reckman, resident, spoke in favor. Joan Mesmer, 11 School Street spoke in favor. Doreen Benjamin, 11 Dewey Ct. spoke in favor of the project. Upon motion by Fran Volkmann and second by Paul Voss, the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Fran Volkmann and second by Paul Voss the board voted 5-1 to approve (George Russell) with conditions as discussed. Upon motion by Paul Voss and second by George Russell the board voted unanimously to sponsor changes to the ordinances in section 11.4. Upon motion by George Russell and second by Jennifer Dieringer the board voted 5-1 (Paul Voss abstained) to sponsor changes in the ordinance in section 6.8. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting July 13, 2006 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 Vice Chair, George Kohout 5 Keith Wilson 5 Kenneth Jodrie 5 Jennifer Dieringer 5 Fran Volkmann 5 David Wilensky 7:10 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member 5 George Russell, Associate Member Staff: 5 Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:00 P.M. George Kohout opened the request by Richard J. & Marianne L. LaBarge for a Special Permit with Site Plan to create a flag lot at 698 Westhampton Rd, Florence Map ID 42-112. Richard LaBarge presented the request Bob Moriarty spoke in favor of the application. Bob Anthil spoke in favor of the application. Karen Chalmers spoke in favor of the project. Edwin Nartowita, 587 Westhampton Rd. spoke in favor. George Kohout identified the letters submitted for the record. Keith Wilson asked about waivers and traffic mitigation. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by George Russell, the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Fran Volkmann and second by Keith Wilson to approve waivers with condition that traffic be mitigated. (David Wilensky abstained due to late arrival.) 7:25 P.M. George Kohout opened request by Neil and Kerry Homstead for a Special Permit with Site Plan to construct within 3’ of high ground water at 408 North Farms Rd, Florence, Map ID 7-11,67. The Board had questions about the accessory apartment and driveway access. Al Albano, representing Gary Warner, spoke in opposition to the project. He suggested that the change in the lot nullified the flag lot and the driveway access. 1 2 There was discussion about compliance with section 16. The Board asked if the plans had been reviewed by the Conservation Commission and the Board of Health as required by ordinance. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by George Russell, the board voted unanimously to continue the hearing to August 10 at 7PM so that the plans could be reviewed by Conservation Commission and Board of Health. 7: 30 P.M. George Kohout opened the request by Gary Wilson for a Site Plan to construct a 6,130 square foot building on Easthampton Rd, Northampton, Map ID 44-132. Gary Wilson introduced himself and his engineer, Mark Darnold, from Berkshire Design Group, Inc. Mark requested that traffic mitigation required be minimized due to the fact that the business is moving from one section of Easthampton Road to another. He stated that at least one tree on site may be large enough to qualify as a required street tree and be protected during construction. He stated further that it was unclear whether Mass Highway would approve the street trees as shown. Darnold described changes from the plans submitted. Original submission did not show appropriate location for trees given swales and septic. Roland Tessier, owner of the abutting motorcycle shop spoke in favor of the project. There was discussion about the plantings. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by David Wilensky, the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by David Wilensky the board voted unanimously to approve with conditions. 8:55 P.M. George Kohout opened by request by Robert Bacon for Site Plan Amendment to change the configuration of airport hangars at 152 Crosspath Rd, Northampton, Map ID 25-1, 15, 16, 17, 19, 53, 71. Tom Jenkins, representing the applicant, described the changes proposed as shown on plans submitted during the hearing. Perry Smith, 6 Service Center Drive. spoke in favor of the application. Keith Wilson clarified that it would not change the number of planes that will be stored on site. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Fran Volkmann, the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by George Russell, the board voted unanimously to approve the permit. 9:05 P.M. George Kohout opened the request by Equity Builders Realty, Inc. for a Special Permit with Site Plan for an open space residential cluster within the Residential Incentive Overlay district to create 43 units with accessory apartments and additional units at 360 and 370 North King St., Northampton, Map ID 13-29, 35, 36. Staff gave background of the project requirements and proposal. Mark Tanner, on behalf of Equity Builders provided an overview of the project. Aharon Sharff presented the engineering designs within the project. He described the driveway slopes, sewage and stormwater management. Sharff described the alarm designed to warn of sewage tank holding issues. Frank Olbris, North Farms Road spoke in opposition to project. He suggested that more units be built on a smaller footprint by making it a “real” townhouse project. He stated his concern about the use of accessory apartments in the townhouse development. Melody Foti, 31 Marian Street presented Broad Brook Coalition memo. Personally, she spoke in opposition regarding concerns relative to traffic. Lou Peugh, 43 Stilson Street spoke in opposition to the project. Bud Duseau, 30 Rockland Drive.asked questions about the suitability of the development. Nancy Owen, 436 N. King spoke in opposition Mathew Owen, 436 N. King spoke in opposition based on impact of land. Tom Woosten, 32 Stonewall Drive, stated his surprise over the RI overlay zone. Bob Andrews 20 Stonewall Drive spoke in opposition. Sara Smith, 402 N. King Street spoke in opposition to the project. She raised issues about a turning lane. Sue Ridnidski 42 Stonewall Dr. commented on traffic. Rick Degres 409 N. King Street stated that traffic delays are longer than presented. Frank Olbris, clarified that he desired smaller footprint. Upon motion by David Wilensky and second by Keith Wilson the board voted unanimously to continue the hearing until Sept 14 at 7:45 to address the following issues: Tree clearing lines Photo Voltaic locations Sidewalk along entire frontage Fence along entire boundary with quarry & landscaping. Crash data for stretch of highway Damon Road to police barracks. Approval from Mass Highway on center lane. Detail of school bus shelter (letter from Joy Winnie) How will vehicles exit in winter. Monitor for failures of sewage system. Condo Documents Internal sidewalk connections across lots. The Board discussed site plan amendment requirements for Microcal Site Plan 3 The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting July 20, 2006 City Hall Room 10, 210 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 Vice Chair, George Kohout Keith Wilson 5 Kenneth Jodrie 5 Jennifer Dieringer 5 Fran Volkmann David Wilensky 7:10 Paul Voss, Associate Member 5 George Russell, Associate Member Staff: 5 Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 5:30 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the special meeting of the Planning Board. Wayne Feiden discussed the options on the table for extending the Central Business Architecture Review standards up West Street versus the extension of the Central business District. He described the possibility of extending the Elm Street District to better address design. The Board voted unanimously to propose a zone change that would extend the Central Business District and CBA review down West Street to the Mill River. The Board discussed issues with the Northampton Tree Committee with Ed Shanahan, Deb Jacobs, Jay Girard and Ken Jodrie representing the committee. It was agreed that the Tree Committee should participate at the front end of projects by coming to the tech review. Subdivision Rule changes regarding trees should come forward for one of the September hearings. The Board discussed land uses for the City as part of the Sustainability plan. The Board discussed street acceptance for Carlon Drive and voted unanimously to recommend acceptance. 