Recommendation for Funding Community Preservation Committee Recommendation for Funding Date: November 18, 2009 Applicant: Northampton Conservation Commission – Haydenville Road Parcel (Beaver Brook/Broad Brook Headwaters) Amount of funding requested: $190,000 Amount of funding recommended by CPC: $190,000 Time-frame of funding recommended (if not asap):_______________ Disbursement Schedule: _Full funding at time of closing_ Summary reasons for recommendation : ?? Protects approximately 100 acres of land ?? Strategically important location in Beaver Brook/Fitzgerald Lake area of city ?? Meets goals of Sustainable Northampton and Open Space and Recreation Plan ?? Leverages funds effectively Conditions/contingencies attached to recommendation: ?? Success of other funding initiatives ?? Measures to ensure land is permanently protected ?? Conservation Commission shall hold a community meeting about how public use of the property and permitted and prohibited uses (including snowmobiles on historic snowmobile trails) as part of the management plan for the property that is due prior to LAND grant reimbursement. Funding Source : ?? Specifically, $… is appropriated from the CPA Open Space Reserve (#2344930-359931) ?? Specifically, $… is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve (#2344930-359930) November 19, 2009 Upon the recommendation of the Mayor Mary Clare Higgins and the Community Preservation Committee WHEREAS, on June 18, 2009, City Council authorized the purchase of the approximately 100 acres (Map ID 6-12 and 13) on Haydenville Road (Beaver Brook/Broad Brook Headwaters); and WHEREAS, the acquisition of this property will protect supports multiple active and passive recreational uses; and WHEREAS, the parcel is in a strategically important location in the Beaver Brook/Fitzgerald Lake area of city; and WHEREAS, the project addresses recommendations contained in the Sustainable Northampton Comprehensive Plan and the Northampton and Open Space and Recreation Plan; and WHEREAS, the project uses Community Preservation funds effectively to leverage a state LAND grant; WHEREAS, the final contract for such funds will include conditions to ensure the project is properly executed; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, That City Council appropriates $190,000 from the Community Preservation Act Budgeted Reserve (#2344930-359930) for the Beaver Brook/Broad Brook Land Acquisition to preserve the parcel as permanent Conservation Commission managed open space, consistent with Article 97 of the amendments to the Massachusetts Constitution and the Community Preservation Act. Community Preservation Committee Recommendation for Funding Date: November 18, 2009 Applicant: Look Park – Recreation Design Amount of funding requested: $75,000 Amount of funding recommended by CPC: $75,000 Time-frame of funding recommended (if not asap):_______________ Disbursement Schedule: five payments on schedule to be determined Summary reasons for recommendation : ?? Contributes to the preservation of Northampton’s unique character; enhances quality of life for its residents. ?? Supports multiple active and passive recreation uses ?? Leverages funds effectively Conditions/contingencies attached to recommendation: ?? Assurance from National Guard that they will donate the dredging of the pond ?? Assurance that funds have been allocated for the dredging ?? The Look Memorial Park Trustees shall advertise and hold a public meeting to provide the public with an opportunity to comment and discuss proposed use of funds prior to the Trustees making decisions on physical improvements funded or designed with CPA funds Additional comments from committee : ?? Funding Source : ?? Specifically, $… is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve (#2344930-359930) November 19, 2009 Upon the recommendation of the Mayor Mary Clare Higgins and the Community Preservation Committee WHEREAS, designing recreation improvements at Look Memorial Park contributes to the preservation of Northampton’s unique character and enhances quality of life for its residents; and WHEREAS, Look Park recreation design supports multiple active and passive recreation uses; and WHEREAS, Look Park recreation design leverages community preservation funds effectively; and WHEREAS, the final contract for such funds will include conditions to ensure the project is properly executed; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, That City Council appropriates $75,000 from the Community Preservation Act Budgeted Reserve (#2344930-359930) for the Look Park Recreation Design to design recreation improvements at Look Park. Community Preservation Committee Recommendation for Funding Date: November 