1980 Historical Commission minutesCITY HALL NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION MEMORIAL HALL 240 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICIAL MEETING NOTICE NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION DATE: January 3, 1980 TIME: 4 :00 pm PLACE: Municipal Building Council Chambers - JY7_4� Richard C. Atfardice Senior Planner A G E N D A 1. Minutes 2. Correspondence 3. Ed Lonergans Report 4. Signage on Buildings 5. Subcommittee Reports *South Street -State Street *Round Hill Area *Bridge Street - Pomery Terrace *Bay State & Leeds Area 6. Design Review Report 7. Preservation Week 8. Annual Report Presentations 1 77, 1 78, & 1 79. -- 9. 1980 Goals & Objectives *monthly meetings *house inventory *railroad station *miscellaneous `Preservation week CITY HALL NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION.. MEMORIAL HALL 240 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 I I OFFICIAL MEETING NOTICE Date: Jan. 17, 1980 Time: 4:00 PM. ichard . Allardice Senior Planner Place: Council Chambers, Municipal Office Building A G E N D A 1. Preservation Week 2. Annual Report Summary - '77, '78, and '79 3. Design Review Update 4. News Articles (monthly) 5. Subcommittee Reports CITY HALL NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION MEMORIAL HALL 240 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICIAL MEETING NOTICE Northampton Historical Commission DATE: Feb. 7, 1980 TIME: 4:00 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers Municipal Offices Building AGENDA 1) Minutes 2) Correspondence 3) Northampton Arts Festival - May 9 -11, 1980 1) Adele Gladstone -Gilbert e� 4) Hotel Northampton - Eric Gross 5) Massachusetts Historical Commission Nistorical Clearance 40 Fort Street (AHOP Program) 6) Ed Lonergan's Report 4 City of Northampton, Massachusetts Pianninc,_Department Rm. 102, Municipal Office Bldg. • 212 Main St. Northampton, MA 01060 a (413) 584 -0344 aConservation commission• Historical commission• Planning Board•Zoning Board of Appeals *Community development Program-Housing Rehabilitation Program •Capital Improvement Program Committee OFFICIAL MEETING NOTICE NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION Time: 4:00 PM Place: Council Chambers, Municipal Office Building Senior Planner A G E N D A C" 1. Minutes 2. Correspondence 3. Sub- committee Reports 4. Revenue Sharing Public Hearing - March 25, 1980 5. Arts Festival Presentation 6. Preservation Awards (buildings and sites) 7. Ed Lonergan's Report Date: March 6, 1980 i ' n} I T I NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COIV MISSION N, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 MEMORIAL HALL 240 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTO i CITY HALL OFFICIAL MEETING NOTICE NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION DATE: April 17, 1980 TIME: 4 :OOP.M. PLACE: MUNICIPAL BUILDING COUNCIL CHAMBERI ti RICHARD C. ALLARDICE SENIOR PLANNER ----- 7 ------------------------------ ------------------------------------- AGENDA 1. Correspondence 2. Sub - Committee Reports e Endangered Buildings e Design Review e Publicity e Preservation Week e Walking Tour I 3. Historical Servey Report i 4. Miscellaneous i a CITY HALL NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION MEMORIAL HALL 240 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 DATE: May 1, 1980 1. Minutes OFFICIAL MEETING NOTICE NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION TIME: 4:00 P.M. PLACE: Council Chambers, Municipal Office Building AGENDA Tour of Roundhouse promptly at 4 P.-M. 2. Correspondence 3. Associate Members 1. Gail Waterman 2. Norman.Kotker 3. Patricia Martin 4. Carol Mackin 4. Sub - Committee Presentation A. Publicity Committee • articles for Gazette and WHMP on Preservation Week • newspaper release books available in Forbes Library • Lyman Road restoration project B. Walking Tour Committee • day and date of tour, number of stops, length of time for tour, and subject material. • material for publication in the local newspaper i C. Preservation Awards -- - -- - • -- - four- teen -- buildings -- being_ - considered this__ y_ear_,. which. include five from ast year i NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION CITY HALL NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICIAL MEETING NOTICE Date: May 8, 1980 Richard C. A Nardice Senior Planner � Time: 4:00 p.m. Place: Smith CoZZege HiZZyer House j AGENDA 1) Commission recommendation to Massachusetts Historic Commission on Gas Roundhouse Renovation. 2) 1980 Preservation Awards I i I I l _NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL_ COMMISSION, CITY MALL NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 I I I OFFICIAL MEETING NOTICE Date: June 5, 1980 Time: 4:00 p.m. PZace: CounciZ Chambers (M.O.B.). I' Richard C. Allardice ! Senior PZanner AGENDA 0 1 1. Minutes 2. Correspondence 3. Discussion on Historic House Signs 4. Scenic Roads 5. Smith SchooZ - OZd House.Renovations 6. De- accessionary PoZicy 7. Hampshire Community Action CounciZ petition for 22 ButZer PZace B. Historic Review - RandoZph PZace - Summer Meeting SeheduZe NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION CITY HALL NORTHAMPTON., MASSACHUSETTS 01060 my OFFICIAL rFETING NOTICE July 10 190 4:00 P11 City Council Chambers 1. ill inutes 2. - Correspondence 3. Volunteer TiTre Sheet (Enclosed) 4. House List - or Smith \ 5. Sim Discussion 6. 1 11lonthly Report - Ed Lonergan 7. Mural Update 8. Sumner Schedule �� i NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION CITY HALL NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 i OfficiaZ'MeetinO'Notice Date: Sept. 18,; 1980 Time: 4:00 p.m. x rd C. llardice Senior PZanner ;Place: City Council Chambers Municipal Office Bldg. ' AGENDA 1. Minutes 2. Correspondence 3. Gordon Clark - October 1980 Dennis Gray - October 1980 4. OZd Post'Office MuraZ Decision Fund Raiser Money from City CounciZ Historic Preservation Grant 5. Smith School House Sign. Design 6. EZection of Officers 7. Smith Intern 8. AdditionaZ Business