8:00 adjourn. 1 The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting August 10, 2006 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 Vice Chair, George Kohout 5 Keith Wilson 7:10 Kenneth Jodrie 5 Jennifer Dieringer 5 Fran Volkmann 5 David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member 5 George Russell, Associate Member Staff: 5 Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:00 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the continuation of the Homstead hearing. Joe Wilhelm, representing the applicant, described efforts to address questions raised at the last meeting No public comments Upon motion by Fran Volkmann and second by George Russell, the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Fran Volkmann and second by George Kohout the board voted unanimously to approve the special permit. (Francis Johnson and Keith Wilson not voting) 7:10 P.M. Francis Johnson opened a request by Northampton Department of Public Works for Site Plan Approval to construct a 3,200 square foot pole barn at Spring Grove Cemetery, Bridge Rd, Florence, Map ID 12C-10. Paulette Kuzdeba, representing the Department of Public Works described project. She distributed a cut sheet showing 250 W metal halide lights. The Board had questions about bright lights. Rich Parsiletti responded to the question about lighting on sensors. George Kohout asked about parking area for the barn. There were no public comments. The Board discussed about permit conditions. 1 2 Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Paul Voss the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by George Russell, the board voted unanimously to approve the permit with a condition regarding lighting. 8:00 P.M. Francis Johnson opened a request by Microcal, LLC for Site Plan Amendment to add eight additional parking spaces at 22 Industrial Dr. E, Northampton, Map ID 19-12. Bob Bartlett, representing Microcal, described need for additional parking due to increased employment. The Board discussed bringing the sidewalk around the edge of the sidewalk to the Industrial Drive East. There were no public comments. Upon motion by David Wilensky and second by Keith Wilson, the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Paul Voss with amendment sidewalk wrap around southwest parking lot to property line the board voted unanimously to approve with condition. 8:25 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the request by O'Connell Development Group for Site Plan Approval to construct a six-unit apartment building at State St, & Bedford Terr., Northampton, Map ID 31B-223. Peter Wells of Berkshire Design, representing the applicant , described the project and introduced the development team. Wells addressed the Department of Public Works issues. There was a discussion of the telephone poles in the sidewalk relative to the property boundary. The applicant stated that the walk could be reduced to 4’ instead of 5.5’. There will be no cuts into State Street for sewer. Wells presented the foot-candle reading of existing lights to be reused and submitted the plans. The Board further discussed the sidewalk issue and Department of Public Works sidewalk location issue and possible conditions. Ellen Dibble, West Street, asked about market rate affordable housing. Jacqueline Misa, 95 West Street, asked about the affordable housing, lighting…. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by George Russell the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by George Russell , the Board moved to approve with staff conditions discussed minus the parking conformance. Francis Johnson read Department of Public Works comments. Fran Volkmann voted to amend the motion by adding replacement of 22 parking spaces. 4 - 3-1 (Paul Voss abstained, (Keith Wilson, Francis Johnson George Russell opposed). 4-3-1 approved (Keith Wilson, Francis Johnson, George Russell against, (Paul Voss abstained)) The Board discussed the minutes from: May 11. Board noted a missing page. Add Francis Johnson to “present” for roll call vote. RESUBMIT The Board voted unanimously to accept the minutes of May 25. June 8 accepted with a correction on page 2 and move Fran Volkmann off of the School Street hearing, otherwise approve. The Board voted unanimously to approve June 22 minutes. July 13 note that Francis Johnson was absent and resubmit with David Wilensky as second (not Francis Johnson). July 20 OK unanimously Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Paul Voss the board voted unanimously to approve letter of credit reduction for Ridge. 3 The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting September 14, 2006 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 Vice Chair, George Kohout 5 Keith Wilson 5 Kenneth Jodrie Jennifer Dieringer 5 Fran Volkmann David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member George Russell, Associate Member Staff: 5 Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:00 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the meeting. Staff presented request by Kohl Construction, Inc. related to performance Guarantees at the Rocky Hill Cohousing subdivision. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Ken Jodrie, the board voted unanimously to approve the request to swap lots under restrictive covenant at Rocky Hill from 3 and 6 to 6 and 7. Staff presented request of driveway widening for River Valley Coop. Keith Wilson asked to take it under review for two weeks. The Board directed Keith Wilson to speak on behalf of the Board with the staff and applicant to address final lane width and layout. Board asked staff to inform the applicant that the following actions should be taken: 3 M tape or alternative to paint should be used for the crosswalk markings, one lane should be eliminated (for a total reduction of 10’ width of lane) or the applicant must meet with Keith Wilson and staff or come back to the Board in two weeks to discuss other variations to the layout. Staff presented request of Cooley Dickinson Hospital for an alteration in the location of the Fire Lane behind the new surgery wing. The modification in the site plan would result in the net loss of 7 parking spaces within this portion of the site. 1 2 Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Ken Jodrie, the Board voted unanimously to approve change so long as the Hospital provided written documentation that the city parking requirements are being met with the reduction in spaces. Paul Voss stepped down for the following discussion due to conflict of interest. Staff presented Smith College letter pledging to calculate the loss of the 22 parking spaces adjoining 36 Bedford Terrace into their overall requirement to address parking needs on the campus. Staff described the request by Smith for the letter to stand as required documentation to meet the permit condition associated with the redevelopment of the lot adjoining 36 Bedford Terrace. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Ken Jodrie, the board voted unanimously to accept the letter to comply with condition of O’Connell Development Group’s permit for 36 Bedford Terrace. Paul Voss returned. 7:45 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the continuation of the 88 unit condominium project requested by Jim Harrity on North King Street. Staff presented the request by the applicant for a continuation. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Fran Volkmann the board voted unanimously to continue the hearing to October 12 at 7:30 P.M. 7:48 P.M Wayne Feiden described the proposed zoning change going forward related to the Central Business Architecture review along West Street. Wayne Feiden described the expansion of Elm Street design criteria. Wayne Feiden described proposed changes to heights in central business. The Board voted unanimously to co-sponsor the ordinances. Wayne Feiden described the status of land use plan and opened discussion regarding the expansion of the FFR district and 40R. The Board discussed scheduling extra meetings to focus on the land use plan 10 PM adjourn I, Carolyn Misch as agent to the City of Northampton Planning Board, certify that this is a true and accurate copy of the minutes of record for the Northampton Planning Board meeting held on September 14, 2006. _________________________________ The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting September 28, 2006 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 Vice Chair, George Kohout 7:10-9 5 Keith Wilson Kenneth Jodrie 5 Jennifer Dieringer 9 5 Fran Volkmann David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member 5 George Russell, Associate Member Staff: Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:00 P.M. Francis Johnson opened a joint hearing with City Council Ordinance Committee on discussion to amendments of section 6.8 (4). (Bardsley, Richards, M.LaBarge present for Ordinance Committee) Staff described proposed changes. David Narkewicz spoke in favor of the proposed change. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by George Russell, the board voted unanimously to close the public hearing. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by George Russell the board voted unanimously to recommend approval to City Council of this zoning change. (Paul Voss abstained). Ordinance Committee voted to take up the discussion at its next scheduled meeting October 10. Francis Johnson opened the hearing on section on the proposed 11.4 changes. Staff described reason for proposed changes. Upon motion by George Russell and second by Keith Wilson, the boards voted unanimously to close the public hearing. 1 2 Upon motion by George Russell and second by Paul Voss the board voted unanimously to recommend the ordinance change to City Council. 7:20 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the hearing on the proposed changes to section 2.1, 5.2, 10.13. 7.2 (19) and 11.6(9). Francis Johnson read the proposed language changes. There was a discussion of where such establishments could be located and why zones were not created. Staff read proposed amendment to section 10.13. Francis Johnson opened the discussion of 2.1, 5.2, 10.13. Teri Anderson, Economic Development Coordinator, spoke in favor of the proposed ordinances and stated the concerns regarding negative effects on adjacent businesses. Peter Brooks, 17 New South Street spoke about constitutionality of issues. He stated that he thought the city’s attempt to address signage was appropriate, but he was unsure about its ability to withstand court challenge. He voiced a concern about the language regarding “secondary effects” of adult establishments used in the ordinances and suggested that a sunset clause be included to allow time for further research. Rev. Peter Kakos, spoke on behalf religious leaders in the community in support of ordinances tonight and those to come forward on the 12th of October. Adam Cohen 135 North Street, suggested that adult theater be added to the zoning changes. Presented case study on secondary effects done in New York City. Andrew Sirulnik, 117 Massasoit St. spoke in favor of the changes. He asked whether Council had considered banning private viewing booths altogether. It doesn’t appear that there is any problem with this concept based on public health concerns. He suggested that the ordinance should cite studies related secondary effects of such uses and that the definition of viewing booth should be clarified. He asked about a possible 1,000 foot setback? Mary Jung, 94 Market St, asked about the 500’ separation and how it was determined. She spoke in favor of the ordinances. Diana Davies, Graves Avenue spoke in opposition to the store and its location. Mike Kirby, 17 Summer St. spoke in favor ordinances. Deborah Horton, 81 Conz St. spoke against the shop. Upon motion by George Russell and second by Keith Wilson, the boards voted unanimously to close the hearing. There was a discussion of the proposed changes based on public comments. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Paul Voss the board voted unanimously to recommend the first set of ordinances. Ordinance Committee voted unanimously to recommend approval of the change. Both votes included the floor amendment on for the change to 10.13. Francis Johnson opened discussion of signs and site plan approval. Andy Cohen asked about provisions for site plan and blocking windows. Peter Brooks spoke of concerns related to regulating content of signs and blocking windows. Teri Anderson, Economic Development Coordinator spoke in favor of the proposed ordinances. Andy Sirulnik, Massasoit St stated that his research showed that this is not breaking new legal ground. Debra Horton stated that we should regulate based on Northampton interests and standards. Upon motion by George Russell and second by Keith Wilson the boards voted unanimously to close the hearings. George Kohout raised concern about censorship and contents within windows as well as a concern about the individuals who would be charged with reviewing and determining content. George Kohout stated that he did not feel comfortable voting on the content of the signs. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Paul Voss the boards voted (all but George Kohout) to recommend approval of the ordinances. The vote included the discussed changes discussed merging A and B and scriveners for A Sign…. George Kohout stepped down for the subsequent hearing. 