18, 2009 Applicant: Habitat for Humanity – Garfield Avenue 2 Amount of funding requested: $180,000 Amount of funding recommended by CPC: $180,000 Time-frame of funding recommended (if not asap):$60,000 per year for three years Disbursement Schedule: Annual payment starting 2010 Summary reasons for recommendation : ?? Creates community housing ?? Encourages use by diverse populations ?? Places high value on sustainable, ecologically responsible construction ?? Widely supported by community ?? Leverages funds effectively ?? Serves educational purpose in partnering with Smith Vocational High School Conditions/contingencies attached to recommendation: ?? Yearly progress reports ?? Sources of funds: Additional comments from committee : ?? ?? Funding Source : ?? Specifically, $… is appropriated from the CPA Affordable Housing Reserve (#2344930- 359933) ?? Specifically, $… is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve (#2344930-359930) November 19, 2009 Upon the recommendation of the Mayor Mary Clare Higgins and the Community Preservation Committee WHEREAS, the Garfield Avenue Habitat for Humanity housing creates community housing and encourages use by diverse populations; and WHEREAS, the Garfield Avenue housing places high value on sustainable, ecologically responsible construction; and WHEREAS, the Garfield Avenue housing is widely supported by community; and WHEREAS, the Garfield Avenue housing leverages funds effectively; and WHEREAS, the Garfield Avenue housing serves educational purpose in partnering with Smith Vocational High School; and WHEREAS, the final contract for such funds will include conditions to ensure the project is properly executed; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, That City Council appropriates $60,000 from the Community Preservation Act Budgeted Reserve (#2344930-359930) for Garfield Avenue Habitat for Humanity housing. Community Preservation Committee Recommendation for Funding Date: November 18, 2009 Applicant: Northampton Community & Economic Development – Grove Street Inn Amount of funding requested: $120,000 Amount of funding recommended by CPC: $36,950_________ Time-frame of funding recommended (if not asap):_______________ Disbursement Schedule: _Payable upon receipt of invoice_ Summary reasons for recommendation : ?? Provides housing for very low income residents ?? Supported by the Plan to End Homelessness ?? Receives broad community support ?? Provides housing that is harmonious with surrounding community ?? Demonstrates urgent need Conditions/contingencies attached to recommendation: ?? The use of these funds shall be limited to three bathrooms, storm windows, and pantry renovation Additional comments from committee : ?? Funding Source : ?? Specifically, $… is appropriated from the CPA Affordable Housing Reserve (#2344930- 359933) ?? Specifically, $… is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve (#2344930-359930) November 19, 2009 Upon the recommendation of the Mayor Mary Clare Higgins and the Community Preservation Committee WHEREAS, the Grove Street Inn rehabilitation provides housing for very low income residents and is supported by the Plan to End Homelessness; and WHEREAS, the Grove Street Inn receives broad community support; and WHEREAS, the Grove Street Inn provides housing that is harmonious with surrounding community and demonstrates urgent need; WHEREAS, the final contract for such funds will include conditions to ensure the project is properly executed; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, That City Council appropriates $36,950 from the Community Preservation Act Budgeted Reserve (#2344930-359930) for the Grove Street Inn Rehabilitation. Community Preservation Committee Recommendation for Funding Date: November 18, 2009 Applicant: Academy of Music – Academy Restoration Amount of funding requested: $525,125 Amount of funding recommended by CPC: $210,000 Time-frame of funding recommended (if not asap):_______________ Disbursement Schedule: __Payable upon receipt of invoice and sign-off by project clerk Summary reasons for recommendation : ?? Historically significant structure located in center of city ?? In urgent need of preservation ?? Serves a broad public purpose ?? Boosts vitality of community ?? Project supported by public and by city boards Conditions/contingencies attached to recommendation: ?? Demonstrate financial soundness of institution ?? Present a plan for ongoing maintenance of building Source(s) of funds : CPC Historic Reserve Account (#…) Additional comments from committee : ?? Consider bonding for $500,000 for this project ?? Funding Source : ?? Specifically, $… is appropriated from the CPA Historic Preservation Reserve (#2344930- 359932) ?? Specifically, $… is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve (#2344930-359930) November 19, 2009 Upon the recommendation of the Mayor Mary Clare Higgins and the Community Preservation Committee WHEREAS, the Academy of Music Restoration restores one of the most historically significant structures in center of city which is in urgent need of preservation; and WHEREAS, the Academy of Music Restoration serves a broad public purpose and boosts the vitality of community; and WHEREAS, the Academy of Music Restoration is supported by public and by city boards; WHEREAS, the final contract for such funds will include conditions to ensure the project is properly executed; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, That City Council appropriates $210,000 from the Community Preservation Act Budgeted Reserve (#2344930-359930) for the Academy of Music Restoration. Community Preservation Committee Recommendation for Funding Date: November 18, 2009 Applicant: Northampton Conservation Commission – Barrett Street Marsh Amount of funding requested: $5,000 Amount of funding recommended by CPC: $5,000__________ Time-frame of funding recommended (if not asap):_______________ Disbursement Schedule: __Payable upon receipt of invoice_ Summary reasons for recommendation : ?? Saves resources that would otherwise be threatened ?? Can be implemented expeditiously and within budget ?? Preserves surface water resources Conditions/contingencies attached to recommendation: ?? ?? Additional comments from committee : ?? ?? Funding Source : ?? Specifically, $… is appropriated from the CPA Open Space Reserve (#2344930-359931) ?? Specifically, $… is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve (#2344930-359930) November 19, 2009 Upon the recommendation of the Mayor Mary Clare Higgins and the Community Preservation Committee WHEREAS, Barrett Street Marsh Beaver Preservation saves wildlife resources and habitat that would otherwise be threatened and preserves surface water resources; and WHEREAS, Barrett Street Marsh Beaver Preservation can be implemented expeditiously and within budget; and WHEREAS, the final contract for such funds will include conditions to ensure the project is properly executed; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, That City Council appropriates $5,000 from the Community Preservation Act Budgeted Reserve (#2344930-359930) for Barrett Street Beaver Preservation. Community Preservation Committee Recommendation for Funding Date: November 18, 2009 Applicant: Northampton Conservation Commission – Conservation Fund 3 Amount of funding requested: $150,000 Amount of funding recommended by CPC: $10,000___ Time-frame of funding recommended (if not asap):_______________ Disbursement Schedule: __Payable upon receipt of invoice Summary reasons for recommendation : ?? Enables the acquisition of high priority open space parcels under time-sensitive circumstances ?? Saves resources that would otherwise be threatened ?? May leverage additional public and/or private funds ?? Contributes to the broad community goal of open space preservation Conditions/contingencies attached to recommendation: ?? Allocation to be used for soft costs, hard costs under $20,000, and hard costs over $20,000 with approval of CPC. ?? Annual reporting of expenditures Additional comments from committee : ?? ?? Funding Source : ?? Specifically, $… is appropriated from the CPA Open Space Reserve (#2344930-359931) ?? Specifically, $… is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve (#2344930-359930) November 19, 2009 Upon the recommendation of the Mayor Mary Clare Higgins and the Community Preservation Committee WHEREAS, the Northampton Conservation Commission Conservation Fund enables the acquisition of high priority open space parcels under time-sensitive circumstances and saves resources that would otherwise be threatened; and WHEREAS, the Conservation Fund will leverage additional public and/or private funds; and WHEREAS, the Conservation Fund contributes to the broad community goal of open space preservation; and WHEREAS, the final contract for such funds will include conditions to ensure the project is properly executed; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, That City Council appropriates $10,000 from the Community Preservation Act Budgeted Reserve (#2344930-359930) for the Conservation Commission Conservation Fund. Community Preservation Committee Recommendation for Funding Date: November 18, 2009 Applicant: Valley CDC – Pre-development Fund 2 Amount of funding requested: $90,000 Amount of funding recommended by CPC: $10,000_____ Time-frame of funding recommended (if not asap):_______________ Disbursement