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2008 Historical Commission minutes
D�� �� I 1 e✓ 'CCy PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT • CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Manning • consarvation • Zoning • housing partnership • redevel oil nxnl • northamplon GIS economic development • community developnnml • historic • community preservation • central business architecture Peg Keller, I Inuring and Community IJevclapnneit Senior Planner • PKcllcr NorlhamptonNlA.gov • d13- 587 -1288 NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION Meeting Notice DATE: January 28, 2008 TIME: 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. PLACE: City Hall Hearing Room 18 210 Main Street Northampton Agenda 1.) Public Comment Period 2.) Approval of Minutes 3.) Guest Presentation: First Churches Request for CPA Support 4.) date/ 225 Nonotuck Street Demo Delay 5.) Sub - Committee Reports Local Awards Ceremony 6.) Election of Officers Appointment of New Demo Review Sub - Committee members 7.) Correspondence 8.) Other Business/ CPA support Request/ Elm Street Commission 9.) Adjourn Peg Keller 587 -1288 pkeller@northamptonma.gov Cit HaII •210 Main Sheet, Room "I "I • Northampton,.MA 01060 • wxvw.NorthamptonMa.gov • Pax 413 -587 -1264 original printed on recycled paper NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION Minutes January 28, 2008 Members Present: Chris Kennedy, Chair, Craig Della Penna, Barbara Blumenthal, Norman Winston, Tris Metcalfe, David Drake, Kim Howes, Bruce Kriviskey. Also present, Chuck and Peg Whitham, Rev. Peter Ives from First Churches, Steve Strimer, Amy Bookbinder, Jim Harrity and Mark Wamesley, for 225 Nonotuck Street. Also present, Peg Keller, staff. Call to Order: Vice -Chair Howes, called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. Member Blumenthal made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Member Winston. Member Kriviskey commended the staff on the minutes; they were unanimously approved as submitted. First Churches Presentation/ Request for CPA letter of Support Member Kriviskey disclosed that he and his wife are members of the Church. Mrs. Whitham then spoke. She introduced herself, as Church Moderator, lay leader, Rev. Ives and her husband, architect Chuck Whitham. She summarized C , efforts over the past 20 years to restore the Meeting House (First Churches). ■ 1994 — exterior stone issue, mortar disintegrating/ structure was scaffolded, new mortar on the entire exterior, cost close to one million dollars • Handicap access ramp, new side porch/ designed by Mr. Whitham, received an Historical Commission preservation award ■ Landscaping front of Church; fencing, lighting ■ March 2007 chunk of plaster dropped from the sanctuary ceiling; roof issues ■ Launched a 2 million dollar capital campaign Mrs. Whitham described their recent efforts. Experts have surveyed the damage. 4 areas identified: slate roof exterior, sanctuary ceiling, stained glass window restoration, organ pipe removal /servicing. Their members have decided to replace the slate with slate. Hired a campaign coordinator for two pronged effort - church member support, then in April a community campaign. Campaign run from last September to this June. Building is an icon on Main Street; urgency of repairs is important to congregation and the community. Mr. Whitham described the plans for the roof and sanctuary repairs. 25% of the slate is in poor condition. The snow builds up at the guards, water seeps back in to building. Hired a highly qualified roofing consultant. Diagonal cracks in the 1 plaster and interior damaged areas have been surveyed. The plan is to remove the plaster and wood lathe, expose the framing, identify the damage, insulate - and sheet rock with a plaster veneer. With the staging costing $30,000 per month, they cannot afford to wait for plaster to dry. Discussion followed. The CPA request is for $250,000. Church projects have been funded by the CPA in other communities. The building envelope has been restored, the roof will be done now, the windows later. Restoration of the stained glass is very expensive, that will be later. Structurally, the building is in good shape. Member Kriviskey said he and his wife appreciate it as a house of worship and a community asset. This is a major project and they are approaching it in the right way. It is an undertaking that deserves community support. All members concurred. Mrs. Whitham said they are also applying to the Mass. Historical Commission for Emergency Funds for a preservation grant. Member Blumenthal made a motion to support their application to the Community Preservation Committee and to other organizations to which they may apply. The motion was seconded by Member Della Penna; the vote in favor was unanimous. (Member Kriviskey recused himself). All were thanked for their efforts, they departed. Correspondence: A letter from John Balco looking for information about an Irish society will be forwarded to Ms. Feeley. A letter from Mass. Historic regarding the proposed cell tower installation at 48 Elm Street was read. A response will be sent after the Elm Street Commission renders its decision. 225 Nonotuck Street Chair Kennedy said a sub - committee had been discussing options with Mr. Harrity, the building owner. (Sub - committee consisted of Mr. Harrity, Steve Strimer, Craig Della Penna, Tris Metcalfe, and Chair Kennedy). He circulated a list of 5 suggested actions. The essence of the discussion was that Mr. Harrity would like to move the building and he is willing to donate it. A site has not been identified. It could be put up on cribs to allow time for the search, to enable the parcel to be sold and development work to begin. Mr. Harrity said he is excited about the project; he is in favor of working this out. The house could be the focal point for the Florence History Project and he supports efforts to bring attention to this area and its heritage. Member Kriviskey read the section from the Ordinance that requires all plans for future activity to be permitted and appeal periods completed before a demo delay can be lifted. He wondered how this would be complied with, when it gets transferred to a new owner. Mr. Harrity said he would not make any plans for i redevelopment personally, that would be up to the new owner. Member Kriviskey 2 said the Commission needs assurance of the future success of the project. Staff said that would be a question for the Building Commissioner. Mr. Strimer said he was concerned about the work of the sub - committee. He only has a limited amount of time available and can't carry this himself. A strong commitment would need to be made between now and Augusta ( suggested actions include having the delay be lifted in August, rather than in December.) Discussion followed. He suggested the possible use of the 5010 created for the Sojourner Truth Park project. Possible house locations were discussed. Mr. Strimer reiterated the need to have the Commission be pro- active rather than reactive, and push hard to bring the effort to fruition. Member Howes said it has been accomplished before, with the moving of the Civic Association house. Member Della Penna and interested citizen Amy Bookbinder expressed their desire to be involved. Member Della Penna made a motion to accept item #1 as outlined. Member Metcalfe seconded the motion. Discussion followed regarding whether or not the 12 months needed to be shortened. It was agreed that it was a good faith compromise that would allow the new owner to know with certainty when the site would be cleared. The motion was as follows: " Motion to allow revision of the demolition delay effected as a vote of the Commission on December 17, 2007 upon 225 Nonotuck Street parcel 23A -281, hereafter referred to as the subject property, to allow applicant Jim Harrity, dba Equity Builders, to (a) detach principal structure from it's foundation, place upon stilts', or other temporary supporting foundation, and relocate to an appropriate location within the confines of the subject parcel, or (b) move the principal structure located on subject property off site to a location approved and acceptable by the Commission to a location within 5,000 feet of the subject property. Either of the above options shall conform to State and municipal codes and any applicable zoning laws currently in effect as determined by the Building Commissioner. " The above motion was slightly revised through discussion. Therefore, a new motion was made by Member Drake, seconded by Member Howes. The vote to approve the motion as revised was unanimous in favor. A motion to approve item #2 was made by Member Drake, seconded by Member Blumenthal. The motion was as follows: " Motion to allow the removal, detachment of the `kitchen' addition at the rear of the main section of the house provided the removal be done in a manner which would allow it to be re- created /reassembled in such a manner as to be consistent with the original." The vote to approve the motion was unanimous in favor. �J 3 Discussion followed on item #3. Member Drake made a motion to approve the item, seconded by Member Howes. The motion was as follows: " Motion to set a time limit on the current demolition delay to expire August 31, 2008. It would then be at the property owner's discretion to continue or terminate efforts to preserve the subject property." The vote to approve the motion was 4 in favor, 2 opposed and one abstention. The motion was approved. Staff will notify the Building Commissioner as to the change in date for lifting the delay. Mr. Strimer said he would let the Commission know the results of his meeting with the Committee for Northampton (their existing 5010 group). The next several items related to the Commission rather than the sub- committee. They next addressed item #4. The motion was as follows: " Motion to allocate $250.00 from the Commission's gift account to fund a historical site analysis of the subject property. Any funds necessary above and beyond the Commission's funds appropriated shall be covered by community fundraising." Member Drake made a motion to approve the item, seconded by Member Della Penna. Member Kriviskey asked about a scope of work. Member Della Penna and Mr. Strimer replied that they would be looking to identify the age of the house, inspect the foundation, record