9:00 P.M. Francis Johnson opened a request by Beaver Brook Nominee Trust & Patrick J. Melnik for Preliminary Subdivision on property located on Evergreen Rd, Leeds Map IDs 5- 6,7,12; 6-18,19,30,21,58,61; 11A-3. Pat Melnik, Jr. presented application. He stated that he is proposing a $2,000 per “lot” payment toward bike path connection out of cul-de-sac. Francis Johnson opened the discussion to the public. Lorraine Himmelman, tenant of 4-unit complex spoke in favor of plan. 3 4 Sandy Glyn asked for an exemption to the 3 minute speaking rule. She submitted documents relating to waivers and Institute of Traffic Engineers statement about traditional neighborhood design. She asked the Board to describe the reasons why the subdivision rules had changed from allowing an 830’ length cul-de-sac to a maximum of 500’. Deb Jacobs, Grove Avenue raised concerns about traffic on Evergreen and Rt 9. She urged that some measures were necessary to address speeds and volumes. She also stated her concerns about how the conservation restriction boundary would be permanently marked and maintained. Jim Montgomery spoke against the project. He raised a concern about sight lines at the intersection of Evergreen and Chestnut. Laura Sandhusen, 32 E. Center Street, spoke against the project because of traffic safety concerns. Julie Akarat Grove Avenue spoke against the project because of traffic safety issues. The Board discussed conditions based on comments, Department of Public Works, Fire Department issues and zoning and subdivision regulations. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by George Russell the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Jennifer Dieringer the board voted unanimously to approve the preliminary subdivision with conditions discussed and with waivers for road curvature only if Department of Public Works approves. Discussion of extra Planning Board meeting for Nov 30th at 7 pm for: “What every planning board member needs to know.” Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by George Russell, the Board voted unanimously to approve the amendment to the condition for Bear Hill estates to eliminate sprinklers. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Fran Volkmann the board voted unanimously to approve the reduction in letter of credit for the Ridge subdivision. Minutes of 9/14 approved unanimously. Keith Wilson updated board on the discussions relating to the River Valley Market coop driveway width. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting October 12, 2006 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 Vice Chair, George Kohout 5 Keith Wilson 5 Kenneth Jodrie Jennifer Dieringer 8:45 5 Fran Volkmann 5 David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member 5 George Russell, Associate Member Staff: 5 Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:05 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the joint hearing between Ordinance Committee and Planning Board. (Bardsley, M.LaBarge, Richards present as Ordinance Committee) Staff read proposed ordinances beginning with the amendment to §6.2 to allow heights in the Central Business District to be measured from the front façade and not the average finished grade. David Narkewicz, Ward 4 councilor, spoke in favor. Teri Anderson, City Economic Development spoke in favor. Upon motion by Michael Bardsley and second by Marianne LaBarge, the boards voted unanimously to close the public hearing. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Ken Jodrie the Planning Board voted unanimously to recommend ordinance to City Council. Upon motion by Bardsley and LaBarge the committee voted unanimously to recommend to council for approval. 7:15 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the joint hearing on amendments to section 2.1 to add a definition of Adult Establishment with Adult Material to mean those establishments that have 1,000 square feet or more dedicated for sales/rental of such material; 1 2 Amendment to section 5.2 table of uses to allow by special permit Adult Establishments with Adult Material in the Highway Business District only. Wayne Feiden described the ordinances. The Boards discussed definitions and clarified minor changes to correct typographical errors. Teri Anderson, Economic Development Coordinator, spoke in favor. Lisa Fiske, 42 Bridge St, asked that the city be careful about the regulations it imposes so as not to inadvertently squelch free speech. Yoshi Bird, 236 South St, spoke in favor of the ordinances and described her legal experiences in regulating and observing the sex industries. Karen Bercovici, 57 Vernon St, spoke in favor of the ordinance in its balance to allow free speech but protect interests of families and children. Mike Kirby, 17 Summer St, spoke in favor of the proposed ordinance. Adam Cohen, 134 North St, spoke in favor. Peter Brooks, 17 New South Street identified concerns about how the content on aisles is to defined. He raised other concerns about how the ordinance could be misinterpreted and thereby cause unintended consequences. Courtney Suza, 17 New South Street and of Talk Back Northampton read an article from a magazine found in CVS that could fall within the interpretation of adult material to illustrate a concern about the range of materials that could be affected by the ordinance. Nick Pell, 11 Conz Street, spoke in opposition and highlighted issues related to vagueness of the ordinance and its potential affect on a broad range of retailers. Liz Jensen, 21 Brewster Ct., asked the Boards to think about the ordinance in relation to other uses such as bars that can be interpreted to contribute to crime and impacts on neighborhoods. Mary Yun, 94 Market St., spoke in favor of the ordinance because it creates a reasonable expectation on the part of the city, neighborhoods, and operators. Andrew Sirulnik, Massasoit Street spoke in favor of the ordinance. He suggested additional conditions that might be applied to special permit criteria relative to hours of operation, age restrictions and imposition of renewal clause for permits as well as limiting permits to those who have not been convicted of certain crimes as described in 9A. He also suggested that the language be improved to more clearly specify definitions of adult material. Bill Dwight, 39 Mytle St. spoke in opposition to the ordinance based on the vagueness of the language and the broad net that would capture retailers beyond the purported intended target. Audrey Hoshimeyer, Crescent Street, suggested that the square footage threshold for permitting be reduced below 1,000 square feet. Upon motion by George Russell and second by Michael Bardsley, the board voted 7-1(David Wilensky) to close the public hearing. The Board discussed the square footage requirements. Wayne Feiden addressed the issue of definitions and described reasoning for utilizing the language in state statute. There was further discussion about the validity of the ordinance. Fran Volkmann stated her concern with the Building Commissioner being the sole individual making a decision. David Wilensky stated discomfort with way that ordinance is going and the reactionary nature of the ordinance. Bardsley emphasized Yoshi Bird’s statements about the negative activities that such stores foster and that the size of stores make a difference. There was further discussion about the appropriateness of the ordinance. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Paul Voss the board voted 5-3 (Fran, David, George Kohout opposing) to recommend approval of the ordinance. The ordinance committee voted unanimously to recommend approval to City Council. 9:00 P.M. Francis Johnson opened a continuation of a public hearing for an open space cluster development requested by Jim Harrity on 360 North King Street. Mark Tanner, applicant’s counsel, gave an overview of the changes. Aharon Sharff described site specifics and clarified that there had been no formal response from Mass Highway to the request for a center turn lane within the Route 5 right-of-way. Verbal comments given to the applicant related to widening the driveway to 24’ with yellow lane line separation and stop bar with stop sign at the entrance. Francis Johnson asked for Department of Public Works comments to be reviewed. Francis Johnson asked applicant if all issues have been addressed from July 13 hearing. Ken Jodrie asked how many trees will be protected. The applicant clarified that PL-2 plan sheet holds for tree protection fencing. Ken Jodrie asked how any parking spaces were removed. Sharff showed that there were 18 removed and placed in a reserved spot. 3 4 Tom Wooster, 32 Stonewall, spoke in opposition to project and read letter submitted to record from Engineer James Smith. Virginia Wooster, 32 Stonewall, spoke as former teacher about concern of impact on schools. Rick Desgres 409 N. King St, spoke in opposition to the project. Kimberly Lambert, 97 Pines Edge, suggested that a buffer be located along southern boundary and the quarry edge. Suzanna Wilbur, 93 Pines Edge spoke in opposition. Jason Niles, 360 N. King spoke in favor of project based on the inclusion of affordable units. John Skibiski of 426 Hatfield Street stated concerns about impact to Fitzgerald Lake conservation area and spoke in opposition to the plan. Wayne Thibeault, spoke in favor of the application. Bruce Young, stated the position of the Conservation Commission and changes to detention pond. He stated that the Commission recommended that no dumpsters or large receptacles be allowed on site in order to eliminate prospects of attracting wildlife. George Kohout gave a pitch to increase the buffer along the quarry edge and to provide a second access from King Street. Upon motion by David Wilensky and second by Keith Wilson the board voted unanimously to continue the hearing to 8:30 PM on Nov 9. 10:30 P.M. Francis Johnson opened a request by Sequoia Properties for Site Plan Approval to create a 4-unit condominium at 84 Round Hill Rd, Northampton, Map ID 31B-004. Jay Vinski, Berkshire Design Group described the project details. Board discussed Department of Public Works comments. The owner of 88 Round Hill owner spoke about concerns of the dumpster. Robert Jones 83 Bancroft Rd., stated concerns about the parking lot and use of a dumpster. The Board discussed possible permit conditions. Upon motion by David Wilensky and second by Ken Jodrie, the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by David Wilensky and second by Keith Wilson the board voted unanimously to approve site plan with conditions discussed. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Ken Jodrie, the board voted unanimously to recommend discontinuance of a portion of Arnold Ave. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting October 26, 2006 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 Vice Chair, George Kohout Keith Wilson 5 Kenneth Jodrie 5 Jennifer Dieringer Left at 8:30 Fran Volkmann David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member 5 George Russell, Associate Member Staff: 5 Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:05 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the hearing on the Amendment to the Rules Governing the Subdivision of land in Northampton Section 6:04 and 7:10 to include a requirement for submission of existing street trees that will remain by type and size and include in the landscape plans details and specifications for planting and post construction care of all proposed trees. Staff gave overview of changes relative to tree standards. Deb Jacobs, Grove Avenue and Tree Committee Chair, spoke on details of proposed changes. She asked for amendments that would clarify language. The Board discussed the proposed minor amendments. Upon motion by George Russell and second by Paul Voss, the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by George Russell, the board voted unanimously to adopt the changes with modifications discussed. 7:15 P.M. Request by Northampton Department of Public Works for Site Plan Approval to replace the 43' high water storage tank with an a 85' high water storage tank on Turkey Hill Rd, Florence, Map ID 35- 255. Staff read requested continuation by Department of Public Works. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by George Russell the board voted unanimously to continue to Jan 11 at 7P.M. 1 2 7:30 P.M. Wayne Feiden and Carolyn Misch updated Board on discussions of extending Central business Architecture down West Street. Paul Voss stepped down. Board discussed separation of the CB district and creating design standards from Arnold west other than under the Central Business Architecture Review. Discussion about whether to move design standards on the corridor at same time. Upon motion by George Kohout and second by Jennifer Dieringer the board voted unanimously to support proposed ordinance to move forward with the zoning map change for CB to Arnold Ave with CBAC review. 7:55 P.M. Request by PVC West, Inc. for Amendment to a previously approved Site Plan to add parking at 168 Industrial Dr., Northampton, Map ID 18D-69. (Paul Voss returned) Mark Tanner representing applicant presented amendment. He stated that the applicant would offer $7,000 for traffic mitigation based upon the increase in trips generated by this use relative to manufacturing uses. Greg Galenak, representing Craig Bradford, LLC abutter, spoke against project. He stated that there was insufficient parking and raised concerns about pedestrians crossing the common driveway. He questioned the parking calculations and submitted a letter submitted to the record. The Board discussed the need for clarity from the career center on trips and the type of use during the day. Tanner described information given by Career Center indicating 40 visitors per week. The Board discussed issues for continuation: minor trip analysis. Sidewalks along the front and side of the property and traffic mitigation should be shown. Parking in truck turn around area would not be allowed. Upon motion by George Russell and second by Ken Jodrie, the board voted unanimously to continue the hearing to November 9 at 8 P.M. 8:45 P.M. Request by Pioneer Valley Hotel Group, Inc. for a Special Permit for a hotel at 260 Main St, Northampton, Map ID 31D-167. Wayne Feiden described the history of the site to this point and why the applicant is filing separate special permit requests from the site plan request. Mark Darnold, the applicant’s engineer, described the plans. The Board discussed parking lot issues and pedestrian access and location. Bill Pastore, 28-A New South Street raised a concern about the design and about construction issues and loss of public parking during construction. He also questioned how Old South could handle traffic movements out of entry drive so close to the traffic signal at Conz Street. Mary Chapin 28-B New South raised concern about the scale/size of the project. Upon motion by George Kohout and second by Ken Jodrie, the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Paul Voss spoke of concerns about the bike path location and stated that it should be clearly separated from the building. Upon motion by George Kohout and second by Jennifer Dieringer the board voted unanimously to approve the special permit. Jennifer Dieringer stepped down. 9:20 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the request by Capital Video Corp, for Site Plan Approval to locate a 6,222 square foot retail establishment at 135 King St, Northampton, Map ID 31B-51. Ken Jodrie stated that he felt the Board should not discuss the application and suggested a motion to continue without opening. The Board discussed the merits of continuing the hearing due to the number of missing Board members. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Paul Voss the board voted unanimously to continue the hearing to Dec 14 at 7:00 P.M. Staff gave presentation of revised open space plan. The Board voted unanimously to re-approve the Open space plan The Board discussed the minutes and suggested edits: Page4 site change to sight lines….. top third of 9/28 minutes. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by George Russell, the board approve with correction. 3 The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting November 2, 2006 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson Vice Chair, George Kohout 5 Keith Wilson 5 Kenneth Jodrie 5 Jennifer Dieringer 5 Fran Volkmann David Wilensky Paul Voss, Associate Member 5 George Russell, Associate Member Staff: Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch Legal: 5 Janet Sheppard, City Solicitor 7:05 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the hearing on the Site Plan issued May 12, 2006 for property at 52 Maple St, Florence, MA, Map ID 23A-40 and remanded by the court to determine fire safety and access issues only. Staff described reason for hearing. Francis Johnson recognized Fire Chief Duggan who spoke about the required fire access needs. He explained that an 8’ wide access at the front of the building would provide adequate room to bring equipment and personnel into the building as needed for emergency services or fire. He stated that fire access was only required for the front of the building. Duggan also stated intentions to apply for fire lane designation after the construction was completed. He clarified that this was a separate procedure from any fire prevention reviews at the site plan level. Janet Sheppard asked Duggan if the fire department would require any changes at the rear. Duggan clarified that the rear was under the jurisdiction of the Building Commissioner and Building Code. Staff relayed that the Building Commissioner would require a 4’ landing at the rear. Duggan reiterated that his only recommendation to the Board would be to require an 8’ wide entry instead of a 5’ wide entry. Francis Johnson opened hearing to counsel for each side. Michael Pill, representing Loretta Gougeon from 9 W. Center Street presented information about portions of the building code refuting that this project could meet the requirements. Ed Etheredge, representing the property owner clarified the differences between the various plans the board had reviewed. Janet Sheppard clarified what the Board could consider in its decision. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting November 9, 2006 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 Vice Chair, George Kohout 5 Keith Wilson 5 Kenneth Jodrie 5 Jennifer Dieringer 5 Fran Volkmann 5 David Wilensky 7:25 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member 5 George Russell, Associate Member Staff: Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:05 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the hearing of a Request by C. Douglas Hinckley for Site Plan Approval to convert a building to four residential units, create a common driveway and allow side lot access to a third lot at 48 Round Hill Rd, Northampton, Map ID 31B-63. Ed Etheredge, representing Clarke School introduced project and landscape architect. Jay Vinski, landscape consultant for the Clarke School, described the plan. The Board discussed curb cut widths of the driveways. Staff described zero lot-line requirements and dumpster. Paul Voss asked about pedestrian access to Round Hill. Fran Volkmann asked about the extensive new driveway. Keith Wilson gave perspective of use relative to neighborhood and location of public sidewalks. Sara Krohn, 19 Langworthy raised concerns about a dumpster, plants and lighting. An unidentified woman, describing herself as homeless, made comments about asphalt. The Board discussed drainage and lighting. Paul Voss stated that he was unwilling to support the plan because there was no pedestrian access separated from the driveway. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by George Russell, the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. 1 2 The Board discussed proposed conditions and issue of eliminating the fence. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by George Russell, the board voted(7-1 Paul Voss) to approve with conditions and waiver for the fence. 7:50 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the request by Zilla Vorhees for Site Plan Approval to expand a driveway curb cut beyond 15' at 75 Barrett St, Northampton, Map ID 24B-5. Joseph LaMore, resident explained that the driveway was expanded without permits based on information from their paving contractor. The Board discussed whether to require curbing to be installed to close the opening along the street to a maximum of 15’. Joan Buche ,159 Jackson St, noticed that this is next to Hamden Garden Driveway and raised this concern. Board discussed entry and a controlled entry creating a safer driveway. Upon motion by George Russell and second by Keith Wilson the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Ken Jodrie the board voted 7-1 (abstention by Fran Volkmann) to deny site plan approval and require that a bituminous curb in accordance with Department of Public Works standards be installed to close the opening to 15’. 8:25 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the continuation of hearing on the expansion of PVC West parking lot on Industrial Drive. Mark Tanner described the new information. Michael Trechy, director of Northampton Career Center described the number of people anticipated to be served. Specifically, they tend to see 64 individuals per week or 12 people per day. David Wilensky asked how many staff were on site. Trechy stated that there would be 17 staff on site on any given day. Paul Voss asked for an overview of open area shown on the floor plans. George Kohout asked how customers arrive/access the building. Trechy stated that they did customer surveys to find and determine that few arrive by walking and bus, but the majority come by car and drop off. Paul Voss asked about office uses and whether they are related to training. Trechy stated they work with employers and job seekers. The Board discussed how to classify the use and whether this was an educational use based on presentation and calendar submitted. Greg Galanek, representing the abutter Craig Bradford, distributed materials to substantiate educational use. He raised concerns about pedestrian safety and parking trespass. Tanner argued that the classroom is accessory to the main office use. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by George Russell the board voted unanimously to continue the hearing on January 11 at 7:30 P.M for the applicant to address parking in light of an educational use. Staff presented request by Equity Builders/Jim Harrity for a continuation of the N. King Street Cluster. Upon motion by David Wilensky and second by George Russell the board voted unanimously to Continue to Feb 8 at 8:00 p.m. David Wilensky asked to move all 3 sets of minutes. The Board voted on nominations for the CPA committee. Fran Volkmann nominated George Kohout with Paul Voss providing the second. There was unanimous nomination 9:50 3 The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Special Planning Board Meeting November 30, 2006 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 Vice Chair, George Kohout 5 Keith Wilson 5 Kenneth Jodrie 5 Jennifer Dieringer 5 Fran Volkmann David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member 5 George Russell, Associate Member Staff: 5 Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:00 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the discussion with the Fire Department. Staff gave a brief overview of why the Department was interested in discussing fire access and safety issues. Chief Duggan and Deputy Nichols described issues that overlap between Planning Board permit review and fire prevention/safety issues. 7:30 P. M. Wayne Feiden opened discussion of Sustainable Northampton status of consultant selection. 1 The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting December 14, 2006 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 Vice Chair, George Kohout 5 Keith Wilson 5 Kenneth Jodrie Jennifer Dieringer 5 Fran Volkmann Left at 9:20 5 David Wilensky 7:20 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member 7:10 5 George Russell, Associate Member Staff: Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch THE PLANNING BOARD AND CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE COMMITTEE meets in Council Chambers, Puchalski Municipal Building, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA to conduct a joint public hearing on the following proposed ordinances to amend the City of Northampton Zoning Ordinance: 6:38 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the petition to amend §3.4 by modifying the Zoning Map to extend the Central Business District from the intersection of Elm Street and West Street along West Street to Arnold Avenue. To amend §27.2 of the City Ordinances to expand the Central Business Architecture Ordinance boundaries to be consistent with the proposed Central Business Zoning District boundary. Councilors Bardsley, M. LaBarge and Richards present as Ordinance Committee. The Boards reviewed the materials submitted with the petition for rezoning and Central Business Design standards. Fran Volkmann questioned the reasoning for moving this forward given the feedback during the public forum from the CB Architecture Committee. She stated her concerns about short term effect on the residential uses and asked about alternative mechanisms to address design such as form based zoning. Councilor Richards stated that she believed that the design standards did not have to extend beyond the CB district if CB district were expanded. 1 2 Francis Johnson stated concerns about the scaled down version of the expanded district and the Planning Board’s previous endorsement of the extension when it was drawn to the Mill River. Councilor Narkewicz tried to clarify why the district was modified to a shorter extension. George Kohout stated that the zoning and design review would provide an additional measure of control over buildings. Councilor Bardsley asked if parking issues had been addressed with respect to the changes that would be allowed under Central Business zoning. Narkewicz stated that parking would change from the present. Ruth Constantine, representing Smith College, stated concerns of Smith that were enumerated during the public forum that this was not a logical extension of the district since it would only address one building. The others would be educational uses. The proposed expansion area is not similar to the architecture in the CB district as it exists. Narkewicz stated that there is built-in flexibility within the existing design guidelines to allow for unique areas. Bardsley asked if the goal was to address replacing buildings or preserving buildings. He stated that he felt the smaller district has “lost” the original intent. Daryl LaFleur, South Street, stated that the district also included buildings set behind the 66 corridor. Upon motion by Michael Bardsley and second by M. LaBarge, the Board voted 2-1(Richards opposed) and 4-1 (Fran Volkmann opposed) to close the hearing. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by George Russell the Board voted 3-2-1 to recommend approval of the rezoning (George Kohout and Fran Volkmann opposed/ Keith Wilson abstained) The Boards voted unanimously to close the hearing on section 27.2. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by George Russell, the board voted 1-4-1 to recommend approval of design standards.(Francis Johnson voting in favor, George Kohout, Ken Jodrie, George Russell, Fran Volkmann opposed/ Keith Wilson abstained). [ORDINANCE COMMITTEE TO TAKE UP AT ITS NEXT MEETING] 7:10 P.M. Francis Johnson opened request by Berkshire-Noho, LLC for a Special Permit and Site Plan Approval for the construction of 90,000+ square feet of mixed commercial/retail development and associated parking with reductions in parking at 171-187 King St, Northampton, Map Ids 24D-80, 81, 338. Darren Gray, site engineer, presented the application. Architectural drawings were described and presented by Ed Meserve, Omega Architects representing the applicant. George Kohout asked about utilities on site. The applicant stated that the sidewalk utilities within the public right-of-way will not change. Fran Volkmann asked about setbacks for bank. Steve Sevaria from Fuss & O’Neill as traffic consultant described traffic assessment. Board discussed traffic issues and Department of Public Works issues. There was a discussion of the differences between the “advance green” onto Finn from King. Keith Wilson described the issues raised by Department of Public Works, asked about timing changes that could be made to the Finn St queue to give more green to Finn based on the data submitted. Sevaria talked about the changes to North/Summer improvements which will result in improvements to the existing Levels Of Service in that vicinity. There was a discussion about the all-way stop for ped-crossing at the Summer/North intersection. George Kohout asked about ped phases at both intersections. Ken Jodrie asked about adding two additional trees along the frontage. Francis Johnson opened the hearing to the public. Tom Grohowski, representing Florence Savings Bank which owns an abutting property, stated concerns about the drops in the LOS along Finn Street. He stated that there should be more time to address traffic mitigation. Joel Spiro, 12 Bixby Ct. stated opposition to the project based on the fact that the project is not dense enough and does not meet the criteria for compact, pedestrian -oriented mixed use that is envisioned in this portion of the corridor. Mike Kirby, 17 Summer Street stated concerns about the intersection at Summer/North/King and crossing King Street. Peter Brooks, 17 New South Street, stated concerns about crossing at North/Summer/King. Bill Dwight 39 Myrtle Street, spoke in favor of the project s. Ed Golash, Hooker Avenue. Spoke against the project based on traffic concerns. Alex Ghiselin, Riverside Drive spoke in favor of the project. 