Schedule: _______________ Summary reasons for recommendation : ?? Enables the acquisition of high priority affordable housing projects under time-sensitive circumstances ?? Saves resources that would otherwise be threatened ?? May leverage additional public and/or private funds ?? Contributes to the broad community goal of affordable housing development and preservation ?? Receives strong support from Northampton Housing Partnership Conditions/contingencies attached to recommendation: ?? May be used only for predevelopment expenses ?? Annual report of use of funds ?? Only for parcels in Northampton Source of Funds: Additional comments from committee : ?? ?? Funding Source : ?? Specifically, $… is appropriated from the CPA Affordable Housing Reserve (#2344930- 359933) ?? Specifically, $… is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve (#2344930-359930) November 19, 2009 Upon the recommendation of the Mayor Mary Clare Higgins and the Community Preservation Committee WHEREAS, the Valley Community Development Corporation Predevelopment Fund enables the acquisition of high priority affordable housing projects under time-sensitive circumstances and saves resources that would otherwise be threatened; and WHEREAS, the Valley CDC Predevelopment Fund may leverage additional public and/or private funds; and WHEREAS, the Predevelopment Fund contributes to the broad community goal of affordable housing development and preservation and receives strong support from Northampton Housing Partnership; and WHEREAS, the final contract for such funds will include conditions to ensure the project is properly executed; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, That City Council appropriates $10,000 from the Community Preservation Act Budgeted Reserve (#2344930-359930) for the Valley Community Development Corporation Predevelopment Fund . Community Preservation Committee Recommendation for Funding Date: November 18, 2009 Applicant: Valley CDC – Homeowner Sustainability Amount of funding requested: $42,446 Amount of funding recommended by CPC: $37,500_____ Time-frame of funding recommended (if not asap):3 six month installments_ Disbursement Schedule: 3 six month installments Summary reasons for recommendation : ?? Provides services for underserved populations ?? Enhances non-profit capacity for providing housing and related services ?? Program endorsed by Community Preservation Coalition and by Citizens Housing and Planning Association (CHAPA) ?? VCDC has demonstrated excellent track record for providing these services Conditions/contingencies attached to recommendation: ?? Services for Northampton residents only Additional comments from committee : ?? Funding Source : ?? Specifically, $… is appropriated from the CPA Affordable Housing Reserve (#2344930- 359933) ?? Specifically, $… is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve (#2344930-359930) November 19, 2009 Upon the recommendation of the Mayor Mary Clare Higgins and the Community Preservation Committee WHEREAS, Valley Community Development Corporation Homeowner Sustainability provides services for underserved populations and enhances non-profit capacity for providing housing and related services; and WHEREAS, the Homeowner Sustainability program is endorsed by Community Preservation Coalition and by Citizens Housing and Planning Association (CHAPA); and WHEREAS, the Valley CDC has demonstrated excellent track record for providing these services; and WHEREAS, the final contract for such funds will include conditions to ensure the project is properly executed; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, That City Council appropriates $12,500 from the Community Preservation Act Budgeted Reserve (#2344930-359930) for Valley Community Development Housing Sustainability. Community Preservation Committee Recommendation for Funding Date: November 18, 2009 Applicant: Northampton DPW & Leeds Civic Association – Hotel Bridge Study Amount of funding requested: $50,000 Amount of funding recommended by CPC: $0____________ Time-frame of funding recommended (if not asap):_______________ Disbursement Schedule: _Payable upon receipt of invoice Summary reasons for recommendation : ?? Serves more than one CPA program area (Historic Preservation and Recreation) ?? May contribute to the preservation of an historically significant resource ?? Contributes to the preservation of Northampton’s unique character ?? Receives broad support from the residents of Leeds and from the Historical Commission Conditions/contingencies attached to recommendation: ?? Appropriate RFP and budget Additional comments from committee : ?? This investment does nothing to protect the bridge unless the work called for by