the architectural materials with a written final report with photos. This could become the basis for the Form B. The vote in p favor was unanimous. Item #5 was as follows: "Motion to formally establish a sub - committee to work with the subject property owners, current and future, to explore and implement feasible options for preserving the subject property as a historical property. Appropriate members of the community may be included." It was noted that if more than 3 members of the Commission wished to be involved, that would constitute a quorum and meetings would have to be posted, etc. Member Drake made a motion to approve the item, seconded by Member Howes. The vote in favor was unanimous. (There was a sixth item that was deemed to be unnecessary at this time.) Local Awards Ceremony Sub - Committee Report Member Blumenthal distributed a list of properties under consideration for this spring. Some were on the list last year, new properties are needed. The ceremony will be moved to June. The list of do's and don'ts will be put on the �J 4 I web. The Mass. Historic Commission's directory of resources could also be put on - our web, as well as last year's slide show. The names of architects and builders could be included, as a resource to people looking for such information. Elections Chair Chair Kennedy said he no longer wished to be chair, and nominated Member Blumenthal. The motion was seconded by Member Howes. Nominations were closed and Member Blumenthal was elected unanimously. Vice - Chair/ Member Drake nominated Member Kriviskey. The motion was seconded by Member Howes. Nominations were closed and Member Kriviskey was elected unanimously. Treasurer Member Blumenthal nominated Member Drake. The motion was seconded by Member Kriviskey. Nominations were closed and Member Drake was elected unanimously. Newly- Elected Chair Blumenthal thanked Chris Kennedy for his years as Chair, and Kim Howes for his service as Vice - Chair. Demo Delay Sub- Committee The members currently serving as the group to review demolition requests outside of the regular meeting cycle asked to be reappointed. Members Howes Metcalfe and Kriviskey were reappointed. Chris Kennedy had taken the photos in the past, Member Metcalfe agreed to take that on. Chair Blumenthal will serve as an ex- officio member. Nonotuck Street Sub - Committee/ Members wishing to serve on the effort to move the house at 225 Nonotuck Street to a new location, are Chris Kennedy, Craig Della Penna, Tris Metcalfe, Kim Howes and David Drake. Member Kennedy will take the lead in coordinating with Steve Strimer and identification of next steps. Elm Street Historic District Commisson/ CPA request Chair Blumenthal read a letter from the Chair of the Elm Street Commission requesting a letter of support for their CPA application. The ESHC wishes to create a design guidelines manual to be used as an educational tool and for use by the Commission in reviewing project applications. The Ordinance guidelines have been revised. Member Della Penna made a motion to approve the request for a support letter, seconded by Member Metcalfe. The vote in favor was unanimous. Adjourn/ The meeting concluded at 9:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Peg Keller 5 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Cit;V Haft • 2i o Main Street, Room ii • Nortfjanipton MA o i o60 -3198 • (4 • Tax: S 87 -126q. WaNne Peiden, Director NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION SUB - COMMITTEE RE- POSTED Meeting Notice New Sub- Committee/ Ad Hoc "Nonotuck Street History Project" DATE:. February 4, 2008 TIME: 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. PLACE: CHANGE OF VENUE/ AGENDA Moved from 62 Chestnut Street to City Hall Room 18, 210 Main Street Northampton iviviv.Northa Ill ptoll Ma.gov This is an organizational meeting of a group of interested citizens focused on saving the house at 225 Nonotuck Street. There will be a quorum of Northampton Historical Commission members on the sub - committee, therefore the posting. Questions should be addressed to Craig Della Penna, 575 -2277. Peg Keller 587 -1288 pkeller @northamptonma.gov i planning board • conservation commission • zoning board o of appeals • housing partnership • redevelopment authoritN • nortl9arnptotl GIS econoinicdevelopment • coinmmitNdeyelo • histor icdistrictcomrn iss ion • h istoricalcoirnnission • centraI business a origina(printedoo recyc(erlpnper jc� PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT • CITY OF NORTHAMPTON planning • conscrvetion • Zoning • hntlSing I • radcvelopnicnl • northan,plon GIS economic developnu0nl • comnnmily developnu0nl • historic • cunununity preservation • central business architecltn•e Peg Keller, I lousing and CommtmitY Devclopnuml SPnIUI' Plannrr • I'I<cllcrC4NorlhampinnNln.gnv • 113 - 587-1288 NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION Meeting Notice DATE: February 25, 2008 TIME: 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. PLACE: City Hall Hearing Room 18 210 Main Street Northampton Agenda 1.) Public Comment Period 2.) Approval of Minutes 3.) Correspondence 4.) Sub - Committee Reports Local Awards Ceremony 225 Nonotuck Street 5.) Other Business 6.) Adjourn Peg Keller 587 -1288 pkeller @northamptonma.gov City HaII • 270 Nlain Street, Room 11 • Northampton, MA 0 7.060 • xvww.Northa flip t or iginal printed on recyded paper NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION Minutes February 25, 2008 Members Present: Barbara Blumenthal, Chair, Tris Metcalfe, Norman Winston, David Drake, Kim Howes, Craig Della Penna, Bruce Kriviskey. Also present, Steve Strimer, Florence History Project and Peg Keller, staff: Call to Order: Chair Blumenthal called the meeting to order at 6:34 p.m. No one was present for the public comment period. Member Howes made a motion to approve the minutes of the last meeting. The motion was seconded by Member Drake and approved unanimously, as submitted. Correspondence 1.) Request for Nominations from the Mass. Historical Commission for their annual awards. 2.) Letter from EBI Consulting regarding the telecommunications installation at 48 Elm Street, St. John's Episcopal Church. Members agreed to send comments approving the application. Motion was made by Member Howes, seconded by Member Winston. The Elm Street Historic District Commission has approved it. Plans were circulated. The vote in favor of the motion was unanimous. Peg K. will send a letter. Project Updates/ 225 Nonotuck Street Member Metcalfe updated the full Commission on the activities of the ad hoc sub - committee. Seven sites are being considered. He noted that Steve Strimer had a brilliant idea to utilize land on the Florence Grammar School parcel. Tris has done a Pro Forma on the operating costs for the project. Comments have been solicited from Wayne Feiden regarding possible locations and projected costs. Tris presented the pro forma and an aerial view of site locations. Member Kriviskey noted that a district must be created, or the property individually listed before it would be eligible for tax credits. He suggested speaking with the State's Historic Preservation Officer to begin that process now, if that is going to be part of the financing plan. Mr. Strimer described his vision of using the house for a museum with rotating exhibits; an educational facility tied in with schools of all levels, from elementary to colleges; and used as a repository for people's collections of relevant materials; one accessible place for all source documentation; a location dedicated to this time in history. Chair Blumenthal asked if the Members had any questions. Member Drake offered to take a formal vote as a show of support for the project. He made a 1 motion to support the efforts to create a David Ruggles Educational Center. The motion was seconded by Member Metcalfe, the vote in favor was unanimous. All were thanked for their efforts and offered encouragement on the quest to solidify a site and funding sources. The Sub - committee will continue to meet bi- monthly and more frequently if needed. Meetings can be posted by the City as a courtesy, however there is no longer a quorum of Commission members attending. (Members Kennedy and Drake are withdrawing, Members Della Penna, Metcalfe and Howes will continue to be involved). Local Awards Ceremony Chair Blumenthal circulated the latest list and properties were discussed. Outreach has been made to Rugg Lumber, Foster Farrar, Northampton Lumber, the Gazette and the Building Inspector's office. Other Business Representative to Elm Street: Chris Kennedy no longer wishes to be the Commission's representative to the Elm St. Historic District Commission. Member Kriviskey has agreed to replace him. He was unanimously approved by vote. He currently represents the Commission on the Central Business Architecture Committee as well. His qualifications make him well suited for both. Peg will move the recommendation forward to the Mayor's Office and City Council. Northampton New Haven Canal Update: Member Della Penna attended a presentation held recently in Southwick. He said that a Mr. Walters has an incredible private collection of photographs of the entire canal. Member Della Penna noted that if the goal is to protect the canal from development, nomination to the National Register will not accomplish that; a GIS overlay zone is what is needed. The group, the Northampton New Haven Canal Committee, requested that the Northampton Historical Commission sign on to a support letter. Member Della Penna made a motion for the Commission to do that, seconded by Member Drake. The vote in favor of the motion was unanimous. Peg will send the letter to the Southwick contact person. ( Craig will speak about the Rails to Trails program, history and current trails on 3/19 at Forbes at 7:00 p.m.) Community Preservation Act Projects: Chair Blumenthal suggested the Commission revisit the list of possible projects to support. She noted that the Commission could move ahead on an application for funding to finish the Pomeroy Terrace National Register nomination. This prompted a discussion of what actual priorities may be and that the Commission should develop a strategic plan for CPA projects. This will be on the agenda for next month. Peg will resend the list of projects that were brainstormed several months ago and information on types of projects that have been funded across the State. 