3 Bonnie Rose, 55 South Street asked for clarification on dimensions of the facades/buildings. The architecture firm suggested audience should refer to the color renderings. Teresa Cofske, Berkshire Development/applicant described the detail assessment of the project. Carolyn Misch presented the staff recommendation with proposed conditions. Keith Wilson asked about the impact to customers utilizing the property to the south (Foster Farrar). The Board discussed the value of the project vs. the reduction in two street trees. David Wilensky suggested a compromise of requiring two trees elsewhere on King Street. George Kohout asked about rooftop mechanicals and their location. The architect stated that the mechanicals could be shielded in the parapets. Francis Johnson restated concern about traffic timing on State/Finn. The Board discussed with the applicant questions about how signal timing will effect King Street traffic. Sevaria, developer’s traffic engineer, suggested that reallocation of timing from the site driveway to Finn Street could further reduce delays on Finn. Fran Volkmann suggested a motion to close the hearing. Paul Voss provided a second. Fran Volkmann withdrew the motion to close the hearing in order to take a straw poll on whether the Board had enough information to close and discuss conditions or whether the hearing should remain open. Keith Wilson described more detail about the traffic issues and clarified what was in the traffic study for the Board versus questions Department of Public Works raised at the hearing. He clarified that some of the Department of Public Works suggestions would not be feasible and highlighted additional data in the study that eliminates some of the concerns raised by Department of Public Works. The Board discussed conditions as outlined in the staff report and as discussed previously in the hearing. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Ken Jodrie, the board voted to close hearing (David Wilensky opposed). David Wilensky read the findings based on section 10/11 of the zoning ordinance. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Paul Voss, the board voted unanimously to approve with 20 % reduction 4 9:20 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the continuation of a request by Capital Video Corporation for Site Plan Approval for a retail establishment at 135 King St, Northampton, Map ID 31B-51. Information was distributed from “NopornNoho”. Anthony Nota, of Capital Video, described changes to the building and the site. The Board asked if lighting would be replaced. George Kohout asked about rear of parking lot and if there were barriers to the bike path as well as to abutting property. Keith Wilson asked about lighting on the back of the building. Staff clarified lighting requirements within the zoning ordinance. David Wilensky asked about the floor plan and layout and conformance to zoning. Les Rich, attorney for Capital Video described the interior. George Kohout asked about the boarded windows and landscaping in the front. Keith Wilson asked about trip generation. Staff relayed the offer to make a payment of $9,000 for traffic mitigation and the threshold triggering traffic studies. Paul Voss asked for clarification on parking layout and requirements. Paul Voss asked about the pedestrian entry from the sidewalk and how access would be gained. The board discussed safe pedestrian access and a preference for internal pedestrian access due to the narrow shared driveway. Mike Kirby, Summer Street, spoke in opposition. Adam Cohen, North Street, spoke in opposition and asked for a continuance based on the need for information about window treatments. Spoke against display Jendi Rider, North Street, spoke in opposition and stated concerns about the rear entry and proximity to the bike path as well as the display concepts submitted with the application. She suggested the board continue the hearing. Peter Brooks, New South St, spoke in favor of the project. Lucille Stubbs,11 Trumbull Rd, spoke in opposition to the project. 5 Lou Stone, 17 Summer Street, stated concerns about photos submitted for window displays. She asked about hours of operation and stated concern about traffic on Summer Street going the wrong way. Andrew Shoffaw, 200 Prospect St., urged that Capital Video be good corporate citizens. Keith Wilson stated that the window display is not part of the Board’s purview. David Wilensky read the window display standards and argued that the submission doesn’t comply. Michael Pill, representing Capital Video, asked that the photo submitted be withdrawn as an example of sample window treatment. George Kohout stated that he was convinced by applicant’s statement that they would comply with zoning that the applicant would do as stated. The Board discussed what would be appropriate in terms of initial review of window display and the fact that the windows would be constantly changing and be up to the Building Commissioner’s review. Les Rich stated that windows would be like a Victoria Secret window. George Kohout asked about hours of operation. The applicant did not respond. Staff clarified that the use was not part of the permit decision and thus normal retail hours could be established by the applicant. The Board discussed approval criteria and conditions as recommended in staff report as well as additional conditions based on public comment and board discussion. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Paul Voss, the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by George Kohout and second by Keith Wilson , the board voted 4-3 to approve the site plan (George Russell, Keith Wilson ,George Kohout, Francis Johnson voted in favor/ David Wilensky, Paul Voss, Ken Jodrie voted in opposition) 11:00 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the Request by TCB Hospital Hill, LLC for Preliminary Subdivision Approval for the north campus Village Hill Rd, Northampton, Map Ids 38A- 87,104,110, 111; 31C-17. Tom Kegelman for TCB described the project. Mark Darnold, applicant’s engineer, described the requested waivers. The Board discussed the waivers and the fact that Department of Public Works had not responded definitively on all the waivers. The Board then discussed conditions based on this status. 6 7 Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by David Wilensky the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by David Wilensky, the Board voted unanimously to approve the preliminary subdivision with waivers. The Board discussed: Scheduling a site visit to N. King (Harrity project) Sunday 1:30 The Big Y intersection/Mass Highway letter