the study can be carried out. There is no plan or funding for actually repairing/preserving the bridge. ?? Question of whether this project needs to go forward now or whether it might wait. Funding Source : ?? Specifically, $… is appropriated from the CPA Historic Preservation Reserve (#2344930- 359932) ?? Specifically, $… is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve (#2344930-359930) Community Preservation Committee Recommendation for Funding Date: November 18, 2009 Applicant: Resurrection Life Ministries – Hospital Hill Chapel Amount of funding requested: $575,245 Amount of funding recommended by CPC: $26,475 Time-frame of funding recommended (if not asap):_______________ Disbursement Schedule: _______________ Summary reasons for recommendation : ?? Protect the most sensitive part of the building envelope, the roof Conditions/contingencies attached to recommendation: ?? Replace the roof ?? Additional comments from committee : ?? Funding Source : ?? Specifically, $… is appropriated from the CPA Historic Preservation Reserve (#2344930- 359932) ?? Specifically, $… is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve (#2344930-359930) November 19, 2009 Upon the recommendation of the Mayor Mary Clare Higgins and the Community Preservation Committee WHEREAS, Resurrection Life Ministries – Hospital Hill Chapel WHEREAS, the final contract for such funds will include conditions to ensure the project is properly executed; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, That City Council appropriates $26,475 from the Community Preservation Act Budgeted Reserve (#2344930-359930) for the Resurrection Life Ministries – Hospital Hill Chapel. Community Preservation Committee Recommendation for Funding Date: November 18, 2009 Applicant: Friends of the Upper Reservoir – Chesterfield Road Dam Amount of funding requested: $200,000 Amount of funding recommended by CPC: $0_____________ Time-frame of funding recommended (if not asap):_______________ Disbursement Schedule: _______________ Summary reasons for recommendation : ?? Applicant asked to defer consideration to the spring round. CPC is allowing applicant to withdraw the application (CPC does not allow deferring for any application). Applicant should reapply if they want to be considered in the next round (but does not need to go back through the eligibility round). Conditions/contingencies attached to recommendation: ?? Additional comments from committee : ?? Funding Source : ?? Specifically, $… is appropriated from the CPA Historic Preservation Reserve (#2344930- 359932) ?? Specifically, $… is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve (#2344930-359930) Community Preservation Committee Recommendation for Funding Date: November 18, 2009 Applicant: Childs Park – North Pond Amount of funding requested: $6,650 Amount of funding recommended by CPC: $0 Time-frame of funding recommended (if not asap):_______________ Disbursement Schedule: _______________ Summary reasons for recommendation : ?? Small project with small cost Conditions/contingencies attached to recommendation ?? Additional comments from committee : ?? Funding Source : ?? Specifically, $… is appropriated from the CPA Open Space Reserve (#2344930-359931) ?? Specifically, $… is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve (#2344930-359930) Community Preservation Committee Recommendation for Funding Date: November 18, 2009 Applicant: Masonic Health Systems of Massachusetts – Overlook at Northampton Amount of funding requested: $250,000 Amount of funding recommended by CPC: $0_____________ Time-frame of funding recommended (if not asap):_______________ Disbursement Schedule: _______________ Summary reasons for recommendation : ?? ?? Conditions/contingencies attached to recommendation: ?? ?? Additional comments from committee : ?? ?? Funding Source : ?? Specifically, $… is appropriated from the CPA Affordable Housing reserve (#2344930- 359933) ?? Specifically, $… is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve (#2344930-359930) Community Preservation Committee Recommendation for Funding Date: November 18, 2009 Applicant: Costello, Richard – Dorsey-Jones House Amount of funding requested: $100,000 Amount of funding recommended by CPC: $0_______________ Time-frame of funding recommended (if not asap):_______________ Disbursement Schedule: _______________ Summary reasons for recommendation : ?? ?? Conditions/contingencies attached to recommendation: ?? ?? Additional comments from committee : ?? ?? Funding Source : ?? Specifically, $… is appropriated from the CPA Historic Preservation Reserve (#2344930- 359932) ?? Specifically, $… is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve (#2344930-359930)