2 MassDevelopment Letter: the letter to MassDevelopment objecting to the n, removal of the word "Hospital" from the name of their development here, was reviewed and approved for sending. It was decided that the Mayor would be contacted first to see if she had any objections. Member Drake made a motion to send the letter, if it was not objected to by the Mayor. The motion was seconded by Member Metcalfe; the vote in favor of the motion was unanimous. Adjourn: The meeting concluded at 8:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Peg Keller 3 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT • CITY OF NORTHAMPTON planning • conservation • zoning • housing partnership • redevelopment • northampton CIS economic development • community development • historic • community preservation • central business architecture Peg Keller, Housing and Community Development Senior Planner • PKellcr@NorthamptonMA.gov • 413- 587 -1.288 NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION Meeting Notice DATE: February 25, 2008 TIME: 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. PLACE: City Hall Hearing Room 18 210 Main Street Northampton Agenda 1.) Public Comment Period 2.) Approval of Minutes 3.) Correspondence 4.) Sub - Committee Reports Local Awards Ceremony 225 Nonotuck Street 5.) Other Business 6.) Adjourn Peg Keller 587 -1288 pkeller @northamptonma.gov City Hall • 210 Main Street, Room 11 • Northampton, MA 01060 • www.NorthamptonMa.gov • Fax 413 - 587 -1264 _. _ prhited on recycled piper PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT • CITY OF NORTHAMPTON planning • conservation •zoning • housing partnership - redevelopment - northampton GIS economic development • community development • historic - community preservation • central business architecture Peg Keller, Housing and Community DevelopmeAt Senior Planner - PKellcrONorthamptonMA.gov • 413- 587 -1288 NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION SUB - COMMITTEE Meeting Notice New Sub - Committee/ Ad Hoc "Nonotuck Street History Project" DATE: March 3, 2008 TIME: 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. PLACE: Florence Civic Center Florence Civic Center is at the corner of Park and Meadow Streets, next to the Lilly Library. AGENDA This is the third meeting of a group of interested citizens focused on saving the house at 225 Nonotuck Street. There will be a quorum of Northampton Historical Commission members on the sub - committee, therefore the posting. Questions should be addressed to Craig Della Penna, 575 -2277. Peg Keller 587 -1288 pkeller @northamptonma.gov � City Hall • 210 Main Street, Room 11 • Northampton, MA 01060 • www.Nortl • Pax 413- 587 -1264 original printed on recycled paper 7 5 . r1ce- OE") PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT • CITY OF NORTHAMPTON planning • conservation • Zoning • housing parinoi:ship • radevclopment • northnmpton CIS economic developmenl • community developnuml • historic • Community preservation • central business architecture PCg Keller, Housing and Cbnununity Development Senior Planner • pl<ellerCUNorlhamptonNln.gov • .I13 -587 -1288 NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION Meeting Notice DATE: March 31, 2008 TIME: 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. PLACE: City Hall Hearing Room 18 210 Main Street Northampton Agenda 1.) Public Comment Period 2.) Approval of Minutes 3.) Correspondence Section 106 Review/ Pleasant Street Grant Announcement/ Underground Railroad 4.) Sub - Committee Reports Local Awards Ceremony 225 Nonotuck Street House Move/ David Ruggles Educational Center 5.) Community Preservation Projects 6.) Other Business 7.) Adjourn Peg Keller 587 -1288 pkeIler@northamptonma.gov City HalI • 2101\4ain Street Room 77 , Northampton, MA 01060 • w6Vw.NortliamptonMa:gov • Fax 4l.3-587-1.204 -.. —_ _. _- - - -.- - - - -- - - - - - -- ____ -- ------ - - - - -— original - printed -on- recycled paper —- _.. - - - -- -- -— ------- - - - - -- Members Present: Barbara Blumenthal, Chair, Norman Winston, David Drake, Kim Howes, Craig Della Penna, Tris Metcalfe, Bruce Kriviskey. Also present, Christopher Sparks, Steve Strimer, Kris Thomson. Call to Order: Chair Blumenthal called the meeting to order at 6:34 p.m. Member Howes made.a motion to approve the minutes of the last meeting, seconded by Member Drake. The vote in favor was unanimous. Correspondence 1.) Notification from Mass. Historical Commission/ Acceptance of the Ross Farm onto the National Register of Historic Places 2.) Membership update request from Mass. Historical Commission 3.) Letter from TranSystems regarding replacement of bridge on Kennedy Road. Project was discussed. Member Howes knows of it and the location, did not see any issues. Member Howes made a motion to respond to the Section 106 review by saying there are no concerns; seconded by Member Drake. Vote in favor; unanimous. 4.) Section 106 Review for Hazardous Waste Clean -Up on Pleasant Street Communication from Mayor's Office. Members reviewed project scope and determined there was no potential negative impact on historic resources in that area. Vote to send a letter accordingly, motion made by Member Metcalfe, seconded by Member Howes, vote in favor unanimous. 5.) Information package regarding an Underground Railroad grant opportunity. Package given to Mr. Strimer to review relative to possibly pursuing a Florence Underground Railroad district in the future. Sub - Committee Reports 225 Nonotuck Street Update Committee Member Metcalfe reported on the on -site inspection held earlier today with historian Neil Larson. Also present were Steve Strimer, Kris Thomson, Kim Howes, and other interested citizens. The assessment is that the building is in good shape. The interior is ready to serve the proposed function now. Exterior alterations such as redoing the siding and windows are possible future projects. A middle 1800's construction date was confirmed. It clearly predates the 1890's. theory. The interior trim on the doorways is unlike any Mr. Thomson has seen in the area. Structurally it is in "fine" shape, with a poured concrete floor and a solid brick foundation. The ell is integral to the house, but the 8 ft. addition on the rear has been added. There remains some original plaster and trim. The \�) basic framing can support people gathered on the first floor. The louvered transom above an interior door is a southern detail. The conclusion is that the building is sound, has great potential, the case for cultural significance is strong and it is older than originally thought. Neil Larson did the historic research on the nearby Dorsey Jones house that is now on the National Register. He thought there were some interior embellishments on the 225 house that indicated mid - management housing vs. worker housing. Member Drake made a motion to approve the authorization of up to $250.00 to hire someone to research the deed. Steve Strimer has done a lot but there is a gap after ownership by the Greenville Manufacturing Company. Member Della Penna knows of someone who might be able to fill in the gap. He seconded the motion and the vote in favor was unanimous. All were thanked for their work to date. Local Awards Ceremony Nominated properties were reviewed and assignments for follow up made. Member Howes agreed to see if the Florence Civic Association is available the second week of June. Community Preservation Act As per requested, Peg sent out lists of historic preservation projects funded. in other communities, the Commission's initial list from a prior meeting and the CPC application section relative to historic resources. Member Drake had suggested developing a strategic plan from which to evaluate community requests and to prioritize the initiation of Commission projects. Discussion will continue. The Commission needed a member on the Community Preservation Committee to replace Chris Kennedy, who recently resigned. Member Drake nominated Craig Della Penna, seconded by Member. Metcalfe. The vote in favor was unanimous. The recommendation will be forwarded to the Mayor's Office for City Council action. Members thanked Mr. Della Penna for his willingness to serve the Commission in this very important capacity. Citizen's Advisory Committee /State Hospital The Commission also needed a member to replace Chris Kennedy on the CAC. Chair Blumenthal offered to take this on, as an abutter, she attends meetings anyway. She will contact the Mayor to ascertain whether her husband being on the Committee is a conflict. Member Drake made a motion to have Chair Blumenthal represent the Commission on the CAC, if she receives permission from the Mayor. Member Howes seconded the motion, the vote in favor was unanimous. Adjourn/ The meeting concluded at 8:32 p.m. Peg Keller J 2 i o e, PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT • CITY OF NORTHAMPTON planning • conservation • zoning • housing partnership • rodiWelopment • nordiampton CIS economic development • community develoPmenl • historic • eonununity preservafion • central business architectLIN Peg Keller, Housing and Community Development Senior Planner • PKcller @ NorthamptonNlA.g(iv • 413 -587 =1288 NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION Meeting Notice DATE: April 28, 2008 TIME: 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. PLACE: City Hall Hearing Room 18 210 Main Street Northampton Agenda 1.) Public Comment Period 2.) Approval of Minutes 3.) CPA Applicant Request for Support ➢ Kerry Buckley, Historic Northampton ➢ Wendy Mazza, Northampton City Clerk 4.) Correspondence ➢ Letter from Mass Development ➢ Thank you/ Elm Street Historic District Commission ➢ Mass. Historic Approval. 48 Elm Street 5.) Sub - Committee Reports ➢ 225 Nonotuck Street House Move/ David Ruggles Educational Center ➢ Local Awards Ceremony 6.) Community Preservation Projects ➢ Review of Materials ➢ Development of Strategic Plan 7.) Other Business ➢ Representative to the Citizen's Advisory Committee/ State Hospital 8.) Adjourn Peg Keller 587 -1288 pkeller @northamptonma.gov - City Hall 2 "10 Main Sireet,,Room 11 •- Northampton, MA 01060 4vww.Noetham} • rax 413 -557- 1264 original printed on recycled paper NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION Minutes April 28, 2008 Members Present: Barbara Blumenthal, Chair, Tris Metcalfe, Craig Della Penna, Bruce Kriviskey, David Drake. Also present, Kerry Buckley, Historic Northampton, Wendy Mazza, Northampton City Clerk. Call to Order: Chair Blumenthal called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. Member Drake made a motion to approve the minutes from the last meeting. The motion was seconded by Member Kriviskey, the vote in favor was unanimous. Community Preservation Act Presentations 1.) Kerry Buckley of Historic Northampton described his proposal for this round of CPA funding. They are requesting $282,000 for structural and restoration funding to address their 3 buildings on Bridge Street. He described the project scope and asked for support from the Commission. Member Kriviskey suggested that when physical work is done that the public be allowed to observe the techniques as a community education venue. Experts talking to the community as the work is done could help with public relations for the organization. He noted that the National Trust has grants for educational efforts. Discussion followed. Member Drake made a motion to authorize the Commission to issue a letter of support for the CPA request. Member Metcalfe seconded the motion. Member Della Penna asked for a copy of the final application once compiled. The vote to approve the motion was unanimous in favor. 2.) Wendy Mazza/ Northampton City Clerk described her project request which is funding for City record archival and storage. She explained how she had started a Records Preservation Program in 2005. She received $16,000 from the Capital Improvements Committee at that time. When she went back for additional phases, she was instructed to apply to CPA. She had a current contract with a firm and needs funding for the next phases. People doing research come to look at the records and they need to be protected. There are some that date back to the 1600's, some are wrapped in paper and tied with string, and the shelving is inappropriate to allow books to lay flat. Member Kriviskey said discs with records could be sold for a City revenue stream. He noted that the New England Historical Genealogy Society may have grants for this purpose. All agreed that the best long term plan is to digitize the records and keep copies off -site. Ms. Mazza said she is committed to this process and would like to see at least half of the records preserved in the next few years. She was thanked for her efforts. Member Drake made a motion to authorize the Commission to 1 issue a letter of support for the City Clerk's request for $72,333 to the CPA. The motion was seconded by Member Kriviskey and the vote in - favor was unanimous. Correspondence 1.) Letter from Chair of the Elm Street Historic District Commission, Marisa Labozzetta thanking the NHC for their CPA support letter 2.) Historic Northampton notification of institutional membership 3.) Massachusetts Historical Commission/ letter of determination of "no negative impact ", regarding antenna installation at 48 Elm Street 4.) Massachusetts Development response to NHC letter decrying removal of "Hospital" from Village at Hospital Hill. Gift Account Re- Authorization At an earlier meeting the Commission had voted to authorize the expenditure of up to $250.00 to pay for a consultant to examine 225 Nonotuck Street. The invoice received was for $300.00. Member Drake made a motion to approve the new amount. The motion was seconded by Member Metcalfe, the vote in favor was unanimous. Copies of the report issued by Neil Larson were distributed for perusal. Local Awards Ceremony The date will be the second week of June and Member Howes will confirm with —' the Florence Civic Association. Nominations were reviewed and it was agreed that an individual recognition award would be given to former member /chair Chris Kennedy to acknowledge his work on the Commission. Nonotuck Street Update Member Metcalfe said that it was becoming more likely that the house could remain where it is on the site and be the David Ruggles Center at that location. The sub - committee is continuing to work with the owner Jim Harrity, to identify next steps. CPA Projects Peg K. read the list of historic preservation submissions the Community Preservation Committee received for Round 2. More time will be allotted after the Awards Ceremony has passed to discuss developing a list of priorities for the Commission to pursue. Citizen's Advisory Committee Chair Blumenthal reported that she has decided not to pursue representing the Commission on the CAC for the State Hospital due to a possible conflict of interest. Member Drake has offered to fill that position. Member Metcalfe made a motion to forward Member Drake's name to the Mayor's Office. The motion was - -_- 1 2 _ _ . _1 seconded by Member Kriviskey, the vote in favor was unanimous. Peg K. will alert the Mayor's office. Next Month's Meeting/ will be held May 19 instead of the last Monday of the month, which is Memorial Day. Adjourn: The meeting concluded at 8:44 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Peg Keller 1 1 3 3 � ca PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT • CITY OF NORTHAMPTON planning • conservation • zoning • housing partnership • reclevelopmenl • northampton GIs economic development • Convnunity development • historic • community preservation • central hllStneSS architecture Peg Keller, I- lousing and Convnunity Development Senior Planner • PKellerONorihamptonlvlA.gov • 4'13- 587 -1288 NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION Meeting Notice DATE: May 19, 2008 TIME: 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. PLACE: City Hall Hearing Room 18 210 Main Street Northampton Agenda 1.) Public Comment Period r � 2.) Approval of Minutes 3.) Correspondence 4.) Sub - Committee Reports ➢ 225 Nonotuck Street House Move/ David Ruggles Educational Center .5.) Local Awards Ceremony 6.) Community Preservation Projects ➢ Development of Strategic Plan 7.) Other Business 8.) Adjourn Peg Keller 587 -1288 pkeller @northamptonma.gov City Hall • 210 Main Street, Room 11 • Northampton, MA-01060 • wwv% • Fax 41.3- 587 -1264 Original prrinled on recycled paper- NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION �- Minutes May 19,2008 Members Present: Barbara Blumenthal, Chair, Tris Metcalfe, Norman Winston, Craig Della Penna, Bruce Kriviskey, David Drake and Kim Howes. Also present, Architect Tom Douglas and Peg Keller, staff. Call to Order: Chair Blumenthal called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m. Public Comment Period: Tom Douglas was present for the public comment period. Mr. Douglas explained he was applying to the Community Preservation Committee on behalf of the Academy of Music trustees. He described his proposal. Academy of Music Marquee: The application is to create a new marquee for the front of the theater. The project cost is estimated at $80,000; they are seeking $40,000 from the CPC. The original marquee came down because it had been destroyed by weather. Although not originally part of the building fagade, a marquee had been present twice as long as not. The marquee functions as the prime source of advertising for events. The banners do not suffice. The ground sign was installed as a temporary mechanism until the marquee could be reinstalled. The loss of the marquee was a loss to the vitality of the streetscape. The new proposal will be for an overhanging style. He showed roughly 30 images of marquee designs from various theater venues across the globe. Member Winston asked about the vitality of the organization, relative to the wisdom of making additional financial contributions. Mr. Douglas said there is a business plan and fundraising occurring. He discussed the elements of the business plan and what has been identified as a successful operating venue. He said there is lots of community support and a new executive director has been hired. Marquee styling was discussed, as well as installation methodology. Peg K. reminded members the design and installation would be reviewed by the Mass. Historical Commission, due, to the state preservation restriction placed on the building with the issuance of the 2 million dollar renovation grant. The specifics of the design and installation would also be reviewed by the Central Business Architecture Committee. Mr. Douglas asked the Commission for their support of the concept. He offered to bring the final design back to the Commission for their edification. Members discussed how to permit the building ornamentation to still be visible (cupid statues), restoring the door height, use of materials and the fact that the marquee installation would be reversible. Member Howes made a motion to authorize a letter of support from the Commission for the CPC application. Member Metcalfe seconded the motion, 1 conditioned on an appropriate design and the vote in favor was unanimous. Mr. Douglas said he would come back to a meeting when a more detailed design was available. Minutes: Member Howes made a motion to approve the minutes of the last meeting, seconded by Member Winston. Unanimously approved as submitted. Correspondence Pioneer Valley Planning Commission newsletter. Local Awards Ceremony Members made final arrangements for the ceremony to be held June 9 at the Florence Civic Association. 225 Nonotuck Street Sub - Committee Update Member Metcalfe reported that owner Jim Harrity has come up with a proposal involving additional buildings on the site and the creation of artist live /work spaces. Discussion followed. The possible locations for the David Ruggles Educational Center are the 225 House, the rear lot of the Florence Grammar school and space in the mill building across the street. The next meeting is scheduled for May 21 A website has been created and fundraising underway to purchase 225. The demolition deadline is August 2008. Members were encouraged to get a commitment not to demolish in writing from Mr. Harrity, while negotiations continue. Community Preservation Act Members began to discuss projects the Commission itself could put forward. A comprehensive city form B survey remains a priority. Chair Blumenthal will contact Bonnie Parsons of the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission to begin to discuss a project scope. Member Howes will contact the City's Cemetery Commissioner to ascertain possible projects they would like to put forward. The David Ruggles Center is not ready yet. Members agreed that it should be required for CPA applicants looking for historic resources funding to vet their proposals with the Commission first. Representative Della Penna will find out from the CPC if that step will be formalized. The criteria for using CPA funds for historic resource projects was reviewed. The second criteria speaks to mandated historic commission involvement, short of not having the building on the National /State register already. City Website: Chair Blumenthal submitted edits to the city website. Peg K. will make the revisions. Adjourn: The meeting concluded at 8:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Peg Keller .2 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT CITY OF NORTHAMPTON planning • conservation • zoning • housing parhurrship • redevelopment • northampton CIS economic development • comnwnity development • historic • comnwnity preservation • central bLISIneSS arl'IIiteetLIIT peg Keller, 1- 101-sing and Community Development Senior Planner PKeller @ NorthamptonNlA.g(iv • 4'13 -587 -1288 NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION Meeting Notice :DATE: .June 30, 2008 TIME: 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. PLACE: City Hall Hearing Room 18 210 Main Street Northampton Agenda 1.) , Public Comment Period .2.) Approval of Minutes 1 3.) Community Preservation Act Florence Civic Center Association: Applicant request 9 Preservation Restrictions /discussion 4.) Correspondence State Hospital Master Plan Change/ Mass. Development 5.) Sub- Committee Reports 225 Nonotuck Street House Move/ David Ruggles Educational Center 6.) Local Awards Ceremony ➢ Event Evaluation; Plaque Order 7.) Community Preservation Projects ➢ Development of Strategic Plan 8.) Other Business A Arch Street Bridge Railing Design 9.) Adjourn Peg Keller 587 -1288 pkeller @northamptonma.gov -- — City Hall 210 Main Street, Room 1.1. • Northampton, -MA 01060-• www.Noi-tliamptoiiMa.gov - Fax 413- 587 - 1.264 original printed on recycled paper NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION �. Minutes June 30, 2008 Members Present: Barbara Blumenthal, Chair, Norman Winston, Bruce Kriviskey, Kim Howes, Craig Della Penna. Also present, Jack Hornor, Loretta Gougeon, Robert Ross, Carl Geupel, Kerry Buckley, John Robinson and Peg Keller, staff.. Call to Order: Chair Blumenthal called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Member Howes made a motion to approve the minutes of the last meeting, seconded by Member Kriviskey. The vote in favor was unanimous. Community Preservation Funding/ Support Letter request Florence Civic Association Ms. Gougeon and Mr. Ross were present representing the Florence Civic Association. Ms. Gougeon described their project which seeks to: put their historical collection on line, open the museum to the public, work with the local schools, hold museum events, renovate the second floor, hire assistance to scan their items, create display cases, matt, frame and archive 75 pieces of art. Jack Hornor, Chair of the Community Preservation Committee addressed the Commission. He said that their committee is bound by law to only fund historic preservation projects that meet one of two criteria. The Florence Civic Association project appears to fall into a "grey area" for which guidance from the Commission is sought. If the Commission determines that the project meets one of the criteria, the CPC would be willing to move forward with the application. He described the unique position the Commission holds in the CPA process, relative to making this determination. He cited a chart in the Community Preservation Needs Assessment plan that outlines eligible activities for funding. The choices are acquisition, rehabilitation and preservation. He said the CPC has set aside a conditional award of $40,000 for this project, if they submit a revised application. (The original had the purchase of a computer, printer and digital camera, which are not eligible.) Member Kriviskey said that the "materials" qualify as preservation worthy and therefore should be eligible. Discussion followed. Member Kriviskey then made a motion for the Commission "to support the application, having acknowledged the value of the collection and determines it to be significant in the history of Florence ". The vote in favor was unanimous. Ms. Gougeon and Mr. Ross thanked the Commission and left the meeting. 1 CPA Preservation Restrictions Kerry Buckley, Director of Historic Northampton, with Carl Geupel, HN's treasurer addressed the Commission by reading a statement. HN has received a CPA award (half of the requested amount), contingent upon entering into an historic preservation restriction. They raised several points in opposition to the time period of perpetuity (for the restriction duration). They feel the length of the restriction should bear some relationship to the dollar amount and degree of work done on a structure and wonder if it is relevant for partially funded requests. Member Kriviskey said that "in perpetuity" is standard language across the country when public funds are utilized. The restrictions remain in place even when ownership transfers. It also provides a review mechanism for proposed alterations. He supports the used of deed restrictions in perpetuity, to insure the City gets what it pays for. Mr. Hornor said the CPC has not grappled with this topic yet. They have a meeting scheduled July 16 Their starting point for discussion will be the CPA fact sheet. The language says restrictions are required for property acquisition but not for all project types. He said most CPC's do require them for all projects. Discussion followed regarding Historic Northampton's position that a deed restriction should run for the life of the specific improvement only. Discussion followed about HN's award and work done prior to the release of funds. CPA funds cannot pay for maintenance. Mr. Hornor asked the Commission to study the matter and make a recommendation to the CPC. Mr. Hornor also said that when the Community Preservation Plan is revised next year, they would add language that requires applicants to come before the Commission to insure eligibility through one of the two criteria in the Act. The Commission agreed to hold a special work session (July 22) to discuss the issue of deed restrictions. Peg will send a copy of the Hatfield Street School restriction she had created earlier, as a sample model to Mr. Buckley. Mr. Hornor closed by saying that the Housing Partnership is conducting a housing needs study and the Conservation Commission produces the Open Space Plan. It would be extremely helpful to the CPC if the Historical Commission also produced a plan that identified funding priorities. Members agreed to set aside a separate meeting to discuss the development of such a funding application /request: Northampton State Hospital/ MEPA Change Members reviewed a letter from Mass Development asking for the remaining buildings on the south campus to be demolished. Member Della Penna made a motion to send a letter to MEPA expressing opposition to the plan, as the entire 2 project merely gave lip service to historic preservation. The motion was seconded by Member Howes, after a friendly amendment adding that the project is not in keeping with the spirit of the initial agreement. The vote in favor was unanimous. Chair Blumenthal will draft the letter for circulation. Nonotuck Street Update Member Howe read a project mission statement. The sub - committee continues to meet; fundraising has begun. Arch Street Bike Path Railing Members read the draft letter Mr. Feiden sent to Chair Blumenthal. It allows the project to go out to bid, with the design for the railing to be determined at a later date. Member Howe made a motion to send the letter, with the language from the original letter (gleaned from the minutes). Member Winston seconded the motion; the vote in favor was unanimous. Book Number Chair Blumenthal reported that (former member) Susan Well is doing research on a book on Calvin Coolidge. Ms. Well has asked for an ISBN #, left over from the 350 Chap books. Member Winston made a motion to approve the request, seconded by Member Howes. The vote in favor was unanimous. Adjourn/ The meeting concluded at 8:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Peg Keller 3 PLANNING AND DE VELOPMENT CITY OF NORTHAMPTON planning • conservation • Zoning • housing partnership • redevelopment • northampLoll CIS economic develol?ment • community development • historic • conun Lill it) preservali ni - central businesS architecture �1 Peg Keller, 1- I0LlSing and Community Development Senior Planner • PKeller @ NorthamptonNlA.gov • 413- 587 -1288 NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION Meeting Notice DATE: July .22, 2008 TIME: 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 P.M. PLACE: City Hall Hearing Room .18 210 Main Street Northampton Agenda 1.) Work Session - to discuss Historic Preservation Restrictions Peg Keller 587 -1.288 pkeller @northamptonma.gov City Nall 210 Main. Street, Room 1.1 • Northampton, MA 01060 • www.NorthamptonMa.gov • Fax 413 -587 -1264 original printed on recY sled paper P l J 4 4 P PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT CITY OF NORTHAMPTON planning • conservation • Zoning • housing Parhxrship • redevelopment • northampton CIS economic development • community development • historic • Community preservation central bLISilleSS architecture Peg Keller, Housing and Comnumity Development Senior Planner • PI<cllcr l NorlhamptonMA.gov • 4'13 -587 -1288 NORTHAMPTON flISTORICAL C! M@ MISSION - Meeting Notice DATE: July :28, 2008 T1ME: 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p,m. PLACE: City Hall Hearing Room 18 210 Main Street Northampton Agenda 1.) Public Comment Period 2.) Approval of Minutes _3.) Community Preservation Act ::Support Letter Request / DAR House, South :Street Process for �Eligibiiity Requests 4.) CHAP Book Request/ L. Stone 5.) Correspondence Bonnie Parsons /PVPC MHC- Section 106 Telecommunications Antenna / 'N. King .St. 6.) Sub- Committee Reports 225 Nonotuck .Street House / David Ruggles :Educational Center 7.) Local Awards Ceremony a. :Event :Evaluation b. Plaque Order 8.) Community Preservation Projects a. .Development of Strategic Plan b. Set up ..a Work Session 9.) Other Business 10.) Adjourn Peg Keller 587 -1288 U pkeller @northamptonma.gov -- - City Hall -• 210 Main Street, Room 71 • Northampton, MA 01060 • www.Northam.ptonMa.gov ^ Fax 413 -587 -1.264 original p on recycled paper NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION Minutes _ July 28, 2008 Members Present: Barbara Blumenthal, Chair, David Drake, Bruce Kriviskey, Tris Metcalfe, Kim Howes, Norman Winston, Craig Della Penna. Also present, John Robinson, Smith College and Peg Keller, staff. Call to Order: Chair Blumenthal called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. No one had comments for the Public Comment Period. Community Preservation Act The person representing the DAR application was not able to attend this evening. She will attend the August meeting.. Members did discuss however, the type of preservation restriction that might be relevant for a project .involving exterior painting and a small dollar award. Review and approval of color takes the process in a design review direction. An informal dialogue with the Commission prior to application should be encouraged. In 2009, there will be 2 rounds of CPA funding. The Commission could offer a voluntary workshop for all potential applicants on how to apply to the CPA, what types of activities are encouraged and information on the basic principles of preservation. The Commission could also offer individual consultations ' through a sub - committee. Peg will send a memo to the Community Preservation Committee with some of the suggestions about how the Commission can assist potential applicants. Request from Lu Stone/ Ms. Stone is one of the 350 Chap book authors. She has a request about re- printing, but she was not in attendance. Updating and Completing the Form B's Chair Blumenthal had asked Bonnie Parsons from the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission what might be involved in this project. Ms. Parsons responded in writing with some general cost guidelines. This. information will be used to craft a CPA application for this work. Roughly, the elements are as follows: $2,200 to determine the scope of the work (i.e. make an assessment of how many new Form B's are still needed, and how much updating the current forms need); $14,000 to conduct a comprehensive review and create 90 new forms ($164 /per form); misc. expenses $1,000. The Community Preservation Committee is looking for a list of projects in the community that are top priority. The Commission members expressed the need to do the Form B work first, followed by the plan. In the short term, they felt 1 they could offer priority activity areas, as opposed to listing specific projects. A work session for that purpose will be added to their monthly meeting on 8/25. - The plan will be to apply for CPA funds in the first round of next year to complete the form B's and possibly update the Preservation Plan. When the Preservation Plan gets updated, guidelines for rehabilitation could be included. Peg will get the Preservation Plan to members prior to the meeting. Correspondence • N. King Street antenna/ 65 ft. tower proposed. Mass. Historic has asked for the archeological analysis. • Mineral Hills/ Section 106 Review letter from Mass. Historic saying no adverse effects from the project. 225 Nonotuck Street Update Members reported the project is moving ahead. Peg offered to call Mr. Harrity to see if he would withdraw his demolition request that expires at the end of August. Currently the plan involves the construction of additional space on the site for live /work space. Fundraising will commence and Steve Strimer has been doing walking tours and extensive outreach. An application for CPA funding will be submitted to assist with the purchase of 225 from Mr. Harrity. The formal name of the project is the David Ruggles Center for Early Florence History and Underground Railroad Studies. City Web -site Revisions/ Members Drake and Blumenthal are working with the Mayor's office to remedy some errors in the historical information posted. Local Awards Ceremony Evaluation Member Drake agreed to get updated price information from Erie Landmarks and Chair Blumenthal agreed to contact new awardees and two past requests to formulate an order for house plaques. Member Della Penna will maintain a computer inventory template to organize new nominations. A new location may need to be chosen next year, due to the lack of air conditioning. Other Business • Member Metcalfe reported on Northampton Design Week. This is a community sponsored week long charrette. with architecture students from the University of Notre Dame. The Commissioners agreed to be supportive of the event. A letter will be sent. • Member Kriviskey agreed to follow up on an address that appears to be mislabeled in the Demolition Inventory. Adjourn/ the meeting concluded at 8:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Peg Keller 2 1 J PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT • CITY OF NORTHAMPTON planning • conservation • zoning • housing partnership • redevelopment • northampton CIS economic development • conununity development • historic • community preservation • central business architecture Peg Keller, Housing and Community Development Senior Planner • PKeller©NorthamptonMA.gov • 413 -587 -1.288 NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION Meeting Notice DATE: August 25, 2008 TIME: 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. PLACE: City Hall Hearing Room 18 210 Main Street Northampton Agenda 1.) Public Comment Period 2.) Approval of Minutes 3.) Community Preservation Act ➢ Support Letter Request/ DAR House, South Street 4.) CHAP Book Request/ L. Stone 5.) Correspondence Look Park Round -About Plans 6.) Sub - Committee Reports 225 Nonotuck Street House / David Ruggles Educational Center 7.) Local Awards Ceremony Plaque Order 8.) Community Preservation Projects Brainstorming Session/ Community Priorities 9.) Other Business 10.) Adjourn Peg Keller 587 -1288 pkeller @northamptonma.gov City Hall • 210 Main Street, Room 11 • Northampton, MA 01060 • www.North • Fax 413 - 587 -1264 original printed on recycled paper NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION Minutes August 25, 2008 01 �J Members Present: Barbara Blumenthal, Chair, David Drake, Craig Della Penna, Bruce Kriviskey, Norman Winston, Tris Metcalfe, Kim Howes. Also present, Peg Keller, staff. Call to Order: Chair Blumenthal called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. Member Howes made a motion to approve the minutes of the last meeting. The motion was seconded by Member Drake, the vote in favor was unanimous. No one was present for public comment. The representative from the DAR said they are revising their application. Ms. Stone is doing additional research on her book, prior to the update. She is starting a blog to gather information on her neighborhood. Correspondence 1.) EOEA/ Department of Conservation Resources is holding information sessions on preserving special places. 2.) Northampton Design Week schedule 3.) Letter from Mass. Historical Commission /Section 106 review stating no adverse impact from N. King antenna proposal 4.) Look Park Roundabout Plans/ Members reviewed the plans submitted and determined that the fountain and entrance to Look Park were set back a sufficient distance so as not to be negatively impacted by the project. Member Drake made a motion to send a letter to that affect, seconded by Member Metcalfe; vote in favor unanimous. Sub - Committee Reports 225 Nonotuck House: Members of the David Ruggles group reported having a purchase and sale agreement with Mr. Harrity. A fundraiser is being hired and fundraising is occurring. The proposed project will be a 4 unit condo with new construction behind the subject property to accommodate live /work spaces. The group is putting forward an application to the Community Preservation Committee for $150,000 to purchase 225 Nonotuck. Member Della Penna asked the Commission, on behalf of the group, to submit a support letter to the CPC. After some discussion, members agreed to send a letter with the request that a deed restriction be included, that the building be used for a public purpose, such as a museum, and that the Commission have design review over the renovations to the existing building and new construction. The Commission is very excited about the evolution of this project and is appreciative of the work of the sub- committee, and the interested citizens that have been working hard to get the project to this point in such a short time. Discussion of Priority Projects for CPA funding Members brainstormed projects they would want to see funded by the CPA C and /or other sources. It was agreed that finishing the Form B inventory and updating the Preservation Plan was the priority. It was decided that the Commission itself would compile and submit an application to get that work done, for the first funding round of 2009. Bruce Kriviskey and Chair Blumenthal agreed to spearhead that effort. Member Della Penna will recommend to the CPC that they get a report from the City's Capital Improvement Committee as to its list of projects for funding. Members felt that pursuing renovation of City Hall and Memorial Hall, in addition to cemetery work around the community, to be the next most important undertakings. Members plan on submitting an application for a feasibility study /historic structure report for City Hall, in the second round of next year. The projects listed included the following: • Cemetery work/ fencing and infrastructure • City Hall • Memorial Hall • Highway entrance signs/ recreate and add to inventory • Pomeroy Terrace National Register nomination/ finish work • Community Awareness, Education and Advocacy projects C , Members added that the CPC should prioritize municipal and non - profit projects over private ones. Low priority should be given to private projects with public impact (such as downtown Main street buildings) and even lower priority to private homes with no public access. Those comments will be forwarded to the Community Preservation Committee. Adjourn: The meeting concluded at 8:25 p.m. The next meeting will be held September 22 to respect the Jewish holiday on Sept. 29 Respectfully submitted, Peg Keller PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT - CITY OF NORTHAMPTON planning - conservation - zoning - housing partnership - redevelopment - northampton CIS economic development - community development - historic - community preservation - central business architecture Peg Keller, Housing and Community Development Senior Planner - PT(eller@NorthamptonMA.gov - 413- 587 -1288 NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION Meeting Notice DATE: September 22, 2008 TIME: 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. PLACE: City Hall Hearing Room 18 210 Main Street Northampton Agenda 1.) Public Comment Period 2.) Approval of Minutes 3.) Correspondence =' 4.) Sub - Committee Reports ■ 225 Nonotuck Street House / David Ruggles Educational Center ■ Plaque Order /Awards Ceremony ■ Community Preservation Projects 5.) Other Business 6.) Adjourn Peg Keller 587 -1288 pkeller@northamptonma.gov City Hall - 210 Main Street, Room 11 - Northampton, MA 01060 - www.North-,unptonMa.gov - Fax 413 - 587 -1264 original printed on recycled paper _. NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION j Minutes September 22, 2008 Members Present: Chair Barbara Blumenthal, Norman Winston, Tris Metcalfe, Kim Howes, Bruce Kriviskey, Craig Della Penna. Also present Christopher Sparks and Peg Keller, staff. Call to Order: Chair Blumenthal called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. There was no public comment. Correspondence 1.) Letter regarding sign -off on Pleasant Street hazardous waste clean up. 2.) 9 Cherry Street/ Housing Rehab. Project slated for property designed by Wm. Fenno Pratt. 3.) Department of Mental Health invitation to celebration of anniversary of the Consent Decree on Oct. 2 Tours will be conducted, along with speakers. Chair Blumenthal will be participating. Sub - Committee Reports ' 225 Nonotuck Street/ Member Metcalfe reported that a Purchase and Sale agreement has been signed with the owner. Fundraising to purchase the property has begun. A request for funding has been made to the Community, Preservation Committee. Plaque Order/ Chair Blumenthal has made contact with last years awardees and will be submitting an order at the end of the month. CPA Project Members determined that the next months meeting would be devoted to discussion of the existing Preservation Plan and how it should be updated. It was noted that the Mass. Preservation Organization has a consultant's list that could be utilized for circulation of the Request for Proposals. The names Greg Farmer and Scott Heyl, in addition to Bonnie Parsons were mentioned. Members discussed the research component and decided that the CPA application and work scope should also include getting the Commission certified as a Certified Local Government Historic Commission. This designation would increase the likelihood of securing State grants and promote a level of professionalism, recognized across the nation. } i ** *Members are asked to review the Preservation Plan and come prepared with comments in October. Misc. Items Member Kriviskey circulated information on tours being conducted at the First Churches to showcase the recently completed work on the building roof and sanctuary. Next Year's Historic Preservation Awards Member Della Penna will keep a web page open throughout the year to gather information on potential nominees. Any suggestions for nominated properties should be sent to Craig. Membership There are currently 2 vacancies on the Commission. A person from the building . trade is the requirement for, one of the positions. Adjourn/ The meeting concluded at 7:45 p.m. with no further business to discuss. Respectfully submitted, Peg Keller z _I �c) - I _ PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT CITY OF NORTHAMPTON planning - conservation - zoning - housint; partnership - redevelopment - northampton CIS economic development - community development - historic - community preservation - central business al'ChltCClln'C Peg Keller, hlnusing and Community Development Senior Planner - Fl <cllcrONorthomptonNdn.gov - 413- 587 -1288 NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION Meeting Notice DATE: October 27, 2008 TIME: 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. PLACE: City Hall Hearing Room 18 210 Main Street Northampton Agenda 1.) Public Comment Period 2.) Approval of Minutes 3.) Correspondence 4.) Sub - Committee Reports - 225 Nonotuck Street House /. David Ruggles Educational Center 5.) Review of Current Preservation Plan/ Work Scope for Update 6.) Other Business 7.) Adjourn Peg Keller 587 -1288 pkeller@northam_ptonma.gov City I ]all - 210 Main Street, Room "11 - Northampton, MA 01.060 - www.NorthamptonMa.gov -Fax 413 -587 -1264 original printed on recycled paper .t NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION Minutes = October 27, 2008 Members Present: Barbara Blumenthal, Chair, Craig Della Penna, Kim Howes, Bruce Kriviskey, David Drake, Tris Metcalfe, Norman Winston. Also present, Peg Keller, staff. Call to Order: Chair Blumenthal called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. Member Howes made a motion to approve the minutes of the last meeting, seconded by Member Drake. The vote in favor was unanimous. No one was present for the public comment period. There was no correspondence. Sub- Committee Reports David Ruggles Educational Center: Members Metcalfe, Della Penna and Howes reported that the 2 residential units being created would be marketed starting tomorrow. Member Metcalfe has done the construction drawings and Member Della Penna will do the real estate listing work, both pro bono. Property owner Harrity is in the permitting phase with the Planning Board and Conservation Commission. The CPA award will be deliberated on in November and private fundraising has been launched. There is now a website and Steve Strimer is conducting informational tours. Much energy has been devoted to this project. If all the components fall into place, it will be a huge victory for all. Giving a home to Florence History has been a dream for some time.... Kudos to all. State Hospital Memorialization Committee: Memorialization committee members and interested citizens met to review locations for the fountain as proposed by MassDevelopment. Out of 7 options, the one behind the North Infirmary was selected for the quiet contemplative setting. This location is near the original building (Old Main), has nice views and is near a path. MassDevelopment has offered landscape architectural services to create a park plan for the fountain installation. Chair Blumenthal said that now what is needed is a "project leader" to see the effort to fruition. Staff support for the Memorialization Committee was discussed. Peg agreed to raise the issue with the Mayor to see if the efforts can get back on track. Preservation Plan Review and Update Members had previously decided to submit a Community Preservation Committee funding request in the first round of 2009. Member Kriviskey offered to work on a scope of services for the plan. A sub - committee of Chair Blumenthal and Members Drake and Kriviskey agreed to meet on Nov. 17 Member Kriviskey r - described the process; base maps are created, building dates are plotted and 1 thematic patterns may emerge to indicate future districts. A meeting will be scheduled with Bonnie Parsons of the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission to determine if the project scope can include Form B creation and updates as well as a Preservation Plan for the City. Chair Blumenthal said she could meet on Fridays. It was noted that support letters from outside agencies will be needed for projects the Commission itself puts forward. Member Drake offered input on revisions needed in the Community Preservation Committee's Community Needs Assessment. CPC staff will be updating the plan, so the revisions can be addressed. The revised plan should reflect the activities and priorities the Commission has determined. Peg will pass those comments along. Consent Decree Event: Chair Blumenthal reported on a Department of Mental Health sponsored event on October 2 nd in which she participated by giving tours of the north campus. This was a 30 year acknowledgement of the de- institutionalization effort. Hadley 250 Celebration/ Member Drake asked that a letter be sent to the Hadley Historical Commission congratulating them on this achievement. He will send a draft to the Chair. j Member Della Penna noted that a property at 615 Riverside Drive has been recently purchased. The house is one of three remaining that were significant to the Underground Railroad activity in Florence. The home has happily been purchased by restoration carpenter Kris Thomson who will fully appreciate the property's history. Adjourn: The meeting concluded at 7:50 p.m Respectfully submitted, Peg Keller `1 2 Y-6 P LANNING AND DEVELOPMENT o CITY OF NORTHAMPTON planning • conservation • zoning - housing partnei:Shill • RXIewelopm011t • northampton CIS economic development • ConununitV development • historic • community preservation • central UusineSS architectm"e Peg Keller, Flouring and Conui,unit) Uevclopment Senior Planner - I'Keder@ NorthamptonNlA.gov • 4.13- 587 =1288 NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION Meeting Notice DATE: November 24, 2008 TIME: 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. PLACE: City Hall Hearing Room 18 210 Main Street Northampton w =_ 1.) Public Comment Period 2.) Approval of Minutes C� 3.) Correspondence 4.) Sub- Committee Reports 225 Nonotuck Street House / David Ruggles Educational Center ® CPA Application Sub - Committee 5.) Other Business 6.) Adjourn Peg Keller 587 -1288 pkeller @northamptonma.gov Cite Fall • 27.0 Main Street, Room 11 • Northampton, MA 07060 • wwin..NorthamptonMa..gov • Pax 413- 587 -726 original printed on Iecycled paper NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION Minutes November 24, 2008 Members Present: Barbara Blumental, Chair, Kim Howes, Norman Winston, Craig Della Penna, David Drake, Bruce Kriviskey. Also present, Peg Keller, staff. Call to Order- Chair Blumenthal called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. Members Drake and Howes motioned and seconded approval of the minutes of the last meeting. No one was present for public comment. Sub- Committee Reports David Ruggles Educational Center Member Della Penna reported that due to conflict of interest issues, he has not been permitted to participate in the Community Preservation Committee discussions on the Ruggles application. He is acting as the realtor (pro bono) for the new condominium units proposed by owner Jim Harrity. Member Drake said he would attend the CPC meeting on December 3 rd to speak in favor of the application. Member Della Penna said he would prefer not to continue his membership on the Community Preservation Committee, and would like someone else to represent the Commission. The CPA application for the David Ruggles Center was circulated. Chair Blumenthal will review it and pass it along. Member Della Penna agreed to continue representing the Commission until a replacement could be found. CPA Application /Preservation Plan Update Chair Blumenthal reported that the sub - committee met and had a productive session. Member Kriviskey had prepared materials related to content and process for creating a preservation plan. He has agreed to flesh out an outline. Chair Blumenthal has some numbers and costs from Bonnie Parsons (Historic Preservation Planner, Pioneer Valley Planning Commission). January 9, 2009 is the deadline for the preliminary eligibility determination for the Community Preservation Act request. The full application is due February 12 The sub- committee has requested a meeting with James Thompson, the GIS Coordinator in the Planning Department to better ascertain the department's mapping capabilities. Chair Blumenthal asked members to peruse the Marlboro Historic Commission's website. It is a high quality site and provides a model to strive towards. Members discussed a new GPS camera that provides the GPS coordinates with the photographs. Links on the current website to past award recipients was discussed. The meeting with James will be set for December 18 at 7:00 p.m. if 1 possible. Sub - committee members include Chair Blumenthal, Members Drake and Kriviskey. Other Updates Membership It was determined that Chair Blumenthal would ask Julie Bartlett of Forbes Library and Kris Thomson, restoration carpenter if they would be interested in joining the Commission. Member Drake offered the name of Kim Rescia. The Ordinance stipulates that someone from the building /real estate industry should be chosen next. DPW Cell Tower — Member Drake asked about the status of a cell tower proposed for the DPW site on Locust Street. Peg said when she had inquired before, Teri Anderson said the project was not moving forward very quickly. Members asked that a letter be sent to her to get an update and to remind project proponents that the Commission had not agreed with the initial location. Peg will follow -up. December Meeting/ The next meeting date will be December 22 rather than the 29 Member Kriviskey offered to give members a tour of the Church, as most had not been able to attend the public sessions offered earlier. The time of 4:00 p.m. was tentatively set, Member Kriviskey to confirm later. Citizen's Advisory Committee/ Northampton State Hospital Chair Blumenthal reported that the current discussion relates to the addition of 100 residential units on the campus. The status of the Fountain Park was discussed. Peg offered to ask Beth Murphy of Mass Development what the time table is on the creation of schematic plans by their landscape architects. Members wondered about the relationship of the selected Park site in relation to the additional units, and the fact that the site plan for the northern end of the campus remains in flux. Arch Street Bridge Railing — Member Della Penna said that he was to meet with Sue Carbin and Wayne Feiden a few months ago, but Sue did not attend. His impression of the status of the project is that a generic railing will be installed by Mass Highway. At a later point it will become owned by the City, at which time an alternate railing could be installed. Adjourn The meeting concluded at 8:15 p.m. with a motion by Member Drake, seconded by Member Winston. Respectfully submitted, Peg Keller 2 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT • CITY OF NORTHAMPTON planning • conservation • coning • housing partnership e redevelopment • northampton GIS economic development • community development • historic • conununity preservation • central business architecture Peg Keller, Housing and Community Development Senior Planner • PKellerONorthamptonMA.gov • 413-587-1288 NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION Meeting Notice DATE: December 22, 2008 TIME: 6:00 p.m. to 8 :00 p.m. NOTE EARLIER TIME PLACE: City Hall Hearing Room 18 210 Main Street Northampton Tour of First Churches/ 4:00 p.m. Members meet at the Church Monthly meeting one half hour earlier than usual Agenda 1.) Public Comment Period 2.) Approval of Minutes 3.) Correspondence 4.) Sub - Committee Reports 225 Nonotuck Street House / David Ruggles Educational Center • CPA Application Sub - Committee 5.) New Business/ Request for Funds from Kris Thomson /Riverside Drive 6.) Other Business 7.) Adjourn Peg Keller 587 -1288 pkeller @northamptonma.gov City Hall • 210 Mahi Street, Room 11 • Northampton, MA 01060 • www.North<uiiptoitMa.gov • Fax 413 -587 -1264 original printed on recycled paper _ NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION Minutes December 22, 2008 Members Present: Barbara Blumenthal, Chair, Craig Della Penna, Norman Winston, David Drake, Tris Metcalfe, Bruce Kriviskey. Also present Peg Keller, staff, Steve Strimer, local historian extraordinaire and Kris Thomson, Restoration Carpenter. Call to Order: Chair Blumenthal called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. Member Drake made a motion to approve the minutes of the last meeting, seconded by Member Winston. The vote in favor was unanimous. Correspondence 1.) Communication from BSC Group on behalf of Mass. Highway for a proposal to construct a park and ride lot on the VA property. Discussion followed. Members agreed to send a letter indicating that to their knowledge, there are no significant historic resources to be impacted, but to add that a pedestrian phased signal should be installed at the light on Route 9 and that the existing tree line and landscaping be preserved. Project Updates David Ruggles Center Member Metcalfe reported that the City Council approved the Community Preservation Committee's request for funds for the project. Property owner Jim Harrity will go before the Conservation Commission on January 8 ". Once the project is approved and appeal periods concluded, the property would be purchased. A purchase and sale agreement will be signed soon. The project will be called "Old Florence Commons" and will consist of three residential live /work condo units in the back of the existing house. Members talked about the strength of the testimony at the Council meeting. Fundraising needs to yield $16,000 for the house purchase. The CPC funds will be released in March. Purchase price is 180,000. All involved were congratulated on the success to date. Request from Kris Thomson/ 615 Riverside Drive Kris Thomson addressed the Commission about a property he has purchased at 615 Riverside Drive. Steve Strimer distributed a booklet depicting the history of the house, believed to be one of the three remaining Northampton Association of Education and Industry dwellings and former home of Sojourner Truth. Mr. Strimer reviewed the historical material that has been researched. Mr. Thomson described the structure as having an early 19 century frame. He went.on to describe the dimensions and character of the interior rooms. He requested i $1,000 from the Commission to hire Bill Flynt to conduct a dendrochronological 1 study on the house to determine the age. The process involves taking core samples from the wooden beams, at $100.00 per sample. He said the house has been opened up on the interior and needs to be closed for the winter. He hopes Mr. Flynt can access the property and take the initial samples. A preliminary determination will reveal if the samples will yield any results, then the actual analysis will take a month or more. Member Kriviskey noted that the process reveals when the wood was cut, not necessarily when it was used. Other research components would be needed to determine when it was actually_ assembled. Members acknowledged that giving funding to private property owners was a low priority for the Community Preservation Committee. Member Drake offered the Commission make their funding available to the David Ruggles Center rather than to Mr. Thomson himself, with the proviso that the data gathered be utilized for public purposes. Additionally, the dendrochronology process could be documented and be used as an educational tool to stimulate similar activity by private owners on other potentially historically significant properties. Upon agreement to that approach, Member Metcalfe made a motion to authorize the expenditure of funds from the Historical Commission gift account, in an amount not to exceed $1,000 to the David Ruggles Center, for a dendrochronology study to be conducted at 615 Riverside Drive. Member Della Penna seconded the motion; the vote in favor was unanimous. Funding will be requested in January, pending submission of an invoice. Commission's CPA Request Members of the sub - committee met with James Thompson of the Planning Department to ascertain Department mapping capability. The scope of services has been redrafted to reflect what was learned. Work tasks will consist of checking the accuracy of what the City has for data, update of existing Form B's and provision of better public access. Mass. Historic's MACRIS system has limited data, with only verbal descriptions and no photos. The sub - committee's goal is to have all form B's up to date, complete and accurate and of uniform high quality. Members will sit with consultants to determine the project scope and time required to achieve those goals. Once the work is done and the mapping completed, patterns will be observable which may dictate future historic district formation. Member Drake made a motion to authorize the submission of the pre -. determination form to the Community Preservation Committee to launch the project funding request. The motion was seconded by Member Kriviskey, the vote in favor unanimous, with Member Della Penna abstaining (due to his membership on the CPC). i Adjourn/ The meeting concluded at 7:55 p.m. Submitted